The Hall Pass

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Loving but cheating wife has plans for the weekend.
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'The Hall Pass'

Loving but cheating wife has plans for the weekend.

It was Tuesday evening in the Spencer home. John Spencer's, not too bright wife of six years, Maddison, had come home from work and told him that she was giving him a 'Hall Pass' for the coming weekend.

John was shaken, had he heard her properly? "Do you know what a 'Hall Pass' is?" He asked her.

"Of course I do," she replied. "It's where someone has sex, or is going to have sex, with someone other than their husband or wife, and the pass is to let the other married partner do the same thing with the first one's permission, and this makes everything ok between them."

"And why do you want to give me a pass for this weekend?" He asked.

"Because I am going to have sex with someone this weekend, and the pass will make it alright." She said.

"You what?" He exploded. "You're going to have sex with someone else this weekend. Why, and with whom, and what makes you think I would put up with that?"

"I want to do it because it will be fun and different. You and I have only had sex with each other for years now, so it will be fun to do it with someone else for a change." She said. "He's fit and sexy, and it's very exciting when he tells me all the lovely things he wants to do to me in bed. That makes me feel very sexy and horny. Also, I really would like to see how different it feels, sleeping with another man. There's nothing wrong with it because I am giving you the 'Hall Pass', so I can't see why you would object. But I'm not going to tell you his name because he asked me not to."

"Well, I do object in the strongest terms possible," he said, "I don't want my wife having sex with anyone else but me this weekend, or at any other time. I don't want a 'Hall Pass' now or ever. When we got married, I promised to keep myself only to you and you did the same."

"Well, no that isn't the way it's supposed to work," she said. "As long as you get a 'Hall Pass' from me it means that the promise is lifted for that occasion. I want you to have the 'Hall Pass' so you can have fun as well this weekend, and so that it makes it OK for me to have sex with my friend."

"Well, I think you'll find that the marriage promise you made is unconditional, meaning that it must never be broken, not ever. You won't find any mention of 'Hall Passes' in the marriage service. If you were to go ahead with your plan you would be guilty of committing adultery, plain and simple. Your 'Hall Pass' idea is a sick joke, I would never want to have sex with anyone but you, my wife. I'll tell you now that if you ever have sex with anyone other than me, whilst I am still living, I will make both of you pay dearly for it."

"Well, that would just be selfish," she replied, "Just because you don't want to do it yourself, then you think I shouldn't either. It's only sex after all, it's not as if I am in love with him, I love you."

"Tell me something," he said, "If you went off to fuck someone else at the weekend, what do think I'd be doing?"

"You'd be using the pass, of course," she said. "Having sex with another woman."

"No that's not what I'd be doing," he said, "I'd be much too busy changing the locks on the outside doors of the house and garage. I'd also be packing up all your clothes and other belongings, ready for you to have them collected and taken away."

"Why would you do that?" She asked.

"I'd be doing it because I wouldn't want your cheating arse in my home ever again. And as a person about to be divorced, you'd need your things wherever you went to live." He said.

"But I keep telling you," she said, "I won't be cheating, because I'm telling you what I am going to do. I've given you permission to have sex with some other woman with the 'Hall Pass'. I live here, and when I come back from the weekend, I wouldn't be a divorced person, I'd still be your wife."

"Yes, on paper you'd still be my wife, that is until the divorce was finalised, but no longer than that. I'll start the divorce proceedings the minute you go off with your boyfriend." He said.

"But I don't want a divorce, I love you and I want to be your wife. I just want a bit of harmless fun for the weekend. Anyway, if you did divorce me, it would damage you as well as me. I'd be entitled to at least half of everything, including this house, and that wouldn't be in your best interest."

"That's not necessarily so," he replied, "especially in the case of infidelity by a cheating partner, and you'd certainly not be entitled to any part of this house. Remember this house is mine, it was left to me by my uncle before we even met, so it wouldn't even be in the reckoning for a divorce settlement."

"But I wouldn't have anywhere to live." She said.

"That would be your problem. Perhaps you could move in with your boyfriend." He said.

"No, I can't do that," she replied." He's married."

"Not for long he won't be." He replied. "Not after I've told his wife about the pair of you, and your weekend of fucking."

"You can't do that, it would break up his marriage, and he's got children. And I don't like that 'F' word it's crude." She said.

"Yes," he continued, "No doubt it would break up his marriage, what wife would want a husband who wandered off for a weekend 'fucking' with some slut. It would be just the same as you having sex with another man, would break up our marriage. Perhaps he should try to give his wife a 'Hall Pass'." He paused for moment then went on, "I agree with you that 'fucking' is a crude word, but that's what sex outside a loving relationship is, it's crude, and that's what you're proposing to do."

"How dare you refer to me as a slut." She screamed.

"If you go off fucking another man that's exactly what you'll be, so you'd better get used to the title if you go through with this." He replied.

