The Family Ritual Ch. 50


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Valentina looked at Ellen. A few days before Blake had given Valentina a bracelet. The bracelet had come from the White House via a favor from Stephanie Stone and the President's chief of staff Michael Worthington. This bracelet had been new and improved from the one given to the First Lady. One of the stones was actually a panic button. The bracelet also had a ten mile radius tracking device. From the moment Valentina saw Ellen she pushed the panic button. A signal went directly to Blake's cell phone and began tracking Valentina. Blake was in a meeting and when he looked at his phone he called Henry on his cell.

"Henry, find my wife. She's pressed the button."

Henry went upstairs to find the nanny tied up, little Brandon and Valentina gone. "The baby and your wife are gone. I don't know how or why or who?"

Cecile spoke, "It was the baby's mother, Ellen. She was here dressed as a delivery man. She took Mrs. Black and the baby."

Henry went pale and relayed the news. "I should have known, but she looked like one of the many young men who work..."

"Henry don't worry about it. I know where they're going." Blake said and then called Brandon.

Brandon was at the hospital with Samantha and Helen who had been taking drugs to prepare her for the receipt of her daughter's embryo.

"Brandon, Ellen has Valentina and your son. They are going to the airport. Please do not alarm the ladies, but I am on my way to get you. We are going to stop Ellen but I'd like you to talk her down so she doesn't get hurt. I'll be there in 15 minutes. Please be downstairs." Blake said as he got into the SUV.

Brandon told Samantha what happened. She kissed his lips, "Please go. I don't want anyone else hurt. Please get Ellen and bring back our baby boy."

Helen hugged her son-in-law. "Be careful"


Daniela and Mason were concerned about Hayley. Ever since the shooting she had been very depressed and coming over to their house to spend time with the twins. Hayley had really wanted to carry Denise's baby and was upset when Jake told her she couldn't.

She would hold or play with Carlos and Camilla then tears would begin to fall. Daniela called Jake after the last incident and Hayley was now having sessions with Gwyn.


At the airport, Ellen grabbed her backpack and got out of the car. Valentina still holding the baby in the baby Bjorn got out and walked with Ellen to the plane. "Please give me my baby" Ellen asked.

Valentina stepped back,"No" She said coolly.

"What?" Ellen said not comprehending.

"I'm not going to hand over little Brandon to you. You need help Ellen and I'm not going to turn over this child to someone who is delusional as you are. Listen to me, Denise is pregnant. Her baby is being transferred to her mother because she is going to DIE! You shot an innocent woman while trying to kill the wife of the man you drugged to have this baby. So no Ellen, I'm not giving you the baby." Valentina said with a smile on her face.

Ellen glared at her, "I'll shoot you"

Valentina laughed, "I don't think so. You won't hurt your son because I know you love him. It's time to give up and get the help you desperately need."

"Please Valentina, I need to go. Brandon and I need to leave here now. Don't make me hurt you."

Valentina held her ground and prayed that the baby would stay asleep and Blake would get there.

At that moment two SUVs drove up their tires screeching. Men jumped out with guns drawn as Ellen held her gun on Valentina. From one of the SUVs Blake and Brandon stepped out. Ellen looked around wildly, her gun still trained on Valentina.

The air around everyone was intense. Valentina glanced over at Blake and nodded. Blake understood. Ellen wouldn't shoot. She could be talked down.

Ellen broke the silence, "Brandon, please tell Valentina to give me my baby.

Brandon looked at Valentina and then at Ellen. He was about to put on his greatest acting job. "Ellen, Valentina will be coming with us. Put the gun down, no one wants to hurt you. Let's you and I get on the plane and Valentina will join us with little Brandon.

Ellen looked at Brandon incredulously, "You want to come with me?"

"Yes" Brandon said looking sincere, "I've done a great deal of thinking and I want to raise my son with his mother. Please Ellen, put down the gun. We'll get on the plane and leave this place." Brandon took a step forward.

Ellen looked relieved and then a thought crossed her face, "What about Denise. Is she all right? I didn't mean to hurt her."

Soothingly Brandon said, "She's fine. She's pregnant. Put the gun down baby."

