The Good Girl


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Ok, so maybe it is desire. She seemed desperate. And expectant. Like she needed me to do something.

I'm not very good at mind reading with women, but Rachel's emotions seem to be clearly written on her face. It was time to test the theory.

I slipped my chair back and slowly stood. Her eyes remained locked on me. Her lips were slightly parted in that I-am-not-paying-attention-to-being-composed kind of way. I slowly walked around my desk and leaned against the desk about five feet in front of her. Her eyes tracked me, wide eyed the entire journey. She was looking up at me with a very feminine and .. hmm. . deferential kind of look. And honestly that tapped into something in me.

I felt this rise in power. Not the super hero bust a door open with my pinky finger kind of power, but rather the kind where I am ultimately in control of a situation. Complete control. Its a satisfying place to be, honestly. I teach mostly girls and they are all younger, so there is a natural power authority structure to our relationship, but to have this complete surrender where the girl is looking at me as if she wants me to completely direct every aspect of her being, well that's both very new and completely the most erotic experience I have had thus far. Only to be topped by what happened next, of course.

Now or never Rob. "Rachel" I slowly and calmly looked at her, my voice low, I softly said, "please stand for me." Not a question. A request. Direct. Calm. Controlled.


I could feel my heart beat through my entire body. I willed myself to move, to comply as quickly as I could. My knees straightening a bit as he watched me closely. Was that a small quirk of the corner of his mouth? Was he smiling a bit? Oh my God my insides were flipping. I stood straight and still in front of him. Please say it to me. Let me hear it! I felt desperation at this moment. None of this and yet all of this made sense.

He pointed to a spot a few feet in front of him and raised his eyebrows. I instantly moved the two steps to where he pointed and stood still. My heart was beating fast and hard in anticipation of .. I have no idea! I had no idea what he was going to do. WI didn't know what he wanted. Or what I wanted. I didn't know about any of that but I did know that I wanted to please him.

He nodded approvingly. I couldn't help but smile. Score one for Rach. Keep it up girl! He casually ran his eyes from my eyes down to my lips. I stopped breathing. His eyes were boring into me. And there was that naked feeling again. It was like he was drinking me in. Every bit of me. I couldn't move. And I barely could breathe. Anticipation. Scary and exciting all wrapped into one.

His eyes ran down my body, stopping at my neck. And there it is again. A small smile. He smiled, so I smile. Its a simple equation for my happiness, apparently. He brought his grey blue eyes back to mine for a moment and then continued his journey south. I have never felt so objectified but so desired. I don't know if he actually desired me, but damn if it didn't feel that way! Which was fucking awesome.

"You may remove your jacket for me, Rachel" He stated rather quietly. His eyes remained on my torso. Well more on my chest. Well even more on my breasts. And while that caused blood to rush to my face, it was definitely exciting. I slide my fingers up to my shoulders and pushed my jacket back so that it fell off. I grabbed it with my right hand before it fell to the ground, slowly folding it and holding it in my hand, wanting to set it down but feeling the need to wait for him.

He definitely smiled this time and nodded to the sofa. . er. . love seat. And I could not help but beam, inside and out. We were in sync. There was this nonverbal communication going on between us and I was so excited. I felt, safe, warm, desired, needed. I felt owned. Thinking that sent shivers up my entire body. My hands shook as I laid it carefully on the sofa.


What was this girl doing to me? Please understand, I NEVER DO THIS KIND OF THING. EVER.

Everything was at risk here: my career, my reputation, my relationship with this student, my future relationships with other students. But I couldn't stop myself. Its as if I was on the outside watching a train moving. My inner me was driving this. Wanting this. Needing this. And inner me wasn't checking with any other parts of me to see if this was OK.

I watched her bend to place the jacket carefully on the sofa. . love seat. I could feel the hardness pressing against the front of my pants. Nearly painfully. Watching her do as I asked, even something as simple as folding and placing a jacket, something so not sexual, was giving me the greatest sexual thrill. I was pleased. And I am sure my face showed it. Because it seemed hers mirrored mine.

I slowly began to roll up my sleeves . . .


Oh my god. Why would someone need to roll up his sleeves??? To get some serious work done, that's why! And I am the serious work to be done! Is this what swooning feels like? I mean seriously I am having trouble staying on my feet. His eyes are now intense. There's hunger there. And I am what he is hungry for. I am going to be devoured. And I find myself inventorying all the places in his office where he might devour me: a desk, a chair, the stupid sofa/ love seat thingie, up against the wall, behind his desk!

