The Gift She Gives Ch. 02


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"You have got to stop writing to them, Anya. Sergei already told you." Yegor put a hand over his forehead, apparently this was a long-standing frustration for the men. Who was Payton?

"Or maybe if she touches Mr. Hughes he'll stop acting like such an enormous prick." Anya giggled as Yegor growled and put her onto his lap.

"Sorry, Vesper. I can't help it. There's a lot of history between Vorhees and us. I don't want you thinking Mr. Hughes is a bad guy. Without him, I wouldn't be as happy as I am now." Anya explained.

Vesper nodded softly, not quite sure what she was supposed to say. She was soon saved from saying anything as there was a loud knock at the front door of the house and then lots of barking as Anya's children ran or jumped up the staircase from the basement.

Vesper saw furry little black, or black and gray wolf pups stand impatiently with a little brunette toddler, And Oscar from earlier. She figured the two oldest children were at school. Grigory rose as Anya did, her whole face lighting up in expectation as she watched Grigory walk to the door and pull it wide. Vesper heard the barking and the children's squeals got louder as an Asian woman immediately stepped inside, a little boy who looked about five years old at her side. She was grinning at all the children, and she would laugh when the pups would change into their human forms, not quite able to control themselves. The woman kissed Grigory's cheek before leaning down and grabbing Dina and one of the wolf pups and standing with both in her arms.

A tall, incredibly attractive Asian man in a fitted dark gray suit walked in behind her, his hand holding that of a little five-year-old girl. She started saying hello to all of the children around her before looking up and seeing Anya in the doorway at the front entry. Vesper felt her gut tighten with jealousy at the sight of the little girl as she rushed forward and hugged the woman who was obviously her mother.

"Vesper, this is my daughter, Mei. Mei, this is my friend, Vesper." Anya introduced them.

Two more men entered, both handsome, both dressed impeccably, and they brought with them two more children, Another boy and girl, neither very different looking age wise from the first two.

Introductions were made all around, and Shu, the adult female dragon moved forward to shake Vesper's hand, they were about a foot apart when they both felt the air shift around them and start to slowly sizzle. Both women jerked back from each other, wide-eyed as they looked from one another to the others watching them.

"Has that ever happened before?" Anya asked and Vesper looked at her confused.

"What do you mean?" Vesper had only felt the strange, somewhat painful static, she hadn't seen anything differently.

"You didn't see the light, Vesper?" Sergei frowned, he'd been aware when Vesper had cured Sam's sight that the boy had felt somewhat of a sizzling sensation, but there hadn't been anything visible, just a funny feeling touch.

"No, I've never seen a light." Vesper shook her head, they were all staring at her, mostly with curiosity, but there was a little fear mixed in.

"Wei, you shook her hand first, did you feel anything?" Yegor asked, he was waving off Catarina and Ava, who were pestering him to hold them.

"No, nothing." Wei frowned and shook his head.

"Maybe when you change humans, it's easier, less taxing on your abilities. Maybe with nonhumans, it takes more from you." Sergei said thoughtfully.

"What are her abilities?" Zheng stepped forward.

"Vesper is able to heal living things. She cured Sam's blindness." Anya explained, "But we can't figure out her species. She doesn't know what she is. She never met her nonhuman parent and until yesterday thought she was some sort of human mutant."

"But she hasn't affected any of the nonhumans who have touched her, besides Sam." Yegor added.

"And you let us touch her without warning us first?" Wei gave Anya a reproachful look and Sergei stepped closer to his wife.

"Are you trying to tell me there is something wrong with you?" Anya arched a brow at him.

"Anya, that is not-."

"There is something wrong with me, though. Isn't there?" Shu's soft voice stopped their passing words and the other adults looked at the tiny dragon.

"Shu." Zheng frowned, shaking his head.

"There is, it's why I've never had a child, it has to be," Shu looked at her brothers, and then at Vesper, "Can I touch you, Vesper?"

Vesper's eyes widened and she stepped back when the room erupted in a chorus of snarls and growls and the children were quickly led into the family room by Yegor and Yu.

"It's too dangerous." Zheng shook his head.

"We don't know what could happen." Sergei agreed.

"You are so typically dragons, you've never considered your sister's feelings at all."

"Anya, stay out of this."

"Do not speak to my wife that way."

"Oh, I can totally stand up for myself. Shu is basically my sister. She should decide, and Vesper. You guys can shut up."

