The Full Package - Tuesday


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"Ahhhh! No, oh god…oh…oh…oh yes…yes…yes!" Lisa yells were getting louder at each breath. Dave could hear the moist, unmistakable sounds of a penis sliding from the tight sheath of a vagina, then sliding back in again, over and over.

"You can't…you can't come in me!" Lisa blurted. "I'm not on the pill!"

Dave heard Pablo laugh. "I think I am in control, here, no? I make the decisions…" Dave felt a new fear rising inside him. "I think that's what you really want, anyway. And…" here Dave could see Pablo's feet step closer in between Lisa's spread legs, "I think that it is time we quit this playing around…I think your body wants all of it…"

"No! Please don't! Nnngg! It's…it's too much!" Lisa began to sob. "Let me…oh…ah…oh my god…let me take care of…care of you…in my mouth. Ahh shit! Please!" Dave could hear the obscene squelching sounds of Pablo's cock thrusting into his wife's cunt and wondered how far it was pushing inside her.

Suddenly, he saw Pablo back up and turn away from him while Lisa stood up on shaky legs, stepping in front of Pablo.

"I like how you negotiate, licenciada!" Pablo laughed.

Without answering, Lisa squatted down between Pablo's legs, her knees spreading as she sat back on her heels. Dave's cock rose to full thickness in his pants when he noticed that from his angle on the floor he could see directly up her short skirt to her naked pussy. It was completely shaved bare, making it easy to tell that her large outer lips were puffy and red, spread wide to reveal the inner labia, themselves swollen and open from being stretched by Pablo's large penis. The entire area was sopping wet and her juices were literally dripping from her pussy.

"Ahhh, yes. I think I have received a good bargain…" Pablo said, as Dave began to hear wet slurping sounds.

Lisa was rocking back and forth on her heels as she ministered to Pablo's giant cock. He was glad he couldn't see it, he told himself, and he even thought she might be doing this only to avoid the worse violation Pablo had been about to inflict upon her.

His hopes drained away when he saw her hand reach down between her legs to rub her already raw cunt. He wanted to close his eyes, but he forced himself to watch as she masturbated, sliding several fingers inside her wide-open vagina before pulling the moisture up over her clit. She squeezed it between the skin of her lips several times then rubbed it directly back and forth, her fingers moving faster and faster.

Dave could hear her moaning with her mouth full and wondered how she got any of it to fit, from the way she had been complaining earlier.

"¡Eso! ¡Chupa mi verga!" Pablo was grunting loudly now and Dave could see his legs thrusting forward as he fucked Lisa's mouth.

"¡Vengo! ¡Vengo! ¡Aye, sííííí!" Pablo's legs froze, trembling, and Dave heard his wife gulping noisily. He saw her fingers thrust forcefully inside her cunt again before her knees snapped shut and he heard her squeal loudly around the object in her mouth.

Just then, the door to the bathroom opened, and Dave heard a rapid burst of Spanish that he couldn't make out, except for the word "jefe" or "boss".

"¡Agh! ¡Mierda!" Pablo grunted several times and Lisa began gagging. Several drops of a white liquid plopped onto her thighs. ¡Ese cabrón!" Pablo finally spat.

Dave heard a gasp from Lisa as Pablo turned towards the door to the stall. A short stream of what Dave guessed to be Pablo's cum dripped onto her lap before she stood up -- or was pulled up -- and Dave heard a zipper being closed.

"You must go out first…for appearances sake," Pablo said.

"I don't feel so good…" Lisa replied woozily.

"You must! I will find you later, I promise. And I'll get you another 'house special' - that drink you liked so much, yes?"

The door to the stall opened and Lisa walked out. "Mmmm…okay. Will it make me feel better?"

"Oh yes, I promise you that. Now hurry!" Dave heard a slap and Lisa jumped forward, stepping quickly out the door.

After a few minutes of waiting, with Dave struggling to move with no success, Pablo left the stall, washed his hands, and walked out of the bathroom.

Dave closed his eyes, desperately wishing he could turn back the clock and he would never have come on this trip -- or even better, that he could get up and chase down Pablo to hurt him badly, if not kill him. He ignored the sick part of him that just wished he could grab a hold of his cock and stroke it until he came, imagining what his wife had just been doing a few feet away from him.

He opened his eyes and realized he had passed out again -- either from the sickness or from the emotional distress he had just suffered. In any case, he could move - enough to crawl over to the sink at least. He wasn't sure how long he had been there.

