The Farm Ch. 03

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A descent into feminization.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/25/2019
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The morning sun streamed in through the thin curtains on James' windows as they rustled in the gentle breeze that swept in. Slowly waking up, stretching his arms and legs, he worked out the stiffness that had set into his muscles overnight. His eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight filling the room as he listened to the sounds of the birds singing in the trees just outside the window. After such a fitful night's sleep he couldn't imagine a more serene way to wake up.

His mind started to wander to the events of last night. It was easily one of the most memorable, most erotic nights he'd had in a very long time. What was most surprising to him was just how readily he accepted the new role of being Mark's baby girl. Thinking of himself in feminine terms was going to take some time but deep down this had been something he wanted for a long time. That didn't mean there wasn't some hesitation still on his part. Hesitation that seemed to melt away as his hands moved down his body, feeling the bra and panties he'd slept in throughout the night.

Swinging his legs out from under the covers on the bed, the hardwood floor was cool and smooth against his feet. He reached down to the pick up the clothes where he dropped them last night but they were gone. Getting down on his knees, he peered under the bed thinking they may have gotten kicked under there accidentally but to his surprise, they weren't there either. Thinking back to last night, how he let them fall to his feet before Mark, he was certain that they should have been right here.

Searching the rest of the room, the closet, and the dressers, he came up empty and was left without clothes, except for the bra and panties he was wearing. Suddenly feeling very exposed, he reluctantly opened the bedroom door and crept out into the hallway. The smell of bacon frying lingered in the air. Mark must already be up and making breakfast.

The floor creaked as he tip-toed down the hall. Walking past Mark's room, he went into the bathroom where he remembered seeing a hamper yesterday. Unfortunately, it was empty.

His belly trembled at the thought of having to go downstairs dressed like this. Not only was he still coming to terms with what he was about to embark on, embracing this long-held fantasy to be a girl, the suddenness of being made to feel so vulnerable, wearing just tiny panties and a bra and having to go downstairs like this. It was both scary and yet, oddly arousing.

Creeping down the stairs, he was surprised to feel his clitty getting hard in his panties. The air was warm and still on his skin. Silently, he crept past the living room, following the smell of the frying bacon and finally leading to the kitchen where Mark stood in front of the stove making breakfast. He was dressed in a flannel shirt and jeans which made James all the more self-conscious of how he must look. Nervously he fidgeted in the doorway before Mark finally looked over and smiled.

"Good morning, princess, did you sleep well?"

Flashing a nervous smile, James squeaked out a simple, "Yes, thanks."

"I hope you're hungry, I've got breakfast just about ready."

Watching for a reply, he noticed that James just stood there and smiled, wrapping his arms around his barely clothed body as he leaned against the doorway, nervously shifting on one leg while flexing his foot, balancing his toe on its tip. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

"Yeah, well, sorta."

It took a moment for Mark to realize what he meant, "Oh, I'm so sorry sweetie. Your clothes. I picked them up this morning on my way by. I didn't want to wake you, you looked so sweet just laying there sleeping. I threw them in the wash for you. Here, let me get you something."

Mark stepped away to the laundry room just off the kitchen and was back a moment later with a little pink silk robe. Gratefully, James took the robe and slipped into it. The bottom barely reaching below his bottom, knowing that if he bent over, his panties would be clearly visible. He cinched it closed and despite the little coverage it offered, felt a bit more comfortably dressed.

Mark finished cooking breakfast and plated the eggs and bacon and laid them on the table. James sat down opposite Mark and dug into the eggs. To say that she was starved was an understatement.

Talk revolved around oddly mundane things as they ate. They chatted about the weather, what they should make for dinner, and when James thought he would be heading back to his apartment to finish packing things up. It almost seemed odd to James just how comfortable he felt as they chatted. Whatever apprehensions he may have had seemed to melt away as the two of them talked.

Eventually they finished their breakfast and as they did, the conversation turned to the events from last night. James knew that eventually it would.

"Are you feeling better? You looked, unsure, earlier."

"Yes, much better. I guess I was just nervous or something."

"You're sure? Are you having any second thoughts about things?"

James swallowed the last of his coffee. There were plenty of questions in his mind. How could there not be. Sure, he was living out some of her most intimate, personal fantasies but was he really prepared for everything that would come of it? Could he really deal with walking away from one life and creating another? Was that even possible? There were just far too many questions to be answered in such a short time. Even with that said, just looking into Mark's eyes gave him such a feeling of comfort and calm that his apprehensions simply felt like they melted away.

