The Flight Of The Butterfly

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Cuckolding/hot-wife themed story.
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All of the characters in this story are aged eighteen years and older. This story went through at least a dozen separate drafts, re-writes, and edits over the course of approximately one month - if there are any remaining errors in it, then my apologies - I just didn't pick them up before publication...

This story features sharing/cuckolding/hot-wife themes. This story features an unusual form of love. It's a form of love which may appear strange and even repulsive to some readers. A heady cocktail of compersion, voyeurism, biting envy, masochism and intense desire animates the main male character. Sometimes it's enjoyable and so satisfying being the so called victim of a so called game playing predator.


Anna: a beautiful older hot-wife

Ben: Anna's husband

David: Anna's younger lover

Sherrie: Anna and Ben's daughter

Kat: Anna's friend


'You flicker and you're beautiful

You glow inside my head

You hold me hypnotized, I'm mesmerized

Your flames are flames that kiss me dead

I'll dust my lemon lies

With powder, pink and sweet

The day I stall is the day you change

And fly away from me'

'Caterpillar Girl' by the Cure



What is this magic which left him so enthralled? What are those arts which left him so helpless, so vulnerable and in such need? How was she able to make him do what she wanted him to do without ever asking him to do anything? How did she get what she wanted from him by never ever speaking a word? How can she work her wiles and her allurements on him when she insists she doesn't want what she wants and she has no wiles and allurements in the first place? How can you do what you do, conjurer?

She has such beautiful dark eyes and such a soft knowing smile. She has chestnut colored hair and tanned skin. Her voice still carries a hint of a Spanish accent. She's so articulate when she looks at him. She can speak volumes when she runs her slim fingers through her mane and watches him. She endlessly talks to him when she slides her warm palms over his skin, along his trembling form and says nothing.

She has such a gorgeous body, though she will dress conservatively. She has a steady and correct manner as she moves about and follows her hum drum routines. How can one thing miraculously emerge from another thing? How can the opposite appear from its opposite? How can a caterpillar be transformed into a butterfly? How can that which crawls become a creature which takes flight?

Was your magic merely a capacity to carefully peel back the layers, the curtains and peer into his dark heart? Did he give you a sign? Were you able to decipher his hieroglyphs?

In his dreams, he imagines her making love to another man. It's a feverish series of fleeting images which leave him feeling up-ended, aimless and obsessed. That dream is like a large heavy lump of lead in his head. For a long time he dare not reveal what was there, even to her, even to himself, in its entirety.

What a vision: to see her with him in their bed. He can picture her and him together. They are both naked and they look so beautiful in the singular and in the plural. The echo of their groans and their laughter rings out in his dark mind. The vision of their sweaty colliding bodies moves in and out of his foreground.

Sometimes he feels as though he's merely a puppet, a plaything, a pawn, which she carefully moves across the board. She can see into his soul. She can take a deep dive and fathom his heart. She never demanded he give her what she needed. She never seemed to expect anything from him. He gave her everything she craved nonetheless.

Her dark eyes said she wanted it

Her soft inviting smile said she wanted it

Her tender touch said she wanted it

Her beautiful body said she wanted it

What is this magic which left him so enthralled? What are those arts which left him so helpless, so vulnerable and in such need? How was she able to make him do what she wanted him to do without ever asking him to do anything? How did she get what she wanted from him by never ever speaking a word? How can she work her wiles and her allurements on him when she insists she doesn't want what she wants and she has no wiles and allurements in the first place? How can you do what you do, conjurer?



Ben knew the exact moment his wife, Anna fell in love with another man. It was so shocking. It was so exhilarating. It was so breathtaking. It was so heart pounding. Ben was watching his wife when it happened. He studied her at the exact second it occurred. Ben gazed at Anna and noticed a soft adoring glow emerge in her beautiful brown eyes. He recognized her warm genuine smile as she beamed. He heard her soft inviting laughter. He noted the way she played with her chestnut colored hair as she spoke with David, the much younger man she had just fallen in love with.

It was so obvious to anyone who knew Anna well. She didn't normally invite someone to approach her, talk to her and touch her. She was social and friendly, but she had erected a barrier between herself and all men, besides her husband, of course. She was, after all, married and she and Ben did have one teenage daughter together. Moreover, she tended to maintain a distance between herself and other women. She kept in regular contact with a number of female friends, but they weren't the sort to meet up every day for lunch and gossip.

