The Hidden Manor


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She did not even bother to change from her charcoal colored high heels into comfortable shoes, as she asked the driver to stop as close as possible to the spot, where she had escaped the forest and where she would find her handbag again. He stopped at the field path opposite to that oak tree. He would wait for her, since 20 yards was not that much to cover. She had prepared for it in bringing a bright flashlight in order to search in the dark underbrushes. And indeed, this proved to be an excellent idea. She could spot her cognac colored handbag not much more than five yards away from the spot where she had crossed the fence. She found it puzzling that her handbag was not closer to the spot when it had left her arm, but she did not bother to think about it a lot. In ten seconds she would have it back. Once again she squeezed herself through the uncomfortable gap and arrived briskly at the bag.

As she turned around to head back, it was disturbing to see that the distance to cover seemed more like twenty yards. And suddenly there was a great black dog, apparently something like an overgrown Russian Terrier, standing in the way. She was immediately suspicious. This time the stance of this dog was more menacing. As soon as she tried the smallest step he started to growl and to show his teeth.

Now she was really terrified, she stopped immediately and retreated. As soon as she did, he stopped growling, but he still looked rather intimidating. She did not dare to voice any shout for help, as he bared his teeth at the slightest sign of her opening her mouth. Then another dark grey dog or wolf appeared. He was even bigger than that Russian Terrier. In an instant he had snatched her handbag away from her - the handbag she had just managed to retrieve! She yelped out of surprise, and in the next instant she was overthrown by both and pushed with her head into the green moss and onto her belly. Then the bigger of the both stretched out on all fours and laid on her back in this way. It was very weird to feel his hot nuzzle applied to her neck and to feel his groin weighing onto her behind. The weight of the wolf pushed her into the moss and she could barely breathe let alone voice anything. This was even more frustrating, as she heard a man talk to the taxi driver and convince him to return to the inn. She heard the engine of the cab engage und the sounds of a car moving away from the spot, where it should have waited for her. Then she had another disturbing sensation. The cock of that beast started to grow and pressed itself into her ass creek.

It felt like an eternity, but probably it lasted less than a minute. She could not move, but she felt his maleness grow quick and quicker. She became alarmed. However, she was allowed to get up again, when the sound of the car ebbed away. Her face felt hot and she was all bothered.

As soon as she tried to walk out of the forest, both blocked her way. And that continued for all other directions, except for the one deeper into the forest. They were leading her into a planned direction, but she had no idea where this was or who had planned that.

As she walked deeper into the forest, she felt as if this was a planned kidnapping. But this was certainly caused by the surreal situation - wolves do not plan such actions. Finally she ended up in a clearing in the midst of the forest which was surrounded on all sides by a large path. And there was again that creature looking definitely like a dark grey, giant wolf. Every time she tried to move out, the wolves were standing already there and making her retreat. Somehow she was put into a strange sort of prison. A prison with no walls to be seen, but invisible boundaries did exist.

And now she understood why the villagers were talking about werewolves, because that kind of behavior was indeed very unusual and the size of the wolves was unusually large. But strange as it was, she was not really feeling menaced in terms of being attacked by them or fearing to be attacked, as long as she did respect the invisible walls. She wondered only what would happen next.

But for the next few hours nothing happened at all - she was 'imprisoned', but that was it - apart from the fact that it was getting darker and that she was sure now that she had missed her plane. She started to become rather thirsty. Some minutes later the dark grey wolf appeared with a watermelon in his snout and opened it deep with his sharp fang, then offering it to her. Surprised she took it and sipped the delicious liquid. Soon after having quenched her thirst, her bladder started to make its presence known. Sooner or later she would have to release herself, but she tried to postpone that because she did not have her handbag with tissues and somehow she was also concerned about the wolves. How would they react?

Suddenly she felt again the strange sensation that someone was watching her. She had goose bumps on her skin. But she did not hear any twigs breaking or other telltale signs. That made her ill at ease - she had that creepy feeling that somebody was stalking her.

