The Guy


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I had barely finished when she pushed me off and slithered from the bed. I watched as she planted herself, naked and smeared with cum, on Roger's lap. She grasped his face in both hands and planted a long kiss on his lips. I saw his hands grip the chair's arms and saw his legs contract. Then I knew. This wasn't for him --- it was for her! The whole set up and performance had been for her to get off by forcing him to watch and take the humiliation of kissing her while my cum was still warm on her face! Jesus! She must have something really heavy on his ass!

"Where are you going? You're not leaving are you?" Her voice was incredulous and slightly annoyed.

"The evening's over --- for me!" I said and headed for the living room and my clothes. I called my buddy, Greg to come pick me up in his cab. "I'll meet you at the gates to the property," I said. I hoofed it down to the gate and spent a pleasant half-hour shooting the bull with the security guard.

Well, those were my first two experiences with being the designated hitter. The next one, the one I set out to relate to you in the beginning is the one that changed everything for me --- and for some other people as well.

I had known Dave and Ellen Joiner since college. Dave had been the very able manager of an investment club that I had joined as well as one of the trainers for the football team. I played defensive linebacker in those days and Dave wrapped my joints and treated my bruises and strains with expert care. Ellen was a cheerleader, squad captain during her senior year. Once they had met and dated, Dave and Ellen were inseparable, an example of the hot passionate, love that comes to most of us at that time of life.

One night from that period stands out in my memory most vividly. We had decided to attend a concert in a near-by city. I drove with my date in the seat beside me; Dave and Ellen occupied the back seat. Later that night, on the way back, the conversation sort of dried up and we soon heard rustling sounds and muffled giggles from the rear. My date, I think her name was Donna, glanced at me and we both began to laugh as soundlessly as possible. In the rear view mirror I could see that Ellen was straddling Dave's lap, her skirt covering their joined pelvises. Donna unabashedly looked over the back seat and we both struggled to suppress the laughter. Just then I came to a clear place in the highway and swerved the car sharply, rolling them off balance. Gales of laughter erupted then and Dave and Ellen pulled themselves together. I scored that night, too, when we got back and I still think it was the erotic show that Dave and Ellen put on for us that warmed Donna to the point of consent.

Over the years, I had kept in touch with Dave and Ellen. They lived in Chicago. I often had layovers there after I began traveling for a living. They introduced me to their friends and always had a small dinner party ready when I arrived. It was always warm and lively with great conversation and a lot of humor. To make me feel really a part of the group, Dave and Ellen always included a single female to act as my date for the evening.

The last of these little get-togethers occurred about six months before the writing of this account. The party that evening consisted of only five: the Joiners', another couple, Alan and Catherine Edwards, whom I had met once before on a previous visit, and me.

The Edwards deserve a word of introduction. What struck you first upon meeting them was how completely perfect they looked. Both were tall, Alan about six-two and Catherine at least five-ten or –eleven. And they were beautiful --- both of them. She was naturally blond with long straight hair and gorgeous Scandinavian features that consisted of high wide cheekbones and full, naturally red lips. Her eyes were as blue as a winter sky. She wore, as far as I could tell, little or no makeup. Her figure was lithe and willowy accentuated by long legs that flared into comfortable-looking hips and a relatively short torso with what appeared to be a rather voluptuous bustline. The thin gold chain she wore around one ankle served to draw my attention to her trim, fit-looking legs. Alan was darker, rich brown hair and a long, handsome face sat atop an athletic build that rivaled my own. He had, I learned later, excelled at track and field events in college and narrowly missed making the 1996 Olympic Team. Both of the Edwards' were warm, congenial and open people, undeniably well off but personable, human and unselfconscious. I had been drawn to them on our first meeting and was happy to see them again.

This was different from my other stopovers for a couple of reasons. First, because it took place at the Edwards' house instead of at Dave and Ellen's and, second, because there was no third female to balance the table. I gave it no thought at the time, just figured that perhaps the well of available single females was tapped out for now.

The evening began with a delicious dinner and an exquisite desert followed by a rich and powerful brandy that we took to the living room. The bright, smooth conversation was a tonic for me after the round of business meetings and client lunches I had endured for the past ten days.

