The Gray Man Ch. 49B - Monica II

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TJ deals with threats and the bullied becomes the bully -2.
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Dear Reader - this is a bit of a detour for Gray. I find myself in an interesting place in my life and want to try something that is a little bit different for our hero/anti hero. I hope you enjoy the short scenic journey on our way to Chapter 50, which will be Gray in all of his glory. This detour is also longer than I anticipated, so there is a part A, B, and C to this chapter. Thanks for joining along on Gray's journey. Thanks for reading ~ Pelican

The next morning was Friday. Finally the weekend thought Monica. Get through the school day, an away basketball game and then a three day weekend as school was closed on Monday.

When she walked downstairs on Friday morning the coffee was freshly made and TJ was sitting at the breakfast bar sipping on a cup as he spoke on the phone. She didn't bother to greet him and he didn't mind.

He was getting ready to turn the screws even further. When Russel walked down the stairs Gray pushed his cup towards him, "Hey Rusty, I need a refill."

Russel wished he had a witty retort but he also knew that even if he did he would never use it, because Gray could beat his ass - plus Gray held all of the cards at the moment. Instead of protesting he meekly walked over and took the cup to refill. Monica watched in stunned silence as her husband became subservient to the beast.

Russel humbly spoke softly, "Did y-you want cream and sugar in that?" He asked.

Gray held his hand over the phone and placed it down to his broad chest, covering the mouthpiece. "What? Do I look like some sort of soyboy to you, ol son? I drink it black!" He growled.

Russel was taken back by the sharper tone. "Y-Yes, Sir". Russel replied, meekly. It was an indirect insult to him as Russel knew all too well that Gray had watched him pour flavored creamer into his coffee every morning since he had been here.

Monica couldn't help but notice the difference in her husband in the past 12 hours. From last night in the bedroom trying to be in control, to a shrinking, timid, violet in the presence of TJ

"I'm sorry," Russel repeated dozens of times.

TJ sighed into the phone, "I'll call you back, I need to deal with a situation. How about this, I'll meet you in General Stone's office at noon and we can talk about some possibilities."

Monica looked at her phone and googled. She was shocked when General Stone's name came up. General Robert L. Stone, Chief of Staff- United States Army. "Jesus," she thought, "Gray was meeting with the Chief of Staff of the Army." She made a mental note to do a search for TJ's name when she got to work

Seeing her husband so emasculated like this was too much. She decided to speak up, no matter what TJ had on her husband, it wasn't worth watching him slip further and further into emasculated depression. She took the cup from her husband and sat it in front of Gray, "You are a fucking bully, and you need to find another place to stay."

Russel was mortified, beyond words. His face turned beet red, "N-No, Mon... no!

Don't do that... He didn't mean it that way, please. You'll only make things worse," he pleaded.

TJ smirked, "Are you sure that's what you want, Rusty? Do you really want me to find someplace else to stay?"

Russel was terrified as his mind thought of the pictures of the two assassins, "N-No Sir. It's... You stay here. Just let me talk to her. Please." He turned to his wife, "Monica, follow me please, we need to talk."

TJ smirked as he looked at Monica, "You heard your husband. Now, go on. Have your conversation, then let me know what you decide."

Russel pulled his wife aside, "Please Mon, I owe him. Please don't do this."

Monica looked at her husband, "What could you possibly owe him that you would allow yourself to be treated this way."

Russel blushed, "It's about my mother."

Monica tilted her head, "Carol? What does Carol have to do with any of this?"

Russel blushed, "H-- he-- he had sex with her."

Monica gasped, "He, what?"

Russel was beat red, "Yes, not only did he fuck Tina, Erin, and Michelle - but he had fucked my mother too. He was at at the local Community College for a year before he went into the Army and he fucked my mother during Christmas break. Dad was reffing a basketball game and I came home for Christmas break and TJ was fucking my mother, standing at the kitchen sink. I walked in on them. Mom begged me not to tell Dad, or tell anyone. She was an Assistant Professor at the time - HIS professor. It would have ruined her career. Please Mon, it's just a few more days until his house is ready."

Monica was stunned, her own mother in law. How could a woman that Monica had grown to love and respect do something like that with one of her 18 year old students? Russel took Monica's silence as a 'No' - the 38 year old wife was humiliated when her husband started to cry and beg for her to just let him stay a few more days.

She shook her head, "Go to work, Russel. I'll handle this."

