The Futanari Diaries Ch. 02

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Benji learns that his best friend has feelings for him.
9.6k words

Part 2 of the 14 part series

Updated 08/03/2023
Created 01/08/2022
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A/N -- Thanks for the comments received for the last chapter. For those who might have read anything else I've submitted, the first chapter wasn't as smutty as anything else upcoming. Yes, there is a plot to all of this, and yes, there is some romance and emotions will be involved, but being very honest, this is the smuttiest piece of work I've submitted to this website. There is a lot of sex in most chapters going forward, but there's still a plot taking it forward.

I've actually got an idea of how this will develop, sticking with the alternative reality theme, and little bits of the world I'll drop into conversation from time to time. The idea amuses me but it's about making it work.

I've had a lot of fun writing this, letting my imagination run wild, so I can only hope you enjoy the rest too. Comments and feedback appreciated as always.


Staggering out into the kitchen for breakfast had Mum and Caroline laughing at me. "Are you sore?" Mum asked.

"A little bit but Jade did spend at least half of yesterday buried in my bum."

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Caroline asked, taking a seat across from me. Jade always sat next to me for breakfast and dinner. We had been close since the day I was born.

"I've always loved Jade. She's been a fantasy of mine for years. I just didn't realise..."

Mum sat to my left at the head of the table. "Do you understand why?" Smiling and nodding, she asked, "What will you tell your friends?"

"Well, being fucked by my sister isn't illegal and I'm sure plenty will be jealous of me. Then there's my mother, and I just know even my friends, who are not interested in futanari, will be incredibly jealous. But I also won't gloat and I'll talk to Jade first."

Jade joined us as I chewed on some toast, kissing my cheek, before she poured herself some cereal. "How are you, Jade?" Mum asked.

"Wonderful, Mum," she said happily, "I finally got to be intimate with the man I love. My girlcock is a little sore today though. Worth it though." She paused before asking, "Mum, can he move into or at least sleep in my room every night until he goes to university?"

"I don't see a problem with that. Ben?"

I replied by giving my big sister a cuddle. I didn't need to say a word otherwise. "Speaking of university, have you decided where you're going?" Caroline wondered.

"I'm not sure yet. I've applied to any that have the courses I'm interested in. Why?"

She smiled before replying. "Would you like to go to a university where you can enjoy yourself?" The question was followed by a knowing glance. "We obviously don't have fraternities or sororities like they do in the States, but futanari will generally live together and someone like you will be very popular if you chose to live with a group of them."

"Caroline, you're effectively setting him up to be gangbanged constantly," Jade said, laughing away, "I would have thought he should just get a girlfriend or two?"

"It's up to him in the end, but look at him, Jade. Futagirls are going to fall over themselves now that he's eighteen. He'll learn what I mean when he gets to school. He's eighteen and has now had sex. They're all going to know and..."

"Is there anyone special at school you've perhaps had feelings for?" Mum wondered.

"One or two, I suppose," I replied with a shrug.

"Do I know them?" I gave her a knowing look. My best friend, who was a futagirl, hadn't been able to attend my birthday. "Are they futanari?"

"Yeah..." I blushed as Mum squeezed my hand. I'd been attracted to girls, or one or two at most, and futanari, but if I was going to be honest, I'd always preferred the latter. When Jade confessed she was one, I could probably never explain to her how happy that made me.

"Then you'll see what Caroline means. Are you driving your brother to school, Jade?" She nodded, Mum smiling at me. "Make sure you say goodbye to your sister properly when you get there."

"Okay, Mum."

"Good boy."

After brushing my teeth and grabbing my bag, Jade led me outside to her car, Mum and Caroline wouldn't leave until a little later. I rested my hand on her thigh the entire drive as she wore a short skirt, not surprised she lifted my hand as she spread her legs, feeling her thick girlcock covered by her panties.

Arriving by the school gates, I got out as my sister followed me. She looked fantastic in her short skirt and blouse, stockings and low-heeled pumps. There was quite the crowd around, unsure if anyone would recognise my sister. When she stopped me with a hand on the shoulder, she turned me to face her and, before I knew it, was kissing me deeply, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist. I practically melted into her, feeling her groin press into me, one hand moving down to give my butt a gentle squeeze.

"See you this afternoon, Benji," she whispered, "I love you."

