The House Group Leader's Wife Pt. 01

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Marcia introduces Jennifer to Vesna.
7.2k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/23/2023
Created 09/22/2023
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This is the first part of a new series - the sequel to The Suburban Mom.

This story is about love between women, so we're in Lesbian Sex. There will be others featuring lesbian love, but also some focusing on straight sex and some with a bit of both. So, check out First Time if you like this one, as that's where the non-lesbian stories will be hosted.

Chapter 1

"I think I'm finally settling into the job," said Connor, speaking to Marcia one evening after the boys had gone to bed. "How was your meeting with Jennifer and Vesna?"

"They got on like a house on fire," said Marcia, an image of Jennifer wielding a strap-on flooding her mind.

"Tell me about it," said Connor, who had imagined that Vesna's interview for the position of babysitter might include a more informal component.

"Where should I start?" asked Marcia rhetorically.

"As house-group leader, I need to know all pertinent details," her husband replied.

"Well. Vesna met the baby first-"

"What, even before she saw Jennifer?" Connor interrupted.

"Of course not! How do you think we got in the house?"


"Well what?"

"What did she think of Jennifer?

"She thought she was very nice. I think 'gentle' was the word she used."

"Is that all?" asked Connor.

"Well, it was a nice day, so we walked around a bit on the property, and Jennifer showed us the field where she keeps her horse."

"Lovely," said Connor. "And then you brought Vesna home?"

"No, Connor. There were some questions Jennifer wanted to ask her."

"Did she give the right answers?"

"There were no right and wrong answers, Connor. Jennifer just wanted to make sure that they were on the same wavelength."

Wavelength, indeed! Marcia wouldn't be able to forget in a hurry how, as she looked on, Vesna advanced on Jennifer in the kitchen, causing the blonde to back up until she was prevented from retreating further by the oven. How, she placed her hands on her waist and moved them up either side of her body over the sweatshirt she was wearing. How one hand then dropped and moved from just above her knee over her inner thigh until it came to rest on the crotch of her yoga pants. How Jennifer groaned when that hand settled there and then began to moan as Vesna's fingers rubbed her sex through the Lycra.

Marcia was a mere spectator as Vesna forced her tongue between Jennifer's lips, lips that opened for her with a willingness that betrayed her desire. They kissed with a passion that was raw and almost violent. The hand that was on Jennifer's crotch moved up, in and immediately down again so that now no barrier (neither yoga pants nor panties) was between it and Jennifer's core. One finger slipped into the young mom's pussy as easily as a knife through butter.

Marcia had told Jennifer about Vesna, but nothing could prepare her for the raw sexuality this European woman possessed. It was exciting beyond words to be seduced by her prospective babysitter, especially with Marcia watching on. Would she take her on a work surface, or the kitchen table, or on the floor, Jennifer wondered? Would she want to go up to the bedroom? Jennifer didn't have to look that far ahead; the Croat was going to make love to her right where she was.

Breaking the kiss and extracting her hand from her pussy, Vesna pulled the sweatshirt over Jennifer's head and threw it to Marcia.

"May I kiss your breasts, Mrs Schwarzman?" she asked, as if she needed permission.

"You may," replied Jennifer, placing her hands on Vesna's boyish ass.

The "kiss" saw Vesna run through her full repertoire of oral moves, from kissing to licking to sucking to nibbling. Jennifer's response to the nibbling encouraged Vesna to bare her teeth and approach Jennifer's nipples as if she meant to bite them.

"Hurt me a little!" Jennifer breathed.

Vesna, who was already unbelievably turned on by Jennifer's body, now had the added element of the blonde's masochistic tendencies to cope with.

"How does she draw these responses out of women?" Marcia asked herself, as she looked on.

Before Vesna returned to Jennifer's magnificent chest, she whispered something in her ear, to which the young mom made no reply. Marcia thought she discerned a slight nod of the head. Vesna stood slightly away from Jennifer, as if she wanted Marcia to see what she would be doing to her friend. Then, without warning she slapped one breast with the back of her hand. Jennifer responded with an expression of pain, though it might have been surprise or even pleasure. Looking into her green eyes, Vesna could read Jennifer's desire. The hand returned the way it had just come. This time it was the palm that was employed, causing a red tinge to spread over the flesh, as if the breast was blushing in embarrassment.

