The Flight


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She drew herself a bath and took a long, leisurely soak. She heard Matthew enter. He was holding a red rose in his hand, and placed it along the side of the tub. "Happy Birthday, Ari." She sniffed at it, delighted. When she got out of the tub, she discovered that he had bought several dozen red and white roses. He had already arranged all of them into vases as well. They were beautiful and filled the place with their fragrant scent. She hugged him happily.

At 11:30 that evening, they took a cab to dinner, dressed to the nines. Matthew was dapper in a navy suit and taupe shirt, while Airianne wore nude-colored high heels and a short, strapless, peach colored silk dress. The restaurant was located in Hudson Square, relatively close by. From the outside, it was nothing much to look at - simply another space in a block of one-story, connected brick buildings. They passed through the small outer lobby area and into the waiting room. The waiting room was done in a very modern style, with stark black and white coloring and a small bar. There were three other couples reclining and drinking while they waited for their tables.

They checked in with the hostess at the kiosk, a beautiful Japanese girl with long straight hair. She nodded and pressed some buttons on her display. A few moments later, a blond, ruddy-complected man came out. He was several inches shorter than Matthew, but densely muscled beneath his tastefully expensive suit.

"Art." Matthew smiled to see him. The other man grasped him warmly in a quick hug.

"Your young lady is beautiful, Matt," Art said, kissing her hand lightly. "Come with me, please." They followed him to a room in the back as he explained the way his restaurant worked. The focus was on private dining. The idea was to minimize distractions, allowing the diner to concentrate entirely upon their meal or companions. As VIP guests, they would be receiving the top tier of such focus. They would eat their meal in a private room where all of their food and drinks would be delivered via a set of double mini-doors, similar to the style used at banks, and they would not meet their waiter at all unless he or she was expressly summoned. All orders would be placed through the display in the room.

They looked around the room after Art had left them. They could eat at the standard table provided, or lounge on the floor amongst the pillows. Airianne was torn. The floor pillows looked incredibly comfortable, but she was sure that the lack of other patrons or staff was already planting thoughts in Matthew's head. She wanted to at least make it through dinner, so it would probably be better to start at the table. "The table," she said aloud. Matthew agreed, but he wanted them to sit together on the couch side of the table, rather than take the two chairs. She agreed reluctantly; he already had a devilish look in his blue eyes.

Sitting at the table didn't do much to stop him. Once their drinks had been dropped off, he pulled her into his lap, dandling her. He rubbed his fingertips through the condensation of a glass, delighting in the look on her face as he rubbed the cold across her nipple. He kissed her, feeling the heat in her response as she kissed him back. Matthew had observed the look on her face and was fairly that she was concerned about him having his way with her here, in semi-public. But there were worse things than getting what you wanted.

He teased her mercilessly, playing with and sucking on her tits until she was fairly crying for more. "You want me to fuck you?" He asked in a deep whisper.

She whimpered in response, grinding her pert ass around his lap.

"I can't hear you," he said.

Airianne groaned softly. She hated that she did, in fact, want him to fuck her. "Ohh....yes. Yes."

"Okay," he said kissing her neck. His face was buried in her hair when he added, "As soon as we get home." With more difficulty than she knew, he pulled himself away and started to redress her.

"Huh? Wai- what? What do you mean?" She looked like he'd just hit her.

"As soon as we get back." He kissed her on the cheek. "Let's enjoy dinner first."

She was open-mouthed as he walked to the mini-door, leaving her alone on the couch while he retrieved their entrees. What the hell just happened? She was noticeably nettled when he returned, but he pretended not to notice. She angrily finished her martini, and then ordered another.

By the time they'd finished eating, Airianne had mostly forgotten her annoyance, due to the excellent food, the strong drinks, and Matthew's otherwise attentive behavior. She suggested that they have dessert on the pillows, and he agreed. When she stood, Airianne realized that she was very, very drunk. It was little wonder, Matthew thought as he moved to help her. She couldn't have weighed more than 115, maybe 120 pounds. "If Art's restaurant makes drinks anything like Art himself does, you're in trouble. Hell, he probably made your drinks personally."

She sat down on a pillow, tipsily motioning Matthew to join her. She pulled his arms around her when he did. "Matthew, you... are a good-looking man. Really, really hot. You... probably know that. The tall, and the eyes and the...mmmm...body." She giggled. "And... I...I- No, no. You. Yes, you..." She turned to stare at him. "I forgot the rest," she confessed, frowning cutely. "Matthew, I'm drunk." She leaned into him. Despite her intoxication, she was intensely focused. "I want to ask you something. I was going to ask you the other day, but...there was no alcohol in me, in my blood, you know?" She stared at him.

