The Floating World Pt. 04


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Jesse understood the logic of what Adam was saying, but he still couldn't help feeling time ran differently for this man. He shook his head to try to clear it, but the dope blurred his thoughts.

Instead of trying to understand, he surrendered to Adam's touch and drifted.

Adam moved a hand from Jesse's hair to his chest. The kid's chest rose and fell under his palm, and Adam felt him fall away.

Jesse woke into a dream. In it, he was standing in a room with Adam and another man, younger than Jesse, slender and slim, blond hair.

Jesse, the dream whispered, calling him, and he felt himself stir at the sight of this man's naked body.

And there in a chair in front of the three of them, a beautiful woman—

Gabriela, the dream whispered, and she was the girl he'd met before, but then she wasn't.

—had a silk dress hiked up her lush thighs and was toying with herself with a look of deep satisfaction and lust on her beautiful face.

It'd been years since Jesse had touched a woman. He didn't trust himself with anyone he could hurt, seeking out lovers who were stronger, who wanted to dominate him. Men he could safely fight against, who could absorb any violence he might offer without any risk to themselves.

But he'd loved women once, and hadn't forgotten what it felt like to slide into a hot, wet, welcoming cunt, nor their taste against his tongue.

Adam and the stranger, oh so familiar, watched him silently as he walked towards the woman, her eyes locked to his, a small smile on her lips.

"You must be Jesse."

He felt a small jump in his stomach that she knew his name.

Of course she does, it's your dream. And in this dream, he was wearing jeans, was naked from the waist up. Bare chested, his hair falling over his face, Jesse gazed down on her, taking in her slim waist, the curve of her breasts.

The woman held out her arms to him and Jesse stepped between her open legs and lowered himself slowly to the floor.

She placed her hands either side of his face. "Have you come to worship me too?"

He nodded, and she brushed his hair back, revealing him to her look.

"Then show me."

Jesse smoothed her dress up. She wasn't wearing any underwear, and the sweet musk of her arousal was strong. It'd been so long, but he would never forget that taste.

He pushed the dress further up her smooth thighs, and ran his tongue between her legs. She gave a soft exhalation and threw her head back. He teased at her, tentatively at first, then with growing confidence as her body reacted to his touch.

He slid his hands across her thighs, teasing inwards, and she moved her legs further apart, opening herself up to him.

A hand landed on his shoulder from behind. A light touch.

"That's good." Adam. "And here's me thinking you were gay."

Jesse kept his mouth on Gabriela, his tongue sliding over her outer lips and then inside her, the taste of her a sweet tang in his mouth.

Jesse felt a shadow fall across him and knew Adam was standing beside him now.

Adam rested his hands on Jesse's shoulders, urging him to move out of the way.

"Don't be greedy."

Jesse moved from between Gabriela's legs, and Adam took his place. The boy touched Jesse's hair.

Jesse looked up at him and found his eyes full of hunger. He could smell the musk of the stranger's excitement (but oh, so familiar) and knew there'd been ass play, could smell saliva on his cock, hard now in front of his face.

The boy smiled as Jesse opened up and obediently took the younger man's cock into his mouth.

I was his age when I fucked Nate. And Nate had been the age he was now.

Despite it being a dream, the flesh felt solid in his mouth, sheathed in the smoothest skin. Jesse lost himself in pleasuring the other man, while a hand rested gently against his hair.

Behind him, Jesse heard Gabriela gasp, and he pulled his mouth off the cock to look.

Adam had moved Gabriela to the bed.

The stranger's hands tried to guide Jesse back onto his cock, but Jesse was intrigued by the sight of the other two. He got to his feet and watched as Adam lay on the bed, pulling Gabriela down on top of him. As he watched, she sheathed Adam's cock inside her and he began to fuck into her.

Despite his own arousal tightening his jeans, Jesse was caught, fascinated, as he watched Adam gently and firmly take the woman. He saw the arch of her back and drank in her whimpers as Adam moved inside her, saw the deep glow of satisfaction in her eyes as Adam drove himself in deep and slow, slow and deep, never rushed. Jesse's mind flashed back to the way Adam had opened himself up to Jesse, so slow and luxurious, decadent even, being filled and made one with his lover.