At about ten o'clock, Dave announced that he and Ellen had to be going. "We want to get in the road early so we can make it to Ellen's folk's place before dark," he explained. I rose to go with them but Dave stopped me.

"You're staying here tonight, sport. Alan and Catherine volunteered their guestroom and a ride to O'Hare in the morning so you won't have to get up at O-dark-thirty in the AM with us. Your bags are in my car; you can help me bring them in."

I found out later that it had all been very smoothly engineered, although Dave and Ellen really did leave for her parents' farm the next morning. Anyway, Dave and I transferred my bags to the guestroom, Dave and Ellen departed, and the Edwards' and I settled back in the living room with another brandy. Catherine slipped off her shoes and curled her feet beneath her with a flash of shapely thigh that swiveled my head involuntarily. The last ten days had been a stress on my libido as well as on my social life and I was between girlfriends at the moment. She caught me looking, lowered her eyes demurely and smiled. I took a grip and sipped my drink.She's very cool, I said to myself.Every man she meets must take advantage of every opportunity and she knows exactly how to handle it without embarrassing the poor jackass --- me, in this instance!

It wasn't long after that that Alan broached the subject that was the lynch pin of the evening. He began by saying how happy he and Catherine were in this new home and how their circle of friends, including the Joiners' and now me, had made their lives all the richer. I was beginning to think that he was laying it on a bit thick when he glided smoothly into the main point. On this occasion, I had not seen it coming.

"Our friends are all of a progressive frame of mind and that is what makes our lives a lot richer. Catherine and I have a very open and --- well --- inclusive relationship, I guess you'd say. We believe firmly in the freedom of the individual and of each other."

Now I'd been through this a couple of times before, you'll remember, and I was rapidly recognizing where this little speech was headed. This time I caught my breath at the possibility that the long-legged Scandinavian beauty across the room from me would be in my arms in a matter of minutes. The explanation wasn't different in essence from those Hal Siegel and Carolyn Eckles had given, just more eloquent. Alan and Catherine smiled warmly at each other and Catherine took up the explanation.

"What he's trying to say, James, is that I find you extremely attractive and exciting and I would be very pleased if you and I could spend some --- intimate time together." She finished the entire sentence in a rush and I could swear that she blushed as she again looked down and smiled her demure little smile.

Regardless of my previous experience, I was at a loss for words. The Edwards' were friends of my friends and I wasn't sure how this would rearrange the dynamics of relationships. I also wondered just how the evening would play out if I said yes. What was Alan's role, active, or passive as Hal's and Roger's had been? Catherine read my mind and rescued me.

"It was something like this that brought us together with Dave and Ellen. We've --- enjoyed the company of each other's partner a couple of times --- 'mate swapping,' to give it it's popular name. I hope that doesn't shock you; Dave and Ellen agreed that we could let you in on our ---arrangement."

"No, I'm not shocked. And I must say that I find the prospect of spending intimate time with you to be very --- compelling. But what exactly did you have in mind for this evening?"

"I have a strong voyeuristic tendency," Alan said. "I'd like to watch the two of you --- just watch --- if you don't have any objection."

I couldn't think of any because Catherine's long thigh and bottom were outlined by the tight-fitting knit dress she wore; so that was the end of the discussion. Alan said, "Why don't you join Catherine on the sofa and I'll just sit over here." He rose and moved to an easy chair across the room, almost the same relationship that Roger had taken from Carolyn and me a year or more before and in another city.

Catherine's eyes met mine and she was blushing! Her face was suffused a deep red that went down into the reaches of her neckline. Her eyes were as bright as blue diamonds; they positively sparkled and glowed with anticipation. I realized that she was genuinely nervous, that she had to overcome her natural shyness each time she did this and it cost her a terrifying effort. But the promise of rich and satisfying sex with a new man was so compelling that it was worth it to her.

Her lips stretched back from her perfect white teeth as she opened her arms to me. I settled beside her, took her in my arms and kissed her warmly. With the second kiss, she opened her lips and invited my tongue with the tip of her own. I reciprocated and that was all it took for my neglected rod to begin to rise. She pulled me close with her arms around my chest and melted her body to mine.