Vesna repeated the treatment with other breast and then paused. Jennifer bridled at the unwanted interruption and asked Vesna to slap her some more. Vesna repeated the dose, drawing cries of perverted pleasure from the blonde. Vesna then walked over to Marcia and told her that she should attend to one breast while she looked after the other. The instructions she gave her were to use her teeth on Jennifer's nipples. It was what she wanted.

Marcia began to lick the breast she had been allocated and was immediately told off by Vesna.

"Bite it!" she told her. "You must do as I say, if Jennifer is to receive the fullness of pleasure."

Thus upbraided, Marcia returned to the towering nipple, jutting proudly from the still glowing breast, and bit into it, without any real force.

"God, yes, Marcia!" Jennifer gasped.

Pleased with her tutee's work, Vesna bit into the other nipple with a little more power.

"Fuck!" Jennifer let out the monosyllable as if she was whistling it.

Marcia took her cue from the Croat and bit into the nub as if she meant it.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck!" cried Jennifer.

In tandem, Vesna and Marcia chewed on the beauty queen's nipples like two hungry puppies at a bitch's teats. Vesna took a quick time-out to tell Marcia to bring Jennifer off. She didn't tell her how, but then she didn't really have to. Dropping a hand under the tight waistband of the yoga pants, Marcia pushed two fingers towards Jennifer's crack. Suddenly they had been swallowed up by Jennifer's thirsty pussy. She needed do no more than move those fingers in and out a few times to bring the blonde to orgasm. With a perfect sense of anticipation, Vesna had already clamped her mouth on Jennifer's and was skilfully intensifying the sensations that were pulsing through her body.

"Let's take this to the bedroom," Vesna said, taking the hand of each of the married women.

Marcia retrieved Jennifer's top on the way out, receiving a "thank you" from the ever polite Jennifer. When they got to the bedroom, Jennifer and Marcia waited for their cue from Vesna, but she wasn't interested in taking charge of proceedings. Not for the moment, at any rate.

Chapter 2

"I want to make love to you," Jennifer said to Vesna.

Whoever these words might be addressed to by this woman, I can guarantee you that their heart would turn cartwheels. It was no different for Vesna.

"Thank you," she responded - a most uncharacteristic thing for her to say; but then she had never received a proposition of this kind from a woman of such beauty.

Vesna, wearing a navy blue ruffle mini dress and cream-coloured heeled cross-strap sandals, walked up to Jennifer, who was standing beside the bed, clad only in her yoga pants.

"You're an amazing lover," gushed Jennifer. "I feel there's so much I can learn from you."

"I doubt that very much from what I hear," replied Vesna, causing the blonde to shoot a glance at Marcia.

"Don't look at me!' her friend responded. "I have been the very soul of discretion.'

"Undress me!" Vesna told Jennifer, ignoring the byplay between the two married women.

The taller woman moved her hands behind the shorter one's back and found the hidden zipper. She eased it down slowly, seeking to delay the moment when the girl's perky tits would be revealed. With the zipper fully opened, all that was needed for the dress to tumble to the floor was for Jennifer to slip off the straps. Instead, she just stood there, regarding Vesna closely - taking in her crooked mouth, her angular cheeks and her grey-green eyes.

"God, you're beautiful!" she said.

Content to be made love to by Jennifer in whichever way she chose, the Croat stood still and did nothing. Outwardly she may have appeared calm, but inwardly she was molten with desire. She could feel juices leaking from her pussy and running down her legs till they were absorbed by her panties.

"Are you wet?" said Jennifer, as if reading her mind.

Vesna nodded and cast her eyes down, as if in embarrassment or even shame.

"Look at me," Jennifer said - her voice hardly above a whisper.

Vesna looked at Jennifer and her heart skipped a beat. Downstairs, it had been easy, because she had been in control and had caught Jennifer off guard. But now, Vesna was caught like a fly in a spider's web. Her defences, which were already low when she entered the blonde's bedroom, had been lowered further. In truth, they had been demolished, razed. Jennifer could do with her what she wanted, and they both knew it.

Jennifer leant in to kiss the girl, whose dress still hung on, as if by a thread. It was all so much gentler this time round. Vesna couldn't in truth understand why she felt so aroused, but the physical evidence couldn't be contradicted. What had started as a trickle was now a flood. She could actually feel the juices welling up in her panties - too much for the fabric to absorb.

