The Finchley Flasher


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"Look at him, will you?" Jenny said to Alice. "Do you think he looks happy being up there—being used like that?"

"He is well aware of what he's doing," Alice replied sharply. "It's this or prison. He made his choice."

"But it's simply not fair. It's not fair at all."

"This is not the time and place to discuss it, Jenny. Let it go."

Several nurses helped remove Kent's robe, revealing a magnificently proportioned male physique to accompany his equally astounding good looks. Many of the women in the audience gasped when they saw him naked, and there was some very vocal discussion about his impressive penis size. Jenny wanted more than anything to run up onto the stage and release him from his bonds and run away with him to distant America, or anywhere far away from this consortium of female voyeurs, notwithstanding the fact that they were also medical professionals.

"What is she going to do to him?" Jenny asked Ariel.

"He's going to be injected with the new drug," she replied without taking her eyes off Kent. "After that is anyone's guess."

She made this statement with such utter indifference that Jenny was taken aback. "You don't really care what happens to him, do you Ariel? You just want to get him out of the way at all costs."

"He poses a grave danger to our city. We have to get rid of him, and this is better than turning him over to the police."

"We don't have to get rid of anybody," Jenny replied angrily. "It's you who wants to get rid of him. You don't like him. You never did. I think you hate him because he never paid you any attention. He ignored you and you can't stand being ignored. This has nothing to do with his silly little perversion."

"Jenny!" Alice snapped. "Now you're talking utter nonsense. Ariel is above such childish behaviour."

"Really?" Jenny replied. "She's treated him with nothing but contempt ever since she captured him—even though he has made every effort to accede to your demands. He had one slip-up. So what? All of us have the right to act like fools now and then."

"Forgive her, Ariel," Alice said to her friend in a consolatory tone. "She's infatuated with him. That's all it is."

"That's all it is?" Jenny retorted. "Easy for you to say auntie! I genuinely like him and I want to be with him. Does that mean anything to you? Or you, Ariel?"

Ariel sat there numbly, not knowing how to respond because the girl had been correct in her assumptions. Ariel did indeed harbor great resentment toward Kent, and for exactly the reasons Jenny specified. Ariel was greatly attracted to Kent but he had been immune to her feminine charms and this infuriated her to no end. So, in order to punish him, she devised a means by which she could ultimately defeat him, and though she was averse to admit it, she knew that she had perpetrated a great disservice to both him and her own frail ego.

When Jenny received no reply from either her aunt or Ariel she simply sat there angry and frustrated. But now Christiana was addressing the audience once again.

"I am now going to inject the subject with ten cc's of EJAX-472XR, the 'XR' standing for 'extended release'. It will take approximately two minutes for the drug to reach full efficacy in the bloodstream, which will be accompanied by a greatly enhanced penis size and scrotal distension."

Jenny watched intently as the doctor administered the drug via injection into Kent's upper left arm.Once the two-minute interval had passed his penis began to grow in size, much like it had when he was given the oral medication of the earlier version at Ariel's house. The audience watched in fascination as the transformation took place seemingly within seconds.

"You can see how quickly the drug works," Christiana told the audience. "In this new version his sperm is replicating at approximately 1,000 percent and his sexual organs have grown in size and capacity to accommodate the increased volume of spermatic fluid being produced. The extended masturbation cream that had been used prior to the invention of this new drug will no longer be needed by the patient since the drug itself will cause the penis to remain erect for a few hours at a time without any adverse side effects. What we are going to measure now is volumetric flow, quality of the spermatic fluid, and the time-intensity of the ejaculation."

One of the nurses, a voluptuous, middle-aged, attractive woman with very large breasts, was instructed to begin masturbating Kent, who was patiently enduring the process of undergoing the physical transformation brought about by the drug. It seemed to Jenny that he was fighting the urge to ejaculate, even without being touched. She knew it would probably take only a few deft strokes to separate him from his sperm.

"Are you feeling all right, Mr. Kent?" Christiana asked him.

"Yes," he replied as his breathing increased. "I'm okay."