The look on Ellen's face was one of pure love; of someone who just received everything she had ever wanted.

Brandon came close and held out his hand. Ellen placed the gun in his hand and he held her in his arm; while the hand with the gun passed it to Blake.

Valentina breathed a sigh of relief as Little Brandon awakened. Ellen was sobbing into Brandon's chest as he waved away the men who wanted to take Ellen into custody.

Blake allowed this. He went to his wife and held her. "I need to change the baby and he should be getting hungry. He's been so good and so quiet." Valentina whispered.

"Go to the car. We'll handle everything from here." He said kissing her cheek then whispered in her ear, "I'm very, very proud of you."

Valentina grinned, an ear splitting grin. "Thank you sir."

Little Brandon made a noise and Ellen's head snapped up. "My baby"

"Everything's fine now Ellen. We are going to take you someplace so you can get help." Blake said.

"What?" Ellen asked pulling away from Brandon, "You lied to me!"

"Ellen, did you really think we'd let you go. You shot Denise. She's going to die! She's pregnant and her baby is hopefully going to be implanted into her mother, but she will NEVER, EVER see this baby. She will NEVER hold this baby in her arms and she will NEVER kiss her child. You did this because of some misguided obsession with me. I have never done anything to you. Hell, I don't really even know you. You drugged me and took my sperm. You inseminated yourself and had my child. Even after all that I tried to work things out with you and now..."

Brandon spat out, "You try to kill my pregnant wife, shoot my sister-in-law, take Blake's wife hostage and want to leave the country with my son. You are a delusional, selfish, conceited bitch and I wouldn't have anything to do with you if you were the last woman on the planet. You DISGUST ME!" Brandon said as he moved to stand with Blake.

Security moved in. As one of Blake's men grabbed her, Ellen reached towards another and grabbed his gun. She held it at first at Brandon, then pointed it to her forehead.

"I have nothing to live for. You took everything from me. I loved you." Ellen said sadly staring into Brandon's eyes.

Brandon had nothing to say. He was tired of this and a part of him wanted her to blow her brains out. It would make his life much easier.

It was Valentina that spoke. She handed the baby over to one of the security persons who continued giving him his bottle.

"Ellen" Valentina said softly, "Do you want your son to go into therapy for the rest of his life? You have little Brandon to live for. You need help dear. You need to get a grip on reality and realize what you've done. Maybe one day, when Little Brandon is a lot older, you'll be able to see him. If you take your own life, he will have to live with this forever. Please Ellen, I am still your friend. Let me help you."

Ellen was quietly sobbing. She looked over to where the baby was. "Can I see my son?"

Valentina looked over at Brandon and Blake. Blake nodded. "If you give up the gun and let the men handcuff you, I'll bring him to you before you leave. You are not going to jail Ellen. My husband is going to take you to a place to rest and get some help. So let them take you and you can kiss your son goodbye for now."

Ellen thought for a moment, the gun still at her head. It was as if time stood still and everyone there held their breath. Finally she lowered the gun and handed it over to the man she had taken it from.

They handcuffed her. Valentina true to her word brought Little Brandon over to Ellen. She looked at his beautiful face and then kissed his cheek. "Thank you Val. I love you. You are my best friend. Please take care of my boy." Ellen said.

"I promise you I will." Valentina answered.

"I want you to be his godmother and..." Ellen said, "Blake to be his godfather because I know he'll protect him.

Ellen let out a sigh, "I'm so tired...I need to lie down."

Blake said to her, "We'll take you on our plane where you can rest."

A tall thin man with a German accent and a bushy mustache came forward, "Hello Ellen, I'm Dr. Victor Hemlish. I will be traveling with you. I have a very successful clinic in Munich that will help you. You'll be there until you're better."

Ellen breathed deeply, "Can I lie down now?"

From his pocket the doctor withdrew a hypodermic needle. "You will sleep as soon as we are on the plane." He said nodding to Blake.

Blake kissed his wife on the lips, "I'll see you back home. I just want to make sure she's safe. Please drop Brandon off. Tell him he can pick up the baby tomorrow. I think this little boy needs to have one more night with us."

