The Helen Chronicles Ch. 01

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What turned him into what he is.
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Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 10/25/2006
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A while back I wrote The Dark Trilogy, three stories that reflected my feelings toward my first wife even though she has been out of my life for over thirty years. I received a lot of feedback asking me what in the world she could have done to me to cause that much rage and for me to still feel that strongly thirty years later.

I thought about it and decided to tell the story, but the story comes with a caveat - they are true, but they may not be 100% true. I do not know that much of what I'm writing actually happened the way that I'm writing it. With the exception of the last episode (The Best Friend) I only know what I've been told. I didn't catch Helen with any of her lovers except for Herb. It was only after catching her with Herb and our subsequent divorce that friends (and some relatives) came forward and told me about the rest. In each case they told me that they thought I knew, that I was one of those guys who got off on having a slut wife. I'm sure that I still don't know all of it, but I do now know of the following:

- The Dishwasher

- The Pizza Man

- The Hamburger Man

- The Cop

- The Bar Tender

- The Drummer

- The College Boy

- The Ups Driver

- The Coca Cola Salesman

And of course, The Cousin and Best Friend.

I know of these men, but I have no way of knowing the real story of when, where and how. I am however, based on my knowledge of Helen's likes and dislikes and the circumstances at the time, able to make some fairly reasonable assumptions. So, while my description of what happened with her and the cop might not be accurate the fact that she did the cop is not in dispute.

I received a lot of information after the fact that has helped me in putting together these scenarios. For instance, after the divorce I dated one of the girls that Helen worked with when she met the cop so I know how it started, how long it lasted and a little of how it ended. Herb's wife told me some of the story of Helen and the drummer and of Helen and the college boy and from others I got bits and pieces about the rest. A talk with Herb's wife Sally is a case in point:

"Oh come on Rob, how could you not know what she was and what she was doing? I knew the night of the bowling banquet when you decided to go to that tournament in Madison. Christ Rob, she was all over that drummer and I half expected her to do him right there on the dance floor. You had to see it. I know you had to see it and you didn't do anything except let it happen. She had him over every night you were gone and then maybe two or three times a week for another month until she got tired of him. You telling me that you didn't know?"

I remembered the night. I belonged to the Fraternal Order of Eagles and I bowled in the Eagle's Friday night league. The Eagles had a state bowling tournament and I and another guy had teamed up to compete in the doubles and we had won. At the year end bowling banquet we got our trophy and our prize money. The band was decent and they played a lot of Helen's favorite songs. I was busy talking about bowling and tournaments and Helen had wandered over to where the band was taking their break to make a request and they asked her to join them. During their next break I saw Helen standing with the drummer, but I didn't think anything of it. If I thought anything it was probably that she was requesting another song.

Later in the evening, Mike, the captain of one of the other teams asked me if I would like to go to the Eagles national tournament being held that year in Madison, Wisconsin. They had already entered, but one of their guys had to drop out and they were looking for someone to take his place. We left the following Friday morning and I didn't get back until Monday morning.

"And I suppose you are going to tell me you didn't know about Jason?" Sally said. I shook my head no. "He was nailing her a couple of times a week until you moved. I can't believe that you don't know any of this stuff; everybody else knows it."

I remembered Jason. At the time we were renting the downstairs of a two-story house that had been converted into a two family flat. Jason was an eighteen-year-old college student who lived upstairs with his parents. I never noticed that he spent anytime around Helen, but then I was beginning to learn that there was a whole lot I hadn't noticed. I was beginning to ask myself if I had been really blinded by love or was I just naturally unobservant.

"How did you know about Jason?"

"Jason has a big mouth. He was bragging around school about this hot older woman he was banging and he named her. How did I know he wasn't lying? Because he described her, right down to the butterfly tattoo just above her pussy. Knowing what you know about her now you have to know that if he saw that tattoo he had already reached the Promised Land."

