The Hall-Pass

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A flash story: a couple thought they knew what they wanted.
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Quick writer's note:

Tags for this story: Hall Pass, Swinging, Sharing, Remorse

This a flash story about a couple who thought they knew what they wanted, just to learn that it wasn't.

I want to give co-author credit to one of my editors who provides feedback on all my stories, John. This story was his idea and I'm happy to try and bring it to life for him.

I want to thank my editors for their collaboration and input in this story; Charlie, John, Simepop, Ken D, Ma Fille Rouge, and HighLuster.

I love to collaborate with people and so I look forward to expanding this editing team. If you are interested in being a part of this collaboration team, please send me your email address through private messaging and I'll shoot you, my stories.

"Brittany and John have been swinging for years."

That's how the conversation started. Out of nowhere, on a Saturday afternoon, as we raked leaves on an unusually warm fall morning, my wife of five years casually threw out that nugget of information about her cousin and best friend.

"What?" I was caught completely off guard and was instantly intrigued with her provocative announcement. "Are you saying you want to swing?" I sat down at the edge of the pile of leaves as Heather scooped them up and put them into a large black plastic bag.

"Not with them!" Her response was quick.

"But you do want to swing?" Taking a drink of water, I watched my nimble wife work. Stopping, she turned to me.

"Haven't you thought about it?" she asked as she snatched my water bottle for herself.

Neither of us were virgins before we were married, not by a long shot. We were both thirty and lived life to the fullest while in college. We didn't connect until later, on a Tinder date of all things. Both of us were looking for a quick, no strings attached fling to mend ourselves after our respective breakups. We were both adamantly clear about that.

Her boyfriend of a year left her for his ex while my girlfriend of a year and a half just ghosted me one afternoon. I found out later that she left town with her yoga instructor, Lexy. Apparently, they were having an affair for six months. Then Lexy got a better job offer in L.A. That's right! My ex left me for a woman. I tried to be angry, but I couldn't. Lexy exuded sex appeal and a feminine magnetism that was compelling and undeniable. I probably would have run off with her myself if she had asked and had been into dick. We both had been living with our significant others when they decided to find their happiness with other people.

Brittany and I just wanted to knock off the rust and feel the warmth of a body next to ours. Five and half years later, I've never been so happy that I swiped right! We talked about our sexual past, and broached swapping or perhaps a threesome. I was neither offended nor shocked about the subject matter--just the timing. I guessed that she had been thinking about swinging for longer than for just now.

"We've talked about doing something wild in the past. I think it would be nice to explore a little bit before we start ruining this exquisite body with babies!" She explained as she waved her hands down that fabulous body. I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down into the pile of leaves with me. We both laughed and giggled as she fought back, scattering leaves. I pinned her and kissed her as we lay there among fallen foliage.

"So, swinging?" I queried.

"Yeah, Britt pointed me to a swinger's only website where we could find an experienced couple. She also recommends a trial run before joining any swinging communities or sex clubs." There was a twinkle in her eye as she shared her research with me.

"I'm definitely not ready to commit to a group. Not even sure I want to be in the same house as some stud does you." I was being truthful. I had thought about it before and the thought of seeing Heather with a dick other than mine in her did not appeal to me.

"Agreed." She rolled over on top of me so she could grind on my stiffening package. She knew how to get her way, "I guess a lot of people try a hall pass first to see if they like swapping partners or not. I've already found a couple who would be willing to give us both a one-on-one tryout before we commit to anything."

My eyes must have bugged out because she started to laugh as she looked down on me.

"You've already contacted someone?"

"Of course." She pulled out her phone and started showing me pictures of the woman. She was gorgeous. Her auburn hair, mesmerizing green eyes and pouty lips grabbed me where it matters. I flipped through the photos as she talked. "They are Greg and Maureen, he's thirty-four and she's twenty-eight. They are not married but they've been a couple for three years. Been swinging and in an open relationship almost the entire time. They met on a fetish app." I got to his pics by then, he was a good-looking guy for sure. They made a sexy couple.

"Okay, I'm game if you are." I really was interested, at least at the time. I don't know if it was my little head doing the thinking or if I really was onboard. I slipped Heather's leggings down and we had a little quickie right there in the backyard, hidden by the pile of leaves. She was as kinky as I was. I loved that woman.

Heather said that she would take care of the coordination with Maureen and that they would let us guys know where they needed our hard pricks to be, and when. The two girls decided to schedule both of our rendezvous on the same night at a pair of local hotels. Neither of us wanted strangers in our homes let alone our partner's beds. They decided on two close-by hotels. They were a block from each other but close enough for Greg and Maureen to drive together. Heather and I were going to Uber independently. I'm not sure I would be able to go through with it if I had to watch her walk away from me to be with another man.

