The Hex Led Love Affair

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My Witch ex girlfriend gave me a parting gift....
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There's not much of it but contains a scene of male on male sex. Hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed writing!

I'd had breakups before, nobody warned me about breaking up with a Witch though. Jenna and I had dated for about 8 months, it was mostly a physical relationship and I'm guessing things just ran their course. She was pretty upset with me, accused me of cheating and dumped me despite me not having done so. She said something to me in a language I hadn't heard before then stormed out of my apartment. She blocked my number and blocked me on all of her social media accounts so I had no way of proving my innocence. I knew she'd moved back to her mom's but I didn't know where that was. I sulked for a while then eventually chalked it up to experience and got on with my life.

It was a few weeks or so when things started going bad for me. I was barely able to afford my apartment with my job but they cut my hours and I had to move back to my parents. The cut hours led to me being let go and I found myself a little depressed.

My parents didn't mind so much about me moving back home but it was a kick in the pride for me at the time. I eventually got an online job fixing websites but the pay sucked.

A few months later, when I'd finished moping around and being sad about my life I also found myself unable to cum. I had tried to jerk off a few times but no matter how much hand cream, lube or whatever I tried, I just couldn't get to climax. I put it down to the stress of moving back home and all the other shit but when it happened to me during sex, I got a little more frustrated.

"I uh, I need to stop. I have cum so much I'm getting a little tender, hun," she said.

I had hooked up with a girl I'd seen in the past, she was really pretty but didn't want any kind of relationship with anyone and loved sex. I was fine with the arrangement as she was really fun in bed. That time, we'd been fucking for about an hour and I couldn't get off. I stayed hard the whole time and made her cum a lot but I just couldn't get there.

"Sorry, I don't know what's wrong with me. Usually, ten minutes inside you and I'd be struggling to hold back," I replied.

"I'd take it personally if I didn't know you were still on the rebound," she said with a grin.

"Oh, trust me, it's not you. I can't even cum when I jerk off."

"Hmm. Well, if you can last more than 5 minutes in my mouth then I'll know you're fucked. You warn me though, you know I hate the taste of cum. You can cum all over my pretty tits."

Gina took me into her mouth and began to suck me. Getting head from her was pretty rare, she just had to get naked to get me hard but despite being amazing at oral, she hated the taste of cum and didn't do it with me very often. After 10 minutes of her sucking me, I was still unable to climax.

"I can't anymore, I'm sorry. My jaw hurts," she said to me.

"It feels so good, I was on the brink the whole time but just wasn't getting over the edge," I said.

"You free this weekend?"

"I think so, why?"

"I'm meeting a few friends, fun friends. If you can last this long with all of us, you'll be our favorite. But if we can't make you cum, you're going to the doctors," she said with a laugh.

I tried to put it out of my mind. My cock deflated like usual and for the rest of that week I tried jerking off but I was still unable to cum. Gina sent me a text with her friend's address, I was a little nervous but I went anyways.

"So, usually I don't invite new people to our fun group but this is my friend Marcus. He is on the rebound, we've played a lot over the years but I offered to help him with a problem. He's clean, I make sure of that," said Gina as she introduced me.

I looked around and there were 4 women and 5 other guys. They were all pretty good looking and any one of them would have been fun to play with. We had a drink and I got a few questions.

"Wait, you lasted a full hour inside Gina then she sucked you for ten minutes and you didn't cum? Did you take anything?" said one woman when Gina explained why I was really there.

"No, I don't like drugs at all," I replied.

"And he was hard the whole time, Gina?" asked another woman.

"Yes. I figured if you lot can't get him off then I take him to the doctors. I was a little down about it, I won't lie but I had Cole last night and he didn't last 2 minutes so I don't think it was me," she replied.

"This is going to be fun. How open minded are you sweetie? All of us here will fuck, any one of us here. And by anyone, I mean guys too. We all love sex, we meet up once a month to really get off. Sometimes, Jen will want a train ran on her. Other times, she'll want to watch Steve suck Joe's cock while Kayla eats her. It's whatever we want. I'm not kidding when I say, every person here has fucked every person here at least once and that's okay. We don't get greedy, we all agree to what we want and if we're not in the mood for what the other is asking for, it's okay to say no," said one of the guys.