I had to believe it. Helen kept herself shaved except for a six inch long 'landing strip' and just off to the right of the strip and five or so inches up from her cunt was a multicolored butterfly I had given her on her twenty-fifth birthday.

That information allowed me to build the framework of the story, but the meat of the story is from my imagination.

I have never known the why. After I caught Helen I asked her why and all I got was an indifferent shrug. So, as you read these stories bear in mind that they actually did happen; maybe not exactly as I've portrayed them, but they did happen.


The Dishwasher and The Pizza Man.

I met Helen when I went to where my mom worked. Mom's car had broken down and was in the shop and I had stopped by to give her a ride home. There was a new girl working at the restaurant and she was a beauty. I was having a hard time keeping my eyes off of her and my mother noticed. She laughed and said:

"I guess I'd better introduce you to her otherwise you will be bugging me all the way home with questions about her. I'll introduce you and you can get your information direct. Besides, it will do you both good."

"How so?"

"Well, you are back and don't know anybody and she has just moved here and she doesn't know anybody so the two of you have something in common."

Helen had just moved to Detroit from Bluefield, West Virginia and had only been in town a week. I had only been in town for three weeks. I had joined the Army when I graduated from Ypsilanti High School and had been gone for three years. While I had been doing my sixteen month tour in Korea my mom and dad had moved to Detroit and on my discharge I had joined them there so I knew no one.

Mom introduced me to Helen and things took off from there. We dated for six months and then I asked her to marry me and she said yes. When I told mom I expected her to be happy for me, but that wasn't the case and in fact, she tried to talk me out of it.

"You are both too young. You need to meet some other girls and find out what other fish are in the pond. You really don't know much about each other" and a lot more stuff like that. She never did tell me the real reason why she was against the marriage until after the divorce by which time it was way too little, way too late.

Helen and I got the blood tests and the license and then we called around and found a Justice of the Piece in Redford Township who could fit us in and we drove over there and got married. Unknown to me was the fact that Helen started being unfaithful to me about six weeks before the wedding.

The Dishwasher.

Mario was an Italian kid who had dropped out of high school and in those days in Detroit no diploma meant factory work or scut work. The factories weren't hiring so Mario ended up a combination janitor and dishwasher at the restaurant. He set his sights on Helen the first day he came to work and over the next couple of months he did everything he could to try to get close to her. It didn't seem to matter to him that she was twenty-two and he was only eighteen.

Before long they were taking their coffee breaks together and their lunch breaks together. When she got stuck with closing at night he offered to give her rides home and offered to pick her up and bring her to work. My work schedule prevented me from being able to do those things and so she accepted. Her only other alternative was to ride the DSR and while the buses ran frequently during the day they weren't all that great at one in the morning.

I wasn't all that happy when she told me about Mario giving her rides, but I could see where standing at a bus stop for a half hour at oh-dark-thirty waiting for the Grand River bus to take her to Fenkell would be less than attractive, especially when a ride was available.

One night when Mario gave her a ride home she leaned over to give him a 'thank you' kiss on the cheek. He turned his head and took the kiss on his mouth and when Helen didn't jerk her face away from his he slipped her a little tongue. When she still didn't pull back he put his arms around her and pulled her close. They did some pretty heavy necking for a while and then Mario put his hand inside her blouse. At that point she pushed him away, got out of the car and went into the house.

The next night it was the same except the necking started as soon as Mario pulled up at the curb and lasted much longer and that time he got to play with her tits for a while before she stopped him. By the end of the week he was finger fucking her and she was giving him hand jobs.

It happened on a Wednesday. It was Mario's day off and Helen was working the three to midnight shift. Around seven-thirty the phone rang and my mother, who was working the noon till nine shift, answered it. The call was for Helen and mom thought she recognized the voice of the caller, but she didn't think anything about it at the time. She went and got Helen and then noticed that Helen seemed to be furtively looking around as if afraid someone might over hear what she was saying. That made mom curious, but the place was packed and she was busy waiting on customers so she had to get back to work.