"No, no second thoughts, Daddy.", he said with a coy smile.

As they cleaned up from breakfast, Mark mentioned that he had to go take care of some things out in the barn while Jamie said he was going to head up stairs to take a shower. Mark promised he would run clothes for him while he was in the shower before he headed out for the barn.

James headed back upstairs with a renewed sense of excitement. Maybe it was just the breakfast helping to get her going on the day. She headed straight for the bathroom where Mark told her that everything she'd need would be in the linen closet.

The tile was cold on his feet it caused him to shiver as she reached into the shower turn it on and start warming it up. Just as Mark had said, the closet was stocked with plenty of fresh towels, soap, and shampoo. He found a honeysuckle scented shower gel that suited him over some of the more masculine aromas he had to pick from. Somewhat whimsically he thought about having to pickup some additional floral smelling ones for himself from now on.

The shower heated up quickly and soon the mirror was starting to fog over. He undid the silk sash holding his little robe closed and slid it from his shoulders. His body trembled as he slowly worked his hands up and down her body once more, savoring the feeling of the lingerie on his body. After a bit of fumbling, he finally managed to unclasp the bra. He was surprised at how nice the warm moist air felt on his nipples. Running his fingers of them they quickly began to harden, eliciting a similar response from his clitty. Sliding the panties down to his ankles, he stepped out of them and into the hot steamy shower.

The water cascading down his body felt so unbelievably refreshing that he just stood there for a few minutes before starting to work up a lather. His mind started to wander and imagine what it would feel like to be in here with Mark. To feel his hands moving up and down his body. How soft and smooth the soap would make his skin feel.

Watching the soapy lather slip down his legs and circle the drain James realized that his transformation needed to be more than just what he wore. He eyed up the can of shaving cream and the razor sitting on the window sill. Without giving it another moments thought he squeezed out a handful of the foam and began working it into his legs. He knew if he stopped to think about what he was doing he'd likely back out so without hesitation he grabbed the razor and starting at his ankles began to shave his legs for the first time.

James was never exceptionally hairy to begin with but still, the feeling was unlike anything he expected. Everything felt different, his skin felt more alive. The warm water on his skin sent shivers up and down his spine. His legs felt so soft and smooth, the gentle curves of his calves accentuated by the fact they were now bare.

Moving on to his arms, he carefully removed every bit hair from his wrists to his shoulders, even taking the time to make sure his armpits were smooth and hairless too. What little hair there was on his chest was soon swept down the drain as was every last bit on and around his clitty and boi-ovaries. Soon his most intimate areas were as smooth and hairless as ever and he couldn't be more pleased with how it made him feel. He resolved that this was going to be an ongoing ritual from now on.

James luxuriated in the shower for a little while longer before shutting off the water. Grabbing the towel hanging over the shower curtain he wrapped it around himself. Even the towel felt different against his newly smooth body, he realized as he stepped out of the shower. The realization was coming that there were going to be many new "firsts" for him going forward.

Walking back into his room he saw that Mark had run up some clothes as promised. He quickly realized that they were not the same ones that he was wearing yesterday. Neatly folded his pillow was a little white cami tank top with spaghetti straps that crisscrossed in the back, a pair of button fly jean shorts, a green satin thong string bikini panty, and little white ankle socks. Sitting on the floor at the foot of the bed were a pair of high heeled sandals with some intricate looking straps to hold them in place.

James had worn lots of different types of panties and thongs were easily among his favorites. Next came the shorts which she quickly learned were definitely cut for a female given how high they came up on his thighs. The cami tank top was so light and thin, it felt amazing next to his bare skin. Skin tight, it stopped short showing off just a bit of midriff. His nipples were already poking up at the fabric. This was something he knew he was going to have to get used to.

Slipping into the sandals, it took a few minutes to figure out the way the straps worked. They were designed to wrap around his ankles and up his calves a bit. After getting them laced up he walked around a bit and was surprised just how comfortable they were.

James walked over to the full length mirror and stood there examining his reflection. There was no denying that from the neck down his body had started to take on a distinctly female appearance. The hairless skin and the clothes were certainly a start but he knew he was going to have to work on his hair. It would take some time to grow it out until it would be long enough to fashion into something more feminine. Still, he was happy with how he looked and couldn't wait to show Mark.

