The Gentleman and The Tramps


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Then the unthinkable happened. She was sick in bed, although that turned out to be very lucky, and the couple downstairs running the shop were killed in a raid. Not only was she devastated, but out on the street. There were no jobs, even the most menial, and eventually in desperation she'd started pole dancing in a club. The money was good, and she was able to rent a tiny room and survive. But once again, she was kicked out on her ear when she upset a high rolling customer by refusing to let him touch her.

"So, how do we find Estelle?" I asked.

"The only place I know is where I met her. I don't know if she's still there, but we can sure try."

That night we both went with Angela safely wrapped up in the back. Estelle was nowhere to be found. Kate was despondent, fearing that she's succumbed to the riff raff on the streets. Then she saw an old tramp who'd given her some good advice which at least enabled her to get some food and a hot drink. I stayed in the car. After a bit of discussion, his face had lit up.

"I know the girl. She's sweet. She'd always share what she had with me, and others. She said she was going to one of the suburban districts to try to find a friend with a baby."

Kate came dancing back to the car. "We've got a lead." She was excited as she told me what the tramp had said.

"Here, take this." I handed her a large note. "Take your friend to the cafe over there, get him set up with a meal and a hot drink and give him it."

I watched them walk across to the cafe. There was some sort of an argument going on, but Kate obviously won. When she came back to the car, there were tears in her eyes.

"He wanted me to keep the money for my baby. I had a job persuading him I was OK."

"Hey, we can come back and take him to the cafe again if you like."

Kate looked shyly up at me. "I would like that. When you're down like I was, it means so much."

She also had a hunch that Estelle would be in the bus shelter that I had found her in, or one very near. We didn't find her the first night, but the second she was there. Kate gave her quite a shock when she barrelled into her arms. And another shock when she told her what she hoped would happen. She was, rightly, a bit wary of me to start with. Her life experience didn't exactly allow for men who didn't want to take advantage, despite her good experience with the convenience store couple.

Where Kate was quite quiet, Estelle was a live wire. Not in a bad way, just full of energy and fun. She was also one tough cookie, and I could see why she'd survived unscathed on the streets. I discovered that she was a bright girl too -- a straight A student up to 18 when her life fell apart even more. I wondered.

The next evening, I stopped wondering and called Ken. He was slightly incredulous at what I had done. He made a suggestion that was so much better than my ideas that I jumped at it and invited him over, both to give Kate an update (not that she had an inkling what he was doing) and to put his suggestion to Estelle.

Kate and Estelle were excited that we were having a visitor, even if he was my best friend and far too old for them. They asked if they could cook, and despatched me to buy up the store for ingredients. I have to say it was way worth it. The meal was fabulous.

I didn't have any doubt that Ken would get on well with the girls -- he was such a sweetie. I was concerned that the girls would find the company of two old codgers a bit lame, but they were in fine form and had a ball.

After we'd cleared up and made coffee, I said Ken and I had stuff to discuss with them. They both sobered immediately. Predictably Estelle voiced their fears.

"That's it then? We need to manage on our own from now on?"

My face burned. "No. No. Nothing like that. I wouldn't do that."

Surprisingly, Kate butted in. "No. You wouldn't. I'm sorry we thought that."

I smiled at her. "Thank you. You're right. I wouldn't. This is much more exciting, if you like the ideas. First let's deal with Estelle. Ken, your idea..." I handed over, after all it was his idea.

Ken explained to Estelle how his firm always took on an intern each year, many of whom were still with the firm. He offered for Estelle to do a long term internship, with the firm paying the school fees so she could qualify. What her qualification would be depended upon both her work and her study grades.

Estelle rushed over to him, bounced onto his lap and hugged and kissed him. "I can't believe you would do that for me. Thank you. Thank you."

Ken looked a little wary. "There are conditions. You've got to stay clean..." Estelle's eyes sparked with anger. "...and work hard both at work and at college. Sorry -- I have to be practical."

Estelle was torn, but could see that it wasn't really an insult. "OK. Sounds fair."

I butted in. "You can fix up the details later. First let's move on to Kate and Angela."

Kate looked apprehensive. "I don't think I can work with Angela so little."

