The Family Ritual Ch. 51


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Dent grabbed his wife's hand squeezing it hard. She winced and he whispered in her ear, "Wait until we get home."

"What have I done Sir?" Sally asked grimacing.

"I saw your face when Blake and Jake threatened me. You don't want me to have her; you're jealous." He smirked.

"No Sir, but I know how you get. Please, you're hurting me." Sally said and looked over at Stephen who was watching them and about to come over.

Dent looked over at Stephen and Mary and released his wife's hand. Sally massaged her hand protectively.

"I am going to show that little black bitch how a real man fucks. She thinks she's going to get away from me, but she's not. I'm going to take her again and again. It's my right!" Dent said whispering in her ear.

Sally said nothing. She would find a way to warn Jake and Blake so they could keep an eye on Dent.


Two days later the books at the Vatican and The White House began emitting smoke. Both Father Alfonso and the Vice-President phoned Blake who again reassured them.


Stephen and Mary met at Kenneth's house. Kenneth led Mary into one room with her copy of the contract while he led Stephen to his study where his contract was in a manila envelope on the table.

"You have to agree to sign the contract before you read it." Kenneth said.

"Can I ask any questions first?" Stephen asked.

"Yes, but I don't know if I can answer." Kenneth replied.

"What if I don't sign?" Stephen asked.

"You can't marry Mary. There will be dire consequences to you and her. Once you proposed you are both obligated; that is always the way it has been." Kenneth smiled grimly, "I will tell you this, when I first read the contract I was angry but once I understood the repercussions for Gwyn and myself I signed. I think you'll feel the same, but you'll sign."

Stephen thought for a moment, how bad could it be. "I agree to sign the contract after I read it."

Kenneth stood, "I'll leave you to read and sign. I'll return in a little while. My wife is with Mary and she's fine." He patted Stephen on the back.

Stephen sat in the chair for a few long moments stretching his legs before he opened the manila envelope and began to read. Stephen thought he was reading this all wrong and read each page three times. His eyes grew wide, his nose flared and his face got red as he read and then reread the contract.

Silent tears fell from his eyes and his vision blurred. He wanted to throw up, he wanted to run screaming from Kenneth's house and take Mary far away. How could he marry her? How could they allow this to happen? Why? He read their explanation of how his family was responsible for the world, but this was all bull shit! Why would anyone sign this? He had read that this had gone on for over 150 years.

Stephen folded his arms in front of him. He picked up the pen and placed it on top of the unsigned document.

Kenneth entered the room. "All signed?" He asked.

Stephen looked straight into Kenneth's eyes and said, "I'm not signing this fucking perverted shit! I'm not letting Jake fuck my fiancée and I'm certainly not allowing my father to touch any part of her."

Kenneth sat down, "You have to sign. You have no choice" Kenneth said matter-of-factly.

"I can't sign this. I won't." Stephen said stubbornly.

"Mary's already signed." Kenneth said.

"What?" Stephen asked feeling even sicker.

"I said, Mary's already signed. She understands what's at stake." Kenneth said softly.

"Well I'm not signing." Stephen countered.

"You have to." Kenneth argued.

"I won't. How could you sign this? Why would you sign this?" Stephen said.

"You don't know all the facts, but I assure you that you will sign. If you don't then bad things will happen to you, to Mary, to the country." Kenneth said severely.

Stephen stood and paced back and forth, "Why are we responsible for the entire country?"

"I can't answer that and it's not just the country it's the world." Kenneth said calmly.

Stephen stood defiantly staring down at Kenneth, "Then who can answer me?"

"Blake and if you sign he will explain." Kenneth said.

"I won't sign until I speak to Mary and we speak to Blake!" Stephen said stubbornly.

Kenneth sighed and stood up. "I think first you should speak with your father and Jake."

"They're here?"

"Yes, they were waiting to talk to you if you were having any problems. Your mother is here also. She spoke to Mary." Kenneth said seriously.

"Damn!" Kenneth said angrily. "I'll speak with Jake, but I don't think it will change things.


At the White House, the book began to smoke and shake violently. The Vice-President called the Secret Service who called the bomb squad and the book was placed under a bomb proof protective dome. VP Mitchell called Blake who chuckled and told him not to worry that he would call when it was over.

At the Vatican the Pope was called as the name in the book lifted off the pages; Stephen Cassidy and turned bright red. The pope and all the priests and the Swiss Guards knelt in front of the vibrating, smoking book and began to pray fervently.


Jake was apprised of the situation and he came into the room to speak with Stephen. He sat down as Stephen paced back and forth.

"Sit down please and let's talk" Jake said smiling friendly.

"I can't. I am so stressed out" Stephen said and then sat down. "How's Mary?"