Russel scurried out the garage door as Monica marched back into the kitchen. "You can stay, but there will be no more humiliating Russel. He's not like you, he can never be like you but you are a guest in his home and you will show him the respect that he deserves."

TJ stood and took a step towards the school teacher, "Really?" He took another step, "Is that what you really want, Mrs. Anderson?" He took another step, he was now only inches away, "Or do you want to be just like your mother in law? Do you want to be bent over the kitchen sink, filled with a cock, cumming like you've never cum before?"

Monica backed away, but there was no more room to back as she found herself against the wall. TJ smirked as he grabbed her wrist and lowered it to his cock. He leaned in so that his mouth was against her ear, "Or is this what you really want? Is this what your body craves?"

Almost instinctively Monica's fingers started to stroke the huge prick, even after TJ's hand had left her wrist. His hands now cupped her small, pert, tits. "Did he tell you that he tried to have me hurt too? He saw me fucking his mom and instead of rushing to her defense he paid someone to hurt me?"

Monica's head shook slowly as her hand marveled to feel the huge cock grow under her grip. Her regret for wearing a skirt began to grow as she felt his hand slide up her leg, growing closer to her pussy. While he didn't touch he used a finger to trace the elastic at the very edge of her molten core. "You're wet."

She gasped when she felt her own hand wrap around the hot, firm skin and not just over his sweats. She had no idea how her hand had ended up inside of his sweats until he laughed and pulled away, "Look at you, so eager, slipping your hands inside of my pants." Gray pulled away, "Have a nice day at school Mrs. Anderson. I'll see you at the game tonight. Let Ashley, Kelly, and Rusty know that we are ALL going to go get wings after the game and I expect everyone to join us - there husbands too if they wish."

Monica wanted to slide down the wall. Her nipples ached, her panties were soaked, and her knees were weak, "Th - they have kids, it's not as easy for them."

TJ laughed, "Good thing they have all day to figure it out."

The atmosphere at The Copper Still was subdued. The basketball team lost a game that they shouldn't have lost. Despite the disappointment, Kelly and her husband Brent, along with Ashley and her husband Randy, joined Rus, Monica, and TJ for some post-game commiseration.

As they settled into their seats, the conversation meandered from the lackluster performance of the team to more mundane topics like work and weekend plans.

TJ had to fight the smirk when Brent Howard was introduced. He was a 6'4", bushy red beard that looked like he worked out. He had the look about him though, a look that said he was all hat, no cattle. He talked a good game, but he lives in his glory days. However, now it appeared as if this assassination plot may run even deeper.

Gray almost laughed when the first words out of Brent Howard's mouth were, "This team needs some toughness, we would have never gotten pushed around like that when I played. Sometimes you just have to smack a bitch, am I right?"

Kelly just smiled as TJ taunted her husband, "Regular Al Bundy? 4 touchdowns in one game. Plus you may want to lower the tone, some of the parents of the players are here."

This just empowered the blowhard, "That's the damn problem, these parents coddle their kids, spend thousands on travel ball but they've raised cowards."

TJ was happy that he was going to get to take down this asshole, he had taken an instant hatred of the glory days braggart.

Once the wings were delivered Brent looked at Gray, "So, tell us a bit about yourself, Patrick isn't it?"

TJ smiled and spoke about his time in the military. Brent interjected that he thought about joining a couple of times but would have never put up with a drill sergeant screaming at him to which Gray just rolled his eyes. Brent wouldn't let it go, "So, what was your MOS?" (Military Occupation Specialty)

TJ smiled, "11-Bravo, Infantry was my primary."

Brent laughed, "Not much use for a grunt unless there is a war."

TJ shrugged, "There's always a war someplace."

Brent wouldn't stop, "Gaza, Ukraine - nothing we have committed troops to."

TJ smirked, "That you know of. Like I said, 11 Bravo was my primary, but I was also cross trained as a 18-Delta as well as 18 Foxtrot."

Brent shook his head, "Bullshit, folks dont cross train like that in the military, it's why they have such a problem finding work afterwards. I've never heard of 18 in any MOS."

TJ smirked as Brent took the bait that Gray had dangled, "18 - Special Forces - Delta is a Medic, Foxtrot is a Scout. I also dabbled in the Command and Engineering as needed."

Randy was impressed, "82nd? Green Beret?"

TJ simply smiled as he put the beer to his lips, "No, 75th Ranger Regiment."