Jennifer's tongue explored the girl's mouth, but without urgency. Vesna's own tongue seemed to be out of commission. She scarcely used it at all, allowing the older woman free rein as she wandered all over her property. When she told Vesna to stick her tongue out, she obeyed instantly. Jennifer sucked it, gently at first, then with increasing intensity. At the same time, she slid the straps off Vesna's shoulders and let the dress plummet to the carpet. Her hands were not slow to find Vesna's tiny titties, rubbing them gently at first, as was Jennifer's way, before massaging them with greater vigour.

Clamping her mouth over the younger woman's, Jennifer was suddenly making greater demands of her lover, forcing Vesna to pick up the pace or be left behind. Vesna cast aside her lethargy and responded with passion, so that now the kissing mirrored the intensity of the first kiss in the kitchen. Vesna's hands made their way instinctively to Jennifer's ass, but her prospective employer was having none of it, returning the hands to Vesna's sides with enough force to warn the wannabe babysitter as to her future conduct.

Jennifer continued kissing Vesna until the Croat started to moan into her mouth. They were kissing with such intensity now that teeth were mashing against teeth. Jennifer pinched one of Vesna's long nipples, drawing another moan from the younger woman. So successful was this move that Jennifer thought she's repeat it with the other nipple - this time with greater ferocity. The result was all she had hoped it would be, as Vesna sent another stifled moan into Jennifer's mouth. It was time to attend to those tits, Jennifer thought.

Using one hand to cradle her right breast, Jennifer used the other to wrench down Vesna's panties, until they were bunched up just above her knees. She couldn't help but feel how wet they were. Her tongue made its way straight to the nipple that was standing obscenely over the girl's shallow mound. She had half a mind to bite it, as the girl had done to her, but she wasn't in the business of revenge. She was in the business of giving pleasure to this girl and of making her experience the kind of orgasm she'd never forget.

As she had done with Vesna's tongue to such good effect, so did Jennifer suck on her nipple. The results were even more impressive. Not only did the nipple almost double in size, but the noise that was coming from the Croat's mouth more than doubled in volume. After servicing one bud for several minutes, Jennifer felt it was only right that the other got a crack of the whip. However, to prevent disappointment and ensure that Vesna didn't go off the boil (though, to be fair, there wasn't much chance of that), Jennifer didn't leave the first bud unattended - squeezing it between her fingers and otherwise manipulating it to optimal effect.

The dual assault almost brought Vesna to her knees - literally. Looking on, Marcia marvelled at the work Jennifer was doing. What she could see, but Jennifer couldn't, was the state the married woman was responsible for bringing the Croat's pussy into. Rivulets of her juices were running down her inner thighs, while her folds resembled the star-spangled banner in a not fully unfurled state. Since Jennifer must have known the condition of the girl's cunt, Marcia thought it showed incredible restraint on the blonde's behalf not to, at the very least, plunge her hand inside that ultra-receptive organ.

But she was clearly in a very restrained mood, indeed, as she continued to ignore for now the ripe pickings below in favour of a continued assault on Vesna's chest. Jennifer finally came off Vesna's breasts, prompting Marcia to think, "Right, now she'll fuck her to orgasm!"

But, no! Instead of dropping to her liquid core, Jennifer started to kiss her again, once more returning Vesna's hands to her sides when they sought out Jennifer's body. This time, as they kissed (Jennifer making sure that her partner was playing her full part in proceedings), the blonde's hand made its way down the elfin girl's stomach until Marcia, at any rate, felt sure that it must enter the Croat's aching sex. But, this time, as before, her expectations were thwarted, as her hand changed path and ended up on Vesna's boyish buttocks, straddling the cleft between her cheeks.

Marcia couldn't believe that they were still standing beside the bed, when at any moment of Jennifer's choosing she could have moved their lovemaking to the comfort of the mattress. But, she realised, she was still relatively new to the intricacies of girl-girl sex and there was much she needed to learn about the fact that different individuals had different needs.

Marcia asked herself whether Jennifer would slip down onto her knees and eat Vesna out where she stood, or whether she would plunge a finger inside her asshole first before throwing her onto the bed and finishing her off there. The possibilities were endless, she realised. But for the moment at least Jennifer was content to kiss the girl, with one hand casually placed on her ass.