I smiled at her. "No need to work. Just listen to Ken."

Ken looked serious. "I'd like to help you too, Kate. I've been trying to track down your ex-husband, but I need a bit more information from you. If you want a divorce, I can do that with the information at the drop of a hat. But I'd really like a shot at getting back your money, if you would allow me to?"

Kate's mouth dropped open. When she'd recovered a little she started to try to speak, but just stuttered. Eventually, she managed to get a confused sentence out. "You'd do that for me? I don't have any money, and I wouldn't want to spend my Gran's money on that." There were tears threatening.

"No, no money. Just a sense of justice! I can't even guess how much you lost or how much you might want returned."

"I ... I ... think I'd like you to try. After what I've been through trying to keep Angela safe ..." Kate's voice cracked and she swallowed convulsively to regain her composure. She went on in a whisper, "He was such a bastard to do that to a baby." Her cheeks coloured with embarrassment.

Ken chuckled. "Don't worry, I think I know a couple of people who can make him pay."

Kate smiled. "Thank you so much." And she started to relate what she'd lost.

Turned out they'd bought the flat with her parent's money, raised from the house sale and their savings. The remainder was in the savings account he'd cleaned out. When Ken found out the sale value of the flat and added it to the savings amount, it totalled well over half a million. She'd planned on using the savings to trade the flat for a place with a garden for Angela, with some left over to start a college fund for her. That made Ken and me hopping mad. Ken just grinned and slapped me on the back, "That's just confirmed for me that my vision of making him pay is exactly right." When I asked, he just said, "You don't want to know, and actually neither do I".

At breakfast the next day, the girls were ecstatic. They were talking nineteen to the dozen and kept saying they didn't know how to thank Ken or me. Eventually I managed to divert their thoughts to the old tramp, and we agreed to mount an expedition to take him to lunch and visit the shops for work clothes for Estelle and some outfits for Kate and Angela. Neither of the girls were happy about taking my money, but they could both see the sense in what I was saying. Kate earnestly and rather sweetly promised to pay me back when she was able to contact her Gran.

I discovered the old guy's name was Bert, and that it was fun buying things for the girls. It was a constant struggle to stop them buying things because they were cheap. I resorted to a few of my management manipulation techniques to get them to say what they would buy if it wasn't my money, and we ended up with a fair compromise and some good clothes for all three. We also managed to set up a deal with the cafe where Bert would keep the street outside the cafe clean in return for hot food and drink. We were well satisfied with our trip.

Over the next week, Estelle started work with Ken. She had a few hiccups, mostly to do with lack of confidence after all she'd been through, but the combination of Kate and I turned out to be brilliant at bolstering her. Both the girls were excellent cooks and we took it in turns, which broadened our horizons. We learnt new things about each other and about food. I started thinking about exercise because it was obvious that my waist was increasing.

Saturday came, and we breathed a sigh of relief to have a weekend to slow up and take stock. After lunch, the girls were out the back relaxing and playing with Angela before her sleep. I was out the front mowing the grass and tidying up. That's when my life turned upside down.

I'd just shut off the mower and emptied the grass box for the last time when a car drew up. I looked up, as it stopped right outside our house. Funny that I already thought of it as "our" house. Out of the driver's seat stepped a stunning petite brunette. I'm sure my eyes must have widened, but she was too polite to comment -- or perhaps she was just used to it. Then I noticed the resemblance to Kate. But surely she was far too young to be Kate's Gran? More like her Mum's age, so it must be an aunt.

I held out my hand. "You must be related to Kate? Pleased to meet you."

"Hello. Yes, I'm Kate's Gran, Liz."

I must have looked startled, because she smiled as she continued.

"Thank you so much for taking her in. I can't believe what she's been through and I'm devastated to have been out of contact when she needed me so badly. I came as soon as I got her message."

"I didn't know she'd left a message. I ... er ... I'm James." I think I must have been beet red and definitely tongue tied. I felt like I was attempting to ask my first girl for a dance. I couldn't understand what the hell was happening to me. How I managed to make enough sense to offer her the facilities and show her through the house out to the back, I don't know.