Feeling my cheeks blushing, I managed to stammer 'Love you too' before she slid back into the car and took off. Walking through the school gates, I felt the stares of everyone who had seen my sister kiss me, and some of the stares were... It left me thinking that maybe Mum, Caroline and Jade had been right.

I definitely twigged something was different when moving between classrooms during the morning. Most women ignored me as usual, but every futanari I passed would smile at me. As usual, some waved or wished me hello. A few I knew even gave me a hug, wishing me happy birthday. That was a little different. At my locker to grab my book for the last lesson before lunch, I was stopped by my best friend, Vanessa. I knew she was futanari, and I'd also nursed a little crush on her for a long time by now. She was a reminder of my sister in many ways, probably the reason why I did have a crush.

"Quite the kiss at the gate this morning," she said, resting her hand on my chest. Like all futanari, she was taller than me and beautiful, long wavy brunette with ocean blue eyes anyone could get lost in, "That was your sister, right?" Nodding and blushing, she giggled before stepping closer. "Did you make love during the weekend?"

"You know," I whispered.

"Benji..." I smiled. I didn't mind the term of endearment from those I cared about. "Of course we know. Nearly every futagirl in this school knows. It's all in the pheromones. You're now eighteen and definitely no longer a virgin. As for being your sister, there's nothing wrong with that. Plenty of brothers have lost their virginity to a futanari sister." Stepping even closer, I had to look up slightly as she was at least 5'10 for now. "You like me, don't you?"

"I have for a long time, Ness," I confessed. I was one of only a couple who called her that. We'd been best friends for years.

"I knew it, I just wanted to hear it. Come see me at lunchtime. I promise you it'll be worth it." Caressing my cheek, she leaned down and left a soft kiss on my lips. "I like you just as much in return, Benji. I just had to wait until the right time to tell you. I'm not the only one either."

"Really?" I asked in disbelief.

"As I said, we know, Benji. Your last couple of months here are going to be a lot of fun." She kissed me again, a deeper kiss as her tongue explored my mouth, pressed back against the lockers as I whimpered into her mouth. "Definitely going to be worth it, handsome," she whispered, "You're still unbelievably cute, but there's something about you now that is intoxicating." Sighing, she kissed my cheek. "We'd better get to class."

I could barely concentrate, particularly as two futagirls in the same class kept looking at me, and their eyes matched what I'd seen when Vanessa looked at me. Same as when Jade had made love to me. Same as her three friends. It was actually a nice feeling. After eighteen years of feeling ignored, it was somewhat thrilling to be the clear object of desire.

Vanessa was waiting for me by the playing field, taking my hand and leading me to where a blanket had been laid out, five other futagirls I knew already sat down. As soon as I sat down, I was inundated with questions about who kissed me that morning and bluntly asking how much I'd been fucked over the weekend. I didn't want to share too much but confessed Jade and I made love on Saturday before spending all Sunday fooling around.

"Vanessa wants to fuck you," Georgie told me.

"Georgie!" Vanessa hissed.

"Oh come on," Chloe retorted, "Everyone knows how much you like him, Vanessa. The only person who didn't seem to know what the man himself."

"Is that true?" I asked softly.

Vanessa replied by pulling me closer and kissed me hard. The other word I'd use was passionate. Again, I melted against her, not standing on ceremony as I slid a hand underneath her skirt, earning a moan as I felt her rapidly expanding girlcock underneath her panties. "Fuck," she moaned, breaking the kiss, "I've got lube, Benji. Do you want to?"

"More than anything, Ness. Are you sure? And where?"

She stood up and offered her hand, helping me up as we walked towards the bathrooms. She changed her mind and turned towards the changing rooms. They should be empty at lunchtime. Entering one of the shower stalls, she locked the door and pounced on me, our lips crashing against each other as I was backed against the wall. "I'd love to do so much with you, Benji, but we don't have much time."

"We can just make love, Ness."

Her face broke out into a warm smile, her fingers running down my cheek to my chest. "Let's get naked."

Having not been naked in front of anyone except my family before, I felt surprisingly confident as I quickly disrobed, standing before her with my cock pointing out. She had a smaller pair of tits than anyone in my family, but she was fit and toned otherwise, with a similar size to my sister between her legs. "You're fucking gorgeous," I said.

"And you're even more handsome naked, Benji." Gently grasping my cock, she smirked. "Is that because of me?"


