The Gift She Gives Ch. 06


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His last few sentences surprised her at their blatancy, but Vesper nodded, feeling a little less worried about the the fact that the satyrs were so visibly erect around her. She shook Ailen's hand when it was clear that he did not cause a reaction within her.

"My name is Dwight. It's nice to meet you." A tanned satyr approached her, a pleasant smile on his face and she smiled back warmly as she shook his hand.

"I'm Colby, you're quite beautiful. I've never seen a nonhuman like you before." A black beast with darker skin approached her, wrapping both hands around one of hers as he tilted his head a little, looking her body up and down several times before he focused on her face.

"Thank you. I-I don't think there are many nonhumans like me." She shrugged, it was a question she had no answer to, and looking at Mr. Hughes only made her see the frown that pulled at the corners of his mouth.

"This is Payton." Cynric waved a hand at the red-furred satyr who approached her more cautiously.

He was the one that Anya had spoken about. The large creature with the dark eyes looked at her curiously as he moved his body slowly to stand before her. On one side of his head, the entire horn was missing, and in its place was, where a horn should be regrowing, was an angry red surface that appeared to be in the throes of a somewhat uncontrolled infection. She knew he was in pain, she could sense it, and as he stood before her, she could tell that if she were to reach out to him, that fuzzy burning sensation would appear.

"Mr. Hughes has told you about me?" She looked at the men before her, who all nodded at her, practically in unison.

"Yes, we are aware that you can heal others."

"I do not think it is all together safe for her to heal nonhumans, she experiences an amount of pain when she does." Mr. Hughes cautioned.

"Payton has an infection, he's had it for a long time, since Anya was at the spa. If it continues, it will go to his brain, and he will die." Cynric frowned at Mr. Hughes, if there was a chance that this girl could help a member of their flock, he would like to take it.

"What happens to you when you touch a nonhuman and they need healed?" Colby asked softly, his eyes on the girl as he spoke.

"It stings, kind of like that feeling when you touch a hot pan or something, it hurts for a second and then goes away. I've only touched two nonhumans. One was a boy, and I cured his blindness."

"Anya's son." Dwight nodded, they'd been told the story.

"I healed a female dragon, and that was more intense. The reaction was...extreme. I blew fire out of my mouth, and I..." She wasn't quite sure how much of the rest of her reaction had been relayed to Mr. Hughes. Looking at him, she gulped, "I got really aroused, I think it was because of what I healed, her womb. She wanted to have a baby."

The satyrs looked at her in wonder and Vesper looked down at her feet, not wanting to see Mr. Hughes' gaze on her when she told them about how she'd been made to feel.

"So if you touch Payton, you heal him, but then you might have a few of his characteristics for a while?"

"It wasn't that simple. The fire only lasted a few moments, but the...the other part, I couldn't stop until it had been taken care of." Vesper shivered, remembering every moment that the wolves and Anya had spent 'taking care of' it.

She could feel Mr. Hughes' eyes on her as he spoke, "What did they do to you, Vesper?"

"Payton's horn is used for rutting, if Vesper were to heal him, she'd become aggressive, most likely, if that is how her gift works." Cynric ignored Mr. Hughes' question, he could tell there was something going on between the two of them, but it wasn't something that involved his flock, and the idea that she could help Payton made him want to move forward.

"What if she were to frenzy?" Mr. Hughes frowned, taking a step forward that made Vesper gasp and step away from him. It was a movement that wasn't missed by any of the satyrs, nor Faeron or Shi, who had remained quietly standing near Mr. Hughes on the patio.

"The risk is worth it." Allen frowned.

"To you, maybe, but she is the one who would have to live with this choice for the rest of her life." Mr. Hughes shook his head, it hadn't been a good idea to invite the satyrs down from the mountain to meet Vesper.

Vesper frowned, she knew Mr. Hughes was trying desperately to turn a new leaf with her today, but speaking with the satyrs was only seeming to make him angry. If she could heal the damaged satyr, why shouldn't she? Whatever happened to her was a small price to pay in potentially saving a life. His reaction reminded her of her mother, who had let many a soldier die instead of allowing Vesper to save them.

Before Mr. Hughes could react, and no one else would have moved to stop her, Vesper took the step she needed to reach Payton, and she put her hand on his cheek. The pain was great, and she hissed as it sizzled into her body, but it was gone quickly, and as she felt a powerful heat begin to rise within her, she saw that his skin was quickly becoming a less angry red color, and a new horn was already beginning to form.

"Vesper." Mr. Hughes growled, taking a step forward that made the six satyr men start braying loudly as they surrounded the girl, who had begun to shake, her eyes wide and somewhat glazed as she sank to her knees.

"Vesper?" Ailen moved forward and squatted down before the girl.

She raised her eyes at him and he watched in awe as she, too, grew horns above her ears and her eyes darkened to a brownish color. Vesper felt her voice roll out in a bray somewhat like theirs and she clenched her fists at her side as she rose back to a standing position.