"I hope I don't get in the way of anything," I replied.

"Well, I have a bounty on you. First one to make you cum gets me cooking for them for a week," said Gina.

"No fucking way, like personal chef at home cooking or just meals dropped off?" said one of the women.

"Personal chef. I like Marcus, he's always been a good guy and I want him to get back to normal for me."

Gina smiled at me. For her to give her time that way meant a lot, she was a trained chef, had her own business and everything and the meals she'd cooked for me in the past were always exquisite.

After another drink the fun got underway. Gina hugged me and made sure I was still okay with the bi stuff. She knew I was open-minded and that I'd been with guys in the past but she hadn't warned me about that evening. I thanked her for what she offered but she whispered in my ear 'I hope it's me to finally make you cum' and playfully bit my earlobe.

Gina took me first to try and make that point but like before, she had to give up after I was still going 40 minutes inside her. She rode me nice and slow, really working my cock with her pussy as she kissed me. She made me suck her nipples, talking dirty to me the whole time but even that didn't set me off.

"Fucking hell, Gina. I'm not even in you and I can't hold back," said one of the guys when he heard her.

Gina was amazing at being sensual and slutty when she wanted to be. Usually, two minutes of her talking dirty and riding me would have me spraying my load but I was stuck on the brink of climax and it killed me.

"I am going to take a rest then I am going to make Steve cum in 30 seconds. I really wanted it to be me but just relax and enjoy yourself my love," she said as she caught her breath.

I watched and the others were all having fun. Two of the guys were fucking, one woman was riding another guy while another woman sat on his face and everyone else was in various stages of climax.

I had sex with a few other women, all ending with them unable to carry on.

One woman, Jenny, wanted me to fuck her in her ass and even her tight warmth couldn't get me off.

"Oh.. Th.. This feels amazing. I've cum four times with him in my ass. Usually, guys can't last more than once...." she gasped. I still couldn't get off despite seeing stars.

One of the guys asked if he could fuck me and I agreed. I figuring maybe I needed different stimulation to get off. I'd only ever been with other men orally before.

He was pretty gentle at first. I groaned as he filled me, stretching my ass as he increased his pace and it felt really good. I was on all fours with him behind me. Gina got below me and was sucking my cock at the same time but even that didn't do it. Cole lasted longer than Gina's mouth, he sprayed his seed in me then pulled out.

When everyone else was worn out, I sat feeling dejected with another drink as I waited my turn in the shower.

"What about prostrate milking, remember you did that to me, Cole?" said one of the guys.

"Claire tried that after I fucked him," said Cole.

"I'm taking him to the doctor on Monday. If he couldn't cum in Jenny's ass or Laura's vice grip pussy, there's something wrong. 2 thrusts is usually the most any of you last in Jenny's ass, she feels that great," said Gina.

"Well, I'm not taking it personally, you were fun and all but there's no way you could last with all we did without being injected with liquid viagra or something," said Jenny.

Gina walked me to my car and gave me a hug.

"I'm serious about going to the doctors. I have a friend who'll keep it discreet for you but as fun as it is to ride you for 40 minutes straight, there's something wrong," she said.

"Thank you, Gina," I replied.

That Monday, I sat in the office after being examined by Gina's doctor friend. She'd touched, poked and prodded me, even tried to make me cum with my prostrate but nothing was working.

"Are you sure you don't want Gina to leave the room, Marcus?" she said to me.

"I'm sure. She's been great with me over all this and I've nothing to hide," I replied.

"I can't find a thing wrong with you. If Gina and a few friends couldn't get you off, I am worried it's psychosomatic. Even still, there's so much a body can suppress and being able to bypass that stuff medically is something I do. I tried all I know short of fucking you to get you off and there's no way," said the doctor.

"So, maybe try Davina?" said Gina.

"If you must, I can't think of anyone else offhand."

"She'll be fine."

"I still think she's nuts, Gina but if you think she can help."

"Who's Davina?" I asked.

"She's a hypnotherapist. A little out there but she is good," replied Gina.

A few days later we went to see Davina, she put me in a trance, spoke to me for a while then brought me out.

"No trauma, no suppressed memories, nothing at all I can find, Gina," she said when she brought me to the waiting room.

"Did you try what I asked?" said Gina.

"Yes, 30 minutes."