"Yes," he replied. She seemed to expect a response.

"Okay. Okay, that's good. Here's the thing, Matthew. I don't want to sound like a girl or anything. But - what are we doing?"

"You belong to me," Matthew answered simply.

She paused to process, her brow furrowed. It looked like she was translating a language she hadn't heard in a while. "I can't...belong to you."

"Why? Do you belong to another man?" He'd never even asked her, he realized. How important can he be if she wasn't even letting him touch her? "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Oh, no. That's not the point."

"What is the point, then?" He studied her. "I won't crowd you, if that's what you're worried about. I work a lot."

"Yeah. I've seen you at work," she said tartly, glaring at him.

"I've never done anything like that before. Never." He took her hand. "If you are mine, I will not touch another woman." Something about the expression on his face made her consider what he'd said. If she was being honest with herself...she liked the idea of belonging to this man.

"What would it mean? To...belong to you?" It was Matthew's turn to be confused. "I mean, like, would I be your girlfriend?"

It sounded so...quaint. He smiled. "I guess that's the term for it, yeah."

She looked in him the eyes. "Are you even serious? Or is this just a game to you?"

"It would be a very cruel game." For me, as well.

Airianne took a bite of her cheesecake, looking thoughtful. "I've been avoiding a boyfriend. I'm very busy with school, and...I want to have my degree before I get...tangled up with someone. Involved with something serious." Matthew laughed. "What the hell is so funny?" Airianne asked archly.

He stole a slice of strawberry from her plate. "Airianne, what do you think we have here? Do you honestly think that either of us is going to be able to just part ways in a few days?" He shook his head. "We're already tangled up in something serious."

"But- I've never even really dated anyone..."

"What do you mean by that?" She gave him a quizzical face. He tried again. "What does dating mean to you, Ari?"

"I don't know. It's...." She paused to consider, sipping her drink. "Dating is getting to know someone. But casually," she added, pointing her finger at him sternly. "You go to the movies, to dinner, you talk, you, I don't know, meet their friends...."



"Yes. Why do you talk to them, meet their friends...?"

"To see if you're compatible. If you'd want to...make a go of it, I guess."

"Alright." He took her by the arm and pulled her to the cushion beside him. "So we'll date."

"....We will....?"

"Yes. We'll see each other when we can. We'll go to the movies, have dinner, and talk," he ran his hands through her hair, "and we'll meet each others friends. You've already met most of mine, though."

"And it'll just be that simple?"

"Yes. It will be as simple as you want."

She considered that, taking another bite of dessert. " I want?"

"I'm older," he said. "I'm not going to put you through any of that petty shit that boys your age will. I know what I want. I want you. I won't play games about that."

She stared up at the ceiling. It did seem simple. She was aware of the dramas that her friends went through weekly, and had never considered that dating an older man could be devoid of such insanity.

Matthew ran his hand up her leg, pushing her dress up even higher. "What did you want me to say?" He inquired. "When you asked what we were doing?"

She tilted her head, smiling up at him with big grey eyes. "I..." Airianne took a deep breath. "Oh....I wanted you to want me."

"You have no idea how much I want you," he murmured huskily, unzipping the side of her dress halfway. Airianne giggled and kissed him then, relaxed enough by the alcohol. It was the first time she'd kissed him first, and he found he liked it very much.

It was several minutes later before he caught himself. By then, he'd pushed her panties to the side and was making her squeal, two fingers inside of her. "Matthew, please," she pleaded drunkenly.

"As soon as we get home," he promised. "I'll give you what you want then. In the meantime-" He stroked her insides precisely, bringing her to a noisy climax before easing his fingers from her. He licked his fingers clean in front of her and winked before getting up to see to the check. Their meal had been comped. He was reaching for tip money when Airianne called out behind him, almost presentable again.

"Wait, wait.... I should help."


"Dinner? I should contribute."

He scoffed at her. "Absolutely not. It's your birthday."

"So? I can at least get the tip," she offered.

"This is what it means to date a man." He threw some cash down.

They made out heavily during the taxi ride back to Tribeca, giving the driver plenty to entertain him at red lights. Matthew pulled it together just long enough to get past the doorman; the minute they were on the elevator, he was pushing Airianne's dress up to her waist. "No! Not on the elevator."

He was hesitant to rip her dress. "I'll give you a choice," he said, her hands in his. "Either I take your clothes off now, or -" She smacked his hands away from her zipper in response. He chuckled.

