The Humiliation of Hannah


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You will continue your current punishment on Monday (no bra, and speaking to your employees with respect). In addition, you will go to the club in the link attached, and you will win the wet t-shirt contest.

As an extra incentive, if you win the contest, I will set a time, and place, for our meeting.

Show me how sorry you are, girl .

Sir J


9 PM that Night

Jeff sat at the bar, sipping on a coke. He wanted to keep his mind clear for the night ahead, if Hannah showed up.

"Ok," a loud, cheerful voice came over the loudspeaker.

"It's Saturday night, and you know what that means, here at the Over Under Bar!"

"WET T-SHIRT TIME," the crowd roared out, most of them pleasantly intoxicated, but not yet in the belligerent stage.

"Thaaat's right!!" the MC intoned, "And let's meet the lovely ladies competing tonight!"

As he spoke, five lovely girls walked out onto the small, runway like stage in the middle of the room. The third one was Hannah, looking a little out of place, given that she was about 10 years older than any of the others, and she looked a lot more nervous.

The first girl, a tall, bouncy blonde, wearing a white, cropped t-shirt and a pair of short shorts flounced forward and announced,

"I'm Brittany!!" then swayed back to her place, as the next girl, a brunette moved forward and leaned into the mike to say

"I'm Candy!"

Her boob tube top, white of course, and mini skirt got her a cheer as big as Brittany's.

Then it was Hannah's turn, and she moved forward forthrightly, a lot less seductively than the other girls, but then she leant forward to the mike, giving the room a great view down her V necked top, and cooed "And I'm Hannah," before turning and wiggling her pert backside inside her tight black mini skirt.

The other two girls introduced themselves in short order as Carrie and Nina.

Jeff sipped on his coke, and looked them up and down. Hannah, at a B cup, clearly had the smallest breasts, none of the rest looked to be under a C.

Aside from Hannah and Candy, they were all wearing short shorts, and all the tops were uniformly white. A combination of the bar's air conditioning and the tightness of those tops made it clear the girls weren't wearing bras as well!

"Well, now that we've met the girls," the MC continued on his spiel.

"Let's get this show on the road!"

"Just to recap the rules for any newcomers," he started, then waited for the obligatory drunken chuckle, "each of our lovely girls will stand at the front of our stage, where our helpful assistants will pour a pitcher each over their shirts."

Another roar from the crowd greeted this announcement, as the MC paused again.

"Then, we'll play the song each girl has nominated, and they'll have two minutes to bump and grind for you....after the last girl has done her dance, we'll decide the winner by public acclaim!"

"So," he wrapped up his speech, "Let's get this party started with Briiittany."

And with that, the MC took himself off to the side of the stage, as Brittany wiggled herself forward. The two 'helpers' gleefully poured their pitchers of iced water over her large D cups, as she gasped and wiggled most delightfully.

Then, 'Nasty Girl' started playing over the sound system as Brittany strutted up and down the stage, shaking her shoulders, so her breasts bounced delightfully in her now transparent shirt, to the cheers and hoots of the crowd.

As her song ended, she resumed her place smoothly, panting slightly, from her display, but keeping her shoulder back so her breasts jutted proudly under her cropped, soaked shirt.

Right on cue, Candy swayed her way up to the front of the stage, pausing to place her hand over her mouth and poke out her pert bottom in a show of mock surprise, before presenting her chest to the crowd.

The two helpers, grinning fit to split their faces, took it in turns to soak her shirt this time, as she leaned into the cold wave and shook her chest from side to side, her hard nipples drawing interesting shapes on the soaked material.

She gave the crowd a wicked little grin, standing with her round ass pushed out, so her skirt gave a flirtatious little flip, as she put a hand to her mouth in fake shock, eliciting a roar of approval from the drunken crowd.

Candy swayed her way up and down the little runway, flashing her butt, in its tight black G-string almost as much as her pert breasts in her tight, translucent shirt.

Then, she was wiggling her way back to the wall, and it was Hannah's turn.

As the song started playing, Jeff sat forward, more interested now.

Hannah surrendered both breast size and age to these girls, and he was curious to see if she was going to try to win, or just cop out.

To his surprised delight, Hannah slinked up the tiny catwalk, as if her bones had suddenly melted. Her cheeks were red, her lips slightly parted, and her chest heaved. She suddenly radiated arousal, as if the very act of standing before them all made her incredibly hot.

Actually, Jeff mused to himself. It probably does!

Hannah arched her back, leaning into the fall of icy water, and then straightened up and shook her shoulders, ostensibly to remove the excess water.

Her breasts may have been the smallest up there, but they had more than enough heft to jiggle enticingly, and Hannah's thin cotton shirt was basically transparent, showing every bounce and jiggle.

As the crowd roared its approval, Hannah back up two steps, then threw herself forward in a running slide, fetching up against the edge of the stage on her knees.

Her eyes closed, and her head thrown back, she slid a hand up under her tiny black skirt, and started to play with the soaked white fabric over her sex.

As she played with herself on the stage, Jeff nearly spat his coke over the guy in front of him.