Well, there was a touching reunion in the garden, with them all talking a mile a minute while I dispensed drinks and worked out what was happening to me. I needed that space. Finally I realised that I was insanely attracted to her, and immediately felt guilty. Guilty because of my wife. Guilty because she was Kate's Gran. Guilty to be thinking of someone who looked so young in that way. Just guilty. God, I needed to sort my head out.

I looked up to find them all staring at me. I glanced down and around to find out why. Nothing. I held out my hands palm up:


"We were just trying to involve you in a discussion about dinner." Estelle laughed. "You were miles away."

I was just thankful I hadn't given myself away by muttering.

"We were hoping you'd take me to the shops to buy and we three will cook. That way Kate and Liz can talk while we're shopping."

"Great. Why don't we take Angela with us too? And you'll stay, won't you Liz?"

Kate smiled gratefully at me, and Estelle threw herself into my arms and gave me a bear hug. She whispered in my ear:

"I knew you'd say the right thing you lovely man," then in a quiet sing song voice: "...and you like her!"

I could feel myself blushing. I suppose I hung on to spare my blushes, but when Kate raised one eyebrow and Liz grinned, the ruse failed, because I went beet red and let Estelle go. I realised one thing though. Estelle was right, but I hadn't come to terms with it.

The cooking was fun. The eating was fun. And somehow there was music, and Estelle and Kate were dancing. Liz wasn't far behind, and I was enjoying watching them. Well mainly Liz if I was honest, and if I hadn't kept my mouth shut I'm sure I would have been drooling. Her jeans looked as if they were painted on. She was slim, small breasted, tanned, and her auburn hair shimmered in the light. I couldn't have told you what colour her eyes were; perhaps green; maybe blue? And the sinuous movements of the dance showed off her musculature in a way that was having a stiffening effect on me. Looking good for a woman of her age? Hell she looked spectacular for a woman half her age. In short, out of my league.

Suddenly Estelle swept over to me and yanked me out of the chair. We danced as a four, or rather they danced and I wriggled, until the end of the song. As it ended, Estelle moved towards Kate and took her hands. They started dancing together, and I realised she had known that the next song was a slow one. She'd set me up. Was I pleased. Yes. Embarrassed. Certainly. Was I going to pass up this opportunity? Well, if I'd been the teenager I felt, yes. But I was ancient, which gives you a bit more gravitas. So was I going to pass up this opportunity? Hell no!

I took Liz in my arms, she rested her shiny curls on my chest and sighed in contentment. I thought "God, I can't believe I'm doing this."

Liz's head came up, her eyes twinkling at me. "Well I'm enjoying it."

I blushed again. Just like being a teenager. "I can't believe I said that out loud." But her laugh was infectious. This time I was able to speak.

"You are so out of my league, but I wasn't going to pass up a heaven sent opportunity." As I looked down at her, I was struck anew by her appearance. "God, you are so beautiful." And quite naturally, I bent my head and brushed my lips over hers.

To my intense surprise, her fingers tangled in my hair and pressed my head down onto her lips. Her tongue came out to wipe the seam of my lips, and as I gasped, entered my mouth for an electrifying kiss. As first kisses go, it was a knockout. It was brief, but touched me to the bottom of my soul. We were both panting slightly as we parted. Liz rested her head back on my chest and we moved as if mesmerised until the song ended. I was reluctant to let go of the curves that were plastered against me. In deference to her granddaughter and Estelle I took her hand and led her back to the sofa.

"Anyone for a drink?" Corny, but it gave me something else to occupy my mind until I could talk to Liz on her own.

The next day was Sunday, so church was on the agenda for me. Liz came down to breakfast dressed for church, so I kind of expected that she might go. I realised that they were a Christian family when Kate also said she was coming with Angela. Estelle surprisingly had never been, but was up for trying it, so it was quite a party that set off in my car.

After the service, Ken came over to speak to Kate. He told her he was expecting an update in the middle of the week, so I invited him to supper for Wednesday. After that quite a few of the younger people were talking to Estelle and Kate, which was encouraging. They needed friends more their own age. Liz was, as I expected, quite a live wire, and drew an admiring group of men. She rolled her eyes at me at one point. That made me feel special, but I had to talk to her some more.