Brent shook his head, "Again, I call bullshit. Rangers are specially trained 11 Bravo - that's it. I work with all sorts of Tier 1 types at The Pentagon."

TJ winked, "Sure ya do, bub. Why don't you stop talking about shit you don't know anything about before you make a bigger fool of yourself than you already have.

Rus panicked, thinking TJ was about to throw his friend though a window. "So, how is the top Pentagon analyst fairing these days, Brent?" Rus asked, taking a sip of his wine. TJ took a sip of his beer to keep from laughing out loud. Brent Howard was so far down the pecking order at work that he was looking up at the ANAL part of analyst.

Brent let out a tired sigh. "Same old, same old," he replied with a shrug. "Like I've said before, not much I can talk about, Top Secret shit. But, be ready fellas, there is some big shit on the horizon, but I can't say anymore than that."

Ryan nodded in agreement. "How many years until we can retire?" he chimed in. "I've been putting in extra hours at the construction site, trying to keep up with all the projects. It's exhausting."

Meanwhile, the women huddled together, their conversation turning to the enigmatic TJ--a subject Monica was reluctant to explore.

"So, did you get to see IT again?" Kelly whispered, casting a curious glance in his direction.

Ashley blushed, yet leaned in closer, her voice tinged with intrigue. "Go on and spill it. I mean look at our husbands, they are all trying to impress him. There is definitely something about him," she replied, her eyes scanning the room.

Monica could not confess to them that she had slid her hand into his sweats just 12 hours ago and felt his prick grow under her touch. She shook her head and excused herself to the restroom, her steps hurried and her expression troubled. When she returned, her usually composed demeanor was replaced by a visible sense of unease.

"Are you okay, Monica?" TJ asked, his concern evident in his voice.

Monica forced a smile, though her eyes betrayed her inner turmoil. "I'm fine, just had a bit of a run-in with an old student," she replied, though her tone lacked conviction.

Kelly's gaze softened with understanding as Monica whispered a single name--Evan--a troubled kid they both remembered well. When Brent heard the name he puffed up his chest, "I should go beat that kids ass."

Kelly reached out and soothed her husband, "Stop. You don't need to go to jail over a stupid kid."

Brent looked at the other men, "Probably a good thing she's here to stop me. I've had enough martial arts training at The Pentagon that I might seriously hurt him."

TJ had to fight a sudden urge to punch that prick right in the throat.

Eventually, Kelly and Brent, along with Ashley and Randy, decided it was time to head home, mindful of their babysitters waiting anxiously. TJ paid his bill and excused himself to the bathroom while the three couples paid up and headed towards their cars. He was pissed, this entire scheme with Russel and Brent went deeper than he guessed and he fucking hated to be surprised.

As TJ exited The Copper Still his ears heard a commotion off to the right, in a dark area of the parking lot. His gaze immediately fell upon Monica and Russel, their figures tense and cornered by the looming presence of Evan.

As he approached, he heard Evan's voice dripping with Venom, "Bitch, you ruined it all. My scholarship, my future, all because you are a fucking bitch and a horrible teacher."

Monica tried to deescalate, her voice calm, "Evan, I gave you every chance, extra credit, everything. You couldn't be bothered. Even after Coach Myers told you that you needed to work harder or there would be no scholarship offers, you refused. I am sorry that the decisions you made have hurt you.

The deescalation didn't work as Evan's hand whipped back and the sharp crack of the slap echoed in the still of the night. Stunned Monica looked to her husband even as Evan took a menacing step forward and roughly grabbed her tits, "You screwed me bitch, now I'm going to fuck you."

Monica wanted to scream as she looked at Russel who was frozen. Evan slapped her again, "Look at me, bitch," he spat, his words dripping with malice. "Your wimp husband won't save you."

By this time, Gray had closed the distance to the three. his voice steady and firm. "He might not, but I will."

Evan turned, his drunken rage morphing into a wild, uncontrolled fury. He lunged forward, a haymaker of a punch hurtling towards TJ with reckless abandon. But Gray was ready, his movements fluid and precise as he deftly blocked the blow and retaliated with a swift barrage of strikes to Evan's ribs.

Still, the drunken assailant pressed on, his movements fueled by blind rage. TJ met each blow like the professional killer that he was; his focus unwavering even as Evan's attacks grew more frenzied. Then, in a swift and decisive motion, Gray seized his opportunity, taking Evan down to the ground and locking in a tight triangle choke.