"Payton, are you well?" She found herself asking the question in a shallow whimper and watched as he nodded slowly, his eyes widened as he took in her changing appearance.

"Yes, Vesper. Thank you for what you've done." He spoke low, knowing that the arousal he had for her was more than just an appreciation for her initial appearance.

"Vesper?" Cynric stepped towards the girl and put a hand on her waist, thinking to keep her where she was when she suddenly jumped backwards towards him and slammed the side of her horn against his.

There was more than one gasp from the people on the patio as Vesper landed, hunched over a bit as she turned and looked with angry eyes at Cynric, who had flared his nostrils and stomped his hooves at the way she'd responded to his touch. Her breathing had quickened and she looked around her, finally seeing Shi, the lone female, standing close beside her husband. Glaring at Cynric, she tried to move past him and get to Shi, but he grabbed her by the arms and held her against him, grunting when she banged her horns against his chest, causing cuts that were healed instantly because his hands were on her. However, it only made her need to rut more intense and she fought harder.

"Male satyrs rut to exert dominance." Mr. Hughes growled, his calm demeanor from previous in the day now gone, and his eyes grew stormy with frustration as to how to calm the girl now that they'd gotten her riled up.


"So she's either got to come out on top, or on bottom." Colby breathed out heavily, finally understanding what Mr. Hughes was saying.

"And I will not allow you to hurt her." Mr. Hughes told them firmly, knowing he could stop them all in their tracks if need be, but as of yet, he hadn't needed to.

"I have no intention of rutting back." Cynric said, and brayed loudly, knowing each of the other satyrs would listen to his command that they do the same.

"So she must win." Mr. Hughes frowned, knowing full well that 'winning' wasn't as easy as it sounded, and the violet-turned brown eyes were directly centered on Shi, who had shifted to stand slightly behind Faeron.

Vesper whimpered against the hold that the big gray satyr had on her, and she jerked her head sideways against his chest to try to dislodge herself, to no avail. She couldn't understand the warmth in her body, she couldn't understand why she had zeroed in on Shi and felt the urge to fight every male near her in order to get close to the terrified girl. Shi had an arm around her husband's waist and Faeron was looked at Vesper with a slightly worried frown on his face.

"Shi is pregnant, Vesper could inadvertently hurt her." Mr. Hughes shook his head.

Vesper gasped suddenly when Ailen moved forward and put his hand against the front of her skirt, the tops of the pads of his fingers were pressed hard against her wet fold and he tensed a little and then moved away from her.

"She has not grown a cock." He stated, looking up at his leader, not sure what the best course of action would be.

"How did you get rid of the arousal with the wolves?" Mr. Hughes asked, and Vesper bit her lip and tried to concentrate on his question, it was hard with the emotions coursing through her nerves.

"Grigory fucked my ass," She whimpered, she did not want the satyrs in her ass, their cocks looked beyond anything she could manage, they were meaty and thick, "He came in my ass, and then Anya put Yakov's cum in my pussy. From her mouth."

"She could have gotten you pregnant, and you're a virgin?" Payton asked.

Vesper shook her head, but it was Mr. Hughes that answered, "Werewolves are sterile in their human form."

"We stop feeling the need to rut when we ejaculate." Colby spoke up from the back of the group of satyrs.

"Let me go!" Vesper whimpered again, jerking as hard as she could at the hold that Cynric had on her.

"She needs to cum." Cynric nodded, in agreement with the black beast.

"I need to, oh, God, please, let me go!" Vesper moaned, her pussy was so wet already and all she could think of was getting away from these beasts and getting to Shi, and what? What did she plan on doing to the pregnant girl?

"Absolutely not." Mr. Hughes hissed, yes, that jealousy that she had felt coming from him earlier, it was definitely still there.

"Make her cum, Mr. Hughes, and she will calm down." Cynric held Vesper by each upper arm towards the spa owner, who took a few steps back.

"I cannot touch her." He said darkly, looking over at Faeron as he spoke.

"I'm married and imprinted. I cannot help you here." The wood elf frowned at his employer, it was true, Faeron was only a managing partner at this point. He wasn't fucking clients at the spa anymore.

"She's a virgin." Mr. Hughes frowned at the satyrs before him.

"She can remain a virgin and still orgasm, Mr. Hughes." Cynric reminded the angel.

"Will someone please do something?" Vesper barked out, jerking her head around and stabbing Cynric in his forearm with one sharp horn, tearing a line into his flesh that made him drop her and she immediately started to run towards Shi, who cried out and hid behind her husband.

Huge hands wrapped around Vesper's waist and she felt herself thrown to the ground in front of her. She landed with a painful thud and when she would have turned to fight, she felt a new set of hands hold her shoulders down from behind and her face was pressed against the cold stone surface of the patio.

Her legs were bent up until they rested to either side of her and Vesper felt the air hit her pussy as he skirt was thrown up and over her ass. Her panties were quickly pulled down, and she felt the wet warmth of a hard mouth close over her pussy. Crying out, she pushed back against the mouth and shivered when a tongue darted out gently to slide against the outer edges of her sensitive fold.

