The Gift

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A trainer gives a gift to her virgin student.
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Authors note: Some of this story is true, some of it is purely a product of my imagination. I leave it to the reader to decide which is which. Details have been altered for the sake of anonymity.

The Gift

The Beginning:

Maria was born in Portland Oregon, the only child of Eastern European immigrants. There was a small but close-knit community in the city and clubs, social events and sports teams grew out of this community. One of the clubs focused on Archery and it was to this club that Maria was involved from the moment she was big enough to hold a bow.

She was good. Not Olympics good or anything close to that, but she was good enough to compete at club level in State and Regional competitions. This year, the competition everyone in her club had been excited about was being held in Los Angeles. Prior to this, for any competitions being held outside Portland, one or other of her parents would have been travelling with her. However, two days ago Maria had turned eighteen and so this time she was travelling just with her coach.

Olya, her coach, collected the young woman at her apartment. As always, her parents made a fuss of her as she got ready to leave. Despite the fact that she was an adult now, they still treated her as a child, possibly due to the fact that she was their only offspring.

"Don't worry, I'll be with her the entire time, I'll keep a close eye on her" Olya assured her parents. Her father took Olya's hand, shaking it as he wished them both good luck that weekend at the competition. Mother and father watched as Maria and her coach walked away. Closing the door to the apartment her mother remarked; "I still remember her as a little girl, when the bow was bigger than she was. So hard to believe she's considered an adult now."

Her husband agreed, his eyes still shining with affection, "She may be an adult, but her room is still full of dolls and to me she's still my sweet little girl."

The flight left on time, and they passed through security without a hitch, despite the bows and arrows that made up part of their luggage. Olya and Maria were soon seated in the back of a taxi taking them to their hotel. Maria rested her head on her coach's shoulder, an affectionate habit she'd been doing for years, knowing this woman since she was eight years old.

"Coach, thanks again for agreeing to accompany me. It means so much to me, my first out of state trip without my parents." She grinned then, a wide cheeky smile, adding. "Don't laugh but you're practically a second mom to me anyway."

Olya smiled affectionately and patted Maria her head. "I guess I should be glad you didn't try calling me 'Grandma' or something. Well, you know that to me you have always been like a daughter, but listen... for this weekend, let's cut out the 'Coach' label. You're eighteen, long past time you should be calling me Olya."

"Okay... Olya" Maria said trying it out.

They got checked in and shown up to the hotel room by early evening. The travelling hadn't really tired them out, but Olya still insisted on them both getting an early night as tomorrow would be a long day of competition. In a little while they will go to bed because tomorrow will be a long day.

Maria jumped into the shower, keen to get the travel stink off of her. She heard the door open, thinking nothing of it until the curtain was pulled back sharply. Surprised, she attempted to hide her breasts and crotch with her hands. Standing with the shower curtain still clutched in her hand was her coach. Naked.

"Coach, like... what the hell? What are you doing?"

"What did we agree? Cut out the coach stuff okay?"

"Fine. Whatever" Maria said. "Olya, can you get out of the bathroom? Give me some privacy?"

"Cool your jets. Don't go getting embarrassed. I'm just grabbing my razor" Olya explained, looking on the small shelf of the shower.

"Not embarrassed, I just..." Maria tailed off, clearly embarrassed.

"Don't mind me, just met me find this, I need to run the blade over my pussy, got to keep on top of that you know. Or, maybe you don't?" Maria blushed as Olya made a show of staring at the pubic triangle the eighteen year old was still trying to cover with her hand.

"You know what? You're eighteen now, never too early to start a bit of trimming and tidying... you can borrow my razor when I'm done" Olya declared, finally locating the errant razor blade, tugging the curtain back closed on a bewildered Maria...

Maria looked at her naked self in the mirror and especially at her completely shaved vagina. She still felt strange. Not about shaving her pussy bald, she actually loved how that looked. No, what had been strange, weird even, was letting her coach bend down between her legs and shave her. Maria waited in the bathroom, still feeling a little self-conscious, until finally she heard the creak of a mattress, Olya turning in to sleep. Turning off the light in the bathroom, Maria crept out quietly into the darkened room, slipping into her own bed.