"Well, it doesn't have to break up our marriage, I don't love him, I keep telling you, I love you, we would just be having sex." She reasoned.

"The only way it won't break up our marriage is if you haven't already started having sex with him, and if you give up this stupid idea immediately, stop seeing him and start behaving yourself." He replied.

"I can't do that." She said. "I've already said I'll spend the weekend with him, and he's made all the arrangements, including the hotel booking, and I was really looking forward to it."

"God give me strength," he said. "You just don't seem to realise how serious this is."

"It's not serious," was her reply. "We just have sex, that's all."

"You said, 'we just have sex', does that mean you've already had sex with him, be honest, because I will find out the truth." He said.

"Well, yes, ok, we have, but not proper sex, we haven't been to bed together, we just did it in his car a couple of times, and once in the office when we were working late, so it doesn't really count." She answered.

"It doesn't really count!" he shouted, "sex is fucking sex, whether you have it in bed, in a car or up a fucking tree. You've already cheated on me secretly, why didn't you give me a 'Hall Pass' for the times you cheated in his car."

"Because I didn't know about 'Hall Passes' then, or I would have done. Anyway, I didn't know in advance that we would have sex." She said.

"I wish you'd tried to give me a Hall Pass then," he said, "Because we wouldn't be having this conversation now, I'd already be on the way to getting the divorce and getting shot of you."

"I keep telling you, I don't want a divorce," she said. "Why are you making this so difficult? I told you it's just sex, it's just a bit of fun, and after the weekend we can just go back to our normal life."

"Oh, right. That normal life where you've already been cheating on me, and that normal life where you would continue cheating on me by having sex in his car, or wherever," he said.

"Well, it wouldn't be cheating, if you take the 'Hall Pass'." She said, "You could have some fun and do the same thing with another woman."

"Jesus Christ," he said, "I knew you weren't the brightest thing on two legs, but I didn't think you were this stupid. The 'Hall Pass' that you keep going on about is fiction, it's just a term for an agreement between two consenting partners, where the first partner agrees that the second partner can have sex with another person, or persons, and the first partner can do the same thing in return, to make it even between them. In this case there are a couple of things wrong.

"One, I do not, under any circumstances, consent to you having sex with anyone except me, your husband. So, any sex you will have, or have already had, with this other man is cheating. As we are legally married, what you have done, and are proposing to do again is adultery, and in this country that is grounds for divorce. Your boyfriend will be named as co-respondent in court.

"Two, even if a 'Hall Pass' was something you could just give to your partner to make planned sex with another person acceptable, as you seem to think, it would need to be given before that sex took place. In this case it clearly wasn't, as you've admitted having sex in his car without my knowledge."

Now she was totally confused. "Oh, this is just not going right, he said it would be simple, but you are making it difficult."

"Damn right I'm making it difficult," he said, "and I'm going to make it even more difficult. As you've already cheated on me, I consider our marriage to be over and I'll be seeing a lawyer tomorrow to start divorce proceedings. That's just for starters. I'll also start looking for this arsehole who's ruined my marriage, and my life. You can tell me who he is, or I can find him the hard way, but believe me, I will find him.

"When I find out who he is, I intend to ruin his life as he has ruined mine. The first thing I'll do is tell his wife about the pair of you, then I'll find him and re-educate him as to how to behave around other men's wives. I'll pretty much guarantee that he never does it again. In fact, he probably won't be able to fuck any woman again. I promise you, that whether you tell me who he is or not, I will find him. You'd better tell him to keep looking over his shoulder, I may well be there.

"Now I know that he works at the same place as you, I'll do my best to make sure that both of you are fired, or I'll sue the company for complicity in allowing you to start an extra marital relationship and have sex on their premises. After that I'll take all the steps that I can to ruin your social lives and make what you have been doing public knowledge all over town. And, of course, I'll let your parents and your brother and sister know what kind of slut you are.

"So, tell me, who is he and where does he live?"

"I won't tell you," She replied, "I told you, he's married and has children, I won't let you ruin their lives."

"You won't let me ruin their lives, but you've happily ruined mine. Well, it's too late to think about ruining their lives," he said, "the first time you let him fuck you, you both gave up on any right to consideration. If you're so concerned about his wife and kids, why did you fuck him in the first place?"

"Because he's nice, he's sexy and he pays me lots of compliments," she said, "He makes me feel attractive, and I look forward to going to work each day because he makes me forget how boring my job is."

"So, we've already started to narrow it down. I now know he works for the same company as you and, either with you or close by. Well, that bastard's days are numbered.

"Now, as far as you are concerned, I won't kick you out of here tonight," he said, "it's too late. Tomorrow you'd better start looking for somewhere to live, because you sure as hell are not going to live in my house. Perhaps you can go and stay with your parents, or your brother and his family. How they'll feel about that after I tell them why I am kicking you out, I don't know, but I am sure they won't be best pleased.