I got my chance after lunch. Estelle and Kate had been invited by some of the younger group to walk with them, and a chattering group duly passed the house and picked them up with Angela being passed around and admired. I'd given Kate a small rucksack of mine to put Angela's things in.

I was nervous. I made us coffee, realising that it was a displacement activity, and something to do with my hands. Liz patted the seat next to her, and thankfully I sat with the decision taken away from me.

"I ... I ... er ... I still think you're out of my league. I've got nothing to offer you, and I don't understand why you let me kiss you. You could have a much younger man." Nothing like going for it, I thought, slightly upset with how blunt I'd been.

Liz's hand came up to stroke my cheek. I don't think I flinched, but it was so unexpected.

"You silly man." Her grin took the sting out of her words. "With what you did for Kate and Angela I was pre-disposed to like you before I even met you. When I did meet you, I could see from your behaviour" she laughed "that you were somewhat smitten."

I had to grin back. "I felt like a teenager again. Completely tongue tied and awkward."

She leant over and brushed my lips with a kiss. "It was actually quite endearing. And I saw from your face later that you were confused. I guessed it was because your wife died recently, and that was endearing too."

We held hands. "And because you looked so young." I paused for a second.

"Go on. Say what you are thinking. No secrets."

I blushed slightly. She touched my arm, looking both enquiring and encouraging.

"And, well, because you are so ... oh dear ..."

One eyebrow lifted, and I recognised Kate's enquiring expression. Somehow that steadied me.

"Well, because you are so hot." There, I'd said it. "I .."

Liz just threw herself into my arms, narrowly avoiding spilling coffee over us both, and kissed me hard. She settled into my lap with her head on my shoulder, which felt wonderful to me.

"You lovely, lovely man. No wonder I think I'm falling in love."

I was stunned. I might think I was falling for her, but how could she possible fall for me? What could she see in me when she could have anyone she wanted? Well, I wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth, although looking in her mouth could be fun. No, perhaps kissing it would be better. Just looking is too tame!

Our conversation ranged over all kinds of things as we got to know each other. It was punctuated by kisses when she tilted her head or I put my finger under her chin. I found out that she volunteered at her local shelter as well as fundraising for several charities. She'd worked in a marketing department when she wasn't bringing up her children, and her husband had been an athletics coach. They'd met in a gym. She was still a bit of a fitness fanatic, which explained her wonderful physique. He'd been killed in a horrible accident at a tournament when an errant javelin had caught him in the chest. Her two kids, one of which was Kate's mum, had been twelve and fifteen at the time.

I wept for them, and for her. She was touched at my emotion, and we clung to each other. After a while she whispered in my ear:

"I want to go to bed with you."

I was shocked. And outrageously excited. Which I'm certain she could feel. Then she spoke again, so I knew for certain she could feel:

"Is that a gun, or are you just pleased to see me."

We both broke into uproarious laughter. Strange how the right moment can make something ordinary very special.

"I would love you to be in my bed and to be there with you. What about Kate?"

She pulled back and smiled at me. The love in her smile warmed me.

"You can't see what I see in you? And you care so much about everyone around you. Yes, we need to discuss Kate. Or rather I need to talk to her. I think she'll be happy for us, but it's a bit quick at the moment even for her. She's often asked me why I haven't found anyone else. We've been close since her parents died. I always said I'd never met the right man, and I wasn't going to compromise. John and I really loved each other, and second best, even for all the right reasons, wasn't enough."

"I never thought I'd have another relationship. I was getting really excited about using my house to help others. It was very lonely before Kate, but I thought having her and people like her would fill the gap. It did, but not the same way as I feel about you." I kissed her again. We just couldn't get enough of each other.

Ken rang me on Tuesday. Could he bring a friend to supper on Wednesday? There was never any doubt, and he knew he could have just turned up with him, but knowing means better preparation.

Broncs looked like a typical military man. Buzz haircut. Fit as a fiddle. When I asked Ken about him afterwards, it turned out he was ex-SAS. His job now was a PI and Ken had brought him round figuring it would be best if Kate heard it from the horse's mouth, so to speak. He had a nice habit of calling her Miss Kate, as if he couldn't bring himself to drop the military formality and had adapted it to civilian life.