"Night Maria, sweet dreams" Olya murmured in the darkness.

Being gifted:

The competition went really well. In her individual category, Maria placed fourth, her highest showing to date. In the club, group competition, Maria and her teammates came in third place, earning a beaming Maria a medal. Everyone was on a high, the young women buzzing from the results and planning celebrations on their return to Portland. The majority of the others were travelling back first thing in the morning, however Olya had booked an evening flight back, giving her and Maria another twenty-four hours in LA before returning home.

"Let's head back to the hotel first, get rid of the equipment, we can figure out a way to celebrate afterwards" Olya suggested, Maria agreeing.

Maria was packing her bow away, stowing her medal in the same case, when she heard Olya clearing her throat behind her. The young woman turned to find her coach holding a shiny rectangular cardboard box in her hands.

"For you, call it a late birthday gift or an early gift to mark your achievements today" Olya said passing the box to Maria.

Maria opened it up, eyes widening as she saw a set of sexy red lingerie utterly unlike the plain, functional underwear she owned.

"Wha... What's this?"

"I told you, your present" Olya said, obviously seeing nothing wrong with it.

"But I can't wear it!"

"Why? Don't you like it?"

"It's too provocative, too sexy. It's... it's not appropriate."

"So?" Olya looked genuinely puzzled by Maria's reaction.

"My dad will kill me if he finds out I'm wearing... this."

"Oh come on. I'm not suggesting you wear it round the house back home. Your dad is many miles away. Wear it tonight, after all, you're an adult now and you get to make your own decisions."

For the second time in less than twenty-four hours, Maria found herself standing in front of the full-length bathroom mirror admiring herself. This time she felt even stranger, but in a good way. Not that she'd admit to Olya, but she liked how she looked in the lingerie. Olya had passed her in some other items to try on while Maria was in the bathroom dressing. A deep red lipstick and a set of ruby red earrings. Maria had one regret. Before this she'd never minded her own lithe figure, her small firm breasts. However, she found herself jealous of Olya's far larger chest, knowing how much better the lingerie would look if she was a bit bigger up top.

"Well? You going to show me how it looks or what?" Maria could hear Olya calling out through the bathroom door. She gave herself another admiring look in the mirror and a smile of satisfaction before stepping into the hotel room to Olya's enthusiastic cries, the coach clearly pleased with how her gift suited Maria.

Later, Maria found herself lying on her bed in the hotel room, still in her red lingerie. Olya was setting the empty trays from the room service on the table, both stuffed from the dinner. Maria had thought they might go out, but Olya had been passionate about relaxing in the room instead and Maria remaining in her new outfit.

The meal had been one of the oddest that Maria had ever had. Not the food, that had been delicious, but the conversation. She'd always looked up to Olya, so this 'new' Olya, treating Maria as an equal was weird, and the topics she picked to talk about were weirder still. Her coach asked her questions that seemed strange or even bordering on obscene to her. She'd asked Maria if she liked a boy right now, if she'd ever had sex, if she'd ever kissed a boy, how far she'd allowed a boy to go, sexually speaking. Through force of habit, Maria had answered honestly all the questions, mostly in the negative. For some reason, this had pleased her coach.

"Well, Maria. I need to teach you a few things. You said you see me as a mother and as a mother I need to teach you a few things about boys... or better yet, about men."

Had Maria been a little more observant, she might have picked up on Olya's physical behavior being slightly out of place, starting to perspire at the temples. A lot of things might have turned out differently had Maria thought a little harder, observed a little more astutely. But trust came naturally to the young woman, especially her trust in her coach.

Olya had a file on her laptop that she'd prepared especially for Maria, not that she shared that particular with the teenager.

"Do you trust me?" Olya asked her Maria, receiving a look delivered by the younger woman's pure and innocent eyes followed by a simple 'Yes'.

"Are you ready for me to teach you some new... adult stuff?" Maria nodded in the affirmative, a trace of uncertainty marring her response.

"I'm going to show you some things about sex. Have you ever seen porn?" Olya said to her, mopping at the perspiration gathering at her temples.

Maria squinted at the still blank laptop screen before muttering "No, never" in embarrassment.

"Would you like to see?"

