The Family Ritual Ch. 11


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Henry pulled his son aside while Susan was making them some lunch, "I saw a picture of your intended on the Internet. She's a pretty girl. Your mother and I just want you to be happy."

"I am." Said Jake. "You'll like Hayley. She's very special."

"Mary says the same thing. When are we going to meet her family?" Henry asked.

"I think in January. We'll celebrate the new year and have discussions about the wedding. The venue has been moved to an estate about forty-five minutes away owned by a friend of the family."

Susan came in with some fish sandwiches and lemonade, "It must be nice to have friends that own estates."

Jake laughed, "They are just people. I think you'll like Helen. She's really down to earth."

"What about her father?" Henry asked.

"He had some issues with my being man enough for his daughter, but I think I showed him that I was." Jake said remembering the ritual and how he mastered Matthew.

"Damn straight. I'm looking forward to meeting these society white folk." Henry said, "but first the girl who is marrying into our family."

Jake thought about the fact that he would have to change his name to Cassidy after the wedding. He was never, ever going to tell his parents that. They would find out later after it was done, not before. He had spoken to Hayley and Matthew about this. They agreed not to tell his parents until he was ready to tell them.


Hayley and Jake had a romantic dinner at her apartment on Saturday. They hadn't seen each other all week. Hayley was waiting on her knees by the door. Marvina would be arriving on Monday so Hayley had ordered out.

Jake helped her up and she wrapped her arms around him. "Sir, I'm so happy to see you."

"Tonight, let's just be Jake and Hayley. Let's keep this sir business for the playroom and training. I thought about this a great deal. Your mother doesn't wait at the door kneeling." He said as he kissed her.

"Mother said she used to, but with the servants and all it was easier not to." Hayley said leading Jake to the couch.

She sat on his lap and peppered his face with kisses. He kissed her back. Hayley slid off his lap. "I know we can't fuck yet, but I'd like to suck you." She looked up at him, "Please Master let me suck your beautiful black cock."

Jake looked down at her. Her face was so beautiful. He stroked her face and unbuttoned her blouse as Hayley opened his belt and pulled down his zipper. Jake felt her breasts through her bra and lifted up so that Hayley could pull down his pants. He stopped her and ordered her to remove her shirt. He wanted to play with her breasts while she was licking him.

Hayley smiled at him and took off her shirt and her bra. Jake pinched her nipples and slid off his underpants. Hayley waited. Jake knew what she wanted and grabbed the back of her neck. His dick was hard, but not completely at its full length. He pushed her head down on his cock and began to fuck her mouth.

Jake fucked hard into her mouth, pistoning his dick in and out of her mouth. He pulled Hayley's mouth off his cock. She glanced up at him puzzled. "Hands behind your head." Jake said.

Hayley followed his orders. Jake bent down and sucked her nipples, "Oh, Sir, Jake, that feels so."

"Quiet baby." He said as he went to licking and sucking her nipples. Hayley moaned.

Jake sat back up. "Make me cum." He said and Hayley went back to licking him. He grabbed her ponytail and fucked into her mouth hard, pistoning in and out.

"Yes baby, suck my cock. I want you to always swallow all of it and don't miss a drop or I will spank you. Suck it deep baby, take it all down your throat. You are my bitch! I plan to fuck you all over this house the day I move in." He said as he fucked into her mouth. Hayley twirled her tongue around the head of his dick and Jake exploded. He held her head down. Hayley felt some of Jake's juice dripping out the side of her mouth, but she captured it with her tongue and kept sucking.

Jake sat back watching Hayley clean his dick. She lay her head on his leg. He patted her hair. "I love you Jake."

"I love you too Hayley. Come here." Jake said and she climbed on his lap. He kissed her and felt her breasts. "You have the most beautiful breasts. I love pinching them."

"They are not as beautiful as Daniela's are." Hayley said.

"They are even more beautiful." He said as he held her. "Are you ready for her?"

"Yes, she'll be here in two weeks. Isabel and Mason will be here but staying at their own apartments and Stephen, Dent's son will also be here. He's staying at the apartment at the Plaza. I think he's a bit young for her. He just turned 31." Haley said and kissed Jake's neck.

"I want her to be happy." Jake said.

"So do I especially if she's carrying your child. But..." Hayley hesitated.

"But what Hayley?" Jake asked as he lifted her face to his.