He stood up slowly and stepped towards me. I was having trouble breathing again. I desperately wanted him to touch me. Anywhere. And everywhere. Why was I feeling this? Two words really started this?

He raised his hand and I remain completely still. His fingertips moved towards my cheek. I held my breath completely. There was complete silence in the room, only his breathing quietly providing any white noise. I could only focus on his slowly approaching fingers. Finally, I felt the soft touch.

Warmth. I felt two points of contact on my cheek. Two fingertips emanated warmth from my cheek to my toes and all points between. I felt a rush of energy. His fingertips glided slowly down to my jawline, tracing lines. My fingers rubbed against my hips in nervous energy, but I kept the rest of my body motionless.

His fingers traced down my neck, seemingly admiring the line, the slope, the nape. His eyes followed his fingers as they arrived at my collarbone. All of my attention did as well. Every cell in my body was focused on those two points of soft warm contact on my skin. He stopped at the line of my shirt collar. It was merely a pink polo type of shirt, but his fingers acted as if he was allergic to the fabric. His eyes came back to mine.

He leaned forward, his head moving parallel to mine as he brought his lips close to my ear. Yes, those lips. The devouring lips I mentioned earlier? Yep, those lips. He must have been mere centimeters away as I felt his breath tickling the outside of my ears as he whispered "Please remove your shirt for me, Rachel."

Can loins actually leap? Because I am pretty sure mine just did. It was a jolt. A shock. And while his words made me fear everything, my fingers twitched in excitement to obey his directive. The battle began between the two sides: fear vs exhilaration. And exhilaration won as I crossed my arms and used my fingers to grab the hem of my shirt and slid it up over my belly, my breasts and to my shoulders. I stretched the shirt out as I slipped both arms out and over my head.

Oh my God.

My heart was pounding faster than ever as his eyes drank me in. Over. And over. And over again. He was examining every tiny portion of my body. Collarbone, cleavage, white polkadot cotton bra covered breasts, belly, navel, hips, sides. He brought his fingertips back towards my body , picking up where he left off, moving down to my upper chest. I knew those warm soft fingertips felt my heart racing in my chest.

He began his exploration again, running his fingertips down to the upper portions of my breasts, then tracing the line of fabric of my bra towards the line of my cleavage. Oh my God I may orgasm any moment. My eyes remained locked on his and his lips. I desperately wanted to taste those. But I waited for him. Somehow. No, waiting was part of the thrill. It was THE thrill. Waiting on him.

His fingertips leapt over the clasp of my bra and landed on my belly. I was ticklish but in this case arousal seemed to trump even that. He explored the softness, the lines of my belly. My navel. I cannot take much more. It was the most sensual experience of my life.

His fingertips ended up above the top of my jeans. He hooked both fingertips just inside the waist of my jeans. I was feeling very owned at the moment and I could not get enough.

He didn't even look up at this point but whispered, "please remove your shoes and socks, Rachel."

He was holding me in place. His fingers remained just inside the front of my jeans as I tried to maneuver my tennis shoes off. Then I stepped on the toes of my socks and pulled each off by carefully balancing as I lifted each foot.

He just quietly nodded as if affirming that I had done what he asked. Then he raised his eyes to mine. His gaze locked on mine. My belly rose and fell in time with my chest with quick breaths.

His thumb joined his two fingers. He slowly unclasped the button on my jeans, his eyes remained locked on mine. Intense. Needing. Desiring. I wanted him to take me in so many ways and fuck me senseless. Three times. Maybe four. I am not greedy!

He moved my zipper down to expose the front of my pink panties. In addition to exposing my panties it also relayed a powerful scent. Oh my God, that is my scent! My arousal! And while his eyes remained unchanged, as intense and hungry as they were, his smile grew. The predator smelled his prey. Me. And my knees went weak. I could barely stand.

"You may remove your jeans for me." Those seven words somehow blasted into my brain and my fingers slowly moved of their own accord to the waist of my jeans. My fingers shook as I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my jeans, slowly pushing them down. My mind was fuzzy. It is as if time had stopped and I could hear and feel every heart beat. I just felt this burning desire to please him. Nothing else mattered.