Anna was a noted local beauty. She was older. She had long dark hair and eyes. She had well tanned skin. She was five foot, six inches tall. She liked running and swimming. She looked great in a bikini. Ben could understand why David tried to chat and flirt with Anna whenever Ben and his wife bumped into David. Most men were attracted to Anna. Most men wanted to get close to her. At first Anna seemed to avoid David, but it was difficult to keep out of people's way in a small town with one minor shopping centre and very little to keep you occupied on a Saturday night.

They made the most unusual looking couple, Ben thought as he watched Anna and David together. David was just nineteen and Anna was in her mid forties. The age difference was obvious when Anna and David were together. She was a mature married woman with an eighteen year old daughter, a career and a wealth of life experience. He, on the other hand, was a good looking and earnest young male with what Anna and Ben believed at first to be a crush. He was all tall, dark and handsome. Anna liked looking at David. He was eye candy. Ben's wife usually checked out David's muscles and his cute butt while she playfully winked and grinned at her husband. David had large hands and she assumed a big dick.

Anna had taught David at the local high school. She had been teaching David for years. She specialized in ancient history. She was of Spanish origin and she had lived in Athens and Rome when she was younger. She had studied in the United States, met Ben, got married, moved to a small town, had her daughter, Sherrie and worked at the local high school as a teacher. David had adored and loved his beautiful and exotic Mrs. Anna Henderson, from afar, ever since he turned eighteen.

"Oh my God," Anna's closest friend, Kat had hissed in Anna's ear, while Anna smiled and David chatted her up in the supermarket one afternoon, "how can you keep resisting him? Go to bed with him for God's sake and end the tension between you two! Have an affair with him. It would be so much fun. There's not much else to do in this goddamned ghost town."

David had overheard Kat's words just as Kat hoped he would. Anna noted the hunger in David's eyes. The handsome nineteen year old boy was starving for her. He was almost licking his lips. He stood there in front of his beautiful older ex-teacher. He looked down at her and she gazed up at him. She grinned at him. He was so interested in her. He was so aware of her body and the scent of her perfume. She was so conscious of him as well.

Kat harassed Anna later after David and the two women had concluded their conversation and had gone their separate ways. Anna and Kat had stood together at the checkout and watched David walk out through the sliding front doors. Anna smiled at Kat. Anna's friend had gasped and shook her head.

"Why didn't you give that handsome boy your phone number," Kat had asked, while the bored checkout chick scanned Anna's grocery items. "How much longer are you going to make him take cold showers?"

"Oh my God, Kat," Anna had hissed, wide eyed, "I can't just hand out my phone number to random guys. I'm happily married, remember?"

"Why not," Kat demanded. "That kid's so horny. I've never seen a more desperate horny nineteen year old kid. He needs you so bad, Mrs. Henderson. He's aching for it. He's..."

"Kat, please," Anna said, opening her eyes wide and inclining her head towards the check out chick who was listening in on Anna and Kat's conversation and was chuckling.

"Oh please," Kat stated, not at all willing to bring the conversation to a close. "That gorgeous boy adores you. I can tell. I have a sixth sense about these things. You should give him your number and go to bed with him. You could be his teacher/mommy. You could teach him some really useful skills. You could impart some lessons, which would be far more useful and interesting than what happened in Egypt thousands of years ago."

Anna gasped. She stared at Kat. She studied the check out chick out of the corner of her eye.

"I can't do that," Anna fiercely whispered. "I'm married and anyway I'm twice his age. He's almost the same age as Sherrie. It wouldn't be right. It wouldn't be appropriate..."

"I see," Kat said, adopting a different approach, "well answer me this, Mrs. Appropriate - why did you get all dressed up in a sexy frock and your highest heels to just go and pick up a few things at the supermarket for dinner? And why are you wearing lippy and mascara and God knows what else at the grocery store? Why do something like that, woman, hmmm - why, Anna, why...?"

Anna gasped again. She blushed. Kat sniggered at her friend.

"I don't, I don't...," Anna blurted out, before Kat cut her off.