The nurse had a very deliberate and rough approach to masturbating him. Jenny noticed the wedding ring on her finger and wondered if her husband knew exactly what she was up to. Kent seemed to respond favorably to her aggressive approach, relishing every stroke that brought him closer to orgasm.

"I think this one is going to be a gusher, ladies," the nurse said with a touch of humour as she manhandled the Flasher's enormous appendage. "I can feel the sperm rising up the shaft now!"

Christiana hadn't expected the nurse to be so vocal about what she was doing, and the audience howled.

The nurses' strong hand flew up and down the lengthy terrain of Kent's prick, which was now becoming slick with pre-cum. His scrotum began to respond by dramatically growing in size until the flesh turned purple and the sack itself was partially absorbed into the area surrounding the base of his shaft. The crown of his penis expanded at the same time, alerting the nurse that orgasm was imminent.

"This is going to be a big one!" the nurse screamed as she pulled up hard on Kent's now uncontrollable organ.

Crying out like a banshee, Kent's prick danced up and down in the nurse's stroking hand and shot out a dozen or more hot jets of milky spunk that flew up high into the air in an astonishing trajectory that reached as far back as ten rows—an amazing fifty feet! No one, not even the inventor of the miracle drug herself, could have anticipated such a robust response. The entire room gasped in utter disbelief at the momentous cumshot and then, without warning, a universal shout of approbation ricocheted off the conference room walls from the excited crowd.

"Incredible!" shouted one woman.

"Unbelievable!" shouted another.

The praise came fast and furious as Christiana basked in the glow of the endless show of appreciation.

Meanwhile, the nurse had not neglected her patient. Enervated by the splendid results her handjob was producing, she masturbated Kent even more furiously, his spunk shooting out in all directions in uncontrollable bursts of pleasure, some it splashing onto the nurse's huge breasts and onto her upper arms and neck. Rope after rope was ejected at great speed, inundating the stage in front of him and forcing the women in the first several rows to dodge the incoming jets of sperm with the greatest of alacrity.

Jenny had seen Kent orgasm several times and had observed his ejaculations first hand. But this was something else again. Never had she seen so many creamy missiles fired off in such rapid succession, and with such incredible force and velocity. She watched the long trails of sperm sail into the crowd without respite and was lucky that she had been seated on the opposite side of the stage where she remained relatively untouched by the spurting display.

Kent seemed to be frozen into position as though he were indeed the personification of a marbleized Greek god who could do nothing except to look down upon his own ejaculating organ as if it had possessed a life of its own. To those who beheld the wondrous spectacle this indeed must have been the case. For his mind seemed unable to comprehend the extent to which the drug was controlling him, and he could only react in relation to the overpowering sensations he felt in his lower regions. All that mattered was that he was compelled to obey the demands of the drug, and he hoped the nurse's hand would not tire out before she had drained him of every drop of his precious cum.

"I know you have more in there, baby," the nurse said cajolingly. "Let it all out! Let everybody see what you have inside those big balls of yours!"

She treated his cock to a barrage of savage up and down strokes and a consistent litany of sexual talk that served to stimulate his already hyper-activated libido. In response, Kent growled and threw his hips outwards as he shot out another huge load of slick spunk. It was now going on for a full two minutes and still there was no sign of abatement. Over and over multiple streams of cum assailed the audience until the women grew so excited that Jenny could have sworn that some of them achieved orgasm then and there. She herself became greatly excited by the endless ropes of cum Kent was ejaculating. She noticed that Alice and Ariel were not immune from the crowd's overall enthusiasm at seeing so much sperm being expelled. Her aunt, especially, looked as if she might climb up on stage at any moment and take Kent's spurting tool into her own mouth.

"It's beyond belief," Ariel muttered. "Totally unreal."

"And I thought he was spectacular at the party!" Alice observed. "But this...this is one for the books!"

"The medical books," Jenny said.

Kent's body was saturated in sweat. He looked like he had run a marathon by the time his orgasm finally subsided, which had been clocked at just over five minutes and thirteen seconds—a length of time that was unprecedented for a male orgasm. As the final shots of cum sailed into the audience with less and less force, the nurse removed her cum-soaked hand and ran off stage. Kent fell backward into the recliner and stood there with his eyes closed, breathing heavily. The conference hall was awash with applause and cheers for the good doctor.

