The Holiday Pt. 01


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"Good idea" I said complimenting her, which made her blush prettily.

  1. Plans.

We walked along the new beach although it was taking us slightly further from our cave, the idea was to scout for anything useful. I spotted a stand of bamboo or sugar cane and took the machete to cut a couple of medium size six foot lengths of which I sharpened the bottom ends into light spears and practiced throwing them as we walked. There were a large number of rocks in the distance, maybe there were some pools with trapped fish or some crabs that we could cook now we could start a fire, we were all fed up with coconuts.

It took an hour to get there and we were hot and sweaty when we arrived. There was quite a large pool filled to a depth of about two feet but there didn't seem to be any fish in sight so I suggested that we go for a swim to clean up, then we could wash our limited clothes in the stream when we returned to the cave so the salt wouldn't rot them.

Wendy and I took our shirts off and walked into the sea, I warned her to be careful of the depth and the current. The water was warm and it immediately made Wendy's bra see-through (Nice pink nipples, I thought) but she didn't notice. There wasn't much current but we stayed in the shallows anyway, meanwhile Linda carefully stepped into the pool.

We were just relaxing when Linda screamed.

"TONY!!" We raced to the pool to see her standing on a rock, pointing into the pool.

"What's up?" asked Wendy.

"Th-there's something in there! It moved when I turned over that rock" pointing to a piece of rough stone the size of a basketball. I carefully waded to the offending rock and started to roll it when I saw something move. As I stepped back I pushed the rock over and got out of the water.

"Where did it go?" I asked,

"Under that rock?" Linda said. I waded back and carefully lifted the rock and under it was a rather squashed crab, the size of a tea plate. I gingerly lifted it out of the water and said,

"Ahh, this would be dinner, ladies." It was down to me to check out the rest of the rocks in the pool for more crabs as these would be un-injured and very unfriendly and I ended up with three more. We drank our fill of what water was left in the bucket and put the crabs in it, then I looked in other pools and managed to pull over some bigger rocks.

We ended up with ten crabs before starting our journey across the island to our temporary home. The terrain wasn't very stony but it was uneven and progress was slow with bare feet and especially as Linda wasn't very fit and was getting very tired. We saw more goats but couldn't be bothered to try and hunt for one and besides Linda had cut her foot on a rock and was starting to really struggle.

I called a halt for a necessary rest break and decided that I would ask Wendy to carry the bucket, spears and the tool bag and I would carry Linda the rest of the way, which I estimated to be about half a mile. It took over an hour with frequent stops to rest my arms but we made it back to the cave. When I put Linda down for the last time, she pulled me down to her level and kissed me and said,

"Thank you," then she blushed again and sat down on her bed.

  1. Not exactly 'Cordon bleu.'

The girls were talking in whispers as I was prepping the crabs, having already started a fire in a circle of stones. I thought it was best to skewer them on a stick, suspended above the fire, across two other sticks.

I left the girls to tend the fire while I went to collect more firewood and some spare grasses and twigs to keep in the cave for kindling. After a few minutes I was joined by Wendy who wanted to collect some banana or similar wide leaves to use as plates.

She had left Linda in charge of the cooking as she was too tired and sore to walk any further, but was able to fetch some water in the bucket from the stream. We talked as we gathered and I asked her how she and Linda were feeling.

"I'm really hoping the rest of my family made it to safety but deep down I know they're all dead, but there's nothing I can do but hope and get on with surviving until we are rescued" she said, while I felt a pang of guilt over not telling her about what might be her father's grave.

"The main problem is Linda" she continued, "She is certain that her parents are dead and is holding all her grief inside and I'm scared she is going to crack up." I had felt the same thing about the younger girl, Linda just didn't speak much, she just let us organise everything, the only time she seemed to brighten a little was when I put her down and she said 'Thank you' for carrying her and kissed me.

I told Wendy about it and she replied that they had talked about it too and that they were really happy that I was there with them. I said,

"I'm happy that you two are here with me, maybe we should treat this as an adventure rather than as a disaster, I'm sorry about your families but there's nothing to be done about it until we are rescued."

