The Gold-digger Ch. 02

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Stacy's Origins
4.2k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/20/2024
Created 05/16/2024
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Stacy Grant awoke the next day in her apartment eager to begin the next phase of her plan. She had grown up in a relatively poor family. But when she turned 18, something incredible happened. She was not only receiving attention from boys. She was receiving attention from men, and when she turned on her sexual charm, they all seemed to want to do what she said. Like the time in senior year when she needed an A in calculus to get into college. She had barely been scraping by with a C, but it didn't matter. She knew just what to do. She had scheduled a meeting on a Friday afternoon with her teacher, Ed Lambert, a thirty-something man, decently good looking, with brown hair. She had only told him that she was hoping to discuss her grade; she never told him that his brain would be so sex-addled by her pheromones that he wouldn't be discussing much of anything. She walked into his office wearing her sexiest schoolgirl outfit and a cute ponytail. Mr. Lambert tried not to notice, but Stacy caught his gaze lingering as she settled into her seat. Mr. Lambert cleared his throat.

"Hm, so, Stacy, you said you wanted to discuss your grade?"

Stacy gazed into his eyes and put on her prettiest pout. "Yes, Mr. Lambert. See, it's not fair. Let me show you." She gracefully rose from her seat with her report card in her hand. Before Mr. Lambert could ask her what she meant, she leaned over his desk, showing off her deep cleavage. She put the report card in front of Mr. Lambert, but his eyes were nowhere near it. Suddenly, Stacy focused and felt a power, a mist emanating from her chest. Her teacher was almost immediately in a daze. She began moving her finger up and down her cleavage as she spoken with a sexy pout: "Eddie - I can call you Eddie, can't I?" Mr. Lambert nodded. "I'm having such a hard time with this class. I've tried really, really hard, but I still can't get an A. I don't think that's fair. You don't think it's fair either, do you?" She pushed her chest forward and released more pheromones as she nodded from side to side for encouragement. Mr. Lambert followed along. "No, I didn't think so. I'm such an...asset (she squeezed her tits together) the class. Shouldn't I be rewarded?"


"And if I get rewarded, then you'll get rewarded. Wouldn't it feeeeeel. sooooooo. gooooood to be rewarded?" She reached behind his head and pulled him close to her cleavage as she blasted him with more pheromones.

Mr. Lambert could hardly speak, uttering only something that could be taken as, "Yes" directed at Stacy's tits.

"So, Eddie, how are you going to reward me?" She pulled him back and tilted his head up to meet her gaze.

Mr. Lambert's brow furrowed. He was disoriented, not sure what he should be doing or saying. There was a conflict between his typically rational nature and his overwhelming lust for the woman before him. "I'll...I'll....give you an A in my class."

"Thank you, Eddie. That makes me so happy. Now go ahead and change my grade so you can get your reward." Mr. Lambert quickly opened his grading software, searched for Stacy's name, and changed her grade for the year to an A. When he had finished, he turned back to gaze at Stacy's tits.

Stacy leaned down and grabbed his wrists. "Are you ready for your reward?" Mr. Lambert nodded quickly, a line of drool running out of his mouth. Stacy took his hands and placed them firmly on her tits. "Go ahead and squeeze." As Mr. Lambert began to play with her breasts, Stacy took his head in her hands, leaned forward, and kissed him passionately. Mr. Lambert exploded in his pants. Stacy left with her A.

It was not the first time she had used her power and it was certainly not the last. And she began learning how to use her power to get more than good grades. One time she was at her friend Jennifer Thompson's house, or rather, Jennifer's mansion. Jennifer, unlike Stacy, had grown up in wealth and privilege. Her father, Jack Thompson, a greying fifty-ish divorcee, was a lawyer for a hospital network. Despite their friendship, Stacy was jealous of Jennifer, who had the most expensive handbags, clothes, shoes, and jewelry. But Stacy had an idea. If she could seduce men into giving her better grades, doing her homework, and so on, why could she not seduce wealthy men into giving her money or expensive items? They were still just men, after all. And one day, Stacy decided to put her plan into action, motivated by Jennifer's latest bragging. Jennifer had arrived at school, informing everyone that her father was going to buy her a heart-shaped necklace with an incredibly expensive diamond. The whole piece was valued at $20,000. Stacy couldn't take it anymore. She knew that Jennifer would be at the lake with friends on Friday. So she dressed up in tight black leggings and a tight, low-cut white t-shirt, with her hair in a ponytail. Her lacy red bra was visible through her shirt. Not that it mattered. Her massive jugs were pressed up and out, with her deep cleavage and curves on display.