"I was hoping you'd do that." A mischievous smile crept across his face and he fixed her clothing, leaving Airianne to wonder if she'd made the correct choice.

But the more she thought about it, the more annoyed she was. Who the hell did Matthew think he was to make her wait? This was entirely his fault anyway. It would be an interesting challenge to see if she could turn the tables on him. It might be a dangerous game...but she was drunk enough to play with fire. Once they were inside, she dropped her purse on the sectional as he removed his shoes. Matthew was on her before she made it to the kitchen, but she twisted away. "I need some water. I'm very drunk." Airianne drank her glass of water as slowly as possible. She refilled it, did the same thing, then moved to the big couch.

"Let's watch a movie," she suggested. She grabbed the remote from the coffee table and began to search through the channels. Matthew vaulted over the back of the couch and pounced on her.

"No!" She jumped up and backed away from him, into the kitchen. He backed her against the fridge, both hands pushing her silk dress up demandingly. "Quit it," she protested. Matthew ignored her, wedging his knee between her thighs as he kissed her. He ripped her panties off and she slapped him in the face, hard. His cock stiffened in his pants immediately.

She took advantage of his surprise to shove him away and run. He let her. He was still stunned by the slap she'd given him; that she'd done it at all, and the way it had electrified him. He was even more aroused than he'd been when they stepped off the elevator.

He turned. She was watching him from the other side of the living area, poised to run. And eager to be caught. He stood for a moment, watching her. Airianne's eyes widened as she saw a slow, devious smile spread across his face, all the warning she had before he charged at her. She took off with a shriek, wishing she'd taken off her high heels before starting this game. He had serious speed for a man of his size, and she had a feeling he was holding back some. He was. Matthew wanted to play the game too.

She made it into the kitchen, the island between them. He smirked, and began to disrobe. She forced herself to stay focused. He's just trying to distract you, she told herself. With his shoulders, his chest....those amazing abs....Oh God, he's pulling off his pants. She ran, knowing he'd need at least a few seconds to either step out of his pants or on pull them back up before coming after her.

He cursed behind her, and she laughed in triumph. Airianne ran into his bedroom, slamming and locking the door shut behind her. She knew she wouldn't be able to avoid him for much longer. "Airianne," he called to her from the other side of the door, "you're only making it harder on yourself, Darling. Open the door and I promise to go easy on you."

She didn't believe him, and she didn't care anyway. "No fucking way!" Airianne listened, but got no response. She thought that was strange, until she heard a faint scratching at the door. "Shit!" Of course he had a key. She hid in the walk-in closet, hoping that she'd have enough time to dash out of his bedroom before he found her.

Matthew opened the door silently, looking around the room. He turned to go to the master bathroom, thinking that was her most likely location. He stopped to let his slacks fall to his ankles first, and Airianne sprang from the closet just a moment too soon. He caught her easily, and threw her over his shoulder while he kicked his pants off the rest of the way. She squealed and aimed a harmless (intentionally) kick at him. He pushed her dress up and spanked her ass a few times as repayment, gripping her ankles in one hand. Matthew walked over to his nightstand, Airianne still slung over his shoulder and retrieved a length of thin silk rope from the top drawer.

He deposited her at the foot of his bed. Matthew grabbed her wrists in one hand and secured them to one of the posts at the foot of the bed, over her head. He unzipped her dress and threw it on the closest chair, leaving her nude save for her shoes. Then he stepped back to admire his handiwork.

Airianne looked good enough to eat, and he planned to. She faced the bed, her back to him, her arms tied to the frame above her head. She would be able to rotate around the post some, but nothing else. Still in her flesh toned high heels, she was all long legs, golden hair and toned slimness. Her tits showed from behind, peeping out to the side of her small ribcage. She looked helpless and delicious. He dropped his briefs and moved back to her, letting her feel his hardness against her rear. A small sound escaped her as he began to rub her tits, pulling at her taut nipples. "You were very naughty to slap me and them make me chase you," he said softly into her ear. He gave her a few smacks to the ass, and she jumped, yelping in complaint.

He knelt, pressing his lips to the soft skin of her derriere repeatedly while he pulled the chair up behind him. He sat in it and grabbed one of her legs, pushing it out and up to rest that knee on the bed. One leg out of the way, she was nicely spread to allow access. Matthew scooted his chair forward and shifted his face, slicing his tongue into her slit. He licked her leisurely, his hands on her hips to hold her in place while he drove her mad.

