The Good Husband


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The weight of words not spoken hung in the air. They sat in silence, hardly breathing, Andy studying the hard plastic of the steering column and Heather wiping her cheeks with the heel of her hand. How long they sat like that Andy didn't know. It was both awkward yet somehow comfortable.

"I should be going," he said finally.

"Yeah." Neither of them moved. "Um, can you walk me in?" Heather asked. "I don't like coming home to an empty house."

"Sure. Where are your kids?"

"At my parents so I could have a big night out." She laughed a short, rueful laugh. "Some night, huh."

Andy unlocked the house and walked in, turning on the lights. Heather followed and closed the door behind her. "Thanks for everything, Andy. You came to my rescue tonight - several times. You're one of the good guys." She stood on her tiptoes to hug him tightly, her body - soft, warm and inviting - pressing into his. Andy wrapped his arms around her to return the embrace.

She stepped back tentatively, leaning against the wall. "I should be going to bed." He nodded. As he watched, Heather slowly listed to one side and was in danger of falling over before he caught her.

"Easy now, I got you. Where's your room?"

"Top of the stairs to the left," she said. "I'm sorry, I suddenly felt light headed." She leaned heavily on him as he helped her up the stairs, her breast pressed against his upper arm.

When they got to the bedroom Heather pulled his face to hers and kissed him suddenly. He raised his hands to push her away but all they found were her breasts. A soft noise escaped from her throat. The second kiss was harder, more urgent and full of dark promises. When her tongue glided over his lips he parted them to accept it. All the while her hands tugged and pulled and peeled away his coat and shirt.

When the kiss broke her hand trailed down his chest to the bulge at his crotch. Andy watched as she undid his pants and slipped a hand down his briefs, wrapping it around his shaft. Heather teased a groan from him as her hot hand stroked him from base to tip. Turning, she walked slowly to the bed, her hands reaching back to undo the zipper on her dress but having trouble getting it started.

Andy stepped forward and unzipped her slowly, her milky-smooth skin exposed inch by inch. Heather faced him, lowering the top of her dress, offering her breasts. He leaned down and kissed and licked each in turn, his hands caressing while his mouth roamed. She cradled his head, holding him to her as she lay back on the bed, dragging him down until he was on top of her. His kisses moved lower, his hands pulling her dress down to expose her stomach. Heather tried to help but her arms became tangled in the tight dress, pinned to her sides.

Andy shifted lower down the bed, hooking his arms under her legs and pushing the hem of her dress up. In an instant her panties were gone. Hot breath whispered up her inner thigh and she held her breath in anticipation. A kiss on her nether lips was followed by a second and a third. She let out a small cry as his tongue, soft yet firm, parted her. He tasted her from bottom to top in long slow strokes, savoring her nectar. A shiver ran through her when he circled her clit, pushing and pulling the sensitive nub this way and that.

Freeing her arms, Heather sat up and watched as his tongue and lips explored every nook and cranny of her sex. There was nothing vulgar in his actions; the kisses and licks were tender, caring, and incredibly sensual. His mouth latched onto her clit and an orgasm shuddered through her. Automatically her legs squeezed his head, holding him there until the orgasm faded. Taking charge, she rolled Andy onto his back, kneeling over his face. His tongue plunged into her relentlessly, tasting her deeply while Heather massaged her breasts.

She balanced there, his tongue darting over her cunt. Gripping the headboard, she came again but still he didn't stop. After the third orgasm her clit was raw and throbbing like a nerve exposed to the air. She rolled off and collapsed in the crook of his arm, her back to him. They lay like that until her heart stopped pounding and her breathing returned to normal.

Without turning over, Heather reached back, pushing his pants and briefs down, aided by Andy's free arm. After several moments of wrestling with his clothes he was naked. Heather shrugged her own dress down and off and laid there, his body cupping hers. With a hand behind her back, she stroked him with long, slow pulls, her thumb rubbing over the head at the top of each stroke, slicking the tip with his pre-cum. His back arched as she traced around over the head.

Lifting a leg, she pulled him to her waiting cunt, rubbing his sensitive head up and down her slit. Her lips parted for him and he entered her, his cock slowly delving into her heat. When at last he was buried to the hilt, she held his hip steady, not moving. Andy kissed the side of her neck, his lips nibbling just under her jawbone. One hand gripped her waist while the other caressed her breast, his fingers teasing the nipple until it stood at full attention. She moaned and turned her head exposing more of her neck for his lips and tongue to taste.

"Don't come in me," is all she said as she rolled into him, forcing Andy onto his back.