"Fuck. I don't know, Marcus, I'm so sorry."

"What does she mean, 30 minutes?" I asked.

"I put a suggestion into your head, put you behind a screen and told you to jerk off. I told you to cum, you got close and stayed on the edge but no climax."

"So, what now?" I asked.

"I'd suggest porn but even they want their money shot. I'm sorry, I'm not making light of this but I've never experienced it before."

Gina drove me back home and sat with me for a while in her car.

"I'll keep asking around. Don't date anyone until this is fixed, okay? I don't want some bitch to use you or something. I'd love to see how long I could last but that would be selfish so we won't. Here, I got this for you. Stick it on, have a nap or just relax watching tv. Don't think of anything and see if it helps," she said, handing me a small bag.

I looked inside, 'Auto stroker 3000' sat in a white box.

"Thank you, Gina. I'll let you know what happens," I replied, hugging her.

"You owe me a hot load up in me, I won't give up on you."

I went inside and my sister, Amber was home. I put the bag in my room and went to talk to her.

"Hey, little brother, great to see you!" she said, giving me a hug.

"What brings you home. is good to see you too," I replied.

"Summer break, Mom said you were a bit down after your breakup and job loss and losing your apartment, I thought some childish fun with your favorite sister would cheer you up."

"You're my only sister, Amber."

"So, I'd better be your favorite."

"I suppose."

"Fucker!" she said with a grin then pounced on me.

She was always quicker than I was and soon had me pinned to the couch and was tickling me mercilessly. From our years of mutual torment, she knew exactly where to get me and with her being a natural born athlete, I lost to her a lot. I gave my submit word and she let me go, losing meant I owed her a favor.

"I will take a sandwich and one of your amazing coffees," she said, fixing her clothes.

"Coming right up," I said with a smile.

Seeing her always made me happy. We got on great growing up and she was tomboy enough to be the brother I would have always wanted. As she got older, she grew into a beautiful woman, our bond didn't change but she got a lot of male attention and she spent less time with me.

"So, you know I'm not asking this to tease you but what happened with Jenna?" she asked as she ate.

"She accused me of cheating on her, was furious and wouldn't allow me to prove I didn't," I replied.

"You didn't right, that's really not you."

"No, she was a goddess to me, wouldn't dream of cheating on her. We started out just friends with benefits type thing then got feelings and despite being more physical than anything, we loved each other."

"She fucking hated me, could never understand why. I was always nice to her. I'll kick her ass if you want, though."

"No, she's in my rear view, I have enough problems."

"Well, if you need to talk, I'm here, okay?"

"Thanks Sis."

"Whatever, I love you."

"I love you too."

We hugged and I went to my room to read for a while. She told me she was going for a run so I thought I'd take my auto stroker for a spin. I pulled up a movie on the big screen in the lounge, it was one with a few great sex scenes that always got me hard and laid on the couch with a blanket over me. The toy felt fucking great. I put it on low and slid it over my hard cock and just let it work away as I watched the movie. I don't remember being tired but I dozed off and didn't hear Amber coming home. When I woke though, all hell broke loose.

She was moving the pillows from the couch, looking for the tv remote that I'd had on my lap. When she touched me though, lifting my arm to move the blanket, I almost blacked out as the most explosive orgasm I'd ever felt burned through me and I came as the toy kept stroking me. I was groaning and writhing on the couch, Amber was wide eyed with her mouth open and thought I was having a seizure or something. When the blanket fell off my stroker, she went nuts.

"What the fuck, Marcus! Why do you have your cock out, why did you pretend to be asleep and cum right as I'm close to you. Why do you have a toy on your fucking dick, Marcus!?" she yelled at me.

"I didn't mean it," I said.

I looked down and I was covered in my own cum. The toy had a small channel to cum into but I'd cum so hard that I'd filled that and the rest sprayed out of the holes on the side and got all over me. Amber had a look of pure disgust on her face. She came back with a damp towel and threw it at me.

"Clean that fucking mess up and open the windows, you sick asshole. I thought you were better than this," she said then stormed off.

I cleaned the couch off then took a shower. I cleaned the toy and put it away then wondered how I was going to face my sister again. She was in her room with her door closed. I got dressed then went to see Gina, she was so excited when I told her I'd finally cum.