As the night approached, I was both excited and apprehensive. So many questions flooded my mind. How is this going to affect my marriage? There was no doubt that our adulterous trysts were going to change our relationship. After that Saturday night we would no longer have been faithful to each other. Could I live with knowing that Heather had had sex with another man? There was something about being monogamous that attracted me. I never thought of myself as a prude, but I liked the thought that I was to be Heather's last lover as she would be mine.

Then there were all those ego issues. What if he has a bigger dick than I do? I'm of average size and Heather hadn't ever complained but of course every man has those thoughts of inadequacy, especially in situations like this. And even worse, what if he had a bigger dick and he was a much better lover than me? He was older than we are, and I'd heard many women say that they like an older guy because they know how to treat a woman right.

Our chosen night finally arrived. We dressed in silence. Heather was looking especially fine and incredibly sexy. That little black dress she loves fit her like a second skin. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra, and the thong she wore was nothing more than an eye patch of silk. I watched in awe as she descended the stairs, gave me a peck on the cheek and walked toward her ride.

There was a tinge of sadness in her eyes. She hesitated, like she was waiting for me to call this whole fiasco off. When I didn't, she carried on with the plan.

I watched with regret as Heather's car pulled away. I immediately changed my mind, ran into the house, and called my wife. My heart sank when I heard her phone ringing on the kitchen counter. She was notorious for forgetting her phone. I didn't know whether this time it was on purpose or an accident. It could have been innocent, but my jealous mind went to a dark place. She purposely left her phone here so I couldn't screw up her magical night with stud muffin Greg. I expected more from the woman I loved. That was it. If she was so hot for Greg, then I was definitely banging Maureen. Why shouldn't I?

I was sitting in the hotel bar when Maureen walked in. I recognized her right off. Those piercing green eyes were evident all the way across the bar. Her emerald-green dress did its best imitation of Heather's LBD. I think there may have been less of it than there was of Heather's.

As we greeted each other with a quick kiss on the cheek and a body molding hug, I noticed that she too wasn't wearing a bra or panties. My soldier stood at attention. I was completely taken by the vision in front of me. We ordered some drinks and chatted. She was flirty, touching my arms, and laughing at my stupid puns.

After about an hour, she leaned in and said in a breathy whisper, "Why don't we go to our room baby? That hard-on you've been pressing into me is driving me nuts."

I was so ready. As I turned to pay our tab, I caught a glimpse of a blonde woman in her own LBD coming in the door. For the briefest of moments my mind played a trick on me. I saw Heather. I heard her laugh. I saw the blue eyes that I loved getting lost in. I smelled her favorite perfume.

I lost my erection. I lost my lust. I lost my drive. What in the hell am I doing? I don't want this! I want to be faithful to my wife!

As Maureen started to walk away, she noticed I wasn't following. She stopped and looked at me, her eyes were questioning.

"Are you okay? Did you forget something?" I could tell she was totally confused.

"I don't think I can do this." I stammered out.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think I can sleep with you. I mean I want to, but I can't." I stood there like an idiot.

She smiled, it wasn't a sexy or a forgiving smile. It was a tense, what the fuck are you talking about smile. "You just spent the last hour grinding your hard-on on my leg like some horned up little poodle. What do you mean you can't fuck me?" Her statement dripped with venom, if I wasn't turned off before, I sure was now.

"I know, you are so sexy and perfect," I stuttered out my response, "but, I can't disrespect Heather like this. I can't cheat on her. I'm so, so sorry."

"I'll guarantee she's getting resized by Greg's big cock right now. I know she isn't sharing your concern. Just man up and come upstairs, you got me turned on and I don't want to be the only one here not getting laid tonight."

I just continued to stare at her. What a heartless bitch. She just dropped from a solid ten to not even a four. Here attitude was abhorrent. If she was trying to give me a pep talk and get me upstairs, this wasn't the way to do it.

"Maureen, I know this sounds crazy, but I just can't go through with it. It doesn't matter what Heather does at this point. This is about me and the type of husband I want to be. I should never have let it get this far. I have no control over her at this moment, but I do have control over myself. I've decided that I can't piss on my vows like this or disrespect my wife. Please forgive me, but I have to go."

"I should have known you were a cuckold wimp. Why don't you just go home and jerk-off thinking about your wife getting fucked by a real man, faggot!" She took a few steps then turned back to me, "I'm going to go find some real cock now. Have fun cleaning Greg's cum out of your wife's used pussy, cuck!"

