The Hell in Your Eyes Ch. 08


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"Please, baby," Jack whispered. "I don't want to be the monster that hides under your bed anymore. If you say the words then things will be different. I can be different."

His thumb gently moved across her cheek while he delved into the blue of her eyes. They almost seemed tortured as Jack looked into them apprehensively.

"What happens if I say it?" Sam wondered breathlessly.

A hint of a smile touched Jack's lips as he responded. "If you say it then I'm going to fuck you. I'm going to ram my cock inside of you until you beg me to stop. I won't be making you do it if you say the words. You'll be asking me to." His thumb passed over her mouth again, and he gently pulled at her lower lip before tracing the wet warmth inside.

Sam's shoulders lifted as a shudder cascaded down her frame. Swallowing with difficulty, her fingers eased their death grip where they were pressed into him. Her blue eyes lowered from his while her mind ran rampant, and then she lifted them to meet his heated gaze.

Her voice shook as it left her. "I want you, Jack," she whispered.

It was all he needed to hear. Lunging forward, he practically consumed her with his mouth. His large hands grasped onto the sides of her face to hold her to him while he devoured her. They were both gasping for breath when he abruptly pulled away.

"We have to get in the backseat. I need to feel you. I can't wait," he panted.

Sam quickly lifted off of his lap at his urging, and slid between the seats. Her knees had barely touched the vinyl when she felt him behind her grasping onto her hips so that he could position her. In one fluid movement, he bent her so that she was on all fours then urgently slid her jeans down until they pooled around her thighs.

She felt him draw closer so that his legs bracketed her own, and then he was grasping onto her tightly to steady her as he slammed his cock deep. A strangled sound of pleasure escaped him as he filled her. He was fully encased between her thighs, and he began roughly thrusting inside of her while she cried out beneath him.

His teeth gritted, and his strokes became harder, and faster until he was almost violent as he took her. "Take all of me, Sam," he growled. "Beg me for my cum." When she responded with a harsh moan, Jack slapped her bottom sharply. "I said beg me," he ordered.

His fingers reached out to grasp a handful of her dark hair, and he pulled her head to the side so that he could see her face. "You feel so fucking good, baby," he gritted out. "So hot, and tight." His thick shaft plowed into her relentlessly as he uttered the words.

"Can you feel how hard I am? How much I want you? I need you to be a good girl, and beg for it. You're so wet. So fucking hot, and wet. I can feel how much you love this. You fucking love having my cock inside of you."

With an urgent tug on her hair, he slammed into her bottom with all his strength. It caused a harsh, animalistic grunt to escape his throat while Sam cried out again in reaction.

After a beat, he pulled out until only the head remained within her, then he catapulted forward until his hips punched against her cheeks again. The power behind the movement would have sent her flying forward if he hadn't been holding her in place.

"Please, Jack," Sam sobbed.

His thrusts became rhythmic once more as he responded. "Please what?" he growled. "Please fuck you harder?"

Biting her lip, Sam closed her eyes, and pushed her bottom back to meet his hips. "Please fill me with cum."

A low groan escaped Jack. "Say it again," he croaked.

His entire body tensed when she repeated the words, and his fingers dug into her hips. She moaned it again, and again. "Please," she cried out. "I need it. I need it, Jack. I need your cock. I need you to cum inside of me!"

His engorged cock head began to spurt where it was buried deep inside of her slit. The entire length of his shaft throbbed, and pulsated before eagerly lifting, and then he exploded. A harsh sound of pleasure erupted from his throat while he shot all that he had against her cervix.

It seemed to go on forever while he steadily pounded between her thighs. When he finished depositing every drop of cum he had into the pit of her womb, he collapsed on top of her, and dropped his head to the middle of her spine while he tried to catch his breath.

"I love it when you beg me," he panted. "It makes me crazy."

Parting his lips, he pressed his hot mouth to the center of her back, and let his tongue slide against her skin as he kissed her there. Pulling out of her, he urged her to turn over then crawled on top of her so that his weight was pressing her into the seat. Once she was beneath him, he buried his face against her neck.

"I need you, Sam," he moaned in agony. "I need you more than I've ever needed anything."

A soft sound escaped her throat, then she lifted her fingers to trail them through his dark hair. When he finally lifted his head to look down at her, his dark eyes roved over her face before he finally met her gaze. "I want you to come live with me," he stated quietly.

Sam's eyes widened incredulously. "Have you completely lost your mind?" she breathed.

For some unknown reason her words made him smile. "Possibly," he replied. "I don't want to take you home. I want you with me."

Taking a deep breath, Sam let it out slowly. "Jack, I can't live with you."

Her answer made him frown. "Why not? I can take care of you. You wouldn't be unhappy."

A small laugh escaped her as she looked at his face. He was serious. "I'm still in high school," she pointed out.

"You can still go to school if you live with me," he replied.

"We barely know each other," she said next.