Throughout the tirade, Vesper's violet eyes were glued to the dark brown gaze of the woman standing a mere 4 feet from her. They listened to what was being said but showed no reaction to it as the others continued on. Eventually, her breathing quickened and with her heart pounding in her chest, Vesper slowly nodded. She let her hand fall open and she raised it into the space between them.

Shu saw it and with the satisfied grin she shot out her own hand and grabbed on tightly to Vesper's, crying out at the electric charge that shot through all areas of her body as their skin pressed together. At first, Vesper thought the sensation would pass after they let go of each other, which happened almost instantly, But even after they were no longer touching, both of them were still feeling the effects of what they had done, And everyone else was gaping at them in complete shock.

Shu began to shake, her eyes filled with tears as her strength left her and she fell backwards, caught before she hit the ground by Sergei who was closest to her. As he helped the woman ease to the ground, Zheng squatting to put a hand on her cheek, the others continued to stare at Vesper.

She would have asked them why, but was having difficulty finding her voice. Her whole body was shaking, burning hot and just shaking uncontrollably. Vesper looked down at herself and saw her white, long hair that she left down her back had somehow become streaked with black. She felt a tight heat coil down, going to rest in her pussy and she gulped for air as she looked at the three brothers of the woman whom she'd touched, an uncontrollable desire to let them use her body sparking to life as she continued to stand there and shake.

"Uh, that's not normal." She heard Anya mutter and Vesper took a step back, coughing suddenly and her mouth opened and a small ball of fire and smoke came out.

As everyone around her jumped back, Vesper pressed her hands over her quickly closed mouth. What was happening to her? She felt tears fill her eyes as she absently shook her head. She opened her mouth to speak again and another ball of flame shot out and Vesper pressed her lips back together and stamped her feet. Looking around her, she saw that Aidan had appeared in the front doorway and even he was looking at her in shock, his eyes just as wide, as mixed with the same fear that she had seen from the rest of them.

"Jesus Christ, what is happening to her?" Anya gasped, clutching Wei, which made Sergei growl a little as he looked up at her from his spot behind Shu, still holding her gently as she sat on the ground.

"Vesper, are you in pain?" Zheng asked gently.

Was she in pain? Vesper thought so, she felt like she was on fire and would burn inside out, but she was also feeling like her skin was all tingly and she felt wetness from her pussy create a path down the inside of her thighs and more than anything, she wanted to lay down on the floor and spread her legs wide and let these men shove their cocks in her. Yes, yes, there was most definitely something wrong with her, but was it pain?

Vesper knew she had to be blushing, she had to be, she'd never felt such a powerful attraction before and she quaked as she stood, her hands clenched in front of her mouth lest she shoot out more fire.

Vesper took another step away from them, towards the door, and as Zheng asked her to wait, she whimpered and turned and bolted past Aidan and ran outside, not stopping until she was in the grass a good distance on the house. She could sense the cold spring air, but she didn't care. Vesper was pretty sure she was about to burst into flames. Looking back at the house, she saw Anya, Wei, Aidan, and Yu standing a few feet outside the front door, all eyes on her.

"Vesper!" Anya called out to her, and Wei put a hand on her abdomen to stop her from going closer to the winged girl.

Vesper groaned, more tears falling, she really was the ugly, deformed thing her mother had always thought she was. She felt her wings spread up behind her, and she tilted her neck up, opening her mouth and letting out a high scream as she fell to her knees. A bright, rolling wave of fire and smoke shot from her throat a good 10-15 feet in the air above her head.

Eventually, the flame shortened, and then went out in a puff of black smoke and Vesper didn't feel the incredible heat of it anymore. Now, she was just very, very, very aroused and had no idea how to relieve it. Her breath was coming in tight pants as the others outside walked over to her, albeit with a little caution in their steps.

"Vesper, do you know what is happening to you? What do you feel?" Wei asked, and Vesper shook her head.

"I don't feel right." She said, her voice hoarse, how could she explain this almost painful, maybe it was a little painful, desire that was making her nipples tighten and pebble and her pussy pulse heavily between her legs.

"Do you smell that?" Anya looked from Vesper to Aidan. Sergei was now out of the house and walking towards them.

"Smell what?" Wei asked as Vesper shifted, another line of pussy juice trailing down her inner thigh.

"Vesper, are you-?" Anya started to say, a knowing gleam in her eyes as she looked down at where the winged girl was still kneeling on the ground in front of them.