"I wanted to carry your first born. I knew it's silly, but I'm going to be your wife." Hayley said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. At the time I wanted to be one up on your father. We don't know whose baby it is and won't until after it's born." Jake said and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"I hope it's daddy's." Hayley said.

Jake felt like an insensitive jerk. He should have thought about that, but it was too late now to do anything about it.

"Let's get dressed and eat that wonderful dinner you ordered. " Jake said and Hayley laughed.

"Marvina, our housekeeper will be here on Monday and she's a wonderful cook." Hayley said as she got up and put on her shirt sans bra.

Jake swatted her butt, "You will take a cooking class before the wedding and you will also let my mother show you my favorite dishes."

Haley looked at him with love in her eyes, "Yes Master." She said and they went to eat.


On Sunday, Jake picked Hayley up at noon. She was dressed in a very pretty Phillip Lim silk printed dress. Her hair was in a ponytail. She wore a sexy pair of black ankle Gucci lace up boots.

"You look good enough to eat." Jake said as he helped her on with her coat and they rode down the elevator.

Hayley blushed. "Thank you Sir."

She was surprised that they went to the garage instead of the first floor and she was further surprised to see the Silver Bentley convertible.

"Surprise baby." Jake said.

"When did you get this?" Hayley said grinning as Jake opened the door and she got inside.

"Well, I loved riding in the blue one your parent's had and I decided that I wanted one myself. So when I got the money from your family I bought us a new car. I also paid for the parking space in your building."

Jake got into the car and continued, "Who knew the space cost $20,000 and they don't even come and clean the car."

Hayley laughed. They rode to the building where the Harrison's had moved. There was a parking garage in the building and Jake parked the car.

"Jake, I'm very nervous." Hayley said.

"They won't bite. I'm sure they're just as nervous as you are." Jake said holding her hand.


Earlier that morning when Henry went out to get the paper, the first thing he saw was a photo of his son and the announcement of the engagement. Henry shook his head. This was gonna be something. He was worried.

Henry showed the paper to his wife, Susan said to him, "Give the girl a chance. Jake's in love with her.


Jake knocked on the apartment door. Susan opened the door and hugged her son. "Come on in." She said as she opened the door wider and saw the beautiful Hayley standing there looking shy.

Mary was right behind her and kissed her brother than Hayley. She escorted Hayley into the living room where Henry and his other son, Jake's older brother Nathaniel were waiting.

Haley stuck out her hand, but will pulled into a warm embrace by Henry. "Let me look at ya." He said.

"Very pretty girl our Jake's engaged to." Henry said. Jake introduced his brother and Nate shook her hand.

"Welcome to the family." Nate said.

"They ain't married yet." Said Henry and motioned for them to sit as Nate took their coats.

Hayley and Jake sat on the couch, Jake holding her hand.

"Dinner will be ready shortly." Susan said as Mary came with some hors d'oeuvres.

"You have a very beautiful home here. Jake told me you just moved in." Hayley said.

"Yes, Jake bought us this beautiful apartment. I guess we have your family to thank for this." Susan said.

"No Jake earned this on his own." Hayley said smiling.

"I don't think so. Jake has a good job, but he doesn't make the kind of money it would take to buy this place." Henry said and looked at his son whose ears were turning pink.

"Dad, let's not talk about money." Jake said.

Henry ignored his son, "Hayley tell me about your people."

Hayley told them about her mother and father, her brother and two sisters. She talked about growing up and living all around the world.

"You could have had your pick of men, why did you pick our Jake?" Susan asked.

Hayley looked at Jake and smiled broadly, "He's sweet and kind. I love him very much." She said and Jake kissed her cheek.

Susan gave her husband a look which said, stop interrogating the girl. She rose, "I believe that dinner is ready."

They gathered around the table and held hands. Henry spoke, "Dear Lord bless everyone here. Thank you Lord for this delicious food. Thank you for keeping my children safe. Thank you for my lovely wife and thank you for bringing my Jake his love. Watch over and protect them. Amen."

Everyone echoed the Amen and Mary squeezed Hayley's hand. Dinner was turkey, ham, candied yams, collard greens, rice and black eyed peas, cranberry sauce and macaroni and cheese.

Conversation centered on stories about Jake as a little boy. How he could play the piano and how he and his sister used to fight like cats and dogs.

"Do you cook Hayley?" asked Henry.

