The Good Ship Bison


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Wind turbines were cheaper than they had been, but really, nothing would compete with PV.

On a large scale, fusion was great but only if you needed all the power in one place, which isn't the way most humans lived.

We changed the world in other ways, too.

We replaced most chicken and beef with NuMeat, in various flavors and textures that Exactly Matched 'real' meats only were made with yeast-grown proteins. Everyone said - they weren't an exact taste match, they were BETTER tasting than the originals.

The prices? It wasn't even close. A pound ground NuBeef tasted identical but was $0.50/kg vs. $16/kg for beef from an actual cow.

Moreover, NuBeef was guaranteed to be free of antibiotics and disease vectors, as well as having finely-crafted protein and fat components that generated far less arteriosclerosis.

Dairy herds were still around in some small measure since some people wanted that kind of milk, but NuMilk (under various brand names for slightly different tastes) were shelf-stable, free of hormones, and far cheaper. Mix with water, get great milk, cheap.

Companies founded by "friends" of the Bison (read: our crew) were fast-expanding on these markets with more meats and fish, milks, etc. The cheeses were absolutely as good if not better than esoteric cheeses produced all over Europe.

Farmland that had been devoted to cattle was fast being planted with trees and dotted with animal shelters designed to foster small animals so they could grow without predators wiping them out so easily.

In old growth forests, these shelters were naturally created by fallen tree trunks, but in new grown forests we had to help a little.

The Moon-base corporation, Oakville Research, owned a significant number of patents.

Some of these patents let private aerospace firms build bigger and better rockets that could land and be re-used. Granted, some notable companies had already done this, but we sold patent rights cheaply for improvements here and there, and we gave long-term contracts for lots and lots of cargo.

Why would we hire rocket firms to do what I could do in hours with Bison?

Looking at the econ, I couldn't be everywhere!

Besides, it's better to not have all of Earth's eggs in one basket. The big landable rockets did all the small jobs and flitting around, putting the thousands of worker bees on a problem instead of one bodybuilder.

Our contracts gave a floor, a steady guaranteed income stream, that financed more and cheaper rockets, created an industrial base to further drop prices, and give predictable fast service to all the on-orbit needs that were popping up.

It also helped cut costs for these rocket firms to already have a viable city at their destination!

I continued to bring up new members of my crew, while those previous members rotated in and out as their maternity leaves allowed.

On a personal level, then, I was definitely busy. As in, Gettin' Busy, a lot.

Sex is great!

Seeing lots of people, going from place to place on a fast basis, that made a hectic life, for sure.

(That said, I was nowhere as busy as the mothers of my kids. No person is as busy as the mother of a newborn, except the mother of newborn twins, or newborn twins on top of a previous pair of twins, something called, 'Irish Quads').

Ample help was provided for all my new baby-mama's, we could definitely afford it. Long gone were the days of worrying about helping my mom with a car payment or gas money. Or, my dad, who reappeared in my life with a minimum of fanfare.

Some of my trips allowed for contemplation time, too.

Relaxation and meditation are good for the soul, just as sharing skin and joy-making with friends old and new.

I asked Pat about what prompted her to stop observing humanity and start acting.

Pat said, "Humanity had a 5% chance of becoming extinct in the next 30 years, and the probability was rising at a precipitous rate, 1% a decade. Observing was no longer an option. Global warming, pandemics, biological and chemical warfare, and artificial general intelligences were increasingly certain."

This caused the obvious amount of panic and she clarified.

"Breaking destructive feedback loops was essential. We have done that now with irreversible effects for climate change and much of the biodiversity problem. Wars of scarcity and despotism were fueled by resource dependencies and vastly unequal wealth distribution, again broken by the laws of learning curve and experience curve economics."

"And... AGI's?"

"I'm scanning for these and have isolated all researchers attempting it. These people have been convinced it's against their best interest to attempt such things."