Thanking the audience, Christiana told her assistants to remove Kent from the stage, which they did while receiving a generous round of applause. The exhausted man waved to the appreciative crowd as he was wheeled out, his penis still at full mast but no longer potent.

Christiana thanked the audience warmly and was escorted offstage by her colleagues. A hospital spokesperson then addressed the crowd.

"We have videos of the experiment if anyone is interested," she said. "And Dr. Swensen will be available for the next hour to sign her latest book in the front lobby. Thank you all for coming."

And that was it. Jenny had hoped to see Kent at some point after the experiment but was told by Ariel that he was being immediately transported to his home in Finchley.

"Don't worry," she said to the disappointed girl. "I promise you'll get a chance to see him before he leaves."

By this time Jenny had no real interest in what Ariel had to say. In fact, she doubted very much that the beautiful former spy would be true to her word.

"I don't need your promise, Ariel," she said bitterly. "I will see him. Just don't try to stop me."

With that Jenny sped off ahead of her aunt and Ariel into the crowd, hoping to somehow catch Kent before he left the premises. The two surprised women called after her but to no avail.

Jenny fought her way through the crowd and disappeared through the front door of the lobby. She was determined to find Kent no matter what it took. Remembering that Ariel had her coterie of accomplices standing by the access doors to the conference room, she made her way to the side of the building and saw a limousine parked close by to one of the doors—the door that seemed to her most likely to be used for ushering Kent in and out of the building so that he would not be detected. It was all very secretive and handled like a paramilitary operation.

As she approached Ariel's staff, they warned Jenny to keep her distance, but the girl would simply not obey. She rushed toward the half open door just as Kent was emerging, still looking quite drained and unkempt, his white robe secured by a cloth belt around his waist.

"Edmund! Edmund!" she screamed. "I need to talk to you!"

When Kent saw Jenny he responded with a big smile, as he was genuinely happy to see her.

"Jenny! What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you. I want you to know that I'm sorry for the way they treated you. They had no right to take the law into their own hands."

"Go away miss," one of Ariel's lieutenants barked. "You don't belong here."

"Leave her alone," Kent admonished the woman. "She has as much right to be here as anyone else. You're not the law!"

The woman backed off a bit but she still insisted that Kent get into the limo. "I have my orders," she said sternly.

"Oh, to hell with your orders!" Jenny rasped. "And to hell with Ariel!"

Kent took Jenny's hand in his. "You must go," he said softly. "They're going to send me away to America. There's nothing I can do about it. They'll turn me in to the cops if I refuse."

"Then I'll come with you," Jenny said, holding on to his arm for dear life as four burly women took possession of him. "I'll come with you, Edmund! I'll come with you to America! I love you!"

Her sudden and unexpected avowal of love made several of the women laugh. But Edmund was not in the least amused.

"Is it true, Jenny? Do you truly love me?"

"Yes! Yes! With all my heart!"

Kent's face suddenly lit up, as if her admission had given spoken recognition to something he had keenly felt about the lovely girl for a long time but never fully understood. He fought off his attackers and during the struggle his robe was pulled off, exposing his naked body to everyone.

The women drew back in awe as they beheld his massive 20-inch penis and inflated scrotum, still stained with the sticky residue of his previous emissions. Suddenly surrounded by all these attractive women had an unexpected effect on Kent's prick: it became quite erect. And not his normal ten-inch size but the enhanced specimen induced by the new EJAX drug.

"Holy shit!" one of the women exclaimed, pointing to Kent's enormous pole. "Would you girls have a look at that!"

"Oh, my God!" another woman cried. "It's fucking huge!"

For a few moments the women merely stood back and stared in awe at the freakish sight. Then, without warning, Kent felt his balls start to churn with the telltale sign of drug-induced sperm replication, and he knew that he was going to ejaculate any second. He advised the women to stay away, telling them that he was going to cum, but they only laughed and slowly approached him, hoping to grab him and shove him into the limo. But it was already too late.