Looking up, she saw that it was Dwight that was holding her down and as he felt her relax, her body now concentrating on the mouth that was sucking hard on her pussy, he moved to sit in front of her and he moved her face to lay on one of his thighs, his massive cock close by. Breathing slowly, she could smell the salty musk of him and it made her shudder.

Putting the palms of her hands on either side of his hips, she rose up over him and moved her mouth to softly cup around his glands, smiling at the way he bayed as she took the first few inches of him into her mouth. Vesper heard Mr. Hughes say something about this being too much, but she ignored him as she took more of the satyr inside, feeling him stretch her cheeks with his wide girth.

The mouth on her pussy was starting to attack it forcefully, and she wished that the tongue would push inside, but whoever had began to eat her pussy didn't seem to want to penetrate her there. Instead, the tongue circled around her clit and slid up her pussy to the hole of her ass. She popped off the cock she could barely put in her mouth and looked behind her to see that it was Cynric who had put his mouth on her, and she cried out as his hot, coarse tongue pushed up into her asshole.

Looking back at Dwight, she saw that he'd placed a hand over the one she'd put on his cock at some point and he was using both to stroke the heavy shaft up and down. Moving her face, she licked the pre-cum from the tip of his cock and enjoyed the melodious sound of his bray as he continued to stroke himself.

Cynric gave ample attention to her ass before she felt him replace his tongue with his finger and he moved his mouth back to her pussy, nipping and sucking and sliding his tongue against her fold until she felt her body start to wind tighter and tighter, her muscles twitching and her pussy pulsating hard. When she finally came, she could feel the slight moisture of it slip from her pussy fold and knew that the gray satyr licked at the fluid greedily. He only sat back on his haunches and removed his finger from her ass when he felt her body finally start to slacken against him.

Vesper breathed in shallow, long breaths as she watched Dwight ejaculate onto their hands, and then he looked down at her and smiled sheepishly. Winking at her, he finally stood, and then he helped her to her feet as well.

"You looked really sexy with horns." He told her gutturally and Vesper felt herself reach up to her ears. The horns had disappeared.

Why was it that every time she touched a nonhuman, save Sam, of course, which was probably due to his age, she wanted to have sex, like really really have sex? It didn't make sense. She'd healed plenty of humans and had never once felt the need to do anything like this. Shu had nearly ruined her, and now here she was, standing with her own cum having just been eaten by a satyr. Vesper was frustrated, and she turned to look at Mr. Hughes.

There was so much she wanted to say to him, but the look on his face was one of sadness mixed with longing, mixed with jealousy and it took the words right out of her mouth. He hated her, wanted her gone from here, but yet here he was, standing as close as he dared get to her with pain in his eyes, pain that whispered at a feeling of betrayal that she had just committed a sex act with someone else. She felt her eyes cloud with tears, this wasn't her fault, how could he be upset with her for something that wasn't her fault? Vesper felt her lower lip shake, she didn't belong to him, so why in the world did she suddenly feel so filled with guilt.

Shaking her head, not even sparing a glance at the others who stood on the patio with her, all anxiously waiting to see if she would say anything, to see if she was okay, Vesper walked around Dwight, past Faeron, who seemed only a little hesitant to let her by, and then she walked into the dining room.

Vesper didn't stop walking until she made it to the staircase, at which point, she took the stairs two at a time until she made her way to the correct floor, and then she yanked open the heavy doors which Mr. Hughes had started to leave unlocked when she was in another area of the spa. Walking quickly down the hallway, she opened the door of her room, walked inside, and shut it behind her, locking it the moment she could set lock to bolt. Sliding onto the floor, her back to it, and her wings slightly up from being shoved against the heavy, warm wood, she settled onto her bottom and closed her eyes, feeling the tears finally fall down her cheeks. When she felt herself begin to sob, Vesper didn't stop her body from sinking onto her side and she let the cries come.

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sinagainChris12sinagainChris12over 8 years agoAuthor
Vesper's Mother

In one of the first chapters, it states that Vesper is 87 and she was born in 1918 (this is a mathematical error on my part, she was born in 1928-that doesn't chance anything in the story). Her mother lived to be as old as she was because Vesper healed her twice, which is discussed in the first chapter of this story. Hope that helps!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
How did her mom live so long?

Vesper was born in 1908 and she's lived so long because she's not human. If she's 87, how did her mother live so long?

sinagainChris12sinagainChris12over 8 years agoAuthor
Re: All

Happy Day: There will be a new chapter posting tomorrow and Friday! Then 9-12 next week!

Loving This: I hope you continue to enjoy my work!

biggreenfrog: It's a delight to see you still reading and posting! I'm glad you still enjoy them!

soreirei: All in due time.... ;)

soreireisoreireiover 8 years ago
Good story

Mr Hughes needs to get the stick out of (well you know). That lad is wound way to tight. Looking forward to the next chapter maybe Vesper will get the loving she really needs!

biggreenfrogbiggreenfrogover 8 years ago

I'm totally addicted to your stories

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