Knowing Pat's dislike of violence, I figured she'd done something subtle instead of just killing them, but I wasn't going to ask questions I didn't want the answers to.

We flew on, and that's all Pat would say about our potential future. She had opinions and said if I knew too much I might change history away from her predicted best-practice paths.

This suited me. Every week, a new six crewmates come onboard, six crew stay, and six veterans depart pregnant, cured, and happy. Many opt for one of the freshly opened settlements we've been scattering around the Earth-Mars-Asteroids range.

In answer to your questions, yes, everyone is fully informed ahead of time, and there are plenty of genetically diverse sperm samples aboard their ships to populate many future generations of smart colonists.

We have a lot of work to do, still, vast amounts, but our way forward is clear, and the future looks better all the time.

Human life, expanding in space and numbers, would - probably - survive. On this anniversary of Bison's arrival, humanity is celebrating a much safer but still very exciting future.

== CHAPTER: Second Epilogue, 2055 March 3rd ==

It's fitting to release the above now given it's been long enough that most of those involved won't be embarrassed anymore.

It's also fitting given events of the past tumultuous year.

June 8th, 2054, a series of multi-megaton explosions evaporated 12 large cities across Earth, and one area of the Moon. Happily, the Moon one wasn't close enough to a settlement to actually kill anyone, but it did cause damage.

The Bison was past Mars at the time, near Ceres, and we couldn't get back quickly, though we tried, at high G-loads. It wasn't comfortable.

Following the big explosions, several hundred additional 2 or 3 kiloton explosions sabotaged infrastructure worldwide and killed millions of people immediately, though they were not aimed at people, only factories and transportation centers.

The goal was obviously creating havoc and famine migrants from collapsing the global food and processed goods distribution networks.

Those obviously responsible had a set of demands, or they would inflict further destruction. These demands were odd - prison or death for a set of families of a certain ethnicity native to South America, as well as worldwide-enforced ethnic cleansing of another set of people native to Tajikistan.

We were all confused. Everyone was confused.

These demands did not make sense, nor did what was actually destroyed, vs. what was aimed-at. All of the actual explosion centers were displaced from their obvious targets by about 375 meters north-north-west, a fact which saved a large amount of that infrastructure from actually being totally destroyed. Surprisingly a lot of it survived.

As we got close to Earth orbit, Pat quickly scanned the surface and identified the type of explosions that had been set off. They were caused by force-fields of a similar type to the Bison's, only crude enough to leave a 'signature', as Pat called it.

Pat called it crude because it was inefficient and obviously designed only to destroy things.

Finding such a force field generator took Pat three days, due to its parts being separated and disguised as other machine components.

Pat used that generator to find who had instigated the plot.

The generator was designed by an AGI - it had to be, the physics and math were way too complex for a human brain. So, the question was: Where Was the AGI??!?

Pat Looked. Pat found Nothing.

This mystery remained for another few weeks until Pat found it, buried deep in a distributed network of hardware and software components.

The AGI Pat found had no ethics subroutines.

The trial of the humans involved (brought onboard ship) included as evidence several of them confessing to different parts of the crime (not needed, but appreciated).

Those in the non-confessing group, mostly true-believer racists and conspiracy theorists, were sentenced by me (as is the right of a ship's Captain) to life in prison at an undisclosed location. Those who confessed were allowed to either suicide or have their memories wiped and mental capacity reduced.

Pat regarded this as some of the most severe penalties she could inflict.

The 'life in prison' people were sent 'away'.

I can disclose now where that was. It won't help anyone: it's inside a non-Earth body. It's a complete colony kit, with food equipment that will last more than their lifetime, dispensed from holes in their rock ceiling. Ample water and some amenities have been provided. Entertainment, in the form of the soundtracks from episodes of the TV show 'ALF' from the 1980's, is piped in every other day at noon.

Books can be read to them, the sound piped in again from the ceiling through small holes, on request, but the selection of works is limited to any book written before 1930.