Jesse wasn't used to there being so little urgency, he was more used to the kind of fuck that just filled a void, that satisfied hunger and very little else. Just a fuck.

Jesse felt strong arms slide around him, a hard cock pressed up against the crack of his ass.

"Do you want me to put it in—"

"Your mouth?"

Jesse blinked awake and threw a hand across his eyes. "What?"

"I said, do you want me to put it in your mouth, or are you done?"

Jesse realised Adam was offering him what was left of the joint.

He shook his head. "I think I fell asleep."

Adam nodded down at the erection tenting Jesse's borrowed dressing gown. "Yes, I was watching. A good dream, I'm guessing?"

The last of the joint petered out and Adam stubbed the roach in a saucer by the couch.

"Come here."

He pulled Jesse upright, and Jesse sat back on his heels on the couch. Adam put a hand behind his head and kissed him, the taste of weed and smoke on his tongue, a slow, languid kiss. He pulled back and scratched the back of Jesse's head before he dropped his hand.

"It'll be morning soon."

Jesse dropped his gaze. It was nearly over. This night of strangeness that felt like an out of body experience, or being caught in someone else's dream.

"So." Adam stroked his hand down the downy edge of Jesse's robe. His own robe. "Do you have your story yet?"

Jesse put his hand over Adam's. "I think we're creating it."

Adam laughed. "You're going to send Vice two thousand words on the night you spent fucking me?"

Jesse blinked, a slow, stoned blink. "I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not Vice."

"Anything you need before the sun comes up?"

Jesse thought for a long moment. "One song. Give me one song to take with me when I go."

* * *

"Go through to the bedroom then. And get out of my damn dressing gown!"

Adam got to his feet and pulled Jesse up, sliding one hand around his waist, pushing him towards the bedroom door. "I'll be there in a sec."

He watched the young man walk slowly from the lounge, and admired the slim tautness of his body as Jesse slid the gown from his shoulder, dragging it along the carpet.

Jesse felt the pull on the back of his neck, and knew Adam's eyes were following him. He walked a little taller, his pride returning. Prey, but wanting it, that prickle of being noticed and not having to hide, not anymore. Something else too, that he wasn't fully used to. Jesse was used to his life being sucked from him in payment for something, but this was different. Was Adam's world really this simple, so straightforward? Taking what he wanted, but not wanting anything in return?

Jesse knew it wasn't, but had given up on the complexities of this man. Right now, there was a moment before dawn, and maybe that's all it was with Adam. The moment he was in, the person he was in it with, just the moment. Was that all that mattered?

Jesse looked down at his cock, hard up against his belly, still tight from his stoned arousal. The promises from his dream, her wet cunt, wet mouth, his cock, the other boy who was both himself and wasn't, circled around in his head. And the man in the other room. What the fuck would he do next?

Some unknown music started softly on the stereo. Jesse knew now that this was part of Adam's game too, that he would steer the next forty minutes with a soundtrack of his own, letting his emotions run, someone singing a song for them, just for that moment. Because next time would be different.

Adam returned to the bedroom and lay on his side behind Jesse, pulling the younger man back against his body, Jesse's back against his chest. He linked the fingers on his right hand through Jesse's and stretched their arms out against the sheet. With his other hand he reached around Jesse's waist and took his erection, and slowly started stroking.

Jesse let his weight fall back against Adam's chest, and his body relaxed and his cock thickened, and he was surrounded by the scent of the man. Adam's hand on his cock remained slow, but the strokes lengthened, Adam's palm cupping down over his balls, high and tight, and then moving exquisitely slowly up his shaft and over the head of his prick, oh so fucking sensitive and oh so slow.

Adam felt his own prick thicken and heat, but he was content to let Jesse push back against him, his rod hot against Jesse's spine. His interest was on the long, slow movement of his hand on Jesse's shaft, up and down, tantalising sensation into his body, no rush, so slow.