Helen's dinner break was at eight-thirty and mom just happened to be in the kitchen as Helen was going out the back door. Again mom thought Helen looked like she was trying to hide something and she went to a window and looked out in time to see Helen climb into Mario's car. Mom knew that Mario wasn't scheduled to work that day and she wondered why he was there and why Helen was getting in the car with him. She saw the car move to the back row of the parking lot and park there.

Her curiosity now in full force she grabbed her coat and went outside to see what was going on. Staying out of the light she walked to the back of the lot to see what she could see. She cautiously moved up on the right rear quarter and looked in the car to see Helen's head bobbing up and down on Mario's cock. Her uniform top was unbuttoned and her tits had spilled out and Mario was fondling them. After two minutes of watching Helen blow Mario mom saw Mario push Helen away and mom stepped back as the two in the car changed positions. It wasn't until she saw Helen's legs come up that she edged forward to look in the car again. Helen's legs were spread wide and Mario was between them and sliding his cock into her cunt.

Mom had to get back to work so she turned and left. She was in the kitchen when Helen returned. "Did you go out for lunch?" mom asked.

"Yeah. I'm tired of eating the same old stuff here. I needed a change" and then the two of them went back to waiting on customers.

Every night after that Helen took her dinner breaks in Mario's car. On the day we were married I had no idea when I slipped the ring on her finger that less than fourteen hours earlier she had been getting fucked by Mario in his car and I had no clue that it would happen again and again over the next three months and that it would only end when the next player took the stage.


The Pizza Man.

The restaurant was Italian and their specialty was Scilian Pizza. This was in the days before Pizza Hut, Little Caesars, Domino's and all the other chains. The owner of the place, Salvadore Bellandini, was also known as Stutz and some times called Pizza man. The restaurant was on the corner of Grand River and Dumbarton and on Dumbarton there were several large apartment buildings and it was in one of those apartment buildings that Helen and I began our married life.

I was working the swing shift at the Ford Motor Company River Rouge complex and since I worked swings Helen stayed on the three to midnight at the restaurant even though she had enough seniority to move to days.

Since she only had a three minute walk to get home to our apartment she was usually home and in bed when I got there. I say usually because some nights she worked late to help close. She always waited up for me and I usually found her waiting with her legs spread wide and telling me to hurry. I would quickly strip, climb into bed and unknowingly slide my cock into Mario's leftovers. Helen was always wet and she told me that it was because she was always hot and horny from constantly thinking about me and what we would do as soon as I got home from work.

I didn't know any better. Excluding the paid whores I'd been with in Japan and Korea I'd only been with two girls, both one night stands, so my experience was almost nil. And why would I have wondered about it anyway? We were just married and I was crazy about her and she certainly seemed crazy in love with me and she spoiled me rotten. She fucked me into exhaustion when I got home from work, woke me up with blow jobs and gave me 'nooners' before sending me off to work. I was happy with my life and had no reason to believe there was anything wrong with it.

Back at the restaurant Stutz became aware of what was going on between Mario and Helen and he decided that he wanted some of Helen's pussy. He wasn't about to share her with an eighteen year old dishwasher so he fired Mario and then called Helen into his office and went straight at it.

"Does Rob know that Mario is fucking you almost every day?"

Helen, suddenly alarmed said, "God I hope not."

Stutz stood up and said as he unzipped his fly and took out his cock, "If you don't want him to find out you will get over here and take care of this" and he pointed at his erection. Helen, being the slut that she was, didn't say a word, just walked over and went to her knees in front of him and took his cock in her mouth. She got him off, swallowed and then he told her to get back to work. Just before she opened the door to leave he said:

"Just a minute. Two things. One, I fired Mario and I want you to stay away from him from now on and two, I want you back in here when you go on your dinner break."

She went back to his office on her dinner break and Stutz bent her over his desk and fucked her from behind.