"I know" she said "But I'm glad you're here and not just for your knowledge and muscles, we wouldn't have a clue how to survive and couldn't last long without you"

"Thank you, My Lady" I answered with a bow and a smile.

"Still, a brave knight should have his reward" she replied, dropping her leaf plate collection, stepping in close and grabbed me, pulling my head down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight kissing her back, our tongues intertwining in a frantic dance. Finally we came up for air and looked into each other's eyes,

"Wow!" We said together and then laughed.

"We'd better get back and see how Linda has got on with the crabs" Wendy said as we reluctantly let go of each other, picked up our loads and headed back to the cave.

"I was wondering what was keeping you two, I think the crabs are done but don't know what to do with them now" said Linda, sounding a little pissed off.

"Sorry" I said "We were busy" and took my kindling into the cave. When I came out again the girls were giggling but stopped when they saw me. I decided not to ask, so set about opening the crabs with the machete and removing the 'Dead Man's Fingers' which are the crab's lungs and poisonous. I used the back of the machete to crack the legs to get at the meat, so after a few minutes I had a good pile of crabmeat on a big leaf.

Wendy shared out the food and we sat to eat and also to decide what to do the next day. Before we could climb to the top of the island, we needed footwear so the plan was to try to kill a goat and skin it for leather and maybe use some palm fronds, plaited together to tie them onto our feet. We would search for the goat herd in the morning, then the girls would try to get around them and drive them back to where I was hiding with my spears and with a lot of luck we would have meat on the menu for dinner.

I also pointed out that the sand and salt would rot our clothes quite quickly so we needed to wash them in the stream every night. Wendy said it would be better if we took them off if we went swimming. Linda wasn't so sure about running about naked in front of a strange man so I said,

"I promise not to look" holding my splayed fingers over my eyes, making both of them laugh.

  1. Night 2 - One to remember.

It gets dark quickly in the tropics as dusk is very short, we cleaned away the residue of our dinner and took it in turns to go and bathe in the cold water of the stream. As I was the last one to go, when I entered the cave I could hear whispering again,

"What are you two whispering about?" I asked.

"Oh nothing, just girl stuff" and they burst into fits of giggles again. 'At least Linda seemed to be brightening up' I thought.

"I'll do the laundry tonight, if you like" I said and heard rustling in the darkness, then a dark silhouette passed me their clothes, so I went to the stream and washed theirs gently, then stripped and washed my own. In the last light of dusk, I hung them over some highish rocks that were still warm to drain and also to catch the early rays of the sun in the morning, then walked back into the cave to settle down to sleep. Sometime later I was woken by someone carefully cuddling up close.

"Mmmm... Hello... Cold?" I wasn't sure which girl it was so I kept it neutral for now.

"A little bit" said Wendy, "So I've come to warm up." That was fine by me, I lay on my back and felt a leg slide over my right and an arm across on my chest, her damp hair on my shoulder, and I also felt the stirrings in my groin and thought,

'Damn! Think of goat hunting or fishing or anything, just don't get hard!' Wendy seemed to have dropped off when suddenly her arm moved down so her hand was resting on my left hip. My first thought was 'Oh shit!!' as my imagination went into turbo drive and I was hard as iron, one more move like that and she's going to scream 'Pervert!' I'm lying rigid, in all senses and she sighs in her sleep and her hand's gone lower and now her wrist is across my cock, which is twitching with excitement, while I am dying of embarrassment. She made what sounded like a chuckle then moved her hand to grab the base of my cock and gave it a playful squeeze and said,


"AHH Fuck!" I squawked and a voice in my ear said

"If you are lucky..."

"You little minx! You set me up! I nearly had a heart attack, I ought to spank your ass for that" I replied in a hoarse whisper.

"I may like that but not tonight, we really like you but Linda is so shy, she is going to take some coaxing out of her shell but as for me I think it's time to really give the Brave Knight is reward." My mind was in "WOW!!" mode as she rolled on top of me and her lips fund mine for a lingering kiss.