Adam released Jesse's fingers, and he brought his hand to the boy's smooth chest, and pulled and twisted on his nipples, alternating between them, pulling them up to tight peaks. He adjusted the speed of his stroke to Jesse's faster breathing, urging him a little faster, a little tighter, but still a delicate torture.

Jesse wanted it faster, to come sooner, but Adam denied him. Adam was content with his slow dreaming pace, and his stroke, his stroke, his stroke began to urge up sweet sensations from the base of Jesse's spine. Pre-cum eased from Jesse's cock, and his breath began to rasp in his throat. Jesse moaned, and Adam began a slightly faster stroke, until Jesse was inevitable, ordained. But sweet fuck, Adam delayed and slowed him, slower, slower, ohh, faster now, faster still.

Jesse gripped the sheet with both hands, but his grip was feeble. He didn't know where to put his hands, but Adam's hand was faster now. Sweet goodness, slower. Jesse licked his lips, dry from the stone, and wanted Adam's kiss, but all he had was the smell of the man, the heat of the man, the burn of the man against his spine, the grip of his hand around his shaft, twisting and stroking. Up over his cock head and Jesse shuddered with the slight pain of it, aching and tight. Down around his balls and they were full and cooler against Adam's cupped hand.

Jesse's body began a slow shudder, spasms through his limbs, and Adam took his hair and coiled and pulled, his throat arched back, and his head was held by Adam's hand through his hair and his fingers sliding on his cock and the heat against his ass and the smell of the man and the body behind him and the holding, the holding, the holding on; and for Jesse it was enough and for Jesse it was too much and with a sighing cry of release he came, long spurts of cum jetting high on his chest, heated drops splashing his nipples, his own heat on his flesh, his warmth under Adam's hand, his cum spilling upon him.

And for Adam it was enough, Jesse coming in his arms, his slender body heated, lithe and strong in his arms, the stilling drop of his heartbeat, the settling weight of the boy against him. Adam slowly circled his fingers and his hand over the cream on Jesse's skin, smoothing it into his flesh, and Adam held Jesse's softening prick in the heat of his hand.

Jesse reached for Adam's hand on his chest and held it to his heart.

Adam let go Jesse's cock for a moment, to reach behind and pull covers over them, pulling the covers up to keep the heat of their passion in, to keep them warm. Once settled, he returned his hand to Jesse's groin, cupping the shrinking heat of his cock and the soft eggs of his balls in his palm.

"Get some sleep, you silly fucker. You're safe."

In the lounge the music stopped. Into my arms, oh Lord.

In the bedroom, Adam's heartbeat paused a little longer, then started just like it always did. Jesse waited for the next time, that momentary pause, and willed it to begin again, and it did. And the next beat of time passed, and there was the moment again, that small pause where life stopped and a moment started and Jesse understood.

Adam's life was a long series of moments threaded together by time, and sometimes five seconds was enough.

* * *

In the cafe Ruth watched the beautiful boy quickly snap shut his notebook and gather his belongings into his bag, banging back the chair on her floor to get to his feet. Momentarily annoyed, Ruth glared at the boy, and immediately softened. She'd seen that look before, that look for Adam. Sure enough, when she glanced around, there was Vanessa pretending not to look, her eyes following Adam down the street.

Ruth had seen them dance, and seen the boy interrupt the dance, Adam's fingers on his shoulder. Ruth knew the importance of a momentary claim, she'd touched Adam's shoulder too, claiming him inside her café's walls.

So she was intrigued, and stepped outside to the pavement to watch.

In one blur of time she saw the youth catch up with Adam just as the Don't Walk sign flashed red, and she saw them talk.

In another blur, Adam was nearly across the road, but the hurrying boy was maybe five seconds too slow, and was held up, Don't Walk. She saw the fierce jab of the head and knew he'd sworn.

Ruth watched him return up the pavement towards her, his head dropped and his walk without life. She went back inside behind her counter, and waited.

"Can I get another coffee, please. I have to wait for someone."

Ruth inspected his face and knew.

When the coffee was made, she turned to Vanessa. "Coffee at Adam's usual table. You tell him." You understand. Vanessa took the coffee across to Jesse and her shadow fell across the table. He looked up.