That sensation that somebody is looking at your back haunted her. She called out: "Somebody here???" Nobody answered, but that unsettling emotion of being watched did not leave her. That made her even more reluctant to release her bladder, but once she had started to think about... Well, that unwanted thought now came back again almost every minute - till she had to cross her legs. She would not be able to postpone it for long, so she decided to go ahead in a denser part of the brushes in that forest clearing. Dense, because she still had that scary sensation of somebody human being out there, who did not want make himself known.

With her heart hammering, she chose a somewhat secluded spot where she could squat down. She looked around. She still felt nervous. Then opened the back zipper and started hesitatingly to pull her grey, tight skirt up. She took another look to be sure that no human being was around. Then she pulled her white panties down to her knees, while she simultaneously sat down into a squatting position. Somehow it worried her that the bright color of the knickers seemed to almost glow in the darkness of the forest. It was an immense relief, as she could let go. She had held it for so long, it took her a while to finish. When she finished making her little stream in the forest, she crouched higher to a position like in skiing. Her panties were still around her knees, her tight skirt still pulled up. She stood momentarily like a Greek statue to drip dry. Finally she started pulling her white panties back up.

Had Maria-Eva known where to concentrate her gaze in the dark underbrush to her right she would have seen two eyes glowing yellow in the dark shadow of the forest underbrush. As she squatted, the eyes glowed with a rich intensity. While she released herself, the sound of her pee on the fallen leaves of the forest floor filled the forest with the sound of running water, a little stream in the forest - and those eyes glowed, never blinking, never turning away. And had she seen, she would have thought she saw a smile.

And as she bent to pull up her panties, they stepped from their cover as silent as ghosts. She was just smoothing her skirt down, as she heard a sonorous voice addressing her: "Well, the Lady from the village - what are you doing here?"

She jumped out of surprise, as this voice sounded very close to her - and indeed when she turned, the man from the bakery was only a few feet from her, accompanied by the giant dark wolf at his side. How did they get so close, without her hearing them? But then she thought what she had been doing just moments ago! She was mortified - did the guy see her squatting down? Maria-Eva's cheeks turned a deep red as the man reached out to take her hand. She could hardly speak. With her eyes down, she managed to stammer out, "You... you did recognize ... me?"

She was surprised as he extended his hand, as if he would know her already very well. She hardly knew what she was doing as she gave the strange man her hand. In that very moment the grey wolf sniffed intensely with his head down at the spot, where she had squatted. Moments later he lifted his hind leg and urinated on that very spot.

Then both, man and wolf looked at her with an eerie intensity. She felt an intense throbbing rush through her body which filled her with longing and glimpses of far away lands and adventures she had never had. Were they doing this to her, making her feel like this? The pulsing beat concentrated itself in her groin and made her gasp.

For a dreadful moment she thought she was going to climax here and now in front of them. Those feelings made her blush even more as she felt her blood rushing to her face and to her ... she dared not even think the work, for she felt her thoughts could be somehow read inside her head.

"I was so surprised to see you in the bakery, but apparently I was led there to find you, and now you have been led to me. I am Richard von Steinhart-Wolf and at my side is ... well, let us discuss that later."

And as they walked and talked, he was leading Maria-Eva ever deeper into the forest. She knew that the wolf at his side, if she bolted, could catch her within seconds. She did not think he would harm her, but there was a certain fear that crept up into her heart.

What had she gotten herself in for? She thought to herself, feeling uncomfortable. And then she looked at the man to see if he had read her thoughts. She must have been more anxious than she realized, for already she felt the need to pee again. The thought was disturbing.

They came to what seemed a large clearing, but it was hard to tell because a deep swirling fog filled the clearing like a cauldron filled with a steaming magic potion. The man led Maria-Eva into the fog, and it swirled around them, clinging to Maria-Eva, and she thought she felt fingers touching her legs, gripping, caressing. And there before them was a dark shadow. The swirling mist began to clear, and there before Maria-Eva's eyes the great, grey hidden Manor house appeared as though it had been invisible only seconds before. Maria could not believe her eyes. There was no sign at all that it had ever been ruined. It did look more than intact. The drawbridge came down, and the strange man, still leading Maria-Eva by her hand, brought her across the moat into the Manor. Casually he mentioned that the bluff fosse contained some poisonous water snakes. Maria looked at him in shock. As soon as they were safely inside, the drawbridge went up - seemingly of its own accord. There was no escape possible.