"In any case I want you out of my house by the end of the week. In the meantime, you can use the spare room, not the guest room, that's only for people that I want to stay here."

"No, you can't do that, she says, I'm your wife and I love you. I want to sleep with you." She said.

"Rubbish," he said, "You've just spent more than an hour telling me you've cheated on me, and that you are going to sleep with your lover for the weekend. So, get him to look after you. I've finished with you, and I wouldn't sleep with you again if you were the last woman on Earth and I was being paid to do it.

"But don't you want to have a hot, sexy wife, that other men want to take to bed?" She whined.

"Oh, I always did have a sexy, hot wife," He said, "but I don't want to have a 'hotwife'".

"What's the difference?" She asked, puzzled.

"The difference is the space between the hot and the wife," he said. "Think about it, then look up the definition of a 'hotwife' without the space. Now get out of my sight before I do something I might regret later."

With tears welling up in her eyes, Maddison went to the master bedroom to get her night things and took them to the spare room. 'Oh my God', she thought, 'how had things got so fucked up? He said it would be simple, just tell John she was giving him a 'Hall Pass' and he would roll over. Now she was looking at a divorce and her comfortable life being ruined. Why did I have to tell him that we had already had sex, that was totally stupid and can't be taken back'.

John was crying and hurting inside, but he wouldn't let her see any sign of weakness in his stance. In the space of a few minutes his world had been destroyed and his beautiful wife had told him that she was a cheating slut. Someone was going to pay and would pay dearly.

He'd find out who the arsehole was who had fucked up his marriage. He vaguely knew a few of the men at her office and the only one he considered could be called sexy, was Derek Coombes. He would find out where Coombes lived and pay him a visit.

The more John thought about it, the more he became convinced that Coombes was the prime suspect. He was the kind of oily, smoothy, who considered himself God's gift to women. Yes, he was the most likely candidate.

John knew a few of the men who worked for the same company as Maddison, he drank with some of them, and one of them might know, or could find out, Coombes' address. He felt certain that Harry Lowe would help him, Harry's wife had run off with a work colleague, leaving him with two kids to look after and a heap of debt. Harry would have no sympathy with a cheating rat.

John called Harry and asked him to meet him for a drink. An hour later the two men were propping up the bar in their favourite pub.

John told Harry about his confrontation with Maddison, and that he suspected the 'boyfriend' was Derek Coombes.

Harry agreed that he thought Coombes was the most likely culprit. He told John that Coombes had tried it on with several of his women colleagues, but most had been sensible enough to see what sort of rat he was; however, he was sure that some had been gullible enough to have brief affairs with him. As far as Harry knew, the women's husbands had never found out that their wives were cheating or had accepted the 'Hall Pass'.

Best of all, Harry knew where Coombes lived, and he gave John the address.

"Be careful, John." Said Harry. "You don't know for sure that Coombes is the man."

"You're right," said John, "I'll make sure before I do anything, and of course you and I never had this conversation. We just met for a drink and went back to your place to play cards until midnight."

"No problem," said Harry, "And if that slimy bastard is the man, I hope you give him what all those wife stealing arseholes deserve."

By the time the two men left the pub night had fallen. 'No time like the present,' thought John, as he left the pub, and 20 minutes later he was outside Coombes front door.

Taking an object from his car boot, John went to the door and rang the doorbell. Coombes himself opened the door. He peered at the man standing on his doorstep, his face was shadowed by the streetlight behind him, but he saw that he was a big man.

"Hi Derek," the man said, "I just wanted to say have a good time with Maddison this weekend, I appreciate the 'Hall Pass'."

"Shhh," said Coombes, "The wife doesn't know about it. I thought the 'Hall Pass' would be a good idea I'm glad you're all right with it."

"Oh, yeah. I'm really alright with it," said John, bringing his old college hockey stick out from behind him and whacking a huge blow into Coombes' crutch, smashing his testicles. Coombes fell to the floor he couldn't get a sound out; all the breath was knocked out of him. John then kicked him hard in the balls, twice for good measure, before breaking his nose and several teeth with the hockey stick. "Enjoy the rest of your miserable life," he said, "Keep looking over your shoulder, I won't be far away." With that he walked away.

When John got home, he told Maddison what he had done and he said, "It's up to you, if you want to inform on me, you can, I don't care if they send me to jail, that arsehole will never ruin another marriage."

When Coombes wife found him lying on the doorstep he couldn't speak, she called the police and an ambulance, and he was taken to hospital. When he was able to talk to the police, he said he didn't know who the assailant was, it was dark and he'd hit him before he could see him properly, he couldn't even describe him. He never mentioned Maddison, or their affair, because he knew his wife would dump him, and take him to the cleaners, if she ever found out about it.