She sagged against her restraints when she peaked. He stood, holding her against him to take some of her weight from the ropes. His cock slipped between her legs, pressing into her wetness. She raised on tippy-toe, trying to get him into her. "Oooh, please. Please, Matthew," she said, writhing against the post in frustration.

Matthew had just realized the condoms were still in the nightstand, but was reluctant to pull away from her in this condition. I'll just give her a little taste, then pull out and put it on.

She was extra tight like this. Airianne inhaled sharply as she felt his tip enter, stiffening so much he worried he'd hurt her. "You okay?" He asked.

She nodded, struggling to speak. "Mmmm. Bigger." She shook her head and tried again. "You feel bigger. A lot bigger."

It was the position. Airianne felt much tighter to him too. She moaned her pleasure as he pressed onward, fighting for every inch. "Oh God, Matt....oh my God....oooh....." Once he'd finally sunk his full length into her, he paused. She was so turned on and wet and tight and she kept moving all over the place. Her pussy was making him weak, he thought. It might be a while before he could build up a tolerance. In the meanwhile -

"I'm going to get a condom," he said, pulling out very slowly.

"No! No, don't," she begged, "please don't take it out!" For the two days, he'd been doing that. Starting sex, then pulling out to put on a condom. She understood the logic behind it, so she never said anything even though it was driving her crazy. Tonight, however, drunken Airianne was running things, and she didn't intend to remain silent. "Matthew, please don't pull it out, please," she pleaded prettily, pushing her ass into him desperately. "You feel so good in me. Don't, please."

It was hard to turn down a request like that. He inched his full length back into her. "Oh God!" She was whimpering and moaning, and fucking back at him, going up and down on her toes as he stood still. Think about baseball. It was a trick he hadn't used since college. She stilled and whimpered as one hand fondled her breast, the other locking her hips for him. Matthew kept his rhythm slow and steady, calming his own libido while stoking hers. She cried and moaned and screamed his name as he drove her into climax after climax. He loosened his control then, grabbing her with both hands and pounding her the way he really wanted to. "You're mine," he growled into her ear. "You hear me?" She babbled something he couldn't understand. "Say 'yes', Airianne," he hissed.

"Ooh, oh, ah, y-y-yes!" She screamed.

"I'm going to cum in you now," he told her. He groaned as he erupted, shooting jet after jet deep within her.

He pulled out, eliciting a soft groan from Airianne. She'd gone limp against the bedpost. He untied the rope, picking her up in his arms and laying her across the bed. He laid beside her, smiling when he felt Airianne snuggle up to him. He knew they'd have to go back to the real world soon - work for him, school for her. But here in this bubble, everything was perfect. Matthew pulled her close to him. Maybe we should both extend our vacations.

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AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Great writing but serious plausibility issues. It's a ridiculous premise - he abuses his power and rapes her on a plane and then she's stranded, so he takes her back and uses her body for days and she's ok with going to her rapist's apt because it turns out she's a ho. Kinda ridiculous that she knew how to give a mind blowing bj, having never done it before and with no directions from him. And she has orgasm after orgasm only from penetration and no clitoral stimulation. It would have been more interesting if these characters weren't so one dimensional.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Love it! Want more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

oh my lord this is amazing, I need more of it, I just can't seem to get enough of how cute and playful it is

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great plot and well written.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Really nice evolution. Character development is excellent! Storyline is pleasant and fun to read.

JaydiaJaydiaalmost 4 years ago

This story was so attuned to my fantasies, that I often found myself taking mini breaks to masturbate, or to just close my eyes and soak it all in. God, I need to be dominated like that in the worst way. What would it be like to be with someone who is so decisive, sure, and assertive in what he wants, and so in tuned with my needs? That is the beauty of non consent stories; not the violence, although I do enjoy a bit of pain. But the control that the main character usually has of the situation, of the victim. The single-minded focus, and possessiveness.

FoxycatladyFoxycatladyalmost 4 years ago
Adored it!

Easily one of my favourite stories here on this website. Perfect the start till the end. 11/10 score. Thank you so much for sharing your work with us!<3

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
One lucky guy to have landed himself a free virgin hooker

Good story and though in the end, it did drift towards BF-GF, but otherwise, it was some HUGE luck for this guy to land himself a timid virgin bimbo who has no place to stay and hence he simply picks her up into his home to have non stop sex, ending up bleeding her vagina mostly.

Lol, she could start a hooker service to earn some pocket money. And if it ends, it would be unforgettable days of free non-stop sex for this lucky bastard, with no pressure of slowing/stopping/caring for the woman or even caring to put a condom or have a bastard child of his.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Second part? This was great! So sexy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Great story

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