Valentina nodded and kissed her husband back. She handed the baby to Brandon, "Let's get you back to your wife. The baby should stay with us tonight. We'll deal with tomorrow, tomorrow. Right now I'm sure Sam's worried sick."

Brandon nodded and carrying his son he got into the car. Valentina turned back once to see Ellen walking slowly up the steps of the plane and she wished her a speedy recovery

On the airplane Ellen was given a shot. The last thing she saw before passing out was the car with her baby and her love drive away. A tear slid down her eye.


Several hours later Blake arrived home. He ate dinner alone and then went up to the nursery to kiss both babies. He was tired, but still on edge.

Valentina was naked and kneeling on the floor. Blake ignored her and walked to the bathroom. He returned a few moments later with his belt in his hand. He was naked. "Look at me Valentina." She lifted her eyes to see his face. Blake handed her the belt. She looked questioningly at him. "I've neglected you and been very intense. It's time you chastised me."

Valentina laughed. She took the belt and placed it on the bed. "Sir, I do not want to chastise you."

Blake sat on the bed. He patted the side of the bed and Valentina sat on the bed. Grabbing her hair he pulled her down to his dick. Valentina opened her mouth and happily began licking his dick. Blake lifted his hand and brought it down hard on her ass, "When I tell you to do something, you need to obey."

Valentina lifted her mouth from his cock, "I'm sorry sir" SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

"I was very worried about you today, but you made me proud. Yessss my dear suck my cock' that feels so good." SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

He stopped spanking her and moved his hand over her beautiful behind. She had gotten almost back in shape since Adelaide's birth. Blake thrust his hips up and pushed her head down as he exploded into her mouth. "You are my beautiful slave, yes Valentina drink it all." He said as he came in her mouth.

Valentina lovingly drank all of him. He held her on his cock until he was satisfied. Valentina kept licking him even after he was soft. Blake stroked her hair. He was still on edge, anxious about Denise and feeling guilty.

Blake released Valentina and she sat next to him. "Sir, what's the matter?"

He sighed, "Today's been such a long day. Helen was implanted with Denise's baby and tomorrow they take her off life support. I'm feeling a little tense."

Valentina kissed him. She straddled his body. "Let me take care of you tonight. Cecile and mother have the babies." She kissed down his body licking Blake's nipples and playing with his chest hair as she kissed and licked her way back down to his penis which was growing.

Valentina sucked on him and moaned as he moved her body until her pussy was over his face. Blake dived in. She tasted so delicious. It had been a while since he fully enjoyed her sex and he took his time.

Valentina felt herself coming and squeezed her legs tightly around his head as Blake held her. He brought her from one orgasm to another to a third. His dick was now hard and he pushed her from him onto the bed. Valentina knew exactly what he wanted and got on her knees.

Blake reached into the nightstand. He got the lube and greased his cock and her asshole. Valentina moved back against his fingers as he fucked in and out. He wiped his hands with some baby wipes.

Grabbing her hips and his cock, Blake fucked hard into his wife's ass. Valentina threw her head back as Blake slammed hard in and out of her. This was what she missed. Picking up the belt he began whipping her ass and she groaned, "Yes Sir, yes, please more"

"You are my life. I love you." He said as he continued whipping her and she kept fucking back onto his cock.

Her ass was red and sore as he threw down the belt and dug his fingers into her hips and fucked into her hard. He grabbed her hair pulling her back and kissed her forehead. "You are my bitch!" He said, "I own all of this!"

"Yes Sir, you own all of me." Valentina said as her husband and Master slammed into her.

"What a beautiful ass you have. I love taking it." He said as he continued fucking her.

Blake fucked her for a very long time. He was feeling more and more relaxed. He had done his job and had gotten help for Ellen. There was nothing he could do about Denise, but make sure her baby and Daniel were cared for. He would do right by little Brandon and make sure that he was a good godfather and he would raise his daughter to be a very successful and happy little girl.

All the pressure he had been feeling was released as he fucked Valentina hard.

Blake thought about all that he had been through in the last few weeks and he let it all go. Blake stood on his tiptoes as he felt his semen rising to the top of his dick and getting ready to burst into his wife's hot sexy ass. He pulled all the way out, then slammed back in as he screamed, "GOD DAMN!"