"That's awesome! I hope you saved some for me, I was going to go fuck Lisa but if I can get some from you first I'm happy!" she said, already pulling at my clothes.

I soon forgot about my mess with Amber. After 30 minutes of fucking Gina from behind though, I had the same, 'close but not gonna go' feeling and she collapsed on the bed.

"I'm sorry, Gina, I don't know what's going on!"

"Tell me what happened when you climaxed."

I told her about the toy and the movie and Amber catching me.

"Try the toy tonight in bed, maybe it's hitting some spot that real pussy isn't. I don't know. Was she pissed?"


"Take her flowers and apologize. I don't know, maybe try the truth?"

"Sure, tell my older sister I'm having trouble cumming."

Gina just hugged me.

I did as she asked when I finally got home that night though, after two hours with the toy on me, watching the filthiest porn I could find. Nothing.

Next morning, Amber was sitting out on our deck drinking a glass of juice. I sat in front of her and looked at her.

"I'm really sorry, Amber. I promise I didn't do that on purpose," I said to her.

"You have some explaining to do. Mom said after Jenna dumped you, you went back to that hippy chick, Gina and have been staying out with her a lot. I know you don't sit and play poker with her, she has a reputation that I'm sure you enjoy."

"Kinda, I uh, I haven't been able to cum. I even went to a party with 4 other women and guys there and nobody could get me off. Almost four months now, I've been to doctors, hypnotists and everything, they all say nothing is wrong with me. That toy was Gina's idea, think of something other than sex and relax as it plugs away. I didn't mean to fall asleep but when you woke me, I came. I tried again with Gina, 30 minutes with her and not even close. Tried the toy again, nothing. I feel so broken," I blurted out.

"We've hugged, I've tickled you and you didn't cum then. It can't have been me. I'm sorry I reacted that way but seeing you cum all over yourself like that was so gross and I guess I overreacted."

She stood us up and hugged me.

"Do you want a coffee?" I asked.

"I'd love one, thank you."

Later that day, I tried again with the toy. I had bought some warming lube and it felt amazing like before. I watched the movie on my laptop in my own room that time and had towels ready in case it worked. After an hour I was still no closer to cumming. Amber knocked on my door and came in before I could turn the toy off. To my horror she came and sat on my bed before she realized what I was doing.

"Fuck, I really should knock and wait. Are you doing it again?" she said.

"Y... yes," I replied.

"Do you stay hard the whole time?"


"You don't tell anyone about this but if it'll help you."

Amber pulled her t-shirt off and showed me her breasts. She had a perfect pair for her athletic frame and had the most beautiful nipples. I felt my cock throb but still no climax.

"Those are really beautiful, Amber," I said, gazing at her.

After another 5 minutes of her just sitting topless, she looked deep in thought then smiled.

"D.. do you want to touch them?" she said softly.

I just nodded and she told me to go ahead. I reached out and gently cupped her breast. A few seconds later and I was cumming.

"Holy fuck, dude, that's a lot," she said, pulling back my sheet.

When I was finally spent, I cleaned up as she put her shirt back on.

"Go shower, take a nap and don't spank it until I come and see you later," she said and left.

I stayed hard though most of my shower. Seeing then touching one of Ambers breasts was like a fantasy come true. I thought it would be one of my things that would never happen. I'll freely admit to perving on her when puberty hit me but I cared about her too much to ever want to make her mad by really pushing it and didn't do it for long. When I woke from my nap, she was already sitting on my bed and my room door was closed. She was wearing a silk negligee that didn't really hide much, I felt myself getting hard just looking at her breasts again.

"This is crazy. First time I just touched your arm, last time you touched me. I want you to jerk off, no toy and when you're hard enough I'm going to touch your leg," she said softly.

"In front of you?" I asked.

"Dude, I let you touch my tits, we're both adults."

I felt a little embarrassed at first but the surreal nature of jerking off as my sister watched had me pretty turned on. I used the warming lube on my hand and had been stroking for 5 minutes when she started rubbing my leg. It felt electric. A few more strokes later and I was cumming again, spraying a huge load over my stomach and chest. Amber sat with her mouth open.

"What the fuck. Without me you can't even get off at all?" she said when I'd finally stopped.

"No." I replied, still catching my breath.