The jeans made it to my thighs as my face flushed, embarrassed, excited. I don't know. I was so focused on him I cannot think on anything else with any amount of clarity.

I lifted each foot to pull the jeans off. I felt the need to fold again and then held them before me, waiting on him. I swallowed hard as I felt his eyes wander down my mostly nude body. He didn't even lift his eyes to my face as he motioned with his head towards the love seat thingie. I immediately turned and laid the folded jeans down. I felt myself moving slowly as if to give him plenty of time to digest me.

I turned back to him. His eyes were locked on a spot below my navel. My hands wanted to move to cover the front of my panties but I remained with hands by my side, twitching fingers and all.

My eyes dropped to his large hands. I looked at his strong fingers and all I could think is that I wanted them on me. His hand rose to my chin and pulled it up so that my eyes were refocused on his. He was staring rather intensely at me.

"Eyes up here please," he rumbled. I managed a small "yes." He cocked his head to the side expectantly. "Yes. . sir," I said weakly. The corners of his mouth briefly raised as he nodded approvingly.

His fingertip came to rest on my lower belly again. He drew a small pattern, just his fingertip barely touching the soft flesh of my belly, circling my navel. My breathing increased again, anticipating, needing, wanting. Move up! Move down! Move where ever you desire! Please! My inner screams did not move him. He merely studied my soft warm belly, inspecting with his fingertip.

His face was intently watching where his finger travelled. He then began to move to my side. "Hold still, darling," he murmured as he shifted around to my side. I whispered "yes sir" immediately, unable to move.

He moved his finger along to my hip, the string of my bikini brief just below the path of his finger. My breath got a little raspy, quicker. Where was he going? What was he doing??? I felt this mix of peace at having no control, but with a side of fear for the same reason. The inner struggle continued.

He moved around to behind me, his fingertip tracing along my lower back, stopping at the center of the small of my back. He was standing so close behind me that I could feel his breath on the back of my neck. Goosebumps and hair stood on end across my exposed skin.

He leaned forward, his lips brushed against the edge of my ear. I held my breath. He breathed in and out, tickling the skin along my neck, chin and cheek. "Remove your bra for me, sweet girl," his voice rumbled low in my ear.

I almost came. Scratch that. I desperately wanted to cum. My hands moved to the front of my chest to quickly unhook my bra. I let it drop immediately to my hands and held it loosely, dangling down beside my thigh. My breasts freed felt alive. My nipples stood out in the cool air of the office. I wanted to touch them. Nuh-uh, I wanted him to touch them. No I wanted his lips on them. Yes, that is what I wanted.

His fingertip began its journey again, moving from my center back around my other hip, but this time he stayed behind me. He stopped his journey at the dimple of my navel again. I then felt three more fingers and a thumb join his traveling finger and spread across my belly. I felt held. Owned.

He finally started sliding his hand down, reaching the top of my panties. I let out breaths in anticipation. My eyes closed naturally as all of my senses and focus was on his hand, where it was and where it was going.

He slide his hand down deep over my pubic stubble, pushing my panties down as he finally touched a finger to the very top of my lips. A jolt of energy sent a wave across my body as I felt him make contact. Brief. Intense. Please for the love of God move your hand down further Dr. Lane. I wanted him desperately to move further. Inside.

"Please," I whispered out loud, not even realizing I had at first. His finger froze on the top of my labia. His mouth still right beside my right ear, I could almost feel him smiling. "Please sir," I whimpered.

He very slowly shifted his finger to the line between my lips. They ached so badly. My body was in such need. My pussy was screaming at me to make this delicious man move faster. Oh and deeper too. He traced down the line, feeling the lips move slightly to either side of his fingertip. "Please!" I felt a tear forming at the corner of my eye. I felt like an utter mess.

Once he reached the bottom of my lips, he began sliding back up, but this time pressing his middle finger between my lips. I gasped. I could feel the shift of his finger as it travelled through my slickness. I was sopping wet and now he knew.

His body pressed close behind me. I could feel his hardness against my bottom. I didn't dare move, but I desperately wanted to. His free hand coming to rest on my belly. Holding me. I felt enclosed. Safe. Controlled.

His free hand shifted up my belly and softly caressed the underside of my breast. My nipples stood straight out, as if they were yelling 'pick me, pick me!' He made his choice, sliding his palm up my right breast. Good choice, Dr. Lane. Although the left nipple is also admittedly a very fine choice!