This is all supposition of course, as I have no way of knowing if this is how it started with Stutz or not. Mario was fired and Helen did start fucking Stutz in his office and I know this because of my mother. Mom had been keeping an eye on Helen since finding her fucking Mario. She took Mario's termination and Helen's suddenly frequent visits to Stutz's office, put two and two together and got four.

Stutz's office was originally part of the store room. He had put up a stud wall, nailed up some drywall and that is as far as he went with it. The drywall had several holes in it caused by carelessness when the desk, file cabinets, and couch were moved in.

Mom was pretty sure about what was going on, but her curiosity being what it was she wanted to know for certain. She waited until Helen took one of her dinner breaks and then mom went into the store room and looked into the office through one of the holes in the drywall. Stutz was sitting in his desk chair, pants down around his ankles and Helen was on her knees in front of him and sucking on his cock.

"That's it baby, suck it, suck my cock. You are such a good little cock sucker."

Helen's head was bobbing up and down and her mouth was making slurping noises. It went on for several minutes and then Stutz said:

"I don't want to cum in your mouth this time. Let me up."

Helen stood up, moved to the front of his desk, took off her panties and then bent forward over the desk. Stutz moved up behind her, lifted her skirt up to her waist and then shoved his cock in her. He fucked her steady for about five minutes while she moaned and begged him to fuck her harder and make her cum and then he told her to get ready:

"Here it comes baby, her it comes. God but I do like cumming in your tight ass pussy."

As he was zipping up his pants he said, "Are you staying away from Mario like I told you?"

"He calls me almost every day and I keep telling him we are through, but he just won't leave me alone."

"Just you make sure you leave him alone. I have to share you with your husband, but I'm not sharing you with anyone else."

Helen walked over to him, put her arms around him and gave him a deep kiss. "Not to worry lover, I got no time for young kids when I've got you around."

"Plan on staying late tonight. My wife is visiting with her mother so I don't have to hurry home and you know what a kick I get sending you home to your hubby freshly fucked."

"I love giving him sloppy seconds after I've been with you."

"Have you gotten him to eat you while you are still dripping with my juices?"

"Not yet baby, but I'm working on it."

"Be sure you let me know when it happens. My dick gets hard just thinking about it so God only knows what it will do to me if you ever get him to actually do it."

Mom still worked the noon to nine shift so she never saw Helen and Stutz when Helen stayed late. Helen was a fucking whore, but I will give her a little credit - I liked eating her pussy, but she would never let me eat her on the nights she came home from work late. I never knew why at the time, but then I never really thought about it either. One day mom looked in Helen's locker at work and saw a douche bag hanging from one of the hooks and the feeling was that she used it after her dinner breaks and before she came home.

I'm not so naive that I don't know that there were still some traces of Mario or Stutz in her after she fucked them, but as far as I know she never brought a full load home and let me go down on her.


Stutz fucked Helen on the average of five times a week for the next year and again I know this because my mom saw it happening. I can see the question coming:

"She's your mother! How could she let that happen to you and not do something about it?"

I asked her the same question five years later after the divorce was final and she finally decided to tell me what a fuck pig Helen was.

"You were so in love with her that you wouldn't have believed me and it would have just ended up poisoning our relationship. Even if I had called you and said, "Come on down during her dinner break and see what she is doing" you would hold it against me for being the one who destroyed your relationship. And there was always the chance that she would burn the wildness out of her and settle down."

I thought that was a bunch of horse shit and I told her so and we ended up not talking to each other for almost two years.


Stutz's affair with Helen came to an end when I changed jobs and we moved. Ford was expanding their Wayne Assembly Plant and I put in for one of the Line Supervisor jobs and got it so we gave up the apartment on Dumbarton and moved to Romulus. We found an apartment on Wayne Road and moved in.

We were still trying to save money for a house so Helen's first order of business was to find another job. Within a week she found a job as a waitress. Her job screwed up our established routine because it was day shift, eight to four-thirty, and I was still working afternoons. When I say it screwed up our established routine I guess what I really meant was that it screwed up mine. All it meant to Helen was that the Pizza Man was replaced by The Cop.