The tall coarse grass tickled at James' ankles and calves as he walked through the field in the direction of the barn. Walking in the wedge styled sandals across the uneven ground was a bit of a challenge but he managed not to stumble or fall, not that he didn't come close a few times.

The air was warm and although the morning had started off sunny, the skies were starting to cloud over giving a hint of what was to come.

James couldn't believe just how comfortable and free he felt as he walked outside, dressed as a female for the first time. Of course he was so far removed from the road or even the nearest neighbor that it was unlikely that anyone would see him and even if they did, from a distance, he was sure he was passable. It was up close that he knew needed work on the finer details like hair and makeup. That would come in time, he reasoned not wanting to detract from how he felt at this very moment.

Closer now to the barn, he could see it looked every part the typical barn that one would expect to see. Old weathered wood, chipped and faded from the years it was left exposed to the elements, but enough red paint stubbornly clung to it to still offer it some protection. The windows were smudged with dust but none were broken or missing. The borders of them and the doors still bore the thick white paint from their last visit from a brush. To further add to charm, old heavy hardware adorned the doors and windows that despite its age, didn't appear rusted or broken at all.

Grasping the handle on the door, James pulled at it and the door slid open rather easily on the wheels and track on which it hung. He stepped inside and slid it closed behind. It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust to the dimmer lighting inside the barn. Oil lamps hung on the posts lining both the left and right stalls down the center of the barn. What sunlight did make it in through the smudged windows showed the particles of dust that hung in the air.

The barn had an old musty smell to it, just as you would expect it to have. Old coils of rope and leather tack hung on the hooks nailed into the posts outside each stall. There were tools and pieces of farm equipment neatly stowed along the walls and overhead, he could make out a loft where some strands of hay dangled down. Most of the interior of the barn however was a wide open space clear up to the roof.

Mark didn't appear to be anywhere inside but he knew he couldn't be far, his truck was still parked out front of the house.

The dirt and hay on the floor crunched under his feet as he slowly walked down the center of the barn while peering inside the empty stalls.

"Daddy", he called out making his way deeper into the barn.

The wind outside was starting to pick up causing the barn to creak as it pushed against its weathered frame.

Again he called out for his Daddy.

Mark poked his head out of the last stall and smiled. He thought that James looked so cute taking tentative steps in his high heeled wedges. He felt that same stirring again in his cock that he had felt last night seeing him in the panties and bra.

"Down here sweetie", he said waving James down to the stall he was working in.

Without even realizing it, James was prancing down the long axis of the barn to the stalls at the end where Mark was working. He slowed and stood in the doorway to the stall, his eyes scanning the space and taking it all in.

Mark had gone back to polishing the wood he was working on before he had come in. Mark looked back over his shoulder and smiled as he watched James taking it all in. He knew after last night's talk that this would be a place that he'd enjoy spending a lot of time in.

Unlike the rest of the barn where the things hanging on the walls were dusty and worn, where cobwebs filled the corners and voids, these two stalls were neat and tidy. The leather and chrome toys hanging on the wall shined under the pendulum lights that hung over these two stalls. There were pieces of furniture that looked unlike anything you'd have in your living room, but looked equally fun and inviting. James could feel his clitty getting wetter in his panties just imagining being restrained to some of the furniture and devices in there, despite not even having a clue as to how some of them even worked.

"Don't be shy, c'mon in."

The hay on the ground crunched under his feet. "So, is this your, uh...playroom?"

"Yes, well actually, I guess you could say that it's now our playroom."

James could not help but smile at the thought of that. This was a large part of what first aroused him when they were talking earlier last evening. All of the talk about Mark's experience with bondage tied in perfectly with Jamie's desire to experience it.

Reaching out, he lifted a leather cuff from the dowel it hung from. It was surprisingly heavy, the leather soft and supple yet unyielding. Mark watched in silence as James explored the area. There was something sweet and innocent about the way he handled the cuff. The way he tentatively wrapped it around his wrist, eyeing up the buckles and the ring dangling from the hardware. He could feel his desire for him starting to rise but he knew enough to calm it rather than just giving in to it.