Monica and Russel could only watch as the former All State Defensive End struggled against the vice-like grip of his much smaller adversary. However, in just a few seconds Evan's movements slowed, growing weaker with each passing second. And then, finally, his body went limp, surrendering to unconsciousness.

TJ's grip remained firm. Week's of pent up frustration threatened to spill over into a white hot rage. He fought the urge to unleash the full force of his fury and end the threat of Evan ever hurting anyone again, permanently. It was Monica's voice, soft and pleading, that finally broke through the haze of his anger.

"TJ, it's not worth it. It's over," she whispered, her touch a gentle anchor amidst the storm raging within him.

With a heavy sigh, TJ released his hold and rose to his feet, his gaze lingering on Monica's face for a moment before he turned and walked away. It was after 2 when Monica heard TJ opening the front door. She was curled up on the loveseat in the den reading.

The door creaked open, and TJ stepped into the dimly lit foyer to find Monica waiting for him, her expression a mix of frustration and uncertainty. As he approached, she motioned for him to sit beside her, her words heavy with emotion. TJ looked her way, "You're up late."

"I wanted to talk to you. Sit, please." TJ sat as she continued, "I don't know what to think of you, TJ," she began, her voice tinged with apprehension. "One moment, you're a bully, with this mean streak that I can't ignore. I know about that you even fucked Russel's mother. You scare me, the way you can switch from caring and protective to cold and distant in an instant."

TJ listened in silence, his gaze fixed on her, his expression unreadable. He had heard these words before. Finally he smiled, "Did Rus tell you that his dad set up that meeting and that he actually liked to watch?"

Monica's heart skipped a beat as she realized that Rus was more like her dad than she ever imagined. Still she continued, her voice wavering slightly. "But then, just when I think I have you figured out, you do something... something that shows me a different side of you. A side that's kind, and compassionate, protective. I need to be honest, it fucks with my mind." Finally, she sighed, a heavy weight lifting from her shoulders as she spoke her truth. "But tonight... tonight, you were my knight in shining armor, TJ. And for that, I have to thank you."

TJ's lips curled into a smirk, his one dimple appearing as he met her gaze. "I may be a knight," he replied, his voice low and husky, "but I'm not the one in shining armor. I'm more like the dark knight, Monica. The one who will do whatever it takes to win."

Monica started to stand when TJ reached out and grabbed her wrist and pulled her onto his lap. She opened her mouth wanting to scream but her voice came out in a whisper, "TJ, don't..."

As the last two words slithered out of his mouth, he pushed an index finger into her wet groove and began stroking her hard clit through the silky pajama bottoms. "Tell me Monica, do you walk around this wet all of the time?" he taunted.

His hand let go of her wrist, she could have gotten up and she knew it, yet instead she felt her legs begin to open, giving him even greater access. He didn't rub fast, or even hard but his finger knew exactly where to touch and just how firmly to touch. Instead of him holding her arm, she now gripped his as he growled into her ear, "Tell me to keep going, Monica."

Monica leaned her head back, a soft moan escaped her lips. She wanted a lot of things and her brain exploded knowing that her husband was asleep just up the stairs. She moaned long and breathy as he demanded again,

I said, "Tell me you like it, if you want me to keep going." His words drifted in to her thoughts followed by the realization that she did not wish him to stop, she was too close to cumming. She was so close to orgasm when his hand slipped inside of her pants and his finger found the wetness of her slit. TJ slipped a finger inside of her which caused her to moan, "I said tell me or I stop."

With no words TJ started to pull his hand away until both of Monica's hand gripped his forearm and pulled his hand back to her needy gash. "I like it, please don't stop."

Monica almost came unglued when his fingers slipped inside of her again and he whispered, "Good girl. That wasn't so hard now was it?"

Again there were no words of reply as TJ's fingers exited her body again, just before she was ready to explode. "I asked you a question, I expect an answer."

She whispered, "No, not hard, just please..." the voice came out like an infants whine.

TJ smirked as now two fingers slid into the horny wife, "You know Evan would have raped you tonight in front of Russel and he would have let it happen. Tell me how much you liked seeing me kick Evan's ass for you."

She moaned but wouldn't respond. She couldn't, it would be a betrayal of her husband. She thought if she could only keep quiet and he would just keep playing another couple of seconds and she could finally cum. Her brain was swimming, 'God, why am I soooo turned on right now?' she thought as she squirmed.