As a prison, it has some compassion, but given the number of people killed, it also isn't a great place to be.

What wasn't generally known is that the rock they're traveling on is spun for gravity and is small. It will pass into the photosphere of a neighboring star in approximately 230 years, which is within their natural lifetimes, extended as a courtesy by Pat. The chances of them surviving that stellar encounter are approximately equal to any of them actually enjoying the TV show Alf.

I asked Pat why she recommended this penal colony idea. She said she did it to prevent these people from ever being found by another AGI and freed. It was still possible, she said, but unlikely. Distances can be bridged by means other than rockets, she said, cryptically.

Killing them would have been more simple, I was pretty sure, but various ethical paradigms prevent that for both myself and Pat.

Sometimes it's just simpler to lock someone in a room and throw away the room.

== CHAPTER: Third Epilogue, 5 May 2203 ==

It's now literally impossible to retrieve the criminals from long ago.

I am also nearing my own end.

I could have taken another treatment and elected to remain alive longer, but there comes a time when it's about time to do something new, and I'm not afraid anymore of my natural end.

Sometime in the next 20 years, some disease or condition will take me, and that's okay.

I have more _generations_ of descendants than anyone else living, but only by about 3. Life extension is a solved problem, but what to do with the time isn't.

For sure, LOTS of sex is a profoundly good thing. Such a simple act, and yet such a deep beauty is revealed about ourselves. We are animals, and we rejoice in our Buddha natures.

I rejoice in the nature of mankind.

Pat understands this choice, and has elected to find, once I'm gone, a new pilot. She will choose from among my male descendants, someone young and fresh-faced and full of sperm to give to the world, I'm sure.

I'm still full of sperm. I'm happily full of sperm, and I share it around with new shipmates, now on a 3 month schedule since I enjoy that cycle length better. It also lets me have a chance to meet and visit with a subsection of my descendants, the ones I happen to find interesting.

Interesting doesn't always mean Nice!

Some are right old bastards (and bitches), and are from various parts of my family tree both near and far on the branches.

I love almost all of them. I don't LIKE some of them, but I do love them.

I visit their houses sometimes as the whim strikes me, and most tolerate me for a few days, enough to make me good food and show off their kids' or grandkids' newest artwork.

It's all crap, of course.

Kids are horrible artists. Everything's distorted.

Right, right, I know, I know. If it's your kid doing the distorting, well, the heart pushes the art critic off the cliff of forgiveness and you end up with one more decoration to show the old relative that comes to visit (Me).

I've seen a lot of bad art. Really, I'm an excellent critic and as far as they know, I love to see the art they create. I don't mention my real opinions, because, yeah, I'm not an asshole.

Along with the art, I get to hear funny stories - several times, usually; they forget I have an enhanced memory tied in with Pat's and my symbiosis.

No matter what the age, though, the reminder has to be consistent - take care of the biosphere around you and it will take care of you and your descendants. Guard it well and nature will provide.

I've guarded this missive and many others for a while. It's time to get them sent off to the distribution hub and wait for the inevitable firestorm of 'insufficient metaphor' and 'malapropism of edification' or whatever crap the _actual_ critics (read: academic analysts) like to spin. Some things never change.

I hope humanity both does, and doesn't, change. Be well in your chosen place, and importantly, I have one final wish for you.

Make Lots of Happy Babies.

== the end ==

Personne, for reference:

Kevin Cooper, first-person narrator.

Mads - madison charles

Alice Peterson blonde tall runner

Lisa Ortiz, 48th President of the United States.

General Schmidt

Colonel Davis

Dr. Marge Davis: lady, my mother's age. She looked fit, very friendly, with NASA,

Jan Watkins, USMC ret, pilot

Danzinger - law firm

Pinella - chairman of joint chiefs

Tina Lowden, dark hair, almost my height at 5'9", Lacrosse player, so trim but had a significant bustline, I knew (she tried to hide it most of the time, though). Smart, for sure - Model UN, debate squad.