"Get on the floor, handsome. On your hands and knees. It'll have to be quick, but if you'd like to come visit one afternoon, we can..."

"This afternoon?"

That brought everything to a halt as she helped me up and kissed me. "I want our first time to be better than this," she murmured, "Can you handle waiting until then?"

"Do you need to cum?" She nodded. "I can blow you. I'm not very good yet but..."

"Benji, you'll be blowing me. That alone will make me cum so fast."

There was nowhere to sit so I just sank back to my knees and started to please her. Running my hands up and down her legs, I eventually grabbed the base of her girlcock, running my tongue up and down her shaft, eventually circling the thick head, tasting her sweet pre-cum before I finally took part of her length in my mouth. She moaned softly, her fingers caressing the back of my head. "I'll try not to be too rough," she moaned, "Can you deepthroat yet?" Shaking my head, she smiled down at me. "I bet Jade will teach you. I knew she'd be your first. Everyone knew how much she loved you."

"Did... you want to..." I asked before swallowing her girlcock again.

"We all knew she'd be your first, Benji. The fight would be who was next. I warned everyone, and I mean everyone, off you." She paused before adding softly, "Benji, I was eighteen last month. You're going to be my first."

"What?" I exclaimed in surprise. I would have thought... "But surely... Ness, it's you..."

"I just masturbate constantly."

"But... why?" She gave me a look as if I was an idiot. "What about others?"

"Do you think we get jealous? Will you be jealous?"

I sucked her girlcock a little longer as I thought. "No, I know futanari have ridiculous sex drives. Then again, some of us men feel just the same."

"Make me cum. Will you swallow?" Nodding eagerly, she caressed the back of my head again. I couldn't quite take her entire length, that would require more skill, but using my hand around the base of her shaft, I focused on her more sensitive areas, her hips starting to move and I could sense she was getting close.

She was polite enough to warn me before I felt that first spurt fill up my mouth, her cum as tasty and as sweet as my sister. I managed to swallow down each massive spurt though some did leak out, dribbling down my chin, before she finally stopped spurting. I waited until she'd taken a few deep breaths before I cleaned her cock up and down before sitting back on my knees, smiling up at her. She was down on hers quickly, kissing me all over my face and hugging me tightly.

"You're coming home with me this afternoon," she ordered.

"I'll call Jade and let her know. I guess she was right after all."

Getting dressed, she suggested I clean my face. I said I was going to wear whatever cum was on my face like a badge. Holding her hand, I earned a few glances. Some pointed and laughed. Others nodded their approval. Any futanari practically stripped me with their eyes. Joining our friends back on the blanket, they all giggled and smiled as Vanessa ensured I sat back against her, feeling her still hardness pressing against me.

"How was it?" Chloe asked, "I'm assuming it was a blowjob rather than sex."

"I've never cum so hard," Vanessa replied, "He's coming to mine this afternoon. About time I lost my virginity. I just had to wait a month to have the man I wanted."

Sighing, I shook my head. "I felt so alone sometimes," I admitted quietly, "I didn't know any of you liked me this way."

Vanessa hugged me tightly from behind. "We just had to wait, Benji. I'm sorry, but do you also understand?"

"I do. Um, does anyone else..."

"Vanessa first, then we'll see," Georgie said, the other four futagirls nodding their heads eagerly. I felt myself blush as their eyes told me everything they felt and also wanted from me.

I found concentrating for the last two lesson rather difficult before we were let out for the day. Jade had replied to my text, telling me to have fun and to call when I was finished so she could pick me up. I was still only learning to drive, Jade or Mum perfectly happy to taxi me about. Vanessa did have her provisional so could at least drive us home.

I'd been to her house plenty of times over the years. Her father worked. Her mother was a stay at home mother, as Vanessa did have a brother and two sisters, all of them younger than herself. Her mother was delighted to see me, and I'd always had a feeling her mother was futanari. Her two sisters were also futanari, as far as I knew.

"Lovely to see you again, Benjamin," she said. She always called me by my full name. I didn't mind as she was always nice to me, "Happy birthday. The big one-eight."

"I'm going to give him his present upstairs, Mum," Vanessa stated.