She gently placed her fingers on his shoulder, and anyone else would have seen the gesture of a friendly waitress. "He doesn't come here often, not anymore."

Don't wait.

* * *

Jesse looked up at her, full of a melancholy he didn't himself understand, and saw kindness.

"Hey." She smiled.

Her fingers on his shoulder, no judgment in her eyes.

It'd been so long since Jesse had seen that look. And now, for the first time in a very long time, he didn't drop his head, didn't look away.

"I finish in an hour."

A slow smile spread across Jesse's face. "Me too."

What?? Fucking. Idiot.

But Vanessa just laughed. "Cute."

She walked away, her hips swaying in her tight black skirt, and Jesse knew everything was going to be okay.

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AG31AG317 months ago

I'm only halfway through this story, but I have to write this comment so I can pay attention to my reading and not keep checking out mentally to work on my comment.

I thoroughly enjoyed this story on a lot of levels.

Erotic - It works for me!

Literature/Plot - I keep wondering what will happen next. If I read the intro right, so were the authors. I'm looking forward to the "unexpected" ending.

Language - There's lots of EB trademark subtle, flowing style. Love it.

Character - Beatifully integrates the sex with vivid characters.

The puzzle of two authors - I enjoyed trying to identify which author was at work when. I think I pretty well succeeded, although there were two or three places where I didn't detect the shift exactly where the asterisks were. Am I right that the asterisks signified a shift?

You do GM really well (she says, as if she knows). I hope you'll venture into that territory again.

cmj711cmj711about 1 year ago

Amazing, you are able to write their desires with such grace & fire.

And you gave Jesse long hair too, no ponytail ;)

I loved it. xox

MsNatalie99MsNatalie99about 2 years ago

I loved the story, and was instantly intrigued by Jesse. I must admit, I started in part four, skipping right to the GM catagory. The story is well put together, and it seems as if I'll have to go back to chapter 1, and read on from there. Bravo.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Not death

For the most part, I kept thinking this story was a metaphor for Jesse's death, but by the end i felt it was actually a metaphor for his rebirth. He so deserves happiness in his life and hope he gets it. Great storytelling in how developed the characters are. Thank you.

KantariiKantariialmost 6 years ago

This was a nice, enjoyable story to read. Thanks for sharing 🌹Kant👠👠👠

LoquiSordidaAdMeLoquiSordidaAdMeover 6 years ago

I mean you left the seams exposed, but honestly I couldn't tell which of you wrote which segments. I'm much more familiar with EB's work and this whole story fit his style. Either JC has a very similar style or he did a yeoman's job to replicate it. If you took out the asterisks, I'd never have known it was a collaboration.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I enjoyed this segment immensely. Mostly to see something healing begin to happen for Jesse. He is so afraid of intimacy, and real feelings. I very much enjoyed all that this classy caring older man offered to him. I found it very refreshing after all of the other very painful, and confusing segments I have read involving Jesse's crazy very stormy, painful relationships. This chapter was needed, and gave me hope that he might possibly get his shit together eventually!

ElectricBlueElectricBlueover 6 years agoAuthor
Feedback received by email

I loved part four. So beautiful. So sad. Regretful. Nostalgic. Sweet. So vulnerable. Thank you for writing it. I think I will be returning to it again. And again. and again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Your story captured the anticipation, the excitement, the vulnerability, and the temporary soft regret I've often imagined I would feel if I ever had the opportunity to make love to another man. It was romantic and taboo at the same time. The detail of the dog walker really made me hard. I would love for a stranger to see me as I kiss the lips of another man and rub our cocks together

holliday1960holliday1960over 6 years ago
What happens...

When you put two brilliant artists with decidedly different styles in a closet and don't let them out for two weeks? You guys did such a wonderful job on this! I've never been more proud, or more surprised by the outcome. I love what you two are creating together. The characters are so rich on both counts and you've blended them flawlessly. The writing is so smooth that the transitions are completely unnoticeable... just speechless at this creation. It's incredibly sexy and naturally, it shines with the polish of both EB's and JC's skillful and flawless writing. Congratulations, boyz, it's excellent!

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