"I don't know... I mean, probably, but it just feels weird. You know. I mean, you know my parents and all" Maria answered.

"You can be sure, Maria, that I won't say anything to your parents about what we're going to do today... Hey... girls' trip... remember? What happens in LA..."

"Stays in LA" Maria said finishing off the sentence.

Maria had never seen porn. It just had never really been a thing for her, not something she'd sought to watch in secret. Oh, she'd seen the occasional image via Snapchat or WhatsApp but she'd never actually sat down to 'watch' porn. So, what she now saw came as a shock.

In her mind, she'd associated sex with romance and tenderness. In the videos that her coach had on her laptop, she could only describe the actions on the screen as people engaging in sex like wild beasts. There was no tenderness, only aggression that bordered on violence. Slaps on the butt and face, choked around the neck and savage spanking. Most shocking and revelatory still was the fact that the women on screen seemed to enjoy it. The wilder their partner was, the more they screamed with pleasure.

Two other things struck her as she watched. First, all the men in the videos were black, their partners uniformly white women. Secondly, their penises, their cocks as the women in the videos called them, looked huge. In the textbooks in Sex Ed, the men's penises had looked much smaller, while those in the porn videos looked extremely large. Maria might have been inclined to question the accuracy, call bullshit on the CGI being used to enlarge the penises in the films, if she hadn't begun to feel a bit disoriented. Her vagina was bothering her. It was itching and she needed to scratch it. But she didn't, couldn't, not with Olya hovering beside her. She just panted and squirmed, constantly on edge now as she watched the videos.

A good forty minutes into the slew of pornographic compilations and Olya had noted how Maria hadn't taken her eyes off the screen for a moment.

" Maria, you okay sweetie? Not feeling strange are you?"

"A bit" Maria admitted honestly, breathlessly, continuing to stare at the screen showing a mature black man who looks like a longshoreman fucking the mouth of a young petite white girl while pulling her nipples.

"Feeling a bit warm down south?" Olya asked, and for the first time, Maria tore her eyes off the laptop screen and nodded her head vigorously.

"It's very normal. Let me show you a trick that will help you" Olya took the pillow from beside her and straddled it, rubbing her crotch slowly and vigorously along the pillow length.

"Do the same, it will help you" Olya offered in encouragement.

For the next few minutes Maria imitated her coach, surpassing the older woman in passion and effort. She couldn't explain what was happening to her. It was as if something deep inside her had awakened and was the driving force behind her grinding her crotch almost hatefully against the pillow. The porn videos were making things worse. Olya had increased the volume, combatting the panting now coming from herself and Maria as they rode their pillows. The images on the screen had become even wilder, even stranger. Scenes featuring multiple black men and a lone white woman or lots of white women and one black man. Her fingers dug into the pillow, burning with a need to dig instead into her own flesh, her own pussy. The desire to pull aside the new red panties that Olya had bought her grew ever stronger.

With the timing and accuracy of a Las Vegas magician, Olya seemed to read the thoughts in her young companion's mind.

"Are you ashamed to fondle yourself?" asked Maria's coach.

"It's not right. I'm a good girl" Maria said, wincing at the lameness of her words, infected by the language of the women in the porn clips.

"Don't worry. I have something that will help you" Olya declared, she leant over to her bag and pulled out a pair of fur lined handcuffs.

"How is that supposed to help?" Maria looked at Olya in disbelief.

"You'll see."

Olya took Maria's hands, fixing them above her hear, against the headboard of the bed. Maria could no longer be tempted to use her hands, so while the ability to act had been removed, the desire to hadn't. The pillow remained locked between her legs and now her movements on it became almost frantic, Olya moving the laptop to that Maria could still watch from her new position.

The coach's trick hadn't really worked. With her hands were immobilized above her head, Maria found herself chewing on her bottom lip as she watched a woman on her knees surrounded by ten naked fit black men. So much flesh, so much raw desire.

"Can I ask you a question? Are all penises this big? I mean... I mean is your husband's that big too?" Maria blurted out, not even waiting for Olya to ascent to her question.

"Oh sweetie, My husband would love to have a cock that big" Olya sighed and Maria was shocked to hear her trainer using the word 'cock'.