She sat up, her back to him, her arms braced on his thighs. Heather began fucking him, her hips rolling and gyrating simultaneously, slowly grinding on him. It's poetry, Andy thought, watching her body move; pure, exotic poetry. The way her muscles contracted and relaxed; the swirling motion of her round ass; the way only the tip of his cock remained inside each time she lifted her body; and the glistening of his shaft all provided Andy the most erotic sight he had seen in a long time. When her fingers clutched at his thighs Andy knew she had found the spot she was searching for.

The downward motion became more forceful and at the top of each stroke she would pause slightly before plunging down. Breaths came in short, sharp bursts as the pace increased. A whitish ring of her nectar formed at the base of his cock, a testament to her heightened state of arousal. Her hips a blur, a low moan erupted from her mouth, building in pitch and intensity, filling the room. The urge to come reared suddenly in Andy and he teetered on the edge of the precipice, struggling to maintain control. With a great effort he was able to pull back from the brink, blood pounding in his ears.

Heather rode on, rushing towards the abyss. Her movements, once fluid and poetic, were now jerky and halting, until suddenly she stiffened, her cunt squeezing his whole length. Spasms rolled though her body, starting at her core and radiating out. Out of breath, Heather threw her head back and opened her mouth in a long, silent scream.

With a slow exhale she collapsed back against Andy, his cock still buried in her, a light sheen of sweat covering her skin. Andy caressed her stomach and sides while her tremors subsided. She became so still he had thought she had drifted off to sleep until a soft giggle escaped from her. The giggle grew into full-out, joyous laughter while Andy lay under her, perplexed.

"A good joke?" he asked when she quieted again.

"No, it's just -," she stopped, trying to interpret into words what she was feeling but finding it difficult. "I guess it's because I'm happy," she finished finally. "It's been awhile."

He hugged her, his arms wrapped around her stomach, her hands squeezing his forearms in return. They lay there, silent and unmoving, he still inside her, until Heather reached down and traced circles with her finger on his exposed shaft. Automatically his hands found her breasts, teasing and kneading, drawing soft, contented sounds from Heather. She raised her hips and at once Andy began driving into her with slow, controlled thrusts.

Heather responded in like, her hips pushing back to meet his. Two bodies became one, synced in perfect harmony. Her hands clutched at his. "Harder." Her simple command spurred Andy on and he complied, grunting with effort. The slap of skin against skin grew louder and faster only to be drowned out eventually by a wail from Heather. Her cunt gripped at his cock, trying in vain to hold him in place. Every muscle in his body tensed as a heaviness settled in his balls. Andy groaned - he was so very close.

Heather pulled his throbbing cock from her wet slit and held it against her sex, her pussy lips nestling the shaft, her hand rubbing his entire length. His hips bucked, her hand moved faster and faster until he came in a blinding orgasm, his seed pulsing out in great jets. When he was finished, she scooted off and lay beside him. Long ribbons of cum crisscrossed her torso from her navel to her breasts.

"Sorry about the mess," Andy said, slightly embarrassed. "Should I get you something to clean up with?"

Shaking her head and smiling, she said, "No, nothing to be sorry about." Dipping her fingers into his seed, she drew designs over her skin in an erotic form of finger-painting. "I think it's a rather impressive compliment."

Sunday, 3:51AM

"Did you enjoy it?"

Jesus, what kind of question was that? After a long moment, Andy said, "Yes - and no."

Tess propped herself up to look at him closely. "You felt guilty." He grunted. "And that guilt prevented you from really letting loose," she continued. Andy could almost hear her frowning as she churned that thought over and over in her mind, examining it from all angles. "Did she enjoy it, at least?'

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure she did," he said, thinking about the broad, tired smile on Heather's face and the way she reluctantly let go of his hand when he told her he had to go. A part of him wanted to stay but he couldn't as behind him the room had filled with his guilt. It was there, alive and palpable, just out of his peripheral vision and watching him in silent judgment. To stay would mean to feed that guilt until it became a monster large enough to devour him, Tess, and possibly Heather.

"Poor baby," Tess murmured. "Everyone had a good time tonight except you. Lucky for you the night's not over. I want to thank you properly."

"What do you mean?" he asked as she rolled on top of him.

Saturday, 11:22PM

"Do you love me?"

Andy turned from watching their daughters dance to smile at Tess. "Of course I do, very much."

"What I mean is, do you love me enough to do anything I asked?" she said, looking into his eyes.

He thought for several moments before answering. "Yeah, pretty much. As long as it doesn't hurt anyone, that is," he added as an afterthought.

Tess took his hand in hers. "Heather needs our help. Actually,your help to be more specific. I'm just the idea lady." Andy waited for her to go on. Tess took a deep breath and got directly to the point. "I want you to sleep with her."

A dark look passed over Andy's face as he tried to withdraw his hand, but Tess clung to it. "I don't think that's a good idea," he said, shaking his head slowly.