And with that, she was gone. I had never been more grateful for any snap decision I'd ever made. I would have been so disappointed in myself for sleeping with such an ungrateful wench. I watched her leave as I pulled up my app and ordered an uber.

I arrived back at a dark ominous home. It suddenly felt strange, being home alone and knowing that the wife you love is now with another man. Knowing that my Heather was cheating on me. Could I really blame her? Was she really cheating? Those were the questions I fought against all the way home. I had secretly hoped that she would be home when I got there. I hoped that she'd bailed as well. But now I knew the truth. She hadn't. I poured a stiff Crown and Coke and sat in the dark, alone with my thoughts and demons.

Would she be the same woman I've always loved when she got home tomorrow? Could I still love her knowing what had happened? I was face to face with the grandfather clock in the den. I listened to the pendulum count away the seconds, minutes, and then the hour. My confusion and regret hurt my brain. I was in a truly dark place when I heard the sound of a car pulling up and stopping in the drive. I can't believe she brought him home to my house to fuck him in my bed! I was even more pissed. Then I heard the car pull away.

Our front door creaked open. Sniffling, I could make out muffled crying as a dark form crossed the hall moving to the stairs. It stopped; head tilted to one side like it felt my presence. It looked directly at me.


"What are you doing back, Heather?" I couldn't help but let a little of my anger out. I wasn't angry with her anymore; I was angry with myself for letting this go this far. Then I felt fear. The situation dawned on me. Heather was home early and crying. That bastard had to have done something to her. I got up and made my way across the room. "What happened? What did he do?"

She launched herself from the landing and into my arms. "Luke, Luke, I'm so sorry baby. Please forgive me." The impact almost caused me to lose my footing. Stumbling back, I was able to hold onto her and remain standing, not an easy task.

Heather was stiff in my arms; I could feel her trembling as she clung to me. We staggered over to the sofa where I sat her down, stepped back, and took in her form. She was disheveled, with an almost defeated nature about her. There was something else too, a small glint of relief in her eyes that contradicted her dejected demeanor. It matched my own sense of relief that we were both home together.

"What happened?" I flipped a light on and could see that her makeup was smeared, and her eyes were all red.

"I couldn't do it Luke. I tried for you, but I couldn't. He tried to get me drunk and made me stay an hour after I decided I couldn't do it. He tried to force me, but I left."

"It's ok darling, I couldn't do it either."

"You couldn't?" I could see the surprise in her eyes. "Why, she's so pretty."

"I couldn't disrespect you like that. It was a major mistake from the beginning."

"I thought you wanted it?"

"I thought you wanted it, Heather. I never wanted it. I was only doing it for you. I mean it did sound fun and was a hell of a fantasy but when it came down to going through with it, I couldn't. I just couldn't dishonor our marriage like that."

"Me either. I didn't even kiss him, Luke. As soon as I sat down with him for dinner, I realized that somebody else wasn't what I wanted at all. I wanted to go back to just the two of us, before I had my stupid idea. Before we had hall passes. I'm so sorry, baby." She crawled into my arms. Her face rested on my chest, and we held each other.

I couldn't believe how close we came to destroying our marriage, our relationship and everything we hold dear just because we felt we were giving each other what we thought they wanted. It's amazing how generosity can sometimes backfire. I took it as a positive sign that we both respected our relationship so much that we couldn't see ourselves doing anything to destroy it.

Today is our twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. We're surrounded by friends and family, though I can tell you for sure that there are two people who aren't here, Greg and Maureen. We never heard from them after that failed night.

Our two boys and their families are circulating, socializing with relatives and friends. I catch a glimpse of Heather across the room. Her eyes lock on mine. I smile. She gives me a wicked grin back.

Raising my eyebrows, a couple times, as if asking, "Do you want to?" I point down a vacant hall. Heather makes her way to me as I check to see if the closet door is locked, it isn't. I hold it open. She grabs my growing bulge as she passes by and ducks inside....

I wouldn't trade the past twenty-five years for anything in the world.

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mfbridgesmfbridges23 days ago

I know it was weird the way it worked out, but I like that they committed themselves to not cheat.

Pinto931Pinto9314 months ago

A pair of idiots.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

While I'm happy neither one (???) actually did the swing, this story's insane. He doesn't want to do it but agreed for his wife. What an idiot. If you don't want to do it, man up & tell the wife NO! in no uncertain terms.

She says she couldn't actually have sex with the guy. I'm unsure she's telling the truth. She asked, searched, & wanted it, then she doesn't do it? WTF?? Her behavior at coming home's more like guilt or remorse. And he just accepted her statement without questions?

