The Gym


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Brad was already gone when I got home so on the off chance that I would be having dinner with Rob I selected a bra and panty set that I had purchased at Victoria's Secret to tantalize Brad but which he would now never see and then I pulled on a dress that showed my legs to their best advantage. I put my sexiest heels in a tote bag. I'd put them on after work if I was going to meet Rob. For work I chose a pair of flats.

Ten minutes after getting to work I was on the phone to Brad. "I don't remember honey. Did you say you were going to be working late tonight?"

"Yes I will be. Why?"

"If you are going to be late I'm going to do some shopping. I saw something that I want to try on."

"Something sexy?"

"Oh yes, very sexy. I just hope that it fits."

I hung up on Brad and called Rob and told him I was free that evening if he still wanted to take me to dinner and got a yes. I spent the day thinking about what I was planning on doing and by quitting time I had totally changed my attitude. Where I had planned on not making any moves and would just wait for Rob to make them I had now decided not to pussyfoot around. I intended to cuckold Brad and so I should just get on with it.

Rob was waiting for me in the lobby when I got off work and as I walked toward him he softly whistled and said:

"Wow! What a difference from when you are in workout clothes."

"You like?" I said as I spun around in front of him in my sexy high heels."

"Oh yeah. You are looking good. No, make that you look fantastic."

"Good enough to eat?"


"Let's stop playing games sweetie. I know what you want and I want it too. You want to waste time having dinner or would you rather get right to the desert?"

"When you put it that way the decision is simple. My apartment is thirty minutes from here and I don't want to waste thirty minutes. There is a hotel at the end of this block. We can be in a room in ten."

Actually it was fifteen, but who was counting.

Rob was a marvelous lover and he gave me several orgasms before I had to finally put a stop to the evening.

"I need to get going lover. I need to beat my husband home."

I saw the look that crossed his face and said, "Yes sweetie, I'm married, but I won't let it get in the way of our having fun. I assume you would like to do this again?"

"Silly question. When?"

"It can only be on the nights that he works late or is out of town. How do you feel about being on call?"

"It works for me."

"There is also the fact that this hotel is only one block from where I work and I can take long lunches."

"Would tomorrow be a long lunch day?"

"Absolutely. My lobby at twelve?"

"No. Here as soon as you can get here. I'll already have the room when you get here. That will give us just a tad more time."

"I like a man who thinks ahead."

I kissed him and headed for home.


As she left the hotel room I wondered what kind of dim bulb she was married to that he couldn't keep her at home. She was intelligent, witty, easy to talk with, drop dead gorgeous and an absolute tiger in bed. In fact, she had so much going for her that if she wasn't married I'd consider going after her with the idea of making it a permanent arrangement and that was saying something considering I'd promised myself never again after the five year disaster that my marriage had been. Those five years with Annabelle had me saying that I'd kill myself before I'd ever get into a long term relationship again.

Then along comes something like Minnie. And she's married. Well, no one ever said that life would be fair. I'd played with married ladies before and I knew that there was one thing you could count on and that was that it wouldn't last. Maybe four or five months if you were lucky. But then four or five months with something as nice as Minnie was better than no Minnie at all and who knows, she just might be the one who would go longer. One could only hope.


I beat Brad home and was in bed freshly showered and douched when he got there. I wasn't all that keen on having sex with him knowing that I was going to be getting Alice's leftovers, but I did want to give him Rob's. And who knows, I might luck out and have the night be one of the ones when he really did work late.

I was lying on the bed naked. I was propped up on a pillow and reading Stephen Frey's "Forced Out" when Brad walked into the room. I put the book down and spread my legs and then said:

"See anything you might like?"

He just grinned and started undressing.

I almost had an orgasm when I pushed his head down so he could eat my pussy and I did have an orgasm thinking about Rob as Brad fucked me. It was a very satisfying evening for me.


I was at the gym door talking with Bonnie and waiting for Linda to unlock the door when Minnie got there. The three of us made general conversation until Linda opened up. We checked in at the counter and got our towels and as Bonnie headed for the stairs Minnie leaned over and whispered in my ear:

"Don't wear yourself out this morning lover. You will need your strength come lunch time."