He shrugged. "What better way for us to do that? You'll get to know me really fast if we live together."

"My parents will have you arrested," she snapped sharply. He needed to see reason.

His mouth pinched at that disclosure. "You're mine," he growled petulantly.

A deep sigh left Sam's chest. "What happened to giving me some time?" she wondered.

Jack rolled his eyes. Lowering his head until their foreheads lightly touched, he pressed his hands into the vinyl on either side of her then thrust his body against hers in a slow, forceful way. The deliberate action made Sam gasp in surprise as fire shot through her lower extremities.

"What's there to figure out?" he panted before lunging into her again. "You want me. I can feel it in every tremble of your body. Every soft little cry that leaves your mouth. I can feel it every time that I fill you."

"That's not the issue," she reminded him in a daze.

"Then what is?" he asked before grinding himself into her again.

"I need to figure out all of the other stuff, and how I feel about it."

Lifting his head, Jack frowned. "I told you that I wouldn't hurt you. What else is there?"

Sam bit her lip before looking away. "Can we talk about this later?" she pleaded.

"No," Jack said sullenly. "I want to talk about it now." Pressing his hand to the side of her face, he turned her cheek so that she was forced to look at him again. "What is it?" When she continued to bite her lip instead of responding, his frown grew darker. "Come on, Sam. Talk to me."

He wasn't going to relent, and with a feeling of impending doom, a shuddering breath escaped her. "You were really scary," she whispered.

His entire body stilled, and his eyes widened. An expression that appeared to be guilt washed over his features. "I know. I know I was. If I keep telling you that I'm sorry for what I did, are you ever going to forgive me?" His dark eyes became tortured as he looked down at her.

"It's not just that," Sam admitted. "Today in the park with Clark, there was a moment when I wasn't sure what you were capable of. I had no idea what you were going to do, and it frightened me. Is it always going to be like that?"

"I didn't hurt him," Jack said softly in his defense.

"You wanted to though," she pointed out. "You could have."

He didn't deny it. Pressing his lips tightly together he gave a curt nod. "He was touching you. I don't want anyone touching you. I controlled myself."

"That's what scares me," Sam told him. "Never knowing what is going to set you off, or why. I feel like I'm living in perpetual suspense every time that we're together."

Pushing himself into a kneeling position, Jack ran a hand through his dark hair in aggravation. "I'm not a monster, Sam. There's just certain things that I won't put up with. Other men putting their hands all over my woman has always been one of those things. I don't like it. I don't think I'm abnormal for feeling that way."

Lifting herself up so that her weight rested on her hands, Sam shook her head. "If it was inappropriate touching then I would understand better. You seem like you would get upset if someone shook my hand, Jack. Don't you think that's going a little overboard?"

The petulant twist had returned to his lips. "Maybe," he groused. "I'm territorial. Sometimes it's hard to control it. I can try harder though." When she nodded in acceptance he lifted a brow. "Was there something else, or was that it?"

"Our age difference?" she said with a wince.

His scowl returned. "That's not something I can change."

"I know," she replied softly. "It's just that no one would understand. We're always going to have to hide. Aren't you afraid of what people will say? What our families would say?"

He didn't hesitate. "No." Pausing, he tilted his head before gazing back at her. "Alright, a little. It's not enough to make me let you go. This is what I want. It's worth it to me."

Sam felt extremely confused, and overwhelmed. "Why is it worth it?" she wondered. "Why am I worth taking such a huge risk?"

The question seemed to anger him. "Why are you asking me that? I already told you the answer. Yet, you keep asking me like I haven't." Looking away from her he gazed out the windshield.

"Why do you want me, Sam? After everything I've done, why would you want me?" When he turned back to her, his dark eyes were volatile. "You have every reason in the world to hate me, but instead of screaming when I touch you, you moan. Instead of running away from me when I reach for you, you smile. Why?"

He had completely turned the tables on her, and it made her uncomfortable. She wasn't ready to reveal anything. Not yet. She still had so much to figure out on her own. Tilting her head back to avoid his eyes, she peered up at the roof of the car. "I told you before. I'm getting used to you."

A small laugh escaped Jack's lips. "That is such bullshit, and you know it."

Leaning forward, he grasped her chin in his hold, and pulled her head down so that she was forced to look at him. When her startled blue eyes met his he quickly swooped down, and captured her lips with his own. They immediately parted beneath his touch, and Jack swept inside to invade her mouth. When he pulled back there was a knowing look in his eye.

"You let me do that because you're used to it?" he inquired snidely.

Before she could respond, he slipped his large hand between her parted thighs, and pushed his fingers inside of her. Thrusting them deep, a soft, strangled sound emerged from her throat. "Are you used to this?" he asked in a guttural tone.

Jerking them from side to side, he watched her face contort with pleasure as he moved them around. "Now that you're so used to it does that mean you're going to let any man who wants you have this?"