Stacy arrived at the Thompson residence on Friday afternoon and rang the doorbell. As expected, the butler, Alex, an elderly man with white hair, answered. "Ms. Grant, how can I help you?" Despite his formality, it did not escape Stacy's notice that Alex glanced at her tits. He was definitely a man.

"Hey Alex, I'm here to see Jennifer. Is she home?"

"I'm sorry, she isn't."

"Well, I could just wait for her to get back."

"Ms. Thompson is not expected to return for awhile, and Mr. Thompson is busy with work and does not wish to be distracted. I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to return at another time."

He was about to close the door when Stacy stepped forward, blocking the door with her right hand. She thrust her chest out, catching the old man's attention, and released a cloud of pheromones. The doorman's jaw went slack and his hands fell to his side as he gaped at the young woman's cleavage. Stacy put her hands behind her back and began swaying side to side, keeping the doorman under her spell. She spoke in her sweetest schoolgirl voice. "Alex, I promise I'll be a good girl. You'll let me stick around for awhile, won't you?"

"Of...of...of course, Ms. Grant." The doorman gulped as his breathing quickened. "Yes...please stay."

"Thank you, Alex. Now please show me to Mr. Thompson's office." Alex hesitated. It was one thing to allow her to stay; it was another to interrupt his boss.

Stacy moved into him and with her hands clasped in front of her, she used her upper arms to squeeze her tits together as she released more pheromones. "Alex, I really need you to take me to Mr. Thompson. I promise, if you help me, I'll reward you later. You'd like that, wouldn't you? So just think about all the ways I might reward you while you take me to Mr. Thompson, okay?"

"O...okay." Alex led the way through the mansion to Mr. Thompson's office, visions of Stacy's breasts dancing in his head. When they arrived at the double mahogany doors, Alex knocked, opened the door slightly, and leaned in. "Sir, I know you asked not to be othered, but Ms. Stacy Grant is here to see you."

Mr. Thompson was a bit annoyed. But Stacy was a close friend of his daughter, so he wanted to be hospitable. "Please let her in, Alex. Thank you." Alex opened the door wide as Stacy passed through. She gave him a knowing smile as she passed, and his heart skipped a beat. Once Stacy was in the room, Alex closed the door and left.

Mr. Thompson knew Stacy was beautiful, but today she was stunningly gorgeous. "Hi Stacy, Jessica won't be back for a few hours, but you're welcome to wait."

"Thanks, Mr. Thompson, but actually I came by to see you." Stacy began walking slowly toward Mr. Thompson as he stood behind his desk.

Mr. Thompson's brow furrowed in confusion. He had never really talked with Stacy at any length and could not imagine why she would want to speak with him. "About what, dear?"

"I see the way you treat Jessica. You're such a great dad. I wish my parents were more like you. Like, for example, Jessica told us that you were getting her an expensive diamond necklace."

"Well, yes, I have bought her something special for her birthday."

"I just know she's going to love it. Is it here? Could I take a look at it?"

"Well, I suppose it couldn't hurt to let you see it. Just don't tell Jessica about it; she hasn't actually seen it yet." Mr. Thompson walked over to his counter, grabbed a finely crafted jewelry box, and walked over to Stacy, handing her the box. He set down in his office chair. Stacy set the box down on the desk and gently opened it. She was met with the gleam of the most beautiful and expensive jewelry she had ever seen. She paused to gaze at its beauty, and she knew she had to have it. She picked up the necklace out of the box and began putting it on.

"Stacy, please be careful. It is quite expensive, and I want to make sure nothing happens to it before I can give it to Jessica."

"Don't worry, Mr. Thompson. I'll take care of it." Standing to his left, she put her left hand on his desk, and leaned over, exposing her giant tits with a $20,000 necklace hanging between them. "Look at how beautiful it is. Any girl would love to have it." She began playing with the chain, pulling the heart containing the diamond up and down her cleavage. She spoke softly and slowly, watching as Mr. Thompson's eyes followed up and down her cleavage. "It's so sparkly. Watch as the light dances off it. Here. You need a closer look." With that, Stacy stepped forward and leaned over until her tits were right in Mr. Thompson's face. Now she was in striking distance. As she continued to play with the necklace, she poured wave after wave of pheromones into Mr. Thompson's face. His cock grew hard and strained against his pants. He forgot where he was. He forgot what he had been doing. He nearly forgot his daughter. Stacy's incredible tits became his world.