She gave her daughter a knowing grin. "Just keep the noise down when you're fucking him and ensure your door is locked." I'd never heard her mother curse before, and blushed as she figured out why I was there rather quickly. Vanessa took my hand and kissed my cheek. "I'll keep your siblings down here when they get home. How are you getting home, young man?"

"Jade will pick me up later."

"Okay. Well, off you go and enjoy yourselves. Do you need any lube, Vanessa?"

I chuckled as Vanessa groaned. "I've got plenty, Mum."

Vanessa practically dragged me upstairs to her bedroom, somewhere I'd been plenty of times before, but as soon as she shut and locked the door, I felt like prey to a predator. Dumping our bags, she grabbed the front of my shirt and dragged me closer to kiss me, her mouth hot and wet, her tongue exploring my mouth in seconds.

She practically ripped off my shirt while I helped take off her blouse, freeing her bra covered tits, then unzipped her short skirt to reveal a pair of panties, the head of her girlcock already poking out the top. "I'm going to leave on my socks and shoes. Do you like that idea?"

"God yes."

"But you're getting naked, Benji."

"Whatever you want, Ness."

As soon as I was naked, she had me down on my knees again, carefully sliding her girlcock into my waiting and willing mouth, telling me she just wanted me to suck it a little, she'd much rather slide it somewhere else soon. Still, she looked down at me as I managed to swallow as much of her as possible, recognising the look. The same I saw in Jade's whenever we were making love.

I guess my big sister knew what she was talking about. I didn't particularly understand but I wasn't going to complain. Despite the love of my family, and having some good friends, I'd still felt alone for a long time. I was beginning to comprehend why.

"Okay, handsome," Vanessa whispered, "We need to get your cute butt up onto the bed. I've not done this before but Mum has been training me." Before I could ask, she smiled. "Yes, Mum is like me."

"Always wondered," I said as I stood up. Getting on her bed, she had me lean forward on my knees, feeling her waste no time in burying her tongue between my cheeks. When I released one hell of a moan, she giggled.

"Found you like having your arse eaten, Benji?"

"God yes."

"And having a thick girlcock slide inside you?"

"It's wonderful. And when you cum, we both feel euphoric."

She spent longer than I thought eating my arse. I guess she liked it, before I felt the application of lube and her fingers started to spread me nice and wide, though she continued to use her tongue from time to time. I moaned. I whimpered. I was eventually begging for her girlcock so she could just fuck me. She playfully slapped my butt and told me to be patient.

What did surprise me was, just like my sister, she had me lie on my back as she insisted we were making love. I wasn't just a fuck to her. It made me smile as I realised how much she seemed to actually like me. Pressing herself against me, I moaned softly as her thick head slowly spread me and popped inside, her face lighting up as she felt the tight confines of my arse around her girlcock.

"It's wonderful," she whispered, leaning forward to kiss me as I felt more of her sliding inside me, "Oh Benji..."

Her eyes never left mine as she started to gently thrust, and once her entire length had slid inside me, feeling her body press into mine, she started to blink rapidly, reaching up to caress her cheek. "I feel the same way about you, Ness," I whispered, "I have for a long time."

"Still going to share you though. Someone like you deserves everything, Benji."

I'm not sure why I'd been told that by more than one person but I wasn't going to complain. I loved my family, and my depth of feeling for Vanessa... She'd been one of my best friends since the earliest days at school. We'd always been close. Now that I thought about it, more of my friends were futanari than male. I could count female friends on one hand as they just ignored my presence.

Wrapping my legs around her waist, she started to pump me a little harder. After being fucked by my sister all weekend, I won't say I was used to being pounded, but digging my fingers into her back, I urged Vanessa on to give it to me. Her face lit up and I felt her thrusting into me faster, burying her length nice and deep each time, her kisses getting more passionate each time.

I urged her on with every passing minute, desperate to feel her cum in me. It had been a warm day, both of us starting to glisten with sweat. Moving my legs, she rested them over her shoulders, feeling even deeper inside me. "Oh my god, fuck me!" I cried.

"Going to cum so hard in you, Benji!" she exclaimed.

"Fill me, Ness. Again and again!"

"Oh fuck yes..." She drove her harness into me again and again before I felt that throb before she unloaded. She practically squealed with delight, still pumping into me with each spurt, until she was clearly finished. Leaving herself buried in me, her face lit up with a smile as she moved my legs so she could lean down to kiss me. "I... Benji... I..."