He pulled himself up and turned on the water, looking in the mirror through bleary eyes. He was pale in the extreme, his eyes red-rimmed and strangely bulging, and he wondered if this was what the dead looked like after several days underground.

After cleaning himself up as much as possible, he carefully stumbled out of the bathroom to find that the club was empty save several guys cleaning trash off the floor and others carrying out the band's equipment. He wasn't sure what to do now, but thought it might be best to head back to the room. On his way there, he ran into Armand who was holding up a giggling Cody as they walked towards the elevators.

"Dave! My friend! What happened to you?" Armand looked genuinely concerned and he grabbed Dave as if he was about to fall over, which he may have been.

"Sick," Dave managed to grunt out. "Where's Lisa?"

"I don't know. I thought she was with you." He definitely appeared concerned now. "We've been looking for you for awhile."

Armand led them both over to some chairs in the lobby, where Dave sunk down gratefully. Armand deposited Cody next to him and she immediately put her arm around him and began kissing his ear. Armand pulled her away from him before he headed over to the concierge's desk.

By the time he got back, Cody was nuzzling his ear again, moaning as she squeezed his inner thigh dangerously close to his penis. Dave wasn't sure if she was drunk or what, but he had little energy left to push her away. Armand shook his head and moved her to another seat.

One of the hotel's staff suddenly appeared behind Armand. "Sí, gerente?"

A brief and rapid exchange followed in Spanish, which Dave wouldn't have been able to follow even with the normal use of his faculties. "He says that he may have seen your wife heading out to the beach a little while ago," Armand explained. He turned back to glare at the staff member, who appeared to wish he was anywhere but there at that moment. "He says that some of the staff were going 'skinny-dipping'." The dark look on his face boded ill for his employees.

"We've got to find her," Dave tried to put urgency into his weak voice. "She's really drunk… or something."

Armand borrowed the nervous staff member's walky-talky to issue an order to someone, then grabbed Dave and lifted him up. "Can you walk? Can you help me look for her?"

Dave nodded, painfully, and the two headed towards the elevator where they were met by two burly guys in black. One of them had a cup in his hand and handed it to Armand.

"Here, drink this and you'll feel a lot better," he told Dave. At this point, Dave thought he had got whatever it was out of his system for the most part, but he was still weak and aching like crazy. He downed the liquid in one swallow.

Armand gave a command to one of the men who walked over to Cody, picked her up and lifted her onto his shoulder. Dave was treated to a brief flash of purple g-string under her short cocktail dress -- a sight which his body fortunately allowed him to ignore this once -- before the man headed into the elevator.

"He'll take her up to the penthouse to sleep it off," he explained. "We've got to go find your wife!" Before Dave could say anything, he pulled him towards the door to the beach and barked another order over his shoulder to the remaining man. The other staff member had long ago slunk away.

They split up when they reached the beach and Dave wandered for several minutes yelling out his wife's name. When he got close to the water, he looked out and thought he could see several groups of forms standing out darker from the surface. He knew he was in no condition to swim out to them, so he yelled, but was afraid that no one would hear him over the crashing of the waves.

After a few minutes of wasted breath and looking up and down the beach in the hopes of spotting Armand and what he thought of as Armand's body guard, he felt a tingling all over his body and he was afraid he was getting sick again. He looked out over the water towards where he remembered the dark forms to be, but seemed to be having a hard time focusing.

Finally, Dave noticed something or someone coming closer through the surf. He couldn't make out who it was, but as the form neared, it split slightly and he could make out two heads and torsos. They appeared to be right next to each other and they were rising and falling with the swell of the waves.

The tingling had gotten more intense now and despite the cool breeze off the water he felt a flush of warmth from head to toe. Part of his mind flashed on the image of his wife - possibly out there in the waves naked with Armand's employees and it seemed to cause an unwanted stirring between his legs again. After all his body had gone through, he was amazed that it could still react, much less at something that pained him to think about.

He realized he had been staring off into space and when he looked out on the water again, the torsos had gotten closer and appeared to be headed toward a spot some yards down the beach from him. With an effort of will, he began walking in that direction. He seemed to be having a hard time concentrating, but he felt a sense of well-being that brought a smile to his lips.

As he got closer to the forms, he saw that it was two people, one obviously female from the full breasts sloping forward and pressed against the man's chest. They were kissing passionately and as they walked up out of the water, he could tell that the man was carrying the woman, her legs wrapped around his waist.