His finger tip circled my nipple, in a long tease. He paused what he was doing. Considering maybe. He then brought his finger to my lips. "Suck my finger," he directed into my ear. I immediately took the length of his finger into my mouth. My attention was divided between his fingers on each set of lips now.

He slowly brought his finger from my mouth and back to my nipple, spreading my saliva all around my hard nipple. I moaned. Soooooo good. I actually moved my hips forward trying to start his other finger up. "Tsk, tsk Rachel," he whispered. "my timing, not yours," he continued in his low voice vibrating next to my ear.

And then I felt his teeth on my ear lobe, gently pulling as his finger moved up the length of my pussy, gathering juices. He was heading towards my clit and my insides were singing hallelujah. He stopped nibbling on my ear and whispered "do not cum until I say so, understand?" I nodded no longer having any voice to use.

He kissed my cheek "good girl" he whispered into my ear, his hot breath coupled with his words sending shivers down my spine.

His finger finally reached my little nub. And he touched it. Gently. Slowly. He moved his finger as if he was testing me, to see my reactions. The sharper intakes of my breaths he noted and returned to those motions. I was ready. I could orgasm with sweet release at any moment. But I waited. He had not given me permission.

The two sided assaults on my clit and my right nipple was intoxicating. And dizzying.

I felt the length of his cock, still completely covered, pressing against my bottom. I wanted him inside of me.

He slowly circled my clit with his fingertip. Each movement bringing about a jolt of pleasure and a small whimper. My fingers clenched into little fists as I tried desperately to hold out for him. He started nibbling on my neck, small gentle bites along my chin. Still I did not move. Somehow.

His finger movements increased. He drew faster and smaller circles on my little button. My breathing became shallower, quicker. I moaned at each pass. Never had I felt such pleasure radiating throughout my whole body. My body stiffened as I tried to hold off the waves. "Please," I whispered. I am the good girl. I wait. I follow instructions.

His fingers moved at a rapid speed, the wet sound of my pussy with his finger movement. I groaned in agony. Sweet agony. Please God, let me release.

The pressure was centered now. I could let go at any second. I turned my head to look at him. "Please sir!" I begged.

He stared at me, close. His eyes focused directly on mine. Even in my agony, I awaited his permission. And then he gave it. "You may, sweet girl."

I cried out immediately as the waves released throughout my body. 'Fuck!!" I yelled as the pleasure centered on my pussy, but pushed up all the way to my toes, fingers, face. All. Wave after wave until I finally felt empty, held up by his strong hands, holding me to him. Tightly. My weak body nearly limp in his hold.

My breaths came in short bursts as I tried to recover in his hands. I was able to glance to my side and see his smiling face mere inches from mine, my eyes wide with shock. He just whispered, "good girl."

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SithLord6969SithLord6969over 4 years ago

Much hotter and much more intense than other of your works. Highest marks!!!

DadDavisDadDavisabout 7 years ago
Make a bet......

I'll bet her dad said "Good Girl" when she did something correctly.

swtnaswtnaover 7 years ago

That was beautiful. Slowly building to a wonderful climax. :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Loved it!

Please write more!! This is by far my favorite, I love the "good girl" name calling!

Sxualchocol8Sxualchocol8over 7 years ago
I need...

A very cold shower...

And to find Dr. Lane...holy shit!


AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Oh my gosh!!!

This is the best erotica I've ever read. It gave me feelings I never knew could be felt!! $

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Nice Start....

well written...good character development....looking forward to "Good Girl" and Sirs further adventures....

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I need MORE!!! This is one of the best I have read!

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Good Potential

I liked your description of the action very much, but could do without

most of the " mind games". Maybe save that for a psych class?

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

A very good start. I like the descriptions of her giving over control.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Five stars

I liked seeing the inner thoughts of the professor, as he lost himself to lust, and then assumed the control he was willingly given. Seeing her thoughts as she gave herself over, her need to please, her desire to be good... It all combined into a very hot story.

I hope to read more about this pair in the future!

thurerigthurerigover 7 years ago
Not bad!

Keep going....This could be a good start to alot more chapters;)

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Well done

The only comment I have is that you may need to work in someway to tell who is the speaker when you have your story breaks. Is it the professor, is it the girls etc.

Beyond that well done development and getting into the characters minds, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
More please

Please continue this story. So much potential

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