The Greatest of These is Love Pt. 04


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Dawn looked at John with a touch of pity.

"We've got some cousins in Arkansas and Tennessee. None around here, though. I guess you don't miss what you've never really had." Dawn cocked her head and asked, "What usually happens at a family reunion?"

John simply shrugged his shoulders, as the one he had just been informed about was the first he had ever heard of.


Emily looked up from her knitting as Dawn and John resumed their places on the sofa and Gypsy ensconced herself in front of the fireplace. "Hmm?"

"Have you ever been to a family reunion?" Dawn inquired.

Emily thought for a bit and answered, "Years ago, before I even met your Daddy, I think my folks took us to a family reunion somewhere between Nashville and Knoxville. I remember there were quite a few people there and a number of children all running around. The men played horseshoes and drank beer while the women sat around in the shade and just shared. I remember they gathered everybody together to take a group photo. I think we may still have it tucked away in an old photo album. It's sort of like a gathering of friends who don't know each other well but who are family by either blood or marriage. Just like I belong to both the Smoot and the Taggart families."

"Okay, thanks for that, Mamma. Come on, John. We've got some planning to do if we're heading back to school on Saturday." Dawn pulled John up off the sofa and they headed for the stairs to the basement.

"Be mindful of your sisters, Dawn," was Emily's parting warning. Emily knew full well what sort of planning was going to be happening in Dawn's room.

Alone in the family room with a softly snoring Josh, Emily reviewed what she'd heard of John's call home. It had sounded like he had a decent relationship with both sets of grandparents. That boded well, she thought. That Aunt Jewel had expressly insisted on Dawn's attendance in July was also good. She thought about her distant relatives and decided to search for that family photo from her teen years.

"What do you think about this, Gypsy?" she asked, and the collie's head snapped up to gaze at Emily. "Is John good for Dawn? He seems to be. You've quickly become rather fond of him, it seems. We'll just have to see how this all plays out." Emily returned to her knitting and Gypsy lay her head on the floor between her paws.

Once downstairs, Dawn shut the door to her room once she and John entered and directed him to "have a seat on the bed." She got a country love songs playlist going softly and placed her phone on the nightstand. She settled onto her bed facing John and held out her hands to her boyfriend, who gladly took them into his own.

"I think you were very brave today, Big John," she said, tugging on his hands, getting him to pull her into his embrace. "I believe you handled it very well." They lay on her bed, face to face, simply holding each other.

"Really? Because I was all set to hit the disconnect button if Mom or anyone else started to become belligerent. You, however, stole the show. You conjured up that accent and got on Aunt Jewel's good side. She may be younger than Grandpa Wilson, but she definitely rules the roost.

"Are you okay with her demand that I bring you to the family reunion in July? It's over seven months away. A lot can happen in that time."

"John Edward Wilson, get this through your thick skull, mister: you are MINE! I. Am. Never. Letting. Go. Of. You. Period. You complete me, John. I owe Jules and Tom so much for bringing us together. You are courteous to my parents, kind to my sisters, tolerant of my brothers, and you've stolen my dog's affection. I'll have to keep you around just so I can have my Gypsy girl."

"Ha! I knew there was an ulterior motive somewhere!" John chuckled and rolled to his back. Dawn followed and lay her head on his chest. They lay there, relishing the closeness and zoning to the background music.

"I know some would say it's way too early, but I love you, Dawn. In two short months, you've pulled me out of the shell I had built for myself and there's no way I ever could fit back into it. You complete me, too. I just want to walk, hand‑in‑hand, with you by my side, for the rest of my life. Dawn Michelle Louise Taggart, you are MINE! I'm never letting go of you, either.

"You're a lot of fun, you're beautiful and smart. You have a wonderful family, and you are kind to others as you showed to Mel. I really like the sex we have. But all that is secondary to the joy I feel when you're by my side and holding my hand. Like this afternoon."

Dawn realized that nothing more needed to be said in response, and she snuggled in closer to her man. Just then, her playlist started playing "Stand By Your Man".

= [] = [] =

Henry Wilson was in his pajamas and lying in their bed while Susan was completing her pre-slumber rituals. She emerged from the ensuite a minute later with a faint toothpaste smudge on her lip and climbed into their bed on her side.