"She's fine and dealing with it. She understands." Jake said and then added, "She's dealing with it better than you are."

"I can't sign this, it's disgusting. How do you feel fucking your sister?" Stephen said blushing.

Jake laughed bitterly, "Not great, but I rather it was me than your father, no offense."

"None taken, I know, the thought of him taking Mary's virginity makes me want to puke, but he still gets to fuck her." Stephen said banging his hand on the table.

"Yes and the formula will help a great deal. You need to sign" Jake leaned closer, "I had a hard time with this. I ranted and I raved, but in the end I signed. I will tell you all the gory details some other time, but now I will give you the main reason you will sign. You will do it because you love Mary and don't want anything to happen to her. You will sign because you want to see your family."

Stephen looked skeptical. Jake laughed, "Well most of your family, but most importantly you will sign because it's what's best for you and Mary and the rest of the world."

"I don't get this. How did this all come to be? Who is responsible for this mess?' Stephen asked.

"Your ancestor, Dustin Cassidy and Blake will explain it all to you after you sign. Just sign." Jake said and handed him the pen.

Stephen sighed. A knock on the door interrupted them. Jake got up and opened the door where Mary and Sally were looking anxiously at him.

"Come and talk to him. I think he needs both of you." Jake said as he left. Outside Kenneth and Gwyn were looking upset.

"I think he'll sign. He just needs to get his head wrapped around all this. He's more concerned with Mary than with anything else." Jake said and the three of them went into the living room to have a drink.

Mary sat down on the sofa in the study next to where Stephen was sitting in the chair. He took her hand and kissed the back of it. "My love, you signed this piece of shit!" He said and stared into her eyes.

"Yes, because I want to be with you for the rest of my life." Mary said, "and if this is what I have to do to be with you, then I will do whatever it takes."

Sally walked over to her son and knelt down, "I love you so much." She said stroking his face. "Please sign and let's move on. Once you get the formula, it won't matter so much."

"Mom, did you do this?" Stephen asked.

Sally nodded. "It's our family ritual and it's important. You'll understand it soon."

Stephen gazed into Mary's eyes, "Give me a minute and then I'll sign it. I need some time to think."

Mary kissed his lips, "I'll be waiting and...I can't wait to marry you."

Mary and Sally left. Stephen held the pen in his hand and was just about to sign his name when Dent opened the door without knocking. He was drunk.

"I heard that you're refusing to sign. You better get on with it and sign that damn contract." Dent said as he walked menacingly towards his son.

Stephen stood up. "You're drunk. Why don't you let me have some time to think about this before I give my bride-to-be to you to put your disgusting prick into her?"

Dent laughed, "I can't wait to fuck her...and I get to fuck her before you." Dent gloated.

"But just as usual they are cheating me out of taking her virginity." Dent said bitterly.

"Do you think she wants you to touch her? I don't see how my mother stands it. You're mean and cruel. I'm ashamed to call you my father." Stephen spat out.

"So you've been holding all this in. I can't wait to see what you'll say at the wedding night ritual." Dent walked closer to Stephen, "I can't wait to fuck your ass maybe that will give you some manners when I show you how a real man fucks. Before your black beauty showed up, I thought you might be gay."

"Shut the fuck up. Stay away from me." Stephen said standing up to his father for the first time.

Dent grinned, "You'll beg me to put my prick in your tight ass. You're just like your mother, but her I can whip. Maybe I'll whip that negra you are marrying. I can't wait to see our little mixed grand babies. I hope they're light."

Stephen's face went from red to purple, "You raciest pig. I'd rather die than sign this!" Stephen said and opened the door. He stormed into the living room.

"I am not signing this contract, not now, not ever!" He announced.

From behind him, Dent laughed. Jake, Gwyn and Sally looked horrified while Mary looked worried and Kenneth...He called Blake.

Blake was expecting this. "Meet me at my office in an hour." Was all Blake said and hung up. Blake turned to Valentina. They were spending some time with Adelaide in the nursery after giving the baby her bath. "You have to go?" Valentina asked putting on Adelaide's pajamas.

"Yes, but I'll be back soon. I will be in a very good mood so be prepared to not get much sleep. I've already told the nanny that we'll be getting up very late. I have to go to Kenneth and Gwyn's for the ritual of Stephen and Mary but after that I think you and I should go away for a few days." Blake said as he took the baby and gave her a kiss and put her down into her crib. He grabbed Valentina and pushed her down to her knees. She opened his pants and took out his cock.

Roughly he shoved her face onto his cock. "Yes my dear, suck me, make me cum before I have to deal with this mess. "

Valentina used her talented mouth to quickly bring her husband to orgasm. He helped her up and kissed her lips. "Thank you my dear."