Hayley shook her head. "No, but I'd like to learn. Mrs. Harrison, this is so good. Cook introduced me to collard greens when I was eight and I love them."

Henry looked at Susan and grinned. "You have a Cook. What's his name?"

Hayley looked at Henry and said, "His name is Cook."

"Child that's what he does, not his name." Henry answered annoyed.

Jake interjected, "No dad, that's his name. His name is Marvin Cook."

Everyone burst out laughing. Over dessert of sweet potato pie with ice-cream and coffee or tea, they all relaxed. Susan bought out the photo albums and showed baby pictures of Jake to Hayley while Mary sat next to her.

Henry and Nate took Jake into the other room. "She's a very nice girl." Henry said.

Nate asked, "Are you tapping that?"

"Come on Nate. I'm marrying her. I love her." Jake answered.

Nate laughed, "Just kidding. I'm happy for you. If she makes you happy, then I'm happy."

Henry put his arm around Jake, "Just make sure that you take care of her and she takes care of you. It can't be about the money. I know, I know that's not how you are, but money can be a powerful thing in a marriage. She's got boat loads of it and I don't want you to feel as if you have to compete."

"Dad, I don't. I didn't even know she was rich when Mary introduced us. I didn't find that out until I met her family. They are the Cassidy's. The richest family in America. But Hayley isn't like that. She doesn't flash her cash. She's a really wonderful girl who loves me as I love her." Jake said.

"That's all that matters son. I just want you to be happy." Henry said and hugged his son. Nate patted his brother on the back, "Way to go, beautiful, white and rich. Does she have any single sisters?" he asked.

"Sorry bro, they are all married and their husbands are really nice guy. Oh, you'll enjoy this, one of them is married to Brandon Mitchell the actor." Jake said.

"Damn, I really like him. This is going to be some wedding." Henry said as they walked back into the living room to find Hayley showing Susan her ring.

"Your son has such good taste. I can see where he got it from." Hayley said.

They spent another hour and then left with hugs and kisses from Jake's family and a shopping bag full of leftovers.

When they got outside, Hayley took a deep breath. Jake laughed, "You did fine. You even brought my old man around."

Jake opened the car door and Hayley slid in. Jake got in the driver's side and said, "When we get home, I'm going to spank you?"

Hayley looked surprise, "What have I done Sir?"

"Where is your underwear?" He asked.

Hayley blanched, "I'm sorry. I didn't think you wanted me to be in your parent's house without any."

"You don't get to think, you get to ask. Hand them over." He said.

Hayley lifted her butt up and took off her underwear, a pair of black lace and handed them to Jake.

"I may not be able to fuck you, but I will be able to turn your ass red." He said.

Hayley smiled to herself and thought – I was hoping you'd just do that.

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vplovervploveralmost 6 years ago

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. At the time I wanted to be one up on your father. Really, I guess no wife wants to carry her husbands first child. The ritual should be amended and Hayley giving the choice to end the engagement

vplovervploveralmost 6 years ago

Jake is so worried about Hayley he just couldn’t stop fucking Daniela and hoping the baby is his. Hayley she of given him his ring back at told he to give it to Daniela, then walk out the door

angelface195angelface195almost 11 years agoAuthor
A little note

I made a typo. I want you all to know for future reference that Stephen is 21 not 31. Thanks.


FindmywayFindmywayalmost 11 years ago
It's Family Great!

I love this chapter - you see Jake taking a stand and more importantly remembering why he fell in love with Haley while trying to bring some normalcy back into their relationship. I was afraid that got lost somewhere. Bigger question for me is did Mathew follow the same rules of non -disclosure to his wife as he is expecting Haley impose on Jake?????

I am glad Haley voiced her concerns about Daniela possibly being pregnant with Jake's child....the same thought crossed my mind. Unfortunately, I believe she is carrying Jake's child and how will that impact their marriage.

I wonder how the dynamics will change once the new housekeeper comes on board?If she lives up to her earlier description.....and has any influence on Haley and how she punishes those who threaten her marriage. I can't wait to see the verdict on dear ole uncle and more importantly Mason.

I would also watch out for Daniela ---I have a feeling the old saying will come in play...with friends like that who needs enemies.