He'd known Hannah had a competitive personality, he'd used it in a lot of the rules and tasks he'd given her.

That drive to excel, to win, was something he'd admired in her, even before he'd realized she was the woman he'd met online.

But masturbating herself in front of a bar full of screaming, drunk students and twenty-something's.

He'd had no idea she'd go that far to accomplish his instructions, however, and warm little glow started in his chest, as he watched her on the stage.

She was writhing, and moaning, her lips parted, her head thrown back, and her skirt hiked up to show her busily writhing fingers, when her time expired.

Smiling, she stood, smoothed her skirt down, and gently licked each of her fingers, as she walked back to the wall, with the deafening cheers of the crowd chasing her.

It was really over after that, Jeff thought, as he finished his drink. The other two girls were cute, and they really did try to capture the crowd, but no one was even really that interested after Hannah's show.

She was declared the winner without much competition, and escorted to a booth at the back to collect her bar tab.

Jeff got up from his table, intending to go over to her, when he stopped dead.

Standing, with an incredulous smile on her face, and a mobile phone in her hand, was Melody.

Chapter 4

Hannah sat at the bar, and sipped her drink, shivering slightly as the air conditioning chilled her slowly drying shirt.

She modestly wrapped one arm across her chest to hide her erect nipples, then dropped it with a laugh.

After what I just did, she thought to herself, it seems weird to feel worried about pointy nipples.

She checked her phone for the fourth time in about as many minutes, hoping to see an email for her Sir.

When a body slid itself into the bench seat opposite, her heart gave a little jump, and her gaze flicked up, hoping to finally see the features of her Sir.

Melody gave her a toothy smile.

"Hello Hannah," she smirked. "What an interesting show that was."

"Melody," Hannah sputtered, her arm going back over her breasts so fast it was as if it was spring loaded.

"Wh...what are you doing here?"

"I don't think that's really relevant, do you, Hannah?" Melody snapped.

"The fact is, I am here, and I just shot this very interesting little video."

Melody held out her phone, and a video started playing, showing Hannah's show on the stage.

" did you get that? It's against the club rules to video the performances." Hannah's voice had a pleading note.

Melody laughed derisively.

"Oh no, they might boot me out of the club. Tell me, what do you think will happen at work if this goes on YouTube?"

Hannah gasped.

"You wouldn't. This is because I yelled at you the other day, isn't it?"

Melody looked at her, with anger in her eyes.

"You are damn right it is. I hated the way you spoke to me, and I think you need to learn a lesson in politeness. I just need some time to think of how. But, from now on, you can call me Ms. Walker!"

Hannah gaped. What the hell was going on? Serving Sir J was....transcendent. It was everything she'd dreamed of, despite how hard some of his commands were.

But this? Serving this privileged little brat? That was NOT on the cards and she was going to tell her so.

"Melody," she began, then, at Melody's glare, she corrected herself.

"Ms. Walker, I couldn't possibly...." she trailed off as Melody lifted a hand.

"This isn't a negotiation, Hannah, and it's not like you have a choice. You will do what I want, and when I'm convinced you've learned to speak politely, I'll delete the video."

"Am I clear? "Melody finished her tirade, eyes flashing, tone demanding to be answered.

Hannah dropped her eyes, and as she did, she felt any vestige of power slip away.

"Yes, Ms. Walker," she said, softly.

Melody smiled in triumph.

"Good. And just to reinforce that, you will remove your panties and hand them to me."

" panties. Why on earth would you want my panties?" Hannah asked.

"Ms. Walker," she added, quickly, at Melody's stern look.

"I don't, particularly." Melody answered, off handedly. "In fact, that's a very good point, Hannah."

Hannah smiled in relief, at Melody's change of heart.

"Good, I'm glad you can see that..." she began, when Melody cut her off.

"So, you can take them off, right here, and then throw them in that bin over there."

Melody indicated a bin next to the bar with a jut of her chin, and then fixed Hannah with an expectant look.

"I'm waiting," she said, after twenty seconds or so of Hannah staring, open mouthed.

Silently, Hannah reached down, slowly creeping her skirt up, as she lifted herself up on the seat.

She grasped her white panties and pulled them down in one swift movement, and then offered them across the table to Melody.

Melody looked at her, mingled disgust and humour warred on her expression.

"Are you deaf, Hannah? I don't want those things. God, you've soaked them."

Melody flipped her hand at Hannah negligently.

"Go and throw them in the bin, then get your ass home. We'll have a meeting in your office at 10:30 on Monday. That will be my new start time, by the way."

Trembling, Hannah retracted her outstretched hand, the panties still dangling from them, threw herself to her feet and marched to the bin, then clearly deposited her panties inside.

As she walked out of the club, her tiny skirt bouncing and showing off her naked ass, her phone pinged with an incoming email.

Chapter 5

Hannah stood outside the club, still trying to process what had just happened.

Melody, the graduate she had hired, had filmed her little show.

Worse, in order to win, Hannah had masturbated herself on stage, and the little cow had videoed it. And then tried to blackmail her.

Hannah flushed with shame as she remembered being made to throw away her already soaked panties.