"Mmmm. Minty," Henry commented on their peck. "You've still got something right here, though." He kissed the smudge and allowed his tongue to wander slightly. Susan got the hint and they chased each other's tongue back and forth a few times before Henry pulled back.

"So, Susan, everybody's gone home now. What's going on?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, this whole thing with your being so upset at John's absence over Thanksgiving. Out with it. What's going on inside your head?"

Susan was silent as she attempted to assemble her rationale.

"This is the first year that John's not come home on any break in his classes. I'm worried about him and his future. I'm not ready for him to be so independent from us." She paused, hoping that was enough of an answer for Henry.

"Let's think about this for a moment. One, this is the first break in his classes he's had since they resumed in late August. So, he didn't come home for this break. It's not like he's been away for multiple breaks.

"Two, he will be 21 in late March and legally an adult. It's time for him to be making these kinds of decisions for himself, wouldn't you say?

"Three, he's met a girl. A girl who likes him well enough to take him home to meet her family, twice. And her parents invited him to join them for this holiday. That's something that says we've done a good job in raising him."

"But ..."

"The only butts I'm concerned with are yours and mine. And Owen's as well, I suppose. However, he's rapidly outgrowing the need for our hovering. I know you were avoiding bringing up your brother Jimmy's tragic death. However, I believe it has a lot to do with your being upset with our eldest."

Susan first pursed her lips, then licked them before discussing the part of her reasoning that she was hoping to avoid.

"My hippy‑dippy parents gave me and Jimmy far too much leeway, especially once we earned our driver's licenses. It was that leeway that ultimately led to Jimmy's fatal car crash on his way home from a graduation party, blitzed out of his skull. I'm grateful that he only hit an ancient oak tree rather than anyone or anything else. I vowed then not to let that happen to any of my children."

"I'd say that you achieved that objective, Susan," Henry noted, dryly.

"What's THAT supposed to mean?" Susan asked in a huff.

"It means that you have kept your babies 'comfy and warm'. You know, safe from possibly harming themselves. You have succeeded in reaching your objective, at least as far as John goes.

"He's reached the stage and age where he both wants and needs to decide many things for himself. You need to let go enough for him to be able to do that. Otherwise, you run the risks of both alienating him from us and his cutting back or completely stopping communications with us."

Susan was angry to be on the receiving end of his little diatribe, but she couldn't refute his conclusions. Henry continued after a few moments.

"Susan, my love, please don't be angry with John or Owen as they mature and follow their own paths through life. It's simply the natural progression of life, an important part of becoming a responsible adult. I realize that losing Jimmy to a senseless accident was a pivotal and formative event in your life. You have done, no, we have done our best in raising these two young men. It's a sad truth that you never see how good a job you've done as a parent until they are out on their own. We still need to keep our arms open for when they return. Don't be hard on yourself, either. We've done the best that we knew how."

Somewhat mollified, Susan eased the frown from her visage and snuggled up to Henry. He returned her kiss with his interest, and soon their bedclothes went sailing to the floor.

= [] = [] =

When John and Dawn had roused themselves and ventured back upstairs, Junior had returned from taking Danny to Aileen's. Emily was reheating some of the items from the earlier feast, and Dawn quickly moved to help her. John settled on the sofa once more and quickly had a lap full of Gypsy's head. He automatically began to stroke her, and the dog was once again very contented. Josh had roused sufficiently to be disgusted at the trouncing the Cowboys were receiving at the hands of the Washington Commanders.

"Let's go sit at the table and wait for the womenfolk to finish reheating the food," Josh commanded the two. He then called down the stairs for the twins to come help their mother. John simply pressed his lips together and said nothing. Soon, the family minus Danny sat at the table once again. This blessing was very brief and no one felt the need to add additional thanks.

"So, you two are heading back to school on Saturday, eh?" Josh asked.

"Yes, Daddy, we'll head out after lunch, if that's okay with you," Dawn answered.

"I'd rather that you stayed the extra night and headed back on Sunday, but you're almost a full adult now, Sweet Pea. Just be safe, both going and coming. John, are you sure you have to go back a day early?"

"Yes, s- Josh. I need to spend some more time on a couple of the final assignments. The full day on Sunday will help me immensely in completing them on time," John responded.