"No fair" a voice from behind us said, "I saw him first and I've known him longer."

We turned and saw Debbie standing there. Minnie looked at Debbie and then back at me and said:


I smiled at Minnie and said, "Ignore her. I gave her a chance and she shot me down."

"What did you expect?" Debbie said, "You hadn't shaved in a week and what girl wants to put up with a hairy bear."

"That's not what you told me at the time. You told me that your fiancée wouldn't like it."

"Well yeah, that too."

The girls headed for their locker room and I headed for the men's locker room. I put my work clothes in the locker and then headed for the treadmill. I put in twenty minutes at five miles an hour to get my heart rate up and then moved to the circuit room. Minnie was in the free weights room with Bonnie and Debbie and they were showing her some exercises she could do using barbells and I had moved through six of the circuit machines before she came into the circuit room. I finished my workout before she was halfway through the circuit so I walked over to the shoulder press where she was in the middle of her set. I waited until she did the last repetition and then said:

"Noon? For sure?"

"You can bet on it."

"I'll already have the room and I'll be waiting in the lobby for you."

"Did you take your vitamins this morning?"


"Better get some. I plan to be very active and I would like it if you could at least try to keep up."

"All I can promise is that I will do my best."

The hours seemed to drag along at work. The more I thought of meeting Minnie for a long lunch hour the slower time seemed to go. Finally, after a couple of years, it was eleven forty-five. As I left the office I told the receptionist that I would be having a long lunch with a client if anyone came asking about me. I was sitting in the hotel lobby, room key in my pocket, when I saw Minnie come in the front door. I got up and walked to the elevator, pushed the button and waited for the door to open. Minnie walked up and we stood there not talking or acknowledging each other. There wasn't any way that anyone watching would have known that we were together.

The car arrived, the door opened and the two of us walked inside. As soon as the door was fully closed we were in a clinch. I had my hand in her blouse and she was pulling my zipper down. When the door opened on three we raced for room 306. Once inside it was a race to see who could get their clothes off first. Minnie won because she cheated. She didn't take off her nylons, garter belt or heels.

Minnie almost didn't leave me enough strength to go back to work. I began to wonder if I even needed to go to the gym with the workouts she was giving me.


As I rode the elevator down from the third floor I thought back over the day. It had been most informative. It started when I was in the locker room with Bonnie and Debbie. As I was putting my stuff in my locker Bonnie said:

"Is Rob your first revenge fuck?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"I asked if Rob is your first revenge fuck."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"You don't recognize us? You really have no idea of who we are?"

"I don't believe I've ever seen either one of you before I started coming here."

"Well I guess we did look a lot different in heels and evening dresses but I thought for sure that you would have recognized our voices. Tell me, does this sound familiar? "Do you think she suspects that he is taking Alice to the motel for long lunches?"

She saw from the look on my face that I finally knew what she was talking about.

"Debbie and I saw you go into the coatroom. You were meant to hear what we said. I'm betting that you checked it out and found out that it was true. Suddenly you are here working out and Rob has that "well fucked" look on his face so the question is, is he your first revenge fuck?"

I had looked from one to the other, shrugged and then said, "Yes he is."

I had looked at booth of them again and then had asked, "You disliked Brad that much that you had to make sure that I knew what he was doing?"

"It wasn't as much disliking Brad as hating Alice" Bonnie said, "We both despise her. And to be honest about it I'm not too keen on Brad either. I can't stand a cheater. My ex cheated on me and it destroyed our family. Our kids are still having trouble getting over our divorce."

"I have the same basic problem" Debbie said. "My fiancée is an ex-fiancée because I caught him playing stink finger with one of my now ex-girlfriends."

I remembered the conversation I'd overheard and asked them if it was true that Brad had hit on them and they both said that he had. Then they told me that he had hit on almost every woman in the office -- married and single -- and he had scored with at least three of them in addition to Alice. Then Debbie hit me with a question that I didn't have an answer for.

"Is Rob just going to be the first? Are you going to try other lovers?"

"Why do you want to know that?"

"I don't know; just curious."