Chris (Christina) Unger, technically another Tina, but she went by Chris. Shorter, 5'4, red hair, some freckles, very thin and sizable chest, always noticed in chorus - sang with me. math club.

Lara Tomlinson, black hair, striking blue-green eyes, chess and Math club. Small chest, swimmer.

Carla Chu, black hair, Asian features, medium build, ran track with me. Very pretty, graceful. Was also an Eagle scout, one of the first girls in our area to get that. She was wearing scout pants and a light jacket with the 'Scouts' logo.

Kara Elisabeth Nesbit, of Coral Gables, Florida. Dark brown hair, thin but medium chest, thick glasses. Speaks German and czech. Stanford student.

Rachel Nesbit, Stanford student, double-major mechanical engineering and political science, pre-law. Red haired, med-weight, B-cups, runner.

Dr. Ella Fenwich, Stanford med school intern (1st yr out). Did undergrad ages 16-18 (3 yrs, in bio), 22 yrs old. Focused on space medicine. Short at 5'0", medium-thick body mass, muscular, into weightlifting and crossfit. Very large boobs, short blond hair tied back.

Francine Cheriott, grad student in astrophysics, undergrads in physics and astronomy. French-Canadian, fluent French, Spanish, Algerian-Arabic. Light-skinned Spanish-French background, family from Andorra. Med. height. Likes to be spanked.

Dana Crawford, graduated previous year, italian-looking, speaks Italian (native, at home) and both Hebrew and some Arabic (also at home, Jewish). Gymnastics at Modesto HS, as prev. Year's valedictorian, attending UC Davis, chemical engineering. Jewish-curly dark hair, brown eyes, medium-small bustline, 5'9" taller than normal, very fit. Into anime.

Beth Watts, age 18 but senior at Berkeley in electrical engineering. Frail-thin, small chest, yoga, speaks Ukrainian, Russian, Azerbaijani, and Farsi. Grew up in Odessa, escaped Russian invasion, prodigy.

Anna Fernando, hispanic, black hair, sharp eyes, muscles, horseback riding, track, cross country. Math whiz. Freshman at Berkeley but already done with math major coursework (10 classes). Speaks spanish, portuguese, german, some mandarin (via paternal grandmother)

Willa Johnson. African american. Thin, attractive, larger butt, medium chest. French, creole / cajun. Thick glasses. Westinghouse prize winner. Aerospace engineering major at MIT, senior.

Gretchen Kolle

Allison Kraft, 35 year old lady from Netherlands, worked on ITER, plasma physicist, brunette, medium weight, divorced, one step-child.

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LynchjimLynchjim4 months ago

Just an fyi the Falkland Islands belong to the uk not Argentina the uk kicked argentinas ass when they invaded in 1982 which cost hundreds of lives on both sides thankfully many more of the invaders. Please don’t insult their memory by calling it an Argentine colony. Thank you I still love your stories even with this insult lol.

ja99ja998 months agoAuthor

@Falstaff60: I have no proofreaders, my wife finds my work uninteresting. Alas. Comments as on-point as yours are HELPFUL, and thank you kindly!! You're absolutely right. A simple couple of sentences about what their fate is (remaining on the ship as well as being ambassadors/liasons from the ship to various nations), would make a world of difference to resolution and how their lives (together or not) play out. The idea that they form a family with kids both aboard and at a port-of-call, is obvious to me.

I try to give epilogues to many of my stories to ensure there's closure of loose threads. I also want to ensure there's no one thinking, hey, there should be sequels to this, because usually sequels are uninteresting to me as an author. The exception is spinoffs, ancillary action happening alongside that references the main situation but doesn't depend on it. I have some of those stories in a major work that I'm editing now (I wrote most of it between 2011 and 2015 and it needs help). The spinoffs of that work are great by themselves; one of them described situations that are too unfixably feather-edge for Literotica so I'll have to put those works elsewhere. Alas.