Sighing and nodding his head in resignation, Josh acquiesced, saying, "All right then. You know what we expect and don't expect, right Dawnie?"

"Yes, Daddy. Better grades and no pregnancies yet."

Both John and Junior had minor coughing fits at Dawn's blunt phrasing while the twins just looked at their laps and smiled.

John still wasn't quite accustomed to the frank conversations that Dawn's family would have about what he considered to be sensitive subjects. He told her so once they were in bed for the night.

"John, try to put yourself in my parents' place. Ginny and Jenny know about reproduction, both human and animal. Animals mating is something both children and adults around here see on a regular basis. Country girls seem to mature faster than boys. Do you recall Ginny's statement about claiming you if I ever let you go?" John nodded and Dawn continued.

"By talking openly about it, my parents have removed the secretive and 'dirty' stigma often associated with sex. Are you ashamed about the sex we've been having?"

"No, not one bit!" John exclaimed.

"Good answer, Mr. Wilson," she purred as she sought a sensitive spot below and behind his ear. "Now, shall we put your words to the test?"

Friday, November 27, 2020

"Do you REALLY have to go back to college tomorrow?" Jenny's eyes were brimming with tears while Ginny loudly blew her nose into a tissue.

"I'm afraid so, darlin'," John assured the twins. "I've got some homework to turn in on Monday that I should have brought with me but didn't. Dawn's my ride back, so she's gotta drive us both. I know you'll miss her."

"Her? Pffft. We'll see her at Christmas. Will we see you at Christmas as well?" Jenny wrapped John in a hug and inhaled deeply. When Ginny did practically the same thing, he thought about their affectionate actions. An idea came to his mind but he needed some help to bring it to fruition.

"I can't promise that I'll get here over Christmas. I'll leave you both with a special something to keep me in your thoughts and prayers, okay? Now, dry your eyes, sweeties. Those puffy eyes do not look good with your coloring."

A few sniffles and head bobs later and the twins disappeared, leaving John and Gypsy alone in the family room. John resumed his seat on the sofa and the dog was instantly on the sofa next to him with her head in his lap. John was unsure if Gypsy was allowed on the furniture. He had never noticed her there before. Shrugging, he stroked her head as she gratefully soaked up all the attention he was willing to give her.

Dawn poked her head into the room from the kitchen and noted the scene before her. She frowned and was about to scold the dog when Gypsy looked at her with puppy dog eyes, pleading for a stay of execution. Dawn bit back her admonishment and gently shook her head. There would be plenty of time later for enforcing that silly rule of her father's.

There was a muted clang in the kitchen that drew Dawn's attention away from John and her dog.

"What are you two doing?" she demanded of her sisters who had entered from the dining room. Jenny and Ginny were gathering various pans and ingredients in preparation for cooking something.

"Does John like marshmallow treats?" Ginny asked softly so John would not overhear.

"I don't know," Dawn answered quietly. "We've never had any and it hasn't come up in conversation. Was that what you two were going to make?" She unconsciously licked her lips.

"Yeah, but with a twist. We don't have any of the plain cereal, so we thought we'd use up the Fruity Pebbles."

"Oooh, nice! But won't Danny and Junior be upset when their cereal is gone?"

"Pffft." Ginny gave a dismissive wave of her hand. "They can go to the store and buy some more if it's so important to them. But John can't buy our homemade, made‑with‑love treats when you're at college."

"Cou- could you make a batch with Cocoa Krispies or chocolate chips, please?" Dawn practically begged.

"Why don't you make your own treats while you're here? Oh, that's right, you're heading back to college tomorrow."

"Please, Gin? You're already making some."

Ginny tapped her lips thoughtfully with her finger while Jenny kept her head turned away to hide her smile.

"All right, but we expect some very nice Christmas gifts."

Dawn eased out of the kitchen to leave her sisters to their preparations. Gypsy pushed by Dawn on the way to the water dish, so Dawn hurried to claim the now empty seat at John's side. She snuggled in under his left arm and lay her head on his upper chest.

"What were you talking with Jenny and Ginny about earlier?" she asked.

"They were sad that we're headed back to school tomorrow, as if one extra day makes all the difference. I promised I'd leave something to remind them of me and help keep me in their prayers."

"What were you thinking of?"