The master of the unexpected, Jennifer was at it again when suddenly she removed her hand from Vesna's buttocks and used it together with her other hand to put the girl's head in a vice-like grip as she continued to kiss her. This time, she had no objection when the Croat moved her hands from her sides and mirrored the older woman's actions, so that each had her hands on the other's face.

The passion of the kiss soon became stratospheric, so much so that Marcia dropped her hand under the hem of her skirt and started to frig herself. Thus, remarkably, the first person to achieve a climax in the room was the one person who wasn't involved in the lovemaking - not directly, at any rate. It's a moot point whether the other two noticed, though, as their eyes were closed and their libidos well nigh out of control.

Finally, Jennifer decided that it was time to seal the deal as far as the feisty European was concerned. She told her to get on the bed and open her legs. Vesna duly complied, rightly intuiting that Jennifer had no wish for her to take off her shoes or her panties, which were now round her ankles. Opening her legs as far as they would go in the circumstances, she watched in a fever of anticipation as Jennifer opened a bedside drawer. However, rather than the strap-on she was expecting, Jennifer held up a pair of scissors, which she proceeded to use on her panties, slicing them through in a couple of movements.

Without having to be told, Vesna opened herself wider to her lover, inviting her to fuck her to kingdom come. Jennifer needed no second invitation. With one finger in Vesna's mouth and one hand on her right titty, she ran her tongue along the surprisingly deep groove separating the girl's ripe folds. Since, even on that first run, she was able to drink in an unbelievable amount of moisture, the thought of what lay inside her box excited Jennifer immensely. Removing her finger from Vesna's mouth and her hand from her tit, she used her hands to part the girl's folds. It is little exaggeration to say that the floodgates were opened.

As much as she tried to let none of those precious juices go to waste, Jennifer knew some was running down her chin. Adjusting herself, she took up a position just above Vesna's asshole and drank the juices as they flowed down that short canal. When she had had her fill, she applied herself to the task of bringing Vesna to orgasm, sucking on her fat labia first before licking her inner membranes with no attempt at subtlety, and no hint of the languor she had employed earlier in their lovemaking.

When she felt that Vesna was coming to the boil, she doubled up on her efforts, using her tongue like a miniature penis and driving it as far as it could go. The thought of penis put her in mind of the strap-on which she had placed in her drawer that morning and which she had seen when she took out the scissors. She decided she would put it on as soon as she had brought Vesna off - so she could bring her off again.

First things first, though. She felt she owed it to herself to enjoy the moment as Vesna's resistance was finally overcome - the girl yelling out and calling her tormentor many names, some evidently in Croatian. Turning from her to Marcia, Jennifer saw her friend sitting with her eyes closed and her hand in her panties, vigorously pumping herself. Although she lacked the volume of the girl on the bed, she lacked little else, as she enjoyed her second orgasm of the day. Not bad, she thought, for a mere spectator!

Chapter 3

Jumping off the bed, Jennifer tore off her yoga pants and harnessed herself up with the dildo. It was new and this would be the first time she used it. She had been hoping to use it on Marcia but she couldn't let this opportunity slip through her fingers. Moreover, judging from the state that Marcia had worked herself into, it was very likely that she would be using it on her house group leader's wife before the day was through.

Jennifer ran her hand along the length of her new toy: it was black, it was thick, and it was long. Unable to resist a glance at Marcia, who was slumped back in her chair with her hand still buried in her panties, Jennifer, standing near the bed, gave her a smile and a little wave before telling Vesna to get on her knees and give her a blowjob. Jennifer couldn't remember ever having used that word before, but it gave her a tremendous thrill to be talking like a man, like her chauvinistic husband Dean.

"Give me good head, Vesna!" she told the Croat.

As she got into position, Vesna's eye fell on a framed photograph of Dean by the baseboard, which Jennifer must have removed from the nightstand before her guests arrived.

"Wow!" she thought. "What a hunk!"

Marcia had spoken to her a bit about him, but it had all been negative: about his selfishness, his crassness, the way he treated Jennifer. What she hadn't mentioned was how handsome he was. Add to this the fact that he was, according to Marcia, a multimillionaire, and Vesna was able to compose a more balanced picture of the man in her head. Maybe, just maybe, Vesna thought, Marcia's negative appraisal of him masked a secret desire she had for him.