Thank you for your suggestion / observation @falstaff60, I am well advised by it. Be well; peace out.

Falstaff60Falstaff608 months ago

So, Mads and Alice, his girlfriend, just disappeared from the story, as did all the original crew? What happened with Jan, the former Marine pilot? They all just sort of disappeared. No epilogue for them? Interesting story idea, but not my favorite of yours by a long shot.

ja99ja9910 months agoAuthor

I'm LOVING the fact that the thing the reader above finds most difficult to accept in a story about a high school guy being given a magical alien spaceship and the ability to bang any girl that comes onboard, is... wait for it... The Metric System. LOL. It was a small thing as part of the story, and YES, there's problems with converting, but ... WOW to pick that? Not the no-more-wild-caught-fish thing? Not the universal healthcare? Not having colonies on other planets? Not giving some bar patrons in the Azores their own backyard-welded auto-shop special space station ?

It's all good, people, I care and appreciate ALL of my readers and their comments, and you delight me with reactions that I didn't anticipate. THANK YOU, ONE AND ALL, be well, and Give Love.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Anyone who thinks converting land measurements from Imperial units to Metrics means that the thing being measured will vanish has a few marbles missing between their ears. A simple conversion factor with an accepted error (for those last 5/32nd differences you might get, for example) will sort out the conversion. You can look at the efforts of the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada to see 4 different but similar solutions to this problem. As a Kiwi I'm happy that my Lot which was originally surveyed in Roods and Perches is now still the same size but my Record of Title now shows a measurement in Square Metres. The change in measurement standard did originally make a bit of work for Land Information New Zealand but I doubt you would find any New Zealand surveyor who would advocate returning to the complex mess of Imperial units as the savings in time and money now made by using Metrics would be lost.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Read the story. You won't be buying gasoline soon.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Whether it can be easily changed or not, I think we can all agree that the imperial system is stupid.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

@ja99 - Actually, I do not presume that. If you were actually from the USA, you would have a higher chance of understanding the vastness of the country. Sadly, not that much higher, but a bit...


I have to laugh at your audacity to compare England to the United States. You do realize that the entire country of England is roughly the size of Colorado, which is only our 8th largest state (and one of 50). The United States is roughly the size of Europe, not any one country in it.


Why would we need to change our money? Are you not aware that our money is already on a decimal system and has been since 1792, as compared to 1971 for England?


I love how you backed off of your "imperial measurements still being a thing" to picking and choosing things that can more easily be changed. Of course, what you're also admitting without plainly saying it is that we are already switching to metric where appropriate and not overly disruptive. Another thing that you seem to overlook is that even if we did waste the money and force all of our industry to convert to metric, mechanics would still need their SAE and metric tools because the existing vehicle base isn't actually going to be retrofitted with metric bolts, so there's really no benefit there.


Sadly, you seem to think that switching to metric is a worthy goal on its own and thus does not need any other justification. That is simply not true. Tell me, what is this great benefit to converting our gas pumps from gallons to liters? Do you think that our gas pumps count in gallons, pints, and ounces? No, we're actually smart enough to use fractions and decimals with pretty much any unit of measurement... The average gas pump counts the gas pumped in 1/100 gallon units, multiplies it by a price in 1/1000 dollar units, then rounds and charges in 1/100 dollar units. All without the huge cost and confusion that converting to the metric system would entail. You might also be surprised to note that US car odometers used to count in 1/10 mile units, not feet, before the life span of vehicles made an extra digit on left more important than a fractional digit on the right...