If nothing actually happened, I'm happy. But there's too much left out of the story to make it believable, while the story became disappointing. It needed those unasked questions & answers. 2 stars Bob

SexecutionerSexecutioner7 months ago

She didn't do it? Right.....

BlueEyd2BlueEyd210 months ago

She was the one that drove the issue and encouraged it, and she took all the initiative and yet claims she did it all for him? Missed something here.

RileyKingRileyKingabout 1 year ago

5 stars! Loved this one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I found it a worry that while they had discussed swapping, threesomes it didn't really sound like it was something they had a serious discussion about.

Suddenly she wants to do it and has already found a couple and even gone as far as swap photo's, he more or less goes along with it because he thinks it is something she wants.

It didn't surprise me a lot that he couldn't do it, he hadn't had time to really think about it.

It did surprise me that she couldn't go through with it.

In Luke's position I would be watching Heather like a hawk for some time, the thing that would worry me is she was keen enough for some "strange" that she had already made contact, swapped photo's with a couple.

My worry in Luke's position would be maybe the bloke just didn't appeal to Heather when she actually met him.

I imagine there would be lots of times were one or both back out when it comes to the actual swap, and if it's only one who backs out it might be to late, the damage might be done if the other has gone further into the actual swap.

And each going somewhere apart from the other on the first try wouldn't be a good idea for the reason they decided to do it that way, when the couples went to separate to go off and swap is probably the exact time one of them would decide they couldn't go through with it on the first attempt.

This couple is probably one of the luckier ones in this situation

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A husband & wife that remembered what a marriage is supposed to be! Any man that would accept his wife being fucked by another is a total imbicile. Any wife that wants to swing is just a slut wannabe- or maybe just a slut. And they both deserve what happens in their marriage. 4 stars for the story & writing, a 5th star for the couple honoring their vows, no matter what. (I don't think I've ever split my rating like this!) Bob

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story. Sadly too many commenters don't actually read the story that the author writes. And yeah as a husband I woukd be pissed that Greg tried to force her into sex for an hour.

ttt59ttt59over 1 year ago

Ignore idiots like dry_opinion. Respect and honor are as much a part of love as fidelity, passion, romance and commitment. Finally a story about two people figuring out they are in love, they are passionate and they are committed. Great story!

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

It is absolutely stunning to me that in real life the men continue down this path and never figure it out beforehand. Any man that agrees to swinging, swapping or any other version of an alternate lifestyle must be considered a complete buffoon and certainly an idiot. Because of biology, the male will always get the short straw, will always have the greater suffering, will always end up losing far more than is gained. The loss will be financial, personal, physical, mental and legal. Male lifespan is already been shortened in the last century by 8 years. The amount of tester one has steadily dropped over the Las 4 generations. More and more males are becoming submissive, and agreeing to the lifestyle. In the big picture , there is no way this is good for society and for the structure we all need to have a functioning civilization. Sliding down the slope of cuckold acceptability is not going to get it done in the long term.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Good story. As a husband (while I never would have been in this situation), I would have really gotten pissed at Greg for the trying to force her into sex for over the course of an hour after she said she couldn't go through with it. And to the paranoid commenters below. Author makes it clear she didn't even go as far physically with Greg as the husband did with Maureen. And no their marriage did not self destruction. Didn't you read the ending?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A fantastic tale of true 💕 love. One of the best on Literotica.

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don’t know if I believe, this is the end of the story. Any woman that wants to get some “ strange”, will have opportunities to do so. Although the story didn’t go there, I believe she could be a Narcissist, and addicted to male attention. If so, this will only be the start of her down ward spiral of the marriage.

Dry_opinionDry_opinionalmost 2 years ago

He did not cheat, out of respect for her. Not love.

She did not cheat, out of honor for their marriage. Not love.

Conclusion: their relationship is based on respect and honor. Not love.

After 25 years she grabs his growing bulge out of respect and honor to their marriage. Not passion or love.

Poorly written. It takes more than just fidelity to have a happy 25 years of marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

stupid to dip your toe in that contemptuous cesspool. lucky both backed out cuz if either had or if both had, their ending was only a matter of time. rk

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Odds are very low that such poor communication could lead to a mutually satisfying conclusion. This is fiction, however, so a happy ending is possible nonetheless. Maureen and Greg were both turds...surprising Brittney could not smell them long before the swap night began. Oh well, the they were flushed fairly easily and twenty years later all is well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I gave this 5/5 stars, but it didn't 'completely' earn it.

I really liked that they both came to their senses before it was too late, but they should never have let it go as far as they did.

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