"Well, in some ways, this is entirely your fault. When they were hugging me and drying their eyes, they were rubbing their faces into my chest, kind of like you are doing now. I suppose their deep breaths may have been to calm themselves down, but I suspect there was an ulterior motive."

"Ah," Dawn replied, quickly catching on to what John was alluding. "So, how are you going to pull this off?"

"I was thinking of asking for some bandanas or hankies and spritzing some of my 'Business Man' cologne on them. Give them to the girls in Ziploc baggies so the scent can last a while."

"Hmm, that could work, I suppose. Do you have any t‑shirts with you that you could give up instead? I know what Jules and I did with Tom's shirts would work well for my sisters."

John made a face, twisting his mouth to one side as he mentally reviewed his inventory of clothing, both with him and at school.

"No, I don't have any with me. Most of my shirts are short‑ or long‑sleeved button up shirts, complete with a pocket that requires protection." John said this last while twisting his mouth into a wry smile.

"Well, then, go and get your shoes on, John. We're heading into town."

Some minutes later, the bell rang as the door opened and in walked Dawn and John. Aunt Margie emerged from the back room and her face lit with a delighted smile.

"Hey, there, Dawnie!" the proprietress greeted the pair. "And John," she added with a wink and another smile just for him. "How was your Thanksgiving? It's a cryin' shame those Cowboys don't know how to play football."

"Or the Lions, either," John added, and Margie laughed loudly.

"I take it this isn't a social visit, girl. What can I do for you?"

"We need some t‑shirts that some younger girls could use as sleepwear," Dawn explained.

"Younger girls like Ginny and Jenny, I take it?"

"Yes'm, specifically those two," John confirmed.

Margie cocked her head and made a face while she thought about what would be appropriate for her burgeoning teen nieces. She brightened up and snapped her fingers.

"I've got just the thing!" She rushed into the back room and the sounds of some boxes being moved around could be heard. Margie shouted, "Bingo!", and then she emerged with some pale pink and pale yellow shirts clutched in her hands.

"Voilà!" Aunt Margie declared. She tucked all but one under an arm and shook out the one remaining in her hands. The image was a cloyingly sweet cartoon of a little angel, complete with wings and a halo showed on the pale pink jersey fabric. The caption, "L'il Angel" in a flowing script arched over the image.

Dawn squealed with delight and exclaimed, "They're PERFECT, Aunt Margie!" Dawn took the one from Margie's hands and held it up to check the length against her body.

John craned his head around to evaluate the length on Dawn while Aunt Margie shook out one of the yellow ones with the same design. He tapped his lips with his finger as he evaluated, trying to imagine Dawn wearing a similar item. "It'd be a little short on you, wouldn't it?"

Dawn considered his words then gave a sneaky grin in response.

"Oh, I'm not quite so angelic, but I think I could make this work. You'd love it if I wore it without any panties on, wouldn't you?"

John blushed furiously at Dawn's words and intent in Aunt Margie's presence as the older woman gave a hearty laugh.

"But they're not for me, John," Dawn assured him. "They're for the twins and these would be perfect for them as sleepwear. What size are these?"

Aunt Margie checked the tags and responded that they all were larges.

"How many are there?" Dawn decided.

"Four; two in pink and two in yellow."

"That's great. We'll take all of 'em. The twins can decide who gets which color."

As they walked over to the cash register, Aunt Margie inquired if Dawn or John wanted anything else.

"That's really all we came in to get," John explained as Dawn handed her credit card to Aunt Margie. He politely accepted the plastic bag that Aunt Margie had placed the shirts in and stepped back. Dawn swiftly embraced her aunt, thanking her profusely for her help. John turned to follow Dawn when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Spinning to face the hand's owner, he found himself wrapped up by Aunt Margie. She hugged him for about 20 seconds, then pushed back while still holding onto his shoulders.

"What's wrong, honey?" she asked, very softly. "Something's not right; I can tell".

"Nothing's wrong, Aunt Margie," John answered.

"Bullshit," she whispered. "Don't try to beat around the bush 'cause I'm an old‑time bushwhacker."

"It's just something I need to speak with Dawn about," he mumbled.

Aunt Margie pulled his head down to kiss his forehead. "Don't let it fester; get it out right away once it's just you two," Aunt Margie advised. Louder, she said, "Now, don't you two get into any trouble."