There were so many toys hanging here. Cuffs, simple leather straps, different types of gags. It was an incredible collection to say the least. It was all he could do to not just scream out and beg to be locked into something right now. The desire to feel the leather being wrapped around him was so overpowering.

Picking up a cute little choker collar with a chrome shaped heart suspended between the two pink leather straps, he held it up to his neck. The cool metal sent goose bumps down his back. He looked at Mark and smiled.

"I think that looks so cute with your outfit sweetie. Would you like to wear it?"

"Yes, Daddy."

Mark took the loose ends of the choker and pulled it tight to James' neck. James let his hands trail down his body and quickly realized that his nipples were incredibly hard. He hoped they were visible to Mark so that he could see just how aroused he was. Feeling him snug up the choker sent a shiver through his body. One day, he hoped, it would be a collar.

Mark buckled the choker onto him, "Is it too tight, sweetie?" James shook his head as he ran a finger over the choker. Mark let his hands slide down James' neck, over his shoulders and down his arms. His skin was so soft, softer than he remembered from last night. He smiled to himself and leaned in to whisper to him, "Did you shave for me, baby?"

James bit his lower lip trying to stifle a smile. "Yes, Daddy", he whispered back.

He closed his eyes as Mark caressed his body through his clothes. The feeling of his warm breath on his neck caused him to gasp as his hands moved up and down his body. James' knees trembled as Mark's slow, sensual touch explored his exposed, smooth skin. He had never before felt so sexy as he was feeling at this moment.

Turning around to face Mark, he closed his eyes and leaned into the taller man, craning his neck up, looking for a kiss. Mark's lips pressed to his, sending a pleasurable shiver down her spine as she put her arms around him. Their lips parted slightly as their tongues playfully swirled around each other. James pressed himself into Mark as they continued to kiss. He wasn't sure how long they had held their embrace as it was only when a strong gust of wind howled that they pulled away from each other for moment to look out the window at the dark clouds gathering on the horizon.

The old barn creaked under the onslaught of the wind pressing against it. James looked up towards the rafters but Mark gave him a reassuring hug. The barn had seen far worse than a simple thunderstorm.

Mark couldn't take his hands off James' smooth skin. He felt like warm silk to him as his hand slide up and down bare arms before sliding a hand over to hard little nipples. The little moan that escaped his lips let him know he had found a special spot.

"You know, it looks like there's a nasty storm building out there. Maybe we'd better stay inside while it passes."

James' tummy quivered as he thought of waiting out the storm amid the collection of chrome and leather. "Yes, Daddy, that's probably wise."

"Besides, I'm sure we can come up with some way to pass the time."

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gcs2718gcs271811 days ago

Great build up but more is needed. There needs to be some fucking and sucking. You know Jamie wants to swallow a load and submit her boi pussy like a virgin Mormon girl on her wedding night.

VitriolhackVitriolhack2 months ago

How will they spend the time as the storm passes? 😜

AlexBaileyAlexBailey2 months ago

lol! I read and commented on this over a year ago. 🤣😍

Fun piece!

ColonelinguistColonelinguist3 months ago

This just keeps getting better and better. You have a great sense of story build up. I’m dripping pre-cum already and so far, there hasn’t been much physical interaction at all.

We’re all thinking to ourselves, ‘if I were I Jamie, would I drop everything and surrender myself to my Daddy’s love and protection?’

pamelacdnzpamelacdnz5 months ago

Yes, i will agree with the last few post.... More please, i am sure you have it in you ???

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Please write more for this. I want this life sooo badly

JiminNCJiminNC9 months ago

Like it alot. Needs a few more chapters, dear!

danthemaildanthemail10 months ago

Well written, would really like more

nassauguy_2001nassauguy_2001over 1 year ago

Can't wait for the next installment!

AlexBaileyAlexBaileyover 1 year ago

Nice gentle sub/dom story.

My work often takes me to remote homesteads and I’m often one on one and sometimes overnight with clients in their secluded homes. This sort of fantasy has crossed my mind many times. :)

satinfeelsgreatsatinfeelsgreatabout 2 years ago

beautifully written. may we have more please?

pantyhosefunpantyhosefunover 2 years ago

What?? Why isn't there more story. It just seemed to end. There should be more story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very hot story, can't wait for Jamie to explore more of her fem side with such a loving caring Daddy

WillieachesWillieachesover 3 years ago

I think this would be a dream come true!! Please dont wait so long on the next chapter!!

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