Sam knew that his actions stemmed from anger, but she couldn't seem to help the small moan that emerged from her lips. "No," she gasped. "I wouldn't do that."

"Why not?" he demanded. "You're USED to it." His fingers pushed deeper, and his rhythm grew faster as he moved his fingers from side to side. "Why can't everyone have a turn, Sam?" Lifting his thumb, he brushed it against her swollen clit.

The unexpected stimulation made Sam cry out as she tensed beneath him. Her fingers rose to dig into the hard curve of his shoulder while her eyes drifted closed, and her lower lip slid between her teeth.

"Because," she moaned.

"Because why?" Jack demanded harshly.

When his thumb began furiously rubbing against her sensitive nub, she felt herself begin to unravel. "Because they're not you!" she cried out.

"Damn fucking right they're not," he growled.

He took her mouth savagely then, and buried his tongue between her lips. When her other hand reached up to wrap around his neck, Jack collapsed on top of her, and between the two of them they managed to work her jeans all of the way off until they were pooled on the floor between the seats.

Once they were removed, Sam quickly spread her legs to cradle his hips then lifted her fingers to his dark hair while his tongue devoured her. When his fingers slipped between them to guide his swollen shaft to her opening, Sam welcomed him eagerly by lifting her hips. His entire length slid deep into the pit of her, and with a pleasure filled groan he began to fuck her with hard strokes.

"You are mine," he panted against her mouth. "Anyone who tries to take what's mine is going to wish they had never been born."

"Yours," Sam moaned in agreement. "Oh God. Please, Jack."

Her thighs were trembling by the time she found release. Pressing her heels into the vinyl of the seat, she clutched onto him as it over took her body. Each wave hit her harder than the last as he pounded into her while her insides clutched, and spasmed around him.

Her entire frame bowed from the intensity of it, and then his teeth sunk into the soft skin of her neck as he poured himself into her. A growl of fulfillment came muffled from his throat, and then he wilted on top of her. When it was over, neither moved while they attempted to catch their breath.

"A guy could get used to that," he uttered between gasps.

"Very... funny."

He chuckled softly, then lifted his hand to cradle the top of her head before squeezing her to him with his body. "Do you know what I want more than anything else in the world right now?" Jack inquired softly.

Sam gave it a moments thought, then swiftly rolled her eyes. "A cigarette," she responded flatly.

Her response made Jack chuckle again. "See, baby? You already know me so well," he replied in amusement. Lunging to his knees, he peered down at her with a grin. "You had better get dressed before some nosey passerby figures out what we've been doing." Peering out the window, he swiftly closed his jeans, and smirked. "If they haven't already."

"Good idea," she agreed. "We came here to see a movie, not to be the stars of one."

Jack's grin widened as he looked at her. "Would you ever let me do that?" he wondered.

Her blue eyes became quizzical as she looked up at him. "Let you do what?"

"Tape you. I think it would be hot, and it would give me something to watch when I'm suffering in your absence."

Sam snorted at that statement. "How much suffering could you possibly be experiencing? We've been going at it like bunnies."

"I'm in a big, warm bed all by myself at night. I would suffer a lot less if you were in it with me," he persisted.

Shaking her head, Sam returned his smirk. "Well, it looks like you're going to have to suffer, Jack."

With a deep sigh, his shoulders sagged. "Story of my life."

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AspieGirl88AspieGirl88over 2 years ago

That’s the one thing that I don’t get about this story; the fact that Sam is a legal adult who is capable of giving consent to sex/relationships, yet she’s worried that her parents are going to be a problem? They no longer have a say now that she’s 18 & if they hear about her lover & start making her home life difficult, she can easily just run away & be with Jack. Police can’t do anything & if that’s what she wants, that’s the first thing they’d tell her parents. I’m hoping she’ll realise all this in the chapters that follow, because although the story did start off a bit too much, Jack is starting to shine like the fabled diamond in the rough & I'm eager to see him become a better person under Sam’s influence (much more than Jack being a worse influence on Sam). Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Great story and character!

Although it started out rough, I like how the story and the character develops. It's the kind that makes me miss them when I'm done reading, I keep coming back for more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Age matters not

For people who might be a bit turned off by the age gap..its not that big of a deal really. She's 18 and he's in his early 30s. Totally date-able if you ask me. Personally I think its kinda hot too. Also she also doesn't act like a stupid teenager like most 18 year old do which is a good thing. She's 18 and she acts like an adult, he's 30-ish and behaves like the way he behaves..totally immature. But hey, can't deny that I find it totally sexy..that caveman attitude. As long as its not real life..haha.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I have read through this several times and love it! Your character development and the actual story, it's jncredible I sure hope to see more!

TwistedMiseryTwistedMiseryover 9 years agoAuthor

Once I upload something... the site owners then have to approve it. It usually takes roughly a day or two. It's pending to post on 02/23/15. So, it should be listed, and available sometime after midnight tonight. You can check for it then. - T.M.

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