In the feeble light of the moonlight glinting off of their skin, Dave could tell that they were completely naked.

He suddenly felt faint, though his heart was beating faster and he felt a wash of pleasure emanating from his growing erection. He tried to yell out, but he couldn't seem to think of what he was going to say. He thought he needed to move forward, but he couldn't remember why.

When Dave looked up again from where he had been gazing blankly, the man had laid the woman down on the sand just above the water line and had spread her bare legs wide. He was shuffling forward on his knees and, from what Dave could see in the dim light, he was positioning what appeared to be a humongous cock into the shadowy area where the woman's thighs met. She was reaching up to hold onto his muscular arms but did not appear to be struggling.

Dave had a sinking feeling that the woman in front of him was his wife and from the thin but muscular body and the size of the man's cock, he somehow knew with certainty that the man was Pablo.

Not again.

A wave of anger threatened to overcome the strange feelings of pleasure and happiness pulsing through his body and he tried to yell out, but either he was too weak to make his voice carry or the wind whipped it away before the two could hear it. He couldn't believe that he was about to be subjected to this violation of his wife for the second time in one night, without any power to stop it.

He realized that his legs had automatically moved him closer to the coupling bodies so that he was now only several yards away. The moon seemed to spotlight their glistening flesh and the whole scene had a dreamlike quality to it as his mind faded in and out. His eyes, however, were riveted to Pablo's huge cock which he held in one hand and was sliding up and down the furrow of Lisa's pussy lips - presumably trying to lubricate it and ease its entrance.

With a hazy acknowledgement, Dave noticed that his pants were undone, which he didn't remember doing, and his left hand was rhythmically stroking his own cock, which was almost painfully hard. He didn't feel angry anymore and his whole being seemed to be concentrated on the vision of the large mushroom head rubbing between his wife's engorged labia and in the pleasure emanating from between his own legs. He was happy that he was able to participate in some way this time, even if it was only to masturbate.

A part of him knew that he was going crazy.

Finally, the tip of Pablo's penis seemed to lodge in her opening and he spread his knees, apparently bracing himself for the final push. Her legs came up to wrap around his back, her feet obviously pulling him in willingly as she thrust her pelvis up towards him.

Dave knew they were about to finish what they had started back in the bathroom stall, and he felt that somehow it would make a difference -- that it would never be the same after this. His mind tried to wrap around that new reality -- to grasp the deeper meaning for his personal universe -- just as he felt his brain being sucked out into space.

In his last bit of cognizance, Dave heard the sound of running footsteps just behind him and he felt a rush of air as a body sped past. In the instant before a foot connected with Pablo's chin, Dave saw the thick shaft of his cock plunge down to bury itself in his wife and heard her scream out in pleasure or pain -- or both, he imagined.

As his mind faded out completely, he heard Armand yelling at Pablo, but his spotty Spanish and distracted mental state could only pick out one line - something about being a traitor.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Dave is a pathetic wimp.

The characters in this "story" are retarded, especially Dave the wimp.

MicroronMicroronover 15 years ago
I am Well Intrigued...

Of course I want to read more !!~~!!

stevieraygovanstevieraygovanover 15 years ago
Love this. Hate this. That's good story telling.

I'm completely fed up with Lisa. No matter how shittily she behaves the stupid husband always manages to allow himself to be treated as if he was at fault. He needs to get rid of her, immediately.<p>

I also hate that this is becoming a non consent story, what with all the drugged up sex, passing out and the predatory behavior of the locals.<p>

I also absolutely hate every scene where the husband behaves like a mindless, nutless idiot.<p>

Despite these things I still love the story. Any story that can keep me wanting more despite hating much of what is happening is one rivetingly well told story. I'm just looking forward now to the cunt of a wife heading on home, leaving the idiot husband to chaperone Cody, who remains the only sympathetic character in this story. Looking forward to seeing how she behaves once big sis is out of the way.<p>

Just don't turn this thing into a total non consent story. Don't ruin it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I nhad to stop reading because you write the

biggest peice of pig shit I have ever read. So dave is a wimp and a cuckold and Cody is a slut. The people at the hotel are predators that would never come close to being in real life...Lisa is a slut and a whore...Why did you say that they came to the hotel to reconnect with each other. Retarded people like the ones you portray should not be allowed out in public with out a suck as a

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Best ever on Literotica?

This is an extraordinarily well-written story: good characters, realistic dialogue, and very hot, well-paced sex. Many thanks!

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