"Mr. Thompson, I've spent lots of time over at your house. And Jessica and I are pretty close, like sisters even. Doesn't that kind of make me, like, part of the family?" Mr. Thompson, hardly hearing a thing, nodded slowly, because he detected in the periphery of his mind that that is what Stacy wanted him to do. "So instead of calling you Mr. Thompson, how about I just call you, daddy?" Another blast of pheromones. Mr. Thompson's eyes began to cross; he kept nodding. "Now daddy, doesn't this necklace look sooooo much better on me than it would on Jessica?" More nodding. "So how about you give it to me instead?"

Mr. Thompson was trying to connect the dots in his fuzzy mind; he knew something wasn't right. "W..w...wait, Stacy. I...I can't just g..g..give you a $20,000 necklace. I got it for...for...."


"Y...y...yeah, Jennifer." Stacy wasn't worried about Mr. Thompson's objections. His eyes were still glued to her tits.

"Well, daddy, how about I show you what I can do with this necklace, and then you decide who you should give it to?" Before Mr. Thompson could respond, Stacy knelt down between his knees, unzipped his pants and pulled them and his underwear down, as his cock sprang free. Stacy then pulled off her shirt and began unclasping her bra.

"Stacy, what are you...." No sooner had Mr. Thompson begun objecting than Stacy, with the shiny necklace pendant hanging between her bare breasts, wrapped her massive tits around Mr. Thompson's shaft and began slowly pumping him. She began releasing a continuous stream of pheromones that seeped directly into his skin and cloyed the air around his head.

"Daddy, look carefully at the pendant. Doesn't it look sooooo gooood on me? Say, 'Yes, Stacy.'"

"Yes, Stacy."

"Now keep looking. Notice that the pendant is in the shape of a heart. And a heart is a symbol for love. You do love me, don't you, daddy?" She began stroking faster. Mr. Thompson's eyes rolled in the back of his head as he groaned his assent. "In fact, you love me the most. Repeat after me. 'I love Stacy more than anyone else.'"

"I love Stacy more than anyone else."

"Stacy is the most beautiful woman I've ever met."

"Stacy is the most beautiful woman I've ever met."

"I love Stacy more than I love Jessica." Mr. Thompson hesitated. This was a difficult barrier to cross. "A little hesitant, are we? I can fix that." She stopped stroking and stood up. Mr. Thompson moaned in disappointment. She straddled him, allowing his cock to rub against the fabric of her leggings. She grabbed his head and shoved it between her breasts. She closed her eyes, concentrated, and hit him with a more potent dose of pheromones.

Immediately Mr. Thompson began babbling, "I love you! I love you!" She pushed him back and knelt back down.

"That's good, daddy. That makes me happy. And you want to make me happy, don't you?" And with that, she resumed stroking his cock with her breasts.

"Yes, of course, dear," Mr. Thompson panted.

"Now, again, repeat after me, 'I love Stacy more than I love Jessica.'" She picked up her pace.

"I love Stacy more than I love Jessica."

"Jessica means nothing to me now."

"Jessica means nothing to me now."

"I will give Stacy anything she wants."

"I will give Stacy anything she wants."

"I will do anything to make her happy."

"I will do anything to make her happy."

The next part was especially important. "My wealth is her wealth." To impress this on his mind, Stacy plunged her mouth around his cock and began licking the underside of his member while gazing into his eyes.

"My wealth is her wealth."

She released him and resumed stroking with her breasts. "So you're going to give me this necklace, right?"

"Yes, of course, anything for you."

"Thank you, daddy. That's so sweet." She began stroking even faster, until Mr. Thompson exploded. A half hour later Stacy had cleaned up; she was wearing her brand new $20,000 necklace. She waited for Jennifer in Mr. Thompson's office.

"Dad, I'm home!" Jennifer's voice echoed throughout the house. Soon she was opening the door to the office. When she stepped inside, she froze and then began to boil with anger. Stacy was sitting in a chair to the right, reading a book, with a smirk on her face, while her dad sat behind his desk, looking dazed. And Stacy was wearing her necklace.

"Dad, what is she doing wearing my necklace?! What's going on here?!"

"Now, Jennifer, be polite. You have plenty of things. Stacy has not been as fortunate, but she deserves nice things every bit as much as you do. I decided that she should have the necklace."