"My turn to ask a question. Would you like to be in the girl's shoes?" Maria stared at the screen, pondering Olya's question. She was still rubbing herself off against the pillow. The girl in the video was acting so much like a slut; she had shoved two big cocks in her mouth and was sucking them greedily. That was the problem with answering this question honestly, to say 'yes' was to admit to wanting to be a slut effectively.

"Don't be shy. We're talking woman to woman" Olya said noting the hesitation.

"I don't know... It's weird. I mean, would you want to be in her place?"

"God yes! I envy her!" Olya said with real vehemence. Maria didn't expect to hear something like that from her coach. How could a married woman go about imagining herself on her knees between 10 big black penises? Maria was finding the new Olya a lot less straight forward than she could have imagined.

"Life isn't clear cut sweetie, different strokes for different folks. You know, Maria, some women orgasm just from the fact that they are giving oral to so many beautiful cocks. Other women orgasm from anal sex. You've got to learn to not judge people from how they appear in normal life."

"Really? I can't believe it. I get like... the normal sex bit, but what you just said? I don't know..."

"Do you want to see?" Olya offered. Maria was breathless. Everything had happened so suddenly. Her world view, her small world of home, family, archery, her coach, and her relationship with her, it was all being turned on its head in this hotel room, all so quickly. But she was curious, she wanted to see, and the itching in her vagina was getting worse...

The video Olya now started playing on her laptop looked like an amateur movie, in comparison to the ones she'd already played. Maria watched a fit female ass on the screen until suddenly the biggest penis she had ever seen emerged into view. It was big, thick and veiny like a boxer's arm. It rolled over the woman's buttocks like an anaconda snake. The woman grunted as if she had it inside her already, reacting simply to the touch of it. Maria stared at it, hypnotized, a little saliva escaping from her mouth.

"What are you thinking?" asked Olya.

"It looks very... strong" Maria said, trying to act nonchalant.

"Strong, yes that's a good word for it. Can you imagine it in a woman's anus?"

"No... No way. Not something that... strong."

"Spoiler alert, you'll see" Olya's eyes glinting as she spoke.

Maria held her breath as she watched this huge penis enter the unknown woman's anus, moving fast. The strangest thing was that the woman seemed to be enjoying it. She was cursing loudly but with joy. Shouting that she was cumming every thirty seconds it seemed. Her anus was stretched obscenely around the massive black penis. Maria felt her panties getting soaked, she had never had anything like this happen to her before. She was rubbing against the pillow and biting her lip. Her parents would be ashamed of her if they saw her in this state and surely her father would kill Olya for dressing her like this and showing her videos of this nature. Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted when she heard the door to their room unlock and open.

A male figure appeared. Maria looked in shock at her coach, squirming now in embarrassment instead of sexual wantonness. Olya didn't seem at all worried at this interruption, just smiling sweetly at her.

"Who, who is that?" Maria gasped, pulling at her bound arms in a futile effort to free herself.

"Your second present for tonight. Something to match how you look, what you've been watching, what you've been thinking about."

The stranger moved further into the room, standing now in front of them so that Maria could see him clearly. He was a black man, with a neat little beard, a suit and he held a bottle of champagne in one hand. He smiled smugly at her and asked. "What do you think of our video?"

With an effort, Maria looked away from him, back to the screen again and almost choked. On the laptop she could now see her coach's face, hungrily slurping the penis that had just been in her anus. White drops of semen were stuck to her lips. Maria blinked, thinking her eyes were betraying her. But no. Olya, her married modest coach was greedily licking the penis of the man now standing in front of them. She took her eyes off the screen in time to see him unbuttoning his shirt. All the front of it opened she could see his broad muscular black chest.

"Little slut are you ready to lose your virginity?"

Maria shook her head, imploring eyes turning to Olya. "Please let me go, please."

" Maria, don't worry. It's all for the best. You're eighteen now, you should feel like you're all grown up. I'm doing it for you and Leo here... well there is nobody better to help you take this step. He's very kind..."

Maria looked at the man, now unbuttoning his pants, tugging them down to reveal the same huge penis she had seen in the video. He didn't seem 'kind' to her at all...