Jenny knew enough to heed Kent's warning and moved off to one side, but the other women, who totaled six in all, walked heedlessly up to Kent, intensely curious about the monstrous appendage between his legs.

"You don't mind if we have a closer look at that prick of yours, do you?" one the women asked Kent.

"I think I'm going to cum!" the Flasher exclaimed as he was overtaken by a powerful orgasm.

Reaching down to take his penis in his hand, Kent stroked his huge organ several times, sending thick globs of hot semen high up into the air toward the women. Seeing the stringy blasts heading their way, they screamed and ran away, but not before several of them got hit with the gooey jets. Jenny couldn't stop laughing at the ridiculous sight. As Kent continued to cum, the women drew further away, inadvertently allowing him an escape route. As his climax came to an end, Kent jumped into the limo with Jenny and drove off, leaving the women soaked with his special cream sauce and cursing his name. But his ordeal wasn't over.

No sooner had he and Jenny got into the car, then he was starting to ejaculate all over again, this time Jenny's hand took the place of his own.

"Keep jerking me off," he cried. "I need to get this cum out of my body!"

Jenny dutifully obeyed and masturbated him with hard, fast strokes. The sperm splashed into the wheel and coated the inside of the windshield with a thick, rich paste, most of which dripped down onto the dashboard in long, stringy clumps. In no time at all Jenny's hands were completely covered with Kent's spunk, and the inside of the limo was bathed in his heavy cream.

Finally, after a full two minutes, his orgasm ceased. Jenny had to use her coat to remove the sperm from the windshield so that Kent could see where he was going. Then she realized that he was driving to his house.

"They will be coming after me," he said, "but I have to go home and get my things first. I just hope this drug wears off soon. The doctor didn't tell me anything about having another damned orgasm so quickly."

"Guys who take EJAX tend to suffer from these side effects," Jenny informed him. "But it will pass. I just hope we'll get to your house before they find us."

"I hope so," Kent replied. "Hey, did you mean what you said back there? You know, about being in love with me."

"Yes, Edmund, I did."

He smiled and took her hand. "I'm so glad, Jenny, because I love you too."

"You do?"

"Absolutely! "What do you say we go to America together?"

"I want to Edmund but you have to give me a little time."

"How much time?"

"Just enough to get my things in order. A few weeks, no more."

"Okay, Jenny. But don't take too long. I don't want to lose you."

"You won't lose me," she assured him. "I promise."

Jenny helped Kent to get on the airplane for America that very afternoon. She promised him that she would join him in a few weeks and that he should telephone her once he reached his destination. He told her that New York City was where he planned to live. He thought that living in such a big city would make it very difficult for Ariel and her friends to track him down.

It was a difficult parting for both of them, but there was no other alternative with Ariel's Interpol accomplices hiding around every corner, which would have made Kent's life in Finchley, or anywhere in England, untenable. They kissed passionately as she said goodbye to him at the airport and he assured her that he would send her all his contact information as soon as he was settled.

When Jenny told Ariel and Alice what had happened they reacted with both joy and relief.

"Well now he can go and scare the Yanks!" Alice laughed. "Good riddance to him."

Ariel, although not happy that things did not work out exactly according to her plans, was thrilled to hear that Kent was now safely out of the country.

"The streets of this town are safe to walk again, Alice!" she said in a self-congratulatory tone. "Farewell Finchley Flasher!"

But Jenny had not told them that she was going to visit him shortly, and that the possibility was excellent that she would remain with Kent in America and marry him. Jenny also did not let them know that, unbeknownst to them, a copy of The Times, which neither her aunt nor Ariel had read that morning, broke the story that Kent's reputation had fostered another pretender to the throne—there was a new Flasher on the loose and he was terrorizing all of London.

The idea that Edmund's singularly odd lifestyle would be preserved in the form of this new incarnation thrilled Jenny to no end. She laughed when she thought of all the fresh misery he was going to cause for the smug and egotistical Ariel and her military-minded friends. From what she had read about this new Flasher, he seemed every bit as cunning and single-minded as Kent had been to stake out his own personal claim to Finchley and create havoc with the general population—including taking great delight in outsmarting the inept police.