"Wow-wow-wow-mmm..." I put my arms around her and returned her kiss, stroking her shoulders, her back and my hands travelling slowly down... down... to cup her pert buttocks. I squeezed and stroked them as she started to grind her hips on my cock, but I had to stop her or I would have cum in about thirty seconds. I pulled her forward by her cheeks and she got the message and sat up, but I kept on pulling. She chuckled as she realised my intensions lifting her thighs to allow me to bring her pussy up to my mouth. When I put her down my tongue entered her hot flower,

"Ohhh... Fuck!" She gasped.

"If you're lucky" I replied, laughing and dived in again.

"You...You... Ohh, do that again... Please..." She breathed, so I did and then sucked on her little clit for a while which brought her to orgasm in about three minutes. She bucked and ground her pussy onto my mouth until the waves of pleasure started to ease.

"You bastard" she laughed, "I was supposed to be in charge of this. Well now I am and she stood and turned around to lay on me in a sixty-nine and cooed "Now Mr Big Cock, let's see how long you last now."

I felt her hot breath and her lively tongue working on my shaft, then the head was engulfed in her hot mouth as she took more with each dip of her head. I think she managed to take about half of it then really got to work, bobbing, licking and sucking.

Meanwhile I inserted a finger in her slippery pussy followed by a second and slid them in and out in time with her bobbing. I slipped one in her ass but felt teeth on my cock so took it out quickly, maybe another time. She was working hard and I knew I was going to cum very soon so I let it build, then a few seconds before I started to cum, I cried out but tried to keep my voice down so as not to wake Linda.

"Ahh, cumming!" I squawked, then started to cum really hard. Wendy kept her mouth over the head and pumped the shaft rapidly as I shot jet after jet into her hot sucking mouth. After a while I started to subside and could feel her licking me clean then she turned around and lay down on me again and said,

"Nice... That was one big cum, I nearly wasted some, but not quite and thanks for the warning."

"My pleasure My Lady, literally..." I laughed.

"It's time for sleep now" she said and slid off me facing away so I could spoon her to keep her warm. She fell asleep quite quickly but I lay awake for quite some time, basking in the post sex glow before I finally drifted off.

  1. Day 3 - The Hunt.

When I awoke I was alone and my clothes were by the bed, I dressed in the shorts but left the shirt off as I might have to turn it into some kind of loincloth when the shorts wore out, then I went outside, noting that once again it was bright and sunny. The girls were just sitting together talking and looked up as I appeared.

"Hi, sleepyhead" called Wendy,

"Something tire you out?" asked Linda, looking up at me all innocently before continuing, "And you were weren't very quiet at all, I didn't realise how graphic sound could be!"

I stood there gobsmacked when they both burst out with fits of laughter,

"Ahhh, cummmming!" She cried in a strangled very loud whisper and burst out laughing again.

"Yeah, very funny. At least I tried not to wake you up" I replied.

"Actually Wendy nearly fell on me as she was trying to get to you, but I promised to keep quiet so as not to spoil the moment" she continued, still giggling.

I walked to the stream to wash and have a drink and on my return, I opened more coconuts for breakfast, trying to just cut the tops off this time to make drinking or eating vessels, once we had eaten the flesh from inside.

Soon after, we left camp to try and find the goat herd, with me carrying the two spears I had made and the bucket with some water and an improvised coconut cup, while the girls carried sticks to make noise to scare the goats. We saw the herd, comprising of about twenty animals' altogether and started with the plan. The girls would walk to the beach and turn right to get past them, while I hid behind some boulders and when they were in position they would flush the goats towards me slowly.

When they had manoeuvred the prey close to my hiding place, they would shout to get them moving faster which was my cue to stand ready with my spear and when the goats went by I would get one, hopefully.

The plan worked perfectly, apart from one problem. The goats passed by on the other side of the boulders and by the time I had realised and turned around they had gone out of range.

"Okay, let's put a big pile of palm fronds on the side they went past, then hopefully they will come through the gap we want them to, next time" I explained. It took a few minutes to build a big enough stack and when we were satisfied Wendy said,

"I'm all hot and sweaty, how about a swim before we have another go?"

"But that means going naked" said Linda to Wendy but looking sideways at me.

"So what? It's just us three friends, no one is going to hurt anyone, besides if Tony gets hard just ignore it, he will be embarrassed anyway" Wendy replied looking at me and I just shrugged and tried to look innocent, which made them laugh again.