'There's a zipper in the back," she murmured breathlessly as our kiss finally broke, "Could you?"

I could. I unzipped her and eased the top of her elegant blue party dress down over her shoulders. She shrugged her arms free and began hauling my shirt off over my head. I gazed at the lacy top of her slip and the thin straps of her slip and bra, gauging how best to proceed and appreciating the swell of her breasts as they rose and fell. They were full and ripe, no doubt of that!

She skillfully slipped the dress down over her hips, tossed it aside and stood up in front of me. She held her arms out inviting me to continue undressing her. I reached up and pulled the straps of her slip down but she stopped me. "No, over my head," she whispered. I grasped the hem and stood pulling the slip off in one motion. Her hair cascaded down and covered her shoulders in a shower of gold streaked with lighter flaxen hues. Her face burned with excitement and apprehension as she stood before me in panties, bra and a thin garter belt that held up her stockings.

She was more voluptuous than I had realized. Her tallness served to disguise the ample curves of her hips and breasts. No skinny model, she was a woman of goddess-like proportions. I drank her in and felt my hands itch to touch her, caress her soft, inviting curves.

I sat back down and gazed at the beauty before me. Her long, slender legs swelled into the rich, round thighs, pale ivory columns pressed demurely together and framed by the black garter belt and dark stockings. Her neatly trimmed bush was clearly visible beneath nearly transparent panties. As I gazed, transfixed, she stepped back, sat on a hassock and began to unhook her stockings. She drew each one slowly and sensuously down her leg, pausing to pose her legs for my enjoyment. She unhooked and tossed away the garter belt, then rolled over onto one hip and caressed the underside of her thigh letting her hand slide up to the round globe of her firm bottom. I was completely mesmerized. This was, beyond any doubt, the most sensuous woman I had had the pleasure of knowing.

With a broad smile she rose and stepped back in front of me. Her hands floated up behind her and released the catch of her small black bra. I felt my cock leap as two soft breasts, white and unblemished, sagged slightly down and swayed, their rosy pink nipples pointing aside from the deep cleft between them. She leaned forward and placed her hands on my shoulders. "The last is up to you," she whispered.

I tilted my head and licked each nipple in turn, heard her catch her breath and sigh deeply. I hooked my fingers in the waistband of her gossamer panties and followed them with my eyes as I drew them slowly, carefully down her luscious legs, gazing at the gorgeous curve of her thighs, letting my hands linger over her soft warm flesh. When she had stepped out of them I raised my eyes and took in her muff, golden blonde like her hair, soft tendrils clinging to her vulva with the moisture that had begun to seep out from between them. I remember the eroticism of that sight to this day.

I placed my hands on the cheeks of her bottom and pulled her forward the last inch or so and kissed her full on her wet cunt. She gasped and clutched the hair on the back of my head with both hands. I flicked out my tongue and inserted just the tip in between her swollen lips. She uttered an explosive sound and pulled me back from her. She sank to her knees and began pulling at my belt. I stood to make it easier and she abandoned that chore to snatch off my loafers and socks. She pulled my pants and shorts down and helped me out of them, tossing them behind her with one smooth arm motion. Then she looked up.

I saw her jaw drop as her eyes met my cock, now fully erect and straining toward her in all its glory. She took it gently between thumb and fingers and moved them slowly in a caressing motion; then she clasped it in both hands and held it against her cheek a smile splitting her face till her teeth shone. She stayed that way for several seconds then one hand cupped my balls and lifted them to her lips. She kissed, licked and sucked each one into her mouth, expelling it at the end with a soft popping noise. At last her eyes found mine, soft and deep, wells of longing and desire. Her hands pressed firmly on my hips as she pushed me down to sit on the sofa again.

Then in a graceful, liquid motion she swooped forward and took me into her mouth. Her lips were tight, warm bands around the head of my raging cock! I had to fight from the very first moment to keep from coming too soon. I locked my butt and promised myself that I would ride this out a s long as I could.