Ladies in waiting surrounded Maria-Eva and led her away into the castle up stairs and across walkways, higher and higher into the castle reaches. They prattled and made much over her, telling her how much master had wanted her and why did she not arrive earlier.

Her eyes were looking around in wonder. The ladies were quite strangely clothed and they seemed to talk awkward; two of them led her into some sort of bedroom. One of the ladies was an elderly woman being clad in a long, brown robe and the other was a rather young woman, almost a girl; even though in her exotic outfit it was difficult to estimate her age.

Then they led her through a great wooden door into the most luxurious of rooms, a bedroom. The ceiling must have been 5 meters high, the bed was round and very big, more than 3 meters across, but the room was so big that the bed looked small. The bed had black satin sheets and pillow cases, and there must have been 10 pillows on the bed. The room was done in gold and red. Maria-Eva even thought the gold must be real.

And there by the 3 meter high window with the arched top, was a pool. As she looked at it, she realized it was a bath ... and it was full of steaming hot water. And beside it a full length mirror, well, if one considers a 3 meter high specimen full-length.

The two attendants - she was beginning to realize they considered themselves her attendants - brought Maria-Eva to the mirror. She stood between it and the steaming bath as her ladies in waiting began to undress her.

"Where did you get these strange and horrible clothes?" the lovely young attendant asked her.

"If we would even call them clothes,'" laughed the other older one.

They would hardly touch her skirt or her panties, and as soon as they had them off her, they threw them out the window.

"To be thrown away!" they said with finality.

She stood naked before these women, and they openly admired her beauty to each other, gazing first at her, and then at her naked image in the mirror. They could hardly resist touching her.

"She has the most beautiful legs in the entire Grand Duchy," said one.

Maria thought that she did not hear right. Grand Duchy, what were they talking about? She was for sure not in Luxemburg or was she?

"No wonder, the masters did look at her! See the curves of her bottom."

They put their hands over their mouths and giggled.

The younger one could not resist. She gently caressed the underside of her breast. Her nipple became rigid.

"And see how sensitive she is even when we touch her. We can only imagine what will happen if the masters touch her."

Both took hold of her arms and led her toward the bath.

"Wait. Wait," she said. "I need to ... I need to ..." She could not say the words aloud to them.

"Ohhhhh! Yes, mistress. Come this way." And they led her behind a lattice work where was a porcelain chamber pot on a slightly elevated level beside another window.

Her eyes were opening wide, as she realized that this location was supposed to be the restroom. She was rather shocked: "Don't you have a real restroom?"

Both laughed out aloud: "You are joking, don't you?"

They did not leave her. As she realized that apparently they did not want to leave her alone, she tried to impose herself: "Now, you are going to leave me immediately...!"

They did look undecided in the first moment, but then they looked at each other. One took her left arm, the other one the right one. They led her to the chamber pot and gripped simultaneously her thighs to lower her like a child onto it. As they spread her thighs, she could not believe it all.

It was more than awkward. Yet the servants did not let go. Finally she understood that she did not have any choice and she did let go. It was disturbing as all listened to her pee ringing in the porcelain bowl, and when she had finished...

"No, mistress, you cannot. Let us." And they reached down with cotton cloth and wiped her clean. Maria-Eva's cheeks were fiery red.

That was so embarrassing and yet apparently meant to be a routine service, they were very familiar with. She didn't know where to look. And in some way she was very much more comfortable to slip into the prepared bath.

"Ahhhhhh." She let the hot water cover her until she leaned back against the side, resting her head on the edge, her nipples just protruding out of the water.

"Did you see the look on Master Richard's face when he brought her in?"

"Yes, he is so happy to have her here."