So we walked to the beach and stood separately and undressed, trying not to look at each other. The tide was out so there was at least eighty yards to the water's edge so they headed off before I did, giving me the wonderful view of two pert asses running ahead of me, which of course gave me an instant erection.

Wendy was in the lead with Linda a few yards behind her but she made the error of looking round to see me running towards her, with a big hard-on.

"Run faster Wendy!" She screamed with laughter, "Tony's coming with a hard-on!" Wendy ran faster but Linda tripped in a hollow in the sand and fell in a heap of arms and legs. The wet sand was quite hard and she just lay there as I caught up to her and knelt down to help her.

"Ohhh that hurt" she cried, but stopped as I turned her over, her face came very close to my still hard cock. "Ohhh..." was all she could say, her eyes glued to my bell-end bouncing so close to her nose.

"Are you alright?" I asked, praying she hadn't broken anything, as my first aid skills were rather limited. "Ahh... Um... Yes...I think so..." She stammered. Meanwhile Wendy had come back to see what had happened,

"What happened, Linda, are you hurt?" She asked, concerned.

"I tripped and fell over" Linda replied.

My cock had been going down by this time, but when I looked up it was straight at Wendy's pussy with its sparse covering of blonde hair, making Mr Cock rise as hard as ever.

"Tony! Will you step back and take your cock out of her face, then she might be able to get up without it smacking her on the nose!" I looked back at Linda and realised how close the head was to her nose and fell backwards saying,

"Whoops, sorry" Linda.

"That's OK Tony" she replied as Wendy helped her to her feet, fortunately she wasn't hurt and we walked slowly to the water and waded in. In thirty yards or so the girls were up to their shoulders and I was up to my chest and my cock was down, then it was up again as both of them were floating on their backs, their tits, bellies and pussies on show.

This time I could see Linda's smaller tits and almost hairless groin,

'Oh Wow! I've got to take my eyes off of them or they will think I'm a sex maniac' I thought. I turned and dove towards the bottom, only seeing a few small fish and some shells but it worked and I was back to normal. We left the water and collected our clothes and walked to the stream to wash the salt off, at least I only had a lazy lob this time but we were all surreptitiously looking at each other.

We washed and dressed and went back to try for the herd again from the opposite direction this time. The girls shouted and as the goats came by on the right side this time I hurled the first spear as hard as I could and hit one in the side but it kept going.

I picked up the other spear and threw that one too and hit a young goat which went down immediately. It was bleating but I twisted its head and broke its neck before the girls arrived, then went after to other one. It took me twenty minutes to catch up with it and finally kill it too, then came the job of carrying it back to the cave, which was hard work as it weighed about 40lbs (the smaller one was about 20lbs).

  1. Survival skills.

The girls were waiting for me with the smaller one and had cleaned the spears with wet sand to get all the blood off, but I had to rest for a few minutes before we returned to the cave. Linda led the way, carrying the spears and the bucket, Wendy followed with the smaller goat while I carried the big one. Considering it was only about quarter of a mile it took us three quarters of an hour, with frequent rest breaks and Linda doing some of the carrying although she was still a bit sore from her fall.

When we arrived back at the cave, I gave Linda the job of lighting the fire, while I put the large goat in the cave, under some fronds to keep the flies off. Next I told Wendy to hold the small on one its back across a flattish rock while I used the machete to attempt to skin it.

It was a bit like using a sledgehammer to knock in a tack, but once I'd made the initial cuts, it went a lot easier and I soon had a goatskin to lay across a rock in the sun to dry. The next job was butchering the meat, I thought it best not to do it near the cave so carried the carcass to the stream and downhill a bit so any bits of the guts that I missed would be washed away.

Wendy had the idea of slicing the meat into strips, some to cook on skewers and others to dry in the sun for later use. It took about an hour to complete the job so Wendy carried the meat back to camp on some big leaves, while I went further away to bury the bones and guts. When I arrived back at the cave there was a lovely smell of cooking meat, Linda had appointed herself as Head Chef and was organising lunch. Wendy was using fronds to keep the flies away from the meat drying on a hot boulder.