"Are you even wearing any underwear beneath that sexy dress? Don't avoid the issue: you like dressing up so you can show off your hot fit bod to your future lover, David."

"Oh my goodness, you're crazy, Kat!"

Kat rolled her eyes and shrugged. Anna was grinning. Her face was red. Anna was breathing hard. The check out chick was smiling as she waited for Anna to finalize her purchase. Anna's hands trembled as she opened her purse, pulled out her Visa debit card and tapped it at the checkout.

Ben was certainly aware of the way David regarded Anna. It was so obvious that the nineteen year old local born and raised boy was infatuated with Anna. Ben noticed it straight away. Then soon enough Ben realized. This was no mere crush. David was in love with Ben's wife.

At first the reality startled Ben. Anna's husband understood, when he proposed to Anna, all those years ago that other men, besides himself, were going to look at Anna. Ben appreciated the fact that other men, apart from himself, were going to want to sleep with Anna. He accepted that fact. Anna had said yes to marrying him and they were united in front of their family and friends. Anna was honorable. Ben was honorable. Neither of them had ever strayed. There were no extra-marital affairs. Still Ben and Anna knew other males were hungry for her.

Ben wasn't quite ready for a guy like David to appear on the scene and play that sort of role in Anna and Ben's marriage. Anna was so beautiful and Ben was the first to admit that. But after nearly eighteen years of marriage, Ben wasn't expecting someone like David to appear on the scene and offer such a striking challenge to Ben and Anna's union. David was a boy. He was still a teen. Anna was a woman, a wife and a mother. Surely the monogamy, Ben and Anna enjoyed wasn't under threat, but Ben came to realize it was.

Ben wasn't sure what to do at first. It would surely ruin Anna's career if word got out. How could a well respected teacher in a traditional high school, which favored conservative values, begin a relationship with a boy she had only finished teaching twelve months ago? How could she do that? More fundamentally, could Ben just let David have his wife? What would happen to his marriage if that took place? What would happen to his relationship with his angel Anna? What would Sherrie think? How would Sherrie behave?

The point which Ben reached, but which he didn't admit at first was this: Ben didn't really mind if Anna and David had an affair, in fact, Ben wanted his wife to sleep with the younger male. In time the idea of Anna and David getting together became an obsession for Ben. It was a rather shocking truth to admit to himself, but it was still nonetheless true. The older female teacher and her ex-nineteen year old student would have to be so careful and so discrete but Ben believed it could be done if and only if Anna wanted it, Sherrie was onboard and obviously it didn't lead to the breakdown of Ben and Anna's marriage.

Anna's husband wasn't going to raise it with his wife. Ben was going to let it go and see what happened, but then he noticed Anna's body language when Anna finally fell in love with David. Ben decided right then and there, in the supermarket, with Sherrie there with them, that he was going to help David out and he was going to make sure Anna got what she obviously wanted and needed. The endless and ongoing tension and the constant exchange of smiles and longing glances were getting tedious and old. Ben thought someone needed to intervene and get the ball rolling. Ben took a chance. He made a leap of faith and put his worries and concerns aside.

"Okay, enough," Ben said, turning to Anna and breaking into her conversation with David, "give me your mobile phone, honey."

"Sorry, what, babe," Anna said, turning and looking at her husband.

"You heard me, just do it," Ben insisted, before turning to David and speaking with him. "And you bud, give me your mobile as well."

David scratched his head. Anna grinned.

"C'mon, c'mon, on with it," Ben stated.

"Darling, David and I are talking," Anna softly complained with a soft smile playing on her features.

"Yeah, yeah, give me your phones, give me your phones and unlock em before you hand them to me."

Anna and David paused. Then they tentatively moved. Anna opened her handbag and pulled her phone out. She unlocked it and handed it to her husband. David pulled his mobile out of his back pocket, opened it and offered it to Ben. Anna's husband took the phones.

"Right, here we go," Ben said, handing Anna's phone to David and David's mobile to Anna. "Okay, now type in your phone number and save the details into each other's phones."

Anna's eyes grew wide and she gasped with pleasure. David broke into a strange happy grin. There was silence. Sherrie, who was standing there with her parents, broke the silence.

"What the fuck," Sherrie said, while Ben glared at her, before turning back to David and Anna.