This time it did register in her mind, they really talked about her as if her arrival had been expected! She had no clue why they were talking like that. But for them it seemed to be a fact. She was confused; she had never been in that strange building nor seen the man from the bakery more than one time.

"It will be a raucous time in here tonight, this we know."

Again, the women giggled at the revelry they imagined for that evening and Maria felt uneasy.

But before she could try to investigate this issue, a long howl from outside stopped all her thinking. Her hairs on her neck were standing up. It did not seem menacing as she was safe inside the building, but it did have such an eerie quality, that she was sure that she never heard such a sound before. And then, another howl from inside the house joined in. This was frightening, as it did appear to come from an adjacent room. As she was so clearly in shock, the attendants looked quite surprised; they did not seem to understand her alarm.

In the next moment, the man called Richard entered with the dark grey wolf at his side. Instantaneously she covered herself with her hands as best as possible. She felt her face becoming hot.

"Lady Maria-Eva, please excuse this awkwardness, but this is so important that we can't afford to err. My brother wolf will have to confirm his sensation for sure. Attendants, hold her with her arms outstretched - NOW!"

In the next instant, both obeyed instantaneously and gripped her arms, thus uncovering her completely. She was stunned as the wolf came close and sniffed at her feminine center, while she blushed furiously. Then he licked her folds and she felt his rough tongue. It was as if an electric discharge radiated from the touch point out through her entire body. She winced as all looked at her curiously, while she felt herself become wet, as the wolf whimpered excitedly and barked very short.

"As I thought... Lady Maria, you are allowed to be clothed again. Then we will talk. Attendant, fetch the robe we have discussed before."

Chapter 4

Her confusion was complete, as both exited the room as quick as they had entered. Instants later she received a white silk slip as only undergarment, and then both attendants fussed over her they helped her into a burgundy red robe with golden embroidered sleeves and a long yet decent slit on the right side of the knee-length skirt part. Then they equipped her with golden pendants studded with blue sapphires and red rubies and an ornamented necklace with the very same stones and an additional bright yellow amber stone with a tooth in it. Then they led her to the adjacent room, where she was offered a seat opposite to two adjacent wing chairs. One of them was occupied by Richard, whereas in front of the other the dark grey wolf lounged.

"Lady Maria-Eva, I am sorry for all the commotion that happened. Please hear me out, before you may start questions. Let me begin in telling you that the apparent wolf at my side is my brother Walter in his werewolf state. He did confirm with his sharp senses, what I already strongly suspected. We have committed an error before, so it was important to be right this time. According to a premonition of our father, the survival of our subspecies in Central Europe does depend on the last Baron, who is also the last Werewolf of our House Steinhart-Wolf, to be able to escape to Russia in 1918 with the cunning help of his mother and her relations to Russia. The mother of him will be somebody having the first names of Maria and Eva - and she will appear in the year 2018 in the vicinity of our old Manor in the village, who serves as hunting lodge nowadays and will be a ruin in 2018."

This was way too much. She could no longer wait to ask. What he was telling her, was ludicrous. Werewolf! Escape in 1918! This was madness - as they lived here in 2018!

"I don't know what you have consumed as drugs, mein Herr, but I think you should let me get free instantly before the police will investigate. We live here in 2018, for Christ's sake! And you are not really believing that I am going to accept your Werewolf talk, will you?"

"Lady Maria-Eva, please hear me out, I will provide proof as soon as possible, but you have to know the reasons for our actions before. If the last Baron Steinhart-Wolf is not able to escape, the Central European subspecies of Werewolves will be extinct. And he will fail to escape, if his mother is not able to organize the reception of him in Russia. That has also been very clear in that premonition of my father. So it is vital for our House to be able to make sure that his mom comes from the future. Me and my brother Walter do have that mission in the year 1850 - and we have been sent to 2018 by the combined effort of the magical forces of all still existing werewolves in Mecklenburg. We had to make sure that we do find her. And we thought we did. Your sister Eva-Maria appeared quite some weeks ago - and she had almost the perfect smell and..."