"Oh bullshit" Bonnie said. "The truth is that she has had her eye on Rob since she dumped her fiancée. What she wants to know is are you keeping him or are you going to move on to someone else so she can go after Rob."

I'd had to think about that for a couple of seconds before I admitted that I didn't really know what I was going to do. I explained that I had gone after Rob so I would have something to throw into Brad's face and that I had never considered going after lovers plural. It gave me something to think about.


I looked down at her as she slept soundly next to me. I noticed what I thought was a slight smile on her face and I hoped that it was because of me. God knows I'd worked hard at trying to make sure that she enjoyed what we were doing. I still marveled at the stupidity of her husband. That he didn't do all in his power to keep her at home with him just absolutely astounded me. The more time I spent with her the more I wished that she wasn't married.

The last seven months had been magic for me. Minnie had made me change my mind about never getting into another long term relationship. She had made me want to make her mine forever. Not that I could tell her that. She had done nothing that would lead me to believe that what we had was anything more than a sexual interlude that would some day end and I was careful not to say or do anything that would bring that day closer. I very much wanted to hold onto what I had. Long lunches two and sometimes three times a week; entire nights when her husband was out of town on business and the occasional quickie after our morning workouts at the gym. I just could not get enough of her. If I couldn't have her full time I hoped that I could at least have her part-time for the next twenty or thirty years.


I woke him with a blow job and when he was up (both awake AND erect) I moved over him and used my right hand to guide him into me. It was a simply marvelous way to start the day. As we showered together I had to keep pushing his hands away or we would have ended up back on the bed and I would have ended up being late for work. I wanted to end up back on the bed. I was still hot from what had happened when Brad made his nightly 'check-in' phone call. Rob was doing me doggie when the call came and he wouldn't pull out and let me take the call.

I scooted across the bed to the phone with Rob coming along behind me. We were like two dogs in heat tied together by the knot in the dogs cock. I answered the call and then talked with Brad while Rob kept slowly fucking me. I was so hot that my pussy still tingled as I thought about it eight hours later. After I hung up I tried to berate Rob for his actions, but he just smiled and said:

"Bitch all you want lover, but you loved it."

And I had. Oh God had I ever. We went to the gym for our morning work out and then we stopped and had breakfast at the IHOP. Over French toast I asked:

"Long lunch today or did you get enough last night?"

"You know the answer to that one."

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?"

"I can never get enough of you."

"Long lunch it is then. Take your vitamins."

On the way from the IHOP to work I wondered just how long I was going to keep seeing Rob before having my confrontation with my "loving husband." My original plan was to have a short affair, confront Brad about his affair with Alice, throw mine with Rob in his face and then ask him if he wanted to stop the running around and try to make the marriage work. That was before finding out from Debbie and Bonnie about his other affairs.

Armed with what Debbie and Bonnie told me I had done some discrete investigating and had found out that Brad had three short affairs with girls who worked at Chambers Brothers AFTER he had married me and before he had taken his current job. The question I had been asking myself for months was did I want to try and make the marriage work and more and more I found myself thinking that the answer to that question was "No, not really."

I was having a blast giving Brad well used pussy. I made sure that I had sex with Brad after having made love to Rob. It was rarely 'right after' but always on the same day. I was always showered and douched so he wouldn't ever suspect, but except for when he went out of town I always gave myself to Brad within hours of when Rob pulled out of me.

I was enjoying the hell out of cuckolding my husband.

And, I suddenly realized, I didn't want to give up Rob.

Now what do I do?


I had the room key in my hand when I saw her coming in the front entrance. Between the time we'd had breakfast at the IHOP and the time I checked in and got the room key I'd had a complete change of heart. I was killing myself -- at least mentally -- by continuing my affair with Minnie. I had to admit to myself that I was hopelessly in love with her and not being able to have her full time was really messing me up. My work was suffering because Minnie was always on my mind. When I wasn't with her I was always thinking ahead to when I would be.

I had no life when I wasn't with her. I'd sit in my apartment and stare at the walls and think about her and count the minutes until it was time to hit the gym in the morning and see her again. We had talked and I knew why she was seeing me and she showed no interest in ever leaving her husband.