I am sitting on pins and needles :-)

angelface195angelface195almost 11 years agoAuthor
There are 4 more chapters

up. I am just waiting for the Lit. Gods to release them. I am so happy you are enjoying this story.


looking_for_masterlooking_for_masteralmost 11 years ago
more please

i patiently await more installments for this story. So far I have read them all and im constantly checking for more :)

MidnightBRoseMidnightBRosealmost 11 years ago
Loving the new series!!

I am truly loving all of your hard workcthat you put inro each chaptee of the new series! I keep coming back and refreshing thr page just to see if another chapter got posted, in truth I am just addicted to all of your writings. I like where this new stoey is goong, my only rhing is I kinda wish Jake took control of all because what happen to Haley was her dad's fault even if it was paet of the ritual, he should havw gotten Jake's permission first. Please keep updating got to know what happens next!

jqanderson1jqanderson1almost 11 years ago
Very enjoyable story

You are one of my favorite authors on Literotica and I love his story. Well thought out with plenty of sex and punishment. Keep it up.

I like to see Lance lose a testicle for his punishment. I'd also love to see Daniela marry the lesbian but have an agreement that she gets to spend a weekend every month with Jake and Hayley so that she can get pregnant with Jake's babies. I still think she wants Jake the most.

KinkySecretaryKinkySecretaryalmost 11 years ago
Your biggest fan

Hey i know its been a min since i have comment on ur stories been busy with school and stuff but i see you have a new story out and i love it very much keep it coming and its very interesting. sign ur biggest fan

angelface195angelface195almost 11 years agoAuthor
Thanks for all your comments

Keep 'em coming. I love hearing from you and hearing where you think the story is going. The characters talk to me and tell me where they want to go even when I think they should go a different way. You also give me ideas and get me to think and I feel very blessed that you all enjoy my stories. Thank you.


Track520Track520almost 11 years ago

I'm enjoying the story line. The plot is interesting. Thanks for bringing new chapters quickly.

FA_JFFA_JFalmost 11 years ago

Come and have some pie?

cmille9209cmille9209almost 11 years ago
You have got to be kidding Me!!

Mickeymouse is certainly a cartoon character. Your comments well OH MY!.. This is not a book review. This is a story of FICTION., I understand your wanting Angelface to change the story line to your satisfaction, but, really, write your own stories if hers and others are not up to your satisfaction. Depression? You have got to be kidding me. Do you actually think these characters are real?? second class citizen? Your comments are so off the wall!

Angelface has followers that know that these are all fictional stories. Do you understand that this is "Literotica" not Face the Nation? It certainly is not the book of the month club.

mickymouse113mickymouse113almost 11 years ago

My computer died half way through this so I’m starting again from scratch.

I am happy to see Jake starting to hit back and that you will let us know more about the ritual. At the moment the story you have written shows a family that is not strengthen by it but actually undermined.

I would like to see Jake taking a stronger course. Lance needs some serious consequences perhaps castration along with a piercing?

I doubt the story will go this way but the ‘family’ needs to end. It hasn’t adapted with the times and somebody somewhere will be having second thoughts. It is human nature.

The hidden videos made will make another important apperance. I was wondering about these prior to you introducing them as they would make great blackmail material and to keep an eye on Jake who they do not seem to trust yet. I wonder if they could be used to destroy the family?

The president will be at the wedding.

Jake needs full disclosure. This is not like a doctor where Jake would like his own privacy respected. It’s a cancer eating away at the couple’s relationship.

I am surprised that there are not more ‘mentally depressed’ people in the story. Where are the alcoholics, drug addicts and self-harmers that have slumped into a depression over their own impotence? They should be using their money and power like Lance to cover over their own damaged egos. Oh I like Lance. Power hungry bully hiding ‘issues.’ The let us eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die brigade.

Also I hope we are beginning for them to realise how much they have lost in joining the ritual. Hayley’s I want your firstborn comment should have been countered with well I wanted your virginity. There are some things that money and power cannot replace.

Also the conversation in the preceding chapter about Mathew telling Jake Family business go away – Is Jake family or not? It is being constantly thrown in his face and serves as a reminder that he is a second class citizen. Depression would likely occour.

I just hope I am correct that something is going to massively erupt and change the family dynamic forever. The family ritual is Toxic.

MGU67MGU67almost 11 years ago
Calm before the storm?

Please don't leave it too long before we get the next chapter, I can't wait to see what punishment Hayley decides for Lance. Thanks for sharing.

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