In the course of their enquiries, the police were told by one of Coombes dumped and disgruntled ex. lovers from Maddison's office, that she thought Coombes was having an affair with Maddison and her husband might have found out about it and taken his revenge.

The police took John and Maddison in for questioning. He told them that he knew nothing about an affair, and he trusted his wife implicitly.

Maddison had had enough time to think the whole sorry episode through properly, and she realised how stupid she had been to be seduced by Coombes in the first place. John had been a good husband and didn't deserve what she'd done to him under Coombes' influence.

When Maddison was questioned, she denied ever having an affair and there was no proof otherwise. She told the police that John had gone to meet his friend Harry on the night in question, and he'd phoned her from Harry's house to say he would be late home, as he and Harry were playing cards.

Harry backed up John and Maddison's statements, and the police eventually shelved the case for lack of evidence. The officers in charge of the investigation were pretty sure that John had carried out the attack, but they couldn't prove it, and didn't have much sympathy for Coombes in any case.

John was pleased, and relieved, by the way in which Maddison had backed up his story with the police. He'd not forced her to leave their home, partly because this would have made it clear to the police that there was truth in the rumour of an affair, and that he had a motive for the attack. The more he thought about it, the more he was convinced that she'd been coerced by a practiced philanderer and wouldn't make the same mistake again. He was prepared to give her another chance, and she knew that it would be her last.

It was a long while before he welcomed her back into his bed, but eventually he did. He got her pregnant that night, and in due course she presented him with a son. Just over a year later they had a daughter, then another son. Maddison no longer went out to work; she was too busy being a dutiful wife and mother to a growing family. She loved her husband unconditionally, and all was right again in her world.

John never completely forgot his wife's fall from grace, and in the early days after their reconciliation, he was always looking for signs that she might stray. But, in time, he became certain that he could trust her, and she never gave him reason to believe otherwise. John's world was good again, and he was a contented and doting husband and father.

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historyandherstoryhistoryandherstory3 months agoAuthor

Perhaps you'd like us to read them for you as well!

servant111servant1113 months ago

Please tag your cuck story RAAC tales in the first paragraph so we can avoid them appropriately.

1 star

ZackStevensZackStevens4 months ago

Even if he forgives the cheating, how can he forgive the massive stupidity?

Harvey8910Harvey89107 months ago

This was a great story about how the cheating wife is brought back into her happy marriage after being forgiven. I wish that this would be the case. More likely, John and Maddison's lives would have been ruined and Derek and his wife's lives would have been ruined as well. There are no Hall Passes in life. Great story and five stars!!!

JackInYerBoxJackInYerBox7 months ago

PLEASE tag willing cuckold storie!!!

papabernonpapabernon8 months ago

John can be the forgiving husband that he wants to be, and keep this stupid cbeating wife fat Pregnant, and busy with kids for ever. But he better damn well be doing DNA test on all of her kids from now on too..

OPrimeOPrime11 months ago

Seriously, why would he want her back?

BlueEyd2BlueEyd211 months ago

Seriously? Takes a cheating slut and gets her pregnant right away? Way to bring a child into such an unstable marriage, where the wife is such a bimbo. Postnup!

WillowghbyWillowghbyabout 1 year ago
Holy Crap, Batman!

HisHer seems to REALLY be a lightning rod for shit comments. The majority of comments here strike me as more than just a wee bit rabid. It's a FICTION story offered at no cost fer heaven's sake. Got a comment? Please give it without all the self-righteous vitriol.

Meanwhile, thank you to HisHer for your calm responses. You even tried to educate one commenter who SHAT on your grammar that "SHOT OF" is perfectly correct in many regions. Many other authors simply cut off all comments or select the ones they want to make "disappear."

Thanks for your well written story, HisHer.

Keep 'em comin'!

OPrimeOPrimeover 1 year ago

What a dumb ass John was for taking the wife back

LucasredLucasredover 1 year ago

... Until the next time.

historyandherstoryhistoryandherstoryover 1 year agoAuthor

Don't know how you figure that out Wargamer but what the hell, who cares? Do you realise this is the third or fourth time you've commented and voted on this story? Just trawling the site we suppose, again and again - fixated maybe.

WargamerWargamerover 1 year ago

Had originally scored this 2/5, but after having read it again, this is a cuck tale and l’ve rescored the story accordingly to 1/5.

ForensicFossilForensicFossilover 1 year ago


Well, intellectually challenged people can be sweet and naive, so, OK, I guess.

historyandherstoryhistoryandherstoryalmost 2 years agoAuthor

A message to anonymous who emailed us and intimated that getting SHOT of the wife was incorrect and it should have been SHED of her. Well whoever you are you are totally wrong, in this country we get SHOT of things we don't like or don't want, we don't get SHED of them. If you don't like the way we do it, write your own stories.

H and H

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