"C'mon, c'mon, no more stalling," Ben demanded. "Both of you do as you're told."

"Oh my God," Sherrie muttered.

Anna softly smiled as she entered her mobile phone number into David's device and then saved it. David was grinning. He could barely type. He punched his digits into Anna's phone. He saved them. Anna watched him with a hungry expression.

"Are you both done," Ben enquired, while Sherrie rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Yes, done, good, okay, hand em back."

David and Anna exchanged phones. They were safely stored away. Anna and David grinned at each other.

"Okay, now that that's done, can we please get something for dinner and go home," Ben said. "Oh, and Dave, it's usually the guy who calls the girl for a first date. So you know what to do. Oh, and bud, don't wait too long before you do what ya gotta do cause Anna is an impatient and easily distracted thing."

Sherrie gasped and Anna chuckled. David went bright red in the face. He grinned at a seductive looking Anna. Ben, meanwhile, turned and wandered off down the aisle in search of a new bottle of barbecue sauce to pour on his steak and chips.


The three of them were driving home after Ben had made his wife and David exchange phone numbers in the supermarket.

"Oh my God, dad, what the fuck," Sherrie stated, from her place on the back seat of the four wheel drive.

Anna turned around in her seat and stared at her daughter.

"Sherrie, please don't use that sort of bad language," Anna advised her.

"Mom, I'm eighteen," Sherrie muttered, "and the only reason I'm sitting in the back of this car is because mine's in the shop because I crashed it."

Anna raised her eyebrows and sighed. She turned to her husband.

"Ben, oh my God, what the fuck," Anna softly stated with a smile, which made Sherrie chuckle. "What are you doing? What are you up to?"

"Yeah, what she asked, dad," Sherrie said.

Ben softly smiled. He reached out and took Anna's hand in his. She felt warm. He briefly turned to her.

"I adore you, Anna," Ben gently said. "You know I worship the ground you walk on."

Anna smiled. Ben noticed his wife's reaction. He continued to speak.

"I know you've fallen for that boy. I know you want him. I also know you won't do anything about it and you'll just let the opportunity slip away. I know what you're like. You won't do something you think is selfish, so you'll just be miserable, make the best of it and let the chance pass you by."

"Ben, I'm really not like that," Anna softly said, still smiling, stroking her husband's knuckles with her thumb.

"Oh, yes you are, isn't she, Sherrie," Ben continued, briefly glancing over his shoulder at his daughter.

"Leave me out of this," Sherrie muttered, before grinning and then muttering again. "I think the both of you are batshit crazy."

"Ben, I'm really not like that," Anna repeated.

"Anna, babe, just admit you have feelings for that boy," Ben stated. "I'm not angry. I'm not even annoyed. I'm happy for you and for him."

Sherrie gasped and Anna smiled. There was silence in the car as the two women processed in their own way. Ben shifted gears and then indicated. He changed lanes. The groceries sitting on the back seat moved in their plastic bags.

"Anna," Ben prompted.

"I'm not sure what you want me to say, Ben."

"Just admit you have feelings for, for..."

"David, dad, David - that's the name of mom's boyfriend - David," Sherrie stated, rolling her eyes and continuing to talk, "as if you didn't know that, dad."

Ben smiled at Sherrie and raised and lowered his eyebrows.

"Sherrie, he's not my boyfriend," Anna said, while her eyes grew wide and she broke into a grin. "Ben, why are you looking at me like that - he's not my boyfriend!"

"Well, not yet, at least," Sherrie added, shaking her head.

"Sherrie, please," Anna said.

Ben grinned at his daughter in the rear vision mirror. Sherrie smirked and then broke into a smile. He turned back to his beautiful wife.

"I'm determined, Anna - you're not going to miss out on something like this because you're too damned nice and decent to take what you want," Ben continued. "I know we're married. I know it's unorthodox. I know I might be throwing myself to the wolves, but I love you too much, Anna to see you sad and filled with regrets. I know you care for David. I just know it. You have to go on a date with him. You have to figure things out with him."

"No, no, it's not true, Ben," Anna responded.

"Oh my God, please mom - who do you think you're kidding," Sherrie muttered. "You're all over him. Well at least you want to be. Maybe dad's right - maybe you should be all over him."