Valentina felt her own orgasm approach and she moaned quietly and smiled to herself. Her Master was back.


Stephen was on his knees. He was eating Mary's pussy. He could stay there for hours and often Mary held him there. "Eat my pussy baby. I love how you lick me. I'm going to keep you here until I cum again and again and then I'm going to suck your sweet cock." She said and laughed. She had been learning to talk dirty because Stephen said it excited him.

She blushed every time she said the word 'cock' and 'pussy', but she was beginning to like saying these things to Stephen. Mary was also finding that she loved pulling his head into her pussy when she was about to cum and holding him there; almost suffocating him.

Stephen as he licked and sucked her pussy knew that he would propose after the decision was made about Denise. Mason, Daniela, Jake and Hayley were all going to help him. He had confided in them his plan and everyone was delighted.


Several days later, Blake and Valentina with Adelaide and Little Brandon, Hayley and Jake, Samantha and Brandon, Quinn, Jonah and their son Collin as well as Mason and Daniela with the twins, Stephen and Mary, Helen and Matthew, Frederick, Marvina and Cook were all at the hospital waiting to take Denise off life support. They were waiting for Kenneth, Gwyn and the doctor to arrive. Doctor Cassidy-Williams and a nurse came into the room with Daniel. He was going in alone to say goodbye to his wife.

Daniel spent an hour with his wife. He told her how much he loved her and how much he was going to miss her. Daniel shared with her his hopes and wishes for their unborn child. He told her that he knew she would be looking down on their baby and that her mother had made the sacrifice to carry the child. Daniel further shared with her that he would make her proud and share with this child how very much he/she was loved and how much he loved his/her mother. Daniel kissed her lips and wept. Denise heard every word.

The doctor returned and they took her off life support as everyone came into the room. They held hands and prayed. Denise who was looking down at her body in the bed knew it was her time. Her presence was felt in the room by each person and she smiled. She was ready.

It had been raining hard all day, but as the machines were turned off, the sun came out, Denise took a breath and then she was gone.

Daniel and everyone left except for Helen and Matthew. "I think you should spend a few moments with her. She was your daughter and she loved you."


The funeral was held on the last Saturday in May. The day was beautiful and the church was filled with flowers.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
vplovervploveralmost 5 years ago

Jake, Brandon, Samantha or Daniela should of been the ones shot

vplovervploveralmost 6 years ago

So Hayley cannot carry her sisters child because she hasn’t had Jakes child. Really?

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Can't believe that the next chapter is still not available. Come on lit gods, please don't keep us in suspense any longer. We all want to know how this is going to end!

dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
I keep checking.

Cant wait to read it!

Excited to know how it finishes, but sad because i dont want it to end

pheobecharmedpheobecharmedover 10 years ago

I wonder what happened to the next chapter. of course im writing this and it will probably post right after lol. anyway it seems like its been more then 7 days and i'm very impatient lol

bocahalbocahalover 10 years ago


Why must you end it ,don't you have more chapters in you. This story should not end until every member of the Cassidy family has their story told.The story so far is beautiful, I'm sure other readers don't want the story to end.

angelface195angelface195over 10 years agoAuthor
The next chapter

should be up tomorrow. I hope you enjoy it. We have two more after that one. The next chapter is the most important and will be ready by Saturday or Sunday. So you won't have it in your hot little hands until next week, but it will be well worth the wait.

Thank you for your support


pheobecharmedpheobecharmedover 10 years ago

well i love your style angel and will wait for your next story cuz i can't get enough :-) please hurry litgods

angelface195angelface195over 10 years agoAuthor
The next chapter

Should be up between Monday and Wednesday. The Lit Gods are the deciding factors. I'm putting it up this afternoon after my editor sends it back to me. After this we have two more chapters and then I'm putting the Family Ritual to bed. I may take a short break before beginning a new story. Since October of last year I've been writing continously so I think I need to clear my mind and see what my dreams bring me.

angelface195 ;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Congratulations on 50 great chapters and a superb story. Can't wait to read how this is all going to end!

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