The wind curled under her skirt, caressing her bare sex and ass, reminding her she was naked.

She yelped and tried to pull her tiny skirt down, as her phone chimed again.

She dug into her tiny bag and pulled it out, opening the email from Sir J.

Girl, it began.

I was very pleased with your performance tonight, and you fulfilled my commands.

As promised, I have arranged for us to meet. Tomorrow, at 3 pm, you will go to the Four Seasons, and ask for Room 304. A key will be waiting for you.

You are to go to the room, strip, kneel, facing away from the door, and insert both your anal and vaginal plugs.

If you do well tomorrow, you may be allowed to cum.

Until then

- Sir J

Hannah trembled. She'd done it. She was finally going to take the next step. It was one thing to follow orders from emails, even his depraved and inventive ones. It was another to meet him in the flesh, to kneel at his feet.

And, oh she wanted to, even as a small part of her mind tried to tell her it was wrong.

Putting Melody from her mind for now, she raced home. She wanted to get a good night's sleep for the day ahead of her.


Jeff signalled the bartender for a refill, as he watched Melody and Hannah talk. He imagined that Melody was telling Hannah how easy it was going to be at work for her, now that she had the video.

Hannah looked angry, but, he noticed immediately when she dropped her gaze, and he chuckled to himself when she shimmied out of her panties.

Melody showed definite promise.

He waited till Hannah had slunk away, before heading over to Melody, as if he'd just seen her.

"Hi," he greeted her, grinning.

"Oh....Jeff," Melody said, sounding a little off put. She flushed, looked down at her phone, and then flushed again, not meeting his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I live about a block away," Jeff answered. " This is my local hangout."

"I don't remember seeing you in here before though," he pressed.

"I....was looking for somewhere new, and I stumbled in here," she rushed out, face flushing again.

Jeff smiled disarmingly at her.

"Did you see the show?" he stage whispered, as if a little drunk and unable to believe what he saw.

Melody grin at him, her attitude shifting from guilt to pleasure as she turns her phone around.

"I didn't just see it, I got video!" she announced. "Want a copy?"

Jeff held out his hand.

"Is the pope catholic?" he joked, as she handed him the phone. Jeff swiftly turned on her Bluetooth connection, and connected his phone, then copied the file over. While connected, he ran a little app he'd built, setting it on the video of Hannah. The minute Melody tried to copy it again, the file would erase.

With a smile, he handed her the phone back.

"Oh, by the way," he said casually, "I put my number in there, too. If you ever want to call me."

Melody gave him a little smile, as she took her phone back, pushing her shoulders back as well, so her breasts pushed out prominently.

"I have wanted to say thank you, since you were so kind to me the other day," she purred.

"Well then," Jeff grinned, appreciating the show. "Drinks are on you, I guess!"

"Done!" Melody smiled. "How about tomorrow night?"

"Oh, I'm busy," Jeff said, looking a little regretful. "How about Monday?"

"Drinking on a work night?" Melody purred. "You are a bad boy, aren't you?"

Jeff grinned. In spite of the very bad fix both he and Hannah were in, he was enjoying the interplay with Melody.

"Oh, I don't know." He drawled, leaning back in the booth. "Generally, I'm pretty good."

"Ah, but what if I'm a bad girl?" Melody asked, teasingly.

"Oh, well then I'd have to punish you," Jeff responded, his mouth moving before his brain. Melody went bright red, but Jeff couldn't help but notice her breathing got heavier as well.

"I...guess I'll have to be good, then, won't I?" she asked with a cheeky grin, as the blush slowly faded.

"I certainly hope not." Jeff flirted back. They made small talk for a few moments more, and then Jeff headed off, his step lighter, and his head full of thoughts for the next day...and for Monday.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
? what happened ?

Sad that there is no more than 2 chapters. Those were fun to read.

Then read comments about a 3rd. Where did it go? Pulled or lost in the depths of the Lit IT? Are there more to come? Yes, please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
please continue

Im intrigued by office relationships stories and this one is very spicy. Please continue. Can't wait to read more

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Good begining of a story please continue

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Please write a part 2. I loved it!!

aroonkumarhotaroonkumarhotover 6 years ago
a Great story to get excited

First thinga first, Concepts of the story is great. Ordering her to do slutty is mind-blowing, some girls likes treated to this way is awe. Characteristics of members is well detailed. Simply put it, u made me wanking at work.

agehanagehanover 6 years ago
Very good

It's à very delicious story you write it very well. I wait the following part with envy

justincbenedictjustincbenedictover 6 years ago
This is fabulous...I write sometimes for $$ and this is better than

anything I've ever written...and there's no sex yet! Reminds me of Lindsay Welsh's stuff from the 1990s. And you don't point things out, you present them. Like when Melody takes the panties we know Hannah's in agony, but when Mel says "They're soaked" THAT'S when we know how turned on Hannah is.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

When should we expect another part?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Looking forward to the next installment.

LordDragonFireLordDragonFireover 6 years agoAuthor
Chapter 3 mistake

I've submitted an edit that fixes the chapter 2/3 duplication.

I'm glad everyone is enjoying this story so much.

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