"Anya." Sergei shook his head as he grabbed his wife's hand.

"Oh, stop, Sergei. I know you smell her, I'm sure if Wei tried, he'd smell it, too. She's hot, and her whole body is begging for some attention!" Anya took another step towards Vesper.

"She's also a virgin, Anya. We could not in good conscience change that in her present state, this is obviously some sort of after effect of what she did to Shu." Wei frowned as he realized what was going on.

"Is Shu all right?" Vesper asked, desperate to think of something else, to fight the urge to start touching herself.

"She is better-she says that she feels calm, as if the rage was taken from her. Vesper, whatever you did to Shu, she feels whole in some way." Sergei explained.

Vesper nodded, thankful that whatever she had done had had some sort of good. She still couldn't understand, she'd only felt a slight sizzle when she'd touched Sam, he had not had this sort of affect on her afterwards. Wasn't he nonhuman because of Anya? Or was it just that his sight was an easy fix for her? Whatever it was, this had been totally different. But maybe, if Shu was better, maybe it would make how Vesper had been made to feel worth it. Maybe, she squeezed her thighs together and shivered as she heard both Sergei and Aidan growl. Anya chuckled low in her throat at them.

"You'll have to excuse them, Vesper, their wolf instinct makes them react to a woman in heat the way you are." Anya put a hand on her husband's chest.

"I don't know what to do." Vesper's voice came out in a broken whimper, and her eyes widened as all four men made a move towards her, "it's not getting better with time, it's getting worse."

Anya moved calmly to block their paths towards the aroused girl.

"Absofuckinglutely not, Wei and Yu. Get your asses back in the house. There will be no dragon fucking here today. Your procreating instinct will overrule your better judgment and she'll lose her virginity in a way she will hate herself for." Anya had raised her hand and was pointing firmly towards the front door.

Wei looked angry, but Vesper watched as he sent her one final look before grabbing firmly to his brother's arm and forcing the other man back towards the house with him. Vesper moved her gaze back towards the two remaining men, and the woman who had wrapped her arms possessively around her husband's trim waist.

"Maybe it'll pass?" Sergei suggested, though he could tell the girl was quite uncomfortable, her odor was only strengthening as the minutes passed.

Anya snorted, "You know you don't believe that."

"I do not wish to touch her, Anya, you are my only mate." Vesper felt herself blush as the two spoke openly about her. Sergei had made a sort of whimper in his throat and moved Anya closer to him.

"How about Yegor, or Grigory?" Aidan suggested, looking very uncomfortable.

Anya shook her head, "They say no. They said if their alpha isn't willing to break the bond we have, even a little, then they won't either." Anya turned to Aidan to answer, and Vesper wondered how she could know, they had to be able to communicate over distances without speaking.

"That is so not normal," Aidan sighed, "packs fuck human girls all the time, they don't bond with just one."

"If that bothers you, then why are you trying to join our pack?" Sergei sounded slightly irritated.

Vesper whimpered, another line of cum dripped down her leg and something seemed to swell and pulsate painfully between them. The wolves growled again.

"Aidan, it needs to be you, but no penetration, It wouldn't be fair to make her lose her virginity this way." Anya turned to the blond wolf.

"Hell no, you all told me I couldn't fuck anyone before you made your decision." Aidan shook his head.

Vesper groaned more audibly and they all turned to face her, "Please."

Anya was staring at her husband and Vesper was convinced that she was right, that they could communicate without speaking. It went on for a while before Anya finally gave her husband a soft smile as she went on her tip toes to give him a brief kiss. Then, she walked over to Aidan and took his hand, and then both of them walked over to Vesper.

"Come along, Vesper. We're going to help you feel much, much, better."

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sinagainChris12sinagainChris12over 8 years agoAuthor
Re: can'tfightfate

It's the crazy pregnancy hormones....I blame it all on that. She'll figure it out.

cantfightfatecantfightfateover 8 years ago
I don't know why I find Anya so annoying this time around.

I love her, truly... but can she stop being so bossy?

KindAsCakeKindAsCakeover 8 years ago

To all this, yes.

sinagainChris12sinagainChris12over 8 years agoAuthor
Re: Wonderful!

Will do! I haven't left a story hanging yet! There will be four chapters posted a week. (Either Mon-Thurs or Tues-Fri-whichever the lit gods gift us). 😉

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Please do continue, this is so very interesting!

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