I couldn't continue on with her only being part time in my life. For my own good I needed to end it. I would even have to change gyms so I wouldn't have to suffer seeing her. As I watched her walk toward the elevator where I was waiting I knew that it would be a hard thing to do, but I also knew that I had to do it.


Brad came into the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and still dripping from his shower. As I slipped my heels on I asked him what time he would be home for dinner and when he said he would be working late again something in my mind snapped. As I picked up my purse from the dresser I said:

"Why don't you just go ahead and spend the night with Alice instead of trying to hurry home. That way I can spend the night at Rob's place instead of rushing home so I can be here when you get here."

"What the hell are you saying?"

"You know full well what I'm saying Brad, but not to worry sweetie; no need for a divorce. You just see Alice or whomever when you get the urge and don't worry about me. Rob will keep me occupied."

I headed for the front door and he yelled, "Just a god damned minute Minerva. Are you telling me that you are cheating on me with a guy named Rob? Who the fuck is Rob?"

"He's the guy I took up with when I found out about Alice, Mary, Wendy, Sally (the names Bonnie and Debbie had given me), Doris, Beverly and Charlotte (the girls who worked at Chambers Brothers). At least I only took one instead of a herd."

"What the fuck does that have to do with anything? I'm a man and all men play on the side. You are my wife and you are supposed to keep yourself for me."

That statement caught me by surprise and the ridiculousness of it made me laugh.

"This is no laughing matter Minerva. There is no way I am going to have whore for a wife."

I was still laughing as I left the house. On the drive to work I thought back over the last twenty-four hours. I met Rob at the motel and we made mad, passionate love. As we were leaving Rob told me that it was our last time. He told me how he felt and that he just couldn't go on. I wasn't prepared for that. Somehow I had thought that he would always be there.

I spent the rest of the day at work in a funky mood and really wasn't sure why. Then last night I had cheered up some as I fed Brad Rob's leftovers, but when we were done I had trouble sleeping. In the morning I had gone to the gym, but Rob wasn't there. I went through my workout and then had gone home to hear Brad's ridiculous statement that cheating was okay for him because he was a man. The thought of that got me laughing again.


Work sucked. All I could think about was Minnie and the fact that I would never see her again. The fact that my cell phone went off every ten minutes and the screen showed that the caller was Minnie didn't help things any.

I managed to get through the morning and just before lunch my secretary stuck her head in the door and told me that my eleven-thirty appointment was in the outer office. I checked my calendar, but didn't see an appointment for that morning. It wouldn't be the first time that something got screwed up so I got up and went to the outer office. Minnie was standing there. I didn't know what to say so I just said,:

"Good morning. Come on into the office."

I stood aside to let her walk in and then I followed and closed the door behind me. She turned to face me and said:

"I was afraid that you might forget our lunch date so I thought I would drop by and we could go together."

I started to say something, but Minnie held up her hand to stop me.

"I heard what you said yesterday Rob, but you are my friend and friends need to stick together during rough times. I'm going to need someone to hold my hand while I go through a messy divorce and then maybe comfort me when it is over. Can I count on you to be there for me?"

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Ah, two married cheaters and a man who goes after married women.

Saints, all three.

What's not to love?

Cracker270Cracker2709 months ago

Nice story. Easy five.

DazzyDDazzyD10 months ago

This is super! I had an Aunt Minnie and an Aunt Cindy? My mother had 12 siblings,i can cover most names that even ai could generate!! D

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A pleasant surprise from JPB. I hope Rob sticks with Minerva (really?) and they live happily ever yada yada yada.... Good story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I liked it, thanks.

The only trouble I had was when the (first person?) switched. It took a bit to figure out who was talking.

TheRealMadtexTheRealMadtexalmost 2 years ago

Good story. Liked the way it viewed from both sides. Gave it four stars. I would have given it five stars if it had more of an ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Entertaining story

goodshoes2goodshoes2almost 3 years ago

Reading ahead at the comments, The naysayers don't seem to realize that it is a STORY!!! I thought it was great.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago

Second time through and really like this one.

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