"Hurry home." She said and he smiled and kissed her again.

"Just be ready." He said and Blake left.


Kenneth looked with disgust at his father. Dent raised his glass and smiled. He wanted to ruin this for everyone that had betrayed him. Dent didn't care if his son signed or not, he didn't care about the country or anyone else. He was tired of always being left out of everything. This would show them.


At the White House, a mushroom cloud formed inside the dome over the book. The Vice-President looked like he was about to have a heart attack and dropped to his knees and began to pray. The Bomb Squad was on alert and the President had been moved to the bunker with his family.

In the Vatican a sinister laugh was heard as Stephen's name appeared in red just standing in midair and what looked like blood dripped from the letters. The Pope prayed harder and Father Alonso made the sign of the cross over himself.

It was going to be a long night...


Blake arrived at his office and went into the safe. He took out a red leather book that was over 150 years old and in remarkably good condition. Blake took a deep breath as he came out of the safe and felt a chill run down his spine. He always felt this when he held the book. He went over to the wall, pressed a button and the wall slid up revealing the bar. Blake poured himself a scotch, walked over to his desk and put his feet up. He patted the book. Blake smiled as he sipped his drink...he was looking forward to this...

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
vplovervploverover 5 years ago

Daniela reassured him that once Hayley became pregnant things would get easier, but Jake wasn't so sure. He was very concerned about Hayley.

Daniela and Jake are selfish asses. Obviously, Jake cares more about Daniela than Hayley. Too bad one of these were not the ones killed!

vplovervploverabout 6 years ago
Why does Hayley get shit on

I would love to see Hayley put Jake in his place. I’m sorry he is just as bad as Matthew

girlygurl60girlygurl60over 10 years ago

I am going through withdrawals waiting for the Lit Gods to release it from the Lit World!!!!!!!!

suebramleysuebramleyover 10 years ago
Thank you

Hi Thank you for the explanation, I was hoping that was the reason and that I had not missed it. Can't wait for it to appear. Come on lit gods put this story on the system!!!! Thanks again.

angelface195angelface195over 10 years agoAuthor
Chapter 52

Again, Literotica takes 3 - 5 days to put up the chapter. I submitted it and you have to wait for the Lit Gods to release it into your hot little hands. I'm hoping by Thursday or Friday, but it is up to the Gods!

suebramleysuebramleyover 10 years ago
Chapter 52

Hi Has Chapter 52 been put on the BDSM pages as I can't seem to find it nor can I find it when I scroll through the New Stories.

dairetodairetoover 10 years ago
So looking forward to reading the next chapter

If this was published i would buy it, thoroughly enjoying this story.

Thankyou Angelface for writing such an indepth and brilliant story

angelface195angelface195over 10 years agoAuthor
I had

A very busy week this past week so Chapter 52 didn't get up until today. It is five pages long and well worth it. Please enjoy. We have one more chapter after this. Thank you all so much for your support. One final thing, I answer all email sent to me, please do not send me a fraudulent email address. If you have something to say and don't want a response leave it on the comment page. I do not accept anonymous comments because of the crazies, be brave and put your screen name, I don't know who you are.


angelface195angelface195over 10 years agoAuthor
The next chapter

Is the most important and I am taking some time to finish it. I hope to have it up either tomorrow night or Tuesday night. It got more involved as I remembered the dream and a few of the characters have invaded my sleep to talk about how they want this to go. Please be patient, it will be well worth it. Thank you all for your kind words and positive feedback. it is most appreciative as we come to the end of this long journey.


Dry_opinionDry_opinionover 10 years ago
Under pressure before tying up loose ends

The chapter felt fairly uneventful and not so exciting as previous ones in a way of sexy scenes, though the storyline felt logical, continuous and intriguing.

The build up for the ritual explanation is so straightforward and palpable, that I worry for loosing the muse under such pressure.

Feeling for the author, I want to offer my support by making points, which will hopefully help to take some pressure off:

1.The story so far is absolutely wonderful and there is lots of positive feedback to prove it. So if you need a charge of positive energy, please refer to feedback in chapters 1 – 51 for it. :)

2. This is all a plot of imagination (dream) it can't be right or wrong - it just is. Don't concentrate on getting it right, just open your mind and let the inspiration flow.

3. There is no need to explain everything. Some mysteries can remain till the end of the story.

4. Finally, believe in yourself like we all believe in you.

I imagine all the readers and the author hugging together and telling that Everything will be alright, we'll get through this together. And in fact - we will. :)


I apologize for being so presumptuous and personal. It just that I got so involved with the story and reviewing process ... Hope nobody gets offended by this genuine display. If you do, let me know about it privately not to disrupt the streak of positive feedback.

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