"Why not? Don't you think she's attractive?"

"Of course I do!" Andy said defensively. "It's just that maybe you've had a bit too much to drink tonight and you're not thinking clearly. And later on you're going to regret this and you'll be jealous and pissed at me for doing what you asked me to do. If I don't do it you'll be mad at me for a little while. But if I do it then you'll be mad at me for much longer, maybe the rest of your life."

Laying a hand on the side of his face, Tess smiled. "I had one glass of champagne hours ago for the toast - that's it. This is about Heather. Maybe you haven't noticed but she's very unhappy."

Andy nodded grimly. "Actually, I have. She smiles and laughs when she's talking with people but the moment she thinks no one's watching she lets her guard down and looks incredibly sad. She's so much prettier when she's smiling." He frowned. "Me sleeping with her isn't going to fix that."

"I think it will. She's suffering a crisis of confidence at the moment and needs a guy to prove she's still desirable."

"What makes you think she'd want to be with me?"

"Trust me. I've known her since high school and I see the way she lights up when you're around and it's been like that since the day you two met. Heather has carried a torch for you all these years and you've been too blissfully ignorant to notice." Tess gave him a shrewd look. "Or maybe you've been too sweet to pretend not to notice."

Laughing, Andy said, "Well, either I'm ignorant or sweet - I'll never tell." He looked out across the dance floor watching the girls slowly sway to the music. "Still, you'll be jealous."

Tess waved her hand. "This is about helping Heather. It's something I want to do for her. Besides," she added, "if I do get jealous I'm sure I can find a way to cope."

"Well, I'm not loaning you out to one of my friends!" Andy barked with a laugh.

"Does that mean you'll do it?"

He struggled with the decision, unable to make up his mind. In the end he relied on Tess' judgment. If this is what she really wanted then fine with him. "Sure," he said finally, "I'll do it for you."

"Great! Now, here are the ground rules. One, she must be the one to initiate. Two, you let her lead - you do what she wants to, how she wants to, for as long as she wants to. Three, you can't spend the night with her - in the end you come back to me."

"I see you've given this a lot of thought."

"I have," Tess said, standing. "Now, the kids are running on fumes so I'm going to take them back to my Mom's house. You stay and get a ride with someone later. Maybe you should ask Heather for one."

Sunday, 3:52AM

"This is what I mean."

Tess' hand glided down his chest, over his stomach, to his cock. Her fingers played softly over his slowly stiffening flesh, rousing it from its slumber. Kisses trailed down his body, their advances slowing the lower they went. By the time her tongue circled the crown his erection was full and straining.

"Miriam has this crazy idea you hooked up with some guy in a parking lot the night of the bachelorette party."

Tess stopped mid-lick and looked up at Andy. "That's because I did," she said with a wicked grin on her face. Before he could respond she devoured his cock.

Wednesday, 11:37PM

"I have to get back to the ladies before they spend all my money."

"Me, too. I should return the van before your mom starts worrying about it. Hopefully the kids stayed in bed for her." Andy kissed her lightly on the lips. "Need some cash for more lap dances?" Tess laughed and opened the minivan door.

Sunday, 3:56AM

"Why the big secret about us in the parking lot?"

Tess let his cock slip slowly from her lips and sighed before sitting up. "Miriam's first assumption was that I fucked some other guy. I mean, how long have we all known each other? Obviously, after all these years she thinks I'm the cheating kind. It totally pissed me off." Her fingers twisted and danced over the tip sending shudders rippling through Andy. "I just wanted to teach her a lesson, that's all. I'm over it now so I'll talk to her tomorrow and straighten it out."

Her grip tightened. "Now, if you're done talking about other girls, this girl - the one kneeling between your legs, the one stroking you right now - would like to suck your beautiful cock until you come in her mouth."

The only sound Andy made the rest of the night was when he cried out, his hips lifting from the bed.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

OK, I am commenting on a very old story.... What bugs me about these stories is when the husband doesn't act real. I mean if your wife suggests this wouldn't your mind jump to why? Not why the friends needs it but why me? Did my wife cheat and this is her way of letting me get even? If I do this does she then a chance in return with one of my friends? Is she just testing me?

olblueyesolblueyes10 months ago

life is good,, an understanding wife and a horny divorcee,,,every mans dream,,

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Muy buena historia, aunque dificilmente creible de que una esposa ceda por unas horas a su esposo a su amiga. Y que el esposo acepte sin mas. pero en fin estuvo bien escrita.

lisablissfullisablissfulabout 1 year ago

I loved everything about it, the twist at the end was just brilliant, I favourited it and gave a well deserved 5*

oldtwitoldtwitover 1 year ago

Loved it just loved it, well worth the read, loved all the characters and the plot was really good all the way through.

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