She was highly skilled. Either that or she was just an inspired sexual artist. Her tongue swirled, a silken flame over the nerves. It probed, finding the ridge beneath, the hole in the top, exploring every surface and niche. After a few minutes I watched as the entire length of my shaft disappeared into her mouth; her nose buried itself in my pubic hair. Then the ecstatic agony as she drew her clamped lips up, nipping with her teeth at intervals. Up and down, up and down, the sweet torture continued; my agony mounted until I could take no more. "I --- I'm going to ---" I tried to warn her but she pushed my hand from her head and tongued and laved, letting me know that warnings were unnecessary. I gave up with a loud groan and came in her mouth. A muffled squeal issued from her throat and she slipped her lips off as cum spurted up and over her face. I thought I would never stop coming! Her lips were thickly coated; cum dripped from her chin to her tits a she sat back and gazed up at me, a delighted smile on her face. She wiped her face with her hands and sucked her fingers.

I sat there, depleted, as she turned her face to Alan who was still in the chair across the room. He had turned off the lamp next to his chair and sat in shadow, not moving as far as I could tell. No word or even acknowledgement passed between them but it was clear that Catherine was carefully displaying her body and her cum-streaked face for his enjoyment.

I reached down and lifted her by her elbows to the sofa, pulled her back against my chest and reached under her arms to cup her tits in my hands. They were warm, firm and just a little too large for me to span with my spread fingers. I made sure that Alan had a good view as I caressed, then squeezed and pinched and twisted her nipples. She moaned low and twisted her face to cover my jaw with hot little kisses. I reached down with one hand and pulled her legs apart, inserted two fingers into her sopping cunt and began a slow massage. Her hands gripped my knees as she sat between my legs and allowed me the freedom of her naked body.

After a few minutes, I placed pillows under her back so that she was in a semi-reclined position with her feet toward the corner where Alan sat. I took a position on my knees, spread her legs gently but insistently, and began kissing my way up her long, golden thighs, biting gently as I went. Her moans began after only a few seconds and I knew she was eager. She relaxed against the pillows and twined her fingers in my hair as I neared the apex. Her musky aroma was heady and exciting. I pressed her thighs tight against my face. Her voice came to me through her soft, hot flesh, "James, please!"

As I reached her wet, golden nest I pushed her legs wide and licked her vulva with the broad blade of my tongue. I repeated it several times and her moans grew deeper and louder. I glanced up and saw her tight belly quaking, her thighs trembling and her tits tight with rigid nipples. I reached up and mauled one feeling the flinty little nipple rasp my palm. Her hands cupped the back of my head setting my tempo as I lashed her cunt with my tongue. I wormed it as deeply into her as I could and her legs shot down as she braced her heels and arched her back to meet me.

I continued the assault until her breathing deepened and her flesh was burning on my mouth. Then I slipped my hands between her thighs and gently parted her lips. I flicked softly at the hard little bud and heard her high-pitched cry as she writhed beneath me. I clutched her bottom in both hands and continued to flick her clitoris with the tip of my tongue, teasing, barely touching, varying the rhythm till she clutched my head with her legs and came in great shuddering waves.

"Oh, God! Yes!" she screamed. "Yes! Yes! Yes! Ah-h-h-h-h!"

Her voice trailed off as the waves subsided and her quaking body settled back against the cushions once more. "Oh, my God!" she breathed, "That was so --- so --- so wonderful!"

She pulled me by the arms till I was lying on top of her. She met my mouth with hers. Hot, wet kisses eased her down from her cloud until she was smiling her eyes softly glowing in satisfaction and pleasure. Then her face altered a little, as if awareness had suddenly been formed. I thought at the time --- and I still do --- that she had forgotten about Alan. We rose and looked around but his chair was empty. She looked at me quizzically and just then Alan came into the room from the kitchen bearing a tray.

"Thought you two could use a little refreshment," he said softly as he placed the tray on the coffee table. There were snifters with small amounts of brandy as well as small squares of baklava. We all sat there, unconcerned that two of us were stark naked, and consumed the treat. No mention was made of what had just taken place, of what I had just done with his wife in front of him. It might as well not have taken place for all the effect I could observe in Alan. When we had finished, Alan removed the tray to the kitchen.