"It's a $20,000 necklace! And you're giving it to a girl you hardly know? Are you insane? Dad, what has she done to you?" (Jessica was aware of the rumors of Stacy's power over her male teachers). "You're not your self. Remember me? Your daughter? Your only child?" She was crying openly, with tears streaming down her face. Stacy sat quietly. "Answer me! I don't know what's going on with you, but at least take some time to step back and consider what you're doing. Will you promise me that you will do that?"

Mr. Thompson's head began to clear the more he heard his daughter's voice. It was as if the puzzle pieces of his mind all began to come back together in the proper way. What was he doing? Why would he give a girl he hardly knew such an expensive necklace, especially when he had promised to give it to his daughter? It wasn't like him to do something so rash.

"Jennifer, maybe you're right. I've just been a bit confused lately..."

This is the moment Stacy had been waiting for. She had learned from experience that her pheromone power didn't last forever and that especially emotional moments could shake men out of her spell. But she also knew that the more she dosed them, the more compliant they became and the longer the effects lasted. Or, to put it more bluntly, she knew that the more she blasted them with her pheromones, the more they stayed in an erotic daze as they thought only about shoving their cocks between her big, fat tits and giving her anything to have the chance to do it again.

As Mr. Thompson recovered, Stacy calmly put down her book, uncrossed her legs, and walked over to Mr. Thompson. To the surprise of Jessica and Mr. Thompson, just as Mr. Thompson was speaking, Stacy sat in Mr. Thompson's lap, with her jiggling breasts just below his face. Before either of them could respond, a slow, steady stream of pheromones engulfed Mr. Thompson's nose, and, unknown to Jennifer, who could not see behind the desk, Stacy began gently circling her ass on Mr. Thompson's cock as it sprang to life again. Mr. Thompson's eyes started to flutter.

Stacy whispered into his ear: "Daddy, if you go back on your promise, you'll make me sad. And you don't want to make me sad, do you, daddy? Your cock says no. And your cock knows best when it comes to me, doesn't it?" She squeezed his cock gently between her cheeks. He groaned. "Now tell Jennifer your decision is final and that I'm just as important to you as she is. Then tell her to get out of your office. Then I'll give you your reward." She reinforced the last point with another stream of pheromones that made his heart nearly leap out of his chest.

"J...J...Jennifer. decision," he panted. "Stacy is just...just as imp...important as you are to me. I don't want to hear any more about it, and I don't want you disrespecting Stacy. Now get out of my office." Jennifer couldn't believe her eyes or ears. Tears still streaming down her face, she ran out of the office and slammed the door.

"You've been such a good boy for me, Jack. I can call you Jack, can't I?"

"Yeeahhhh....anything you want." He now couldn't stop staring at her tits.

She slowly raised herself off him and stood by his chair on the right side. She leaned over, giving him a delicious view of her cleavage, and she unzipped his pants again. She pulled down his underwear, and when his member sprang free, she began slowly stroking. He moaned in pleasure and closed his eyes.

"Uh uh uh," she scolded. "You need to keep your eyes open for this next part." With her left hand she grabbed his chin and directed his attention squarely at her tits. And then, as she continued to stroke him and his eyes opened, she gave him a full blast of pheromones that didn't stop coming. He was in the heights of sexual ecstasy and began babbling in pleasure.

"Now before we finish, Jack, I need you to do something else for me. Give me access to your bank account. Now." She stroked faster. In seconds, Jack Thompson added Stacy to his bank account and had given all his banking information to the 18-year-old bombshell. He was entirely hers. She turned his head to her face and kissed him passionately on the lips. After she broke the kiss, she spoke again: "Jack, sweetie, in a second, I want you to cum, and when you do, yell out, 'I'll always do whatever Stacy wants.'" She had discovered mantras and promises at this moment were particularly impressed on a man. Jack nodded.

She was still blasting him with pheromones and began stroking him faster. He soon exploded all over his desk, as he yelled, "I'll always do whatever Stacy wants." His words echoed throughout the mansion.

"Good boy, Jack. Now sleep for me." Mr. Thompson dozed off, and Stacy left the office with her new fortune. She had one more stop to make. She wanted to make sure the elderly butler Alex would stay under her spell and on her side.

"Alex, oh, Alex, I need to talk with you," she called out in a sing-song voice. Alex appeared in the doorway of the dining room connected to the large living room.

"Yes, Ms. Grant, how may I assist you?" There was trepidation in his voice. Clearly, her pheromones had started wearing off and Alex was now suspicious of what she was doing there.

She walked slowly toward him with her hands behind her back and her breasts jutted out, looking like a predator stalking its prey. "Alex, why do you sound so suspicious? I thought we were friends," she pouted.