Of course, all of your comments are pointless unless you retract your original statement. As I pointed out, our road system is laid out on a mile based system. For the most part, our township and county lines are based on that mile based road layout. Property lines are also largely based on this same system (and a federal land survey from 1785). So, to completely eliminate the imperial system, as your original statement claimed had to happen for America to not be stupid, you would have to rip up and replace almost the entire road system, redraw township and county lines based on the new metric system of roads, mediate the land disputes and easement requirements as land parcel sizes change, and generally waste more money than the GNP of the entire planet on a single, worthless project. Otherwise, as I said before, you're just adding unnecessary complexity (in the form of a bunch of math) to hide the fact that we still have an imperial based infrastructure behind a bunch of misleading numbers that are nothing but a conversion of the underlying, and much simpler, imperial measurements.


As to the story itself, I am mostly enjoying it. Things like this pull me out of the reading immersion I enjoy, so my comment below was made as soon as I got to that line rather than after I had read the whole story. I'm currently just over halfway through it. You did a good job of writing the MC as a high school student. Unfortunately, you also wrote all of the other (much older) characters as high school students. Couple that with your little uninformed rant on the American use of imperial measurements and I'm led to believe that you're probably either still a high school student or have been quite recently. Still, I enjoy this type of story where the MC just gets everything handed to him pretty much drama/conflict free. Sometimes it's nice to read a feel good story without reality interfering. It is a bit frustrating that these stories tend to be a bit juvenile, but they seem to primarily be written by juveniles so...

ja99ja9911 months agoAuthor

@Anonymous Re: Metric system. Thank you for your comment. You presume I am from the USA, I think. I may lack imagination about how hard it is to transition, but Britain did it in the 1970's and it worked out fine? The UK money system even transitioned from farthing/hapenny/sixpence/etc. to just pounds and cents!!

Changing money is arguably much harder than swapping out tools in a toolbox... though, I'm pretty sure most US based auto mechanics (and many/most homeowners) have both metric and SAE tools now.

You say, 'economic disaster' to transition to metric, but I suspect that a by-industry by-product switch with a year lead-time for each thing - milk jugs and gasoline, for instance - would solve this. USA is pretty rich, as a country, this couldn't cost more than a tiny fraction of GDP, and thus wouldn't be a 'disaster', imho.

But, we can disagree. I know, there's a tendency to edit out all opinions from these Literotica stories, but I like the free wheeling aspect of throwing out an opinion about this - or any other thing like cranberry juice tasting better than OJ in the morning - and being able to have a reader say, 'yeah, fun opinion' or 'I disagree' and move on. Not everyone likes anal. I don't. But, no judgement there. I like the idea of the whole world having the metric system, I threw it in. I didn't write in a mandate anal sex for every adult couple. Would that be more weird? LOL. Be well, sir or madame, I'm having fun writing and I hope you have fun reading, even if it's things you disagree with.

ja99ja9911 months agoAuthor

@HIFranc, thank you, typos occur, apologies. I'm not a pilot so I'm doing my best to copy their lingo and maybe not getting everything right. I appreciate your taking the time to comment, though, at least it sounds like the rest was/is good enough to hold your attention.

HiFrancHiFranc11 months ago

I’m still on Page 6 but I noticed a glaring error — 20,000’ would be flight level 200 not 20.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Very thought provoking. I think we all could agree that some of the ideas might really work but have entrenched groups opposed. We can only hope!

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

"America is really stupid sometimes, and imperial measurements still being a thing was proof."


This is the typical thought patterns of somebody who lacks the mental capacity to comprehend the sheer size of America and the fact that it is largely laid out on a mile based grid system. Even in the cities where the blocks are much less than a mile, they are still typically designed to have a fixed number of blocks per mile so that the rural roads will each align with a city street.


In summary, it would be an economic disaster to try and actually convert the US infrastructure to the metric system and forcing the usage of metric units to reference the imperial system based infrastructure is an unnecessary complexity that gains nothing but headaches and confusion.


I would recommend that you keep such irrelevant editorial comments out of your stories, as they detract from the story and make you look like an idiot.

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