The Humper Game Pt. 02 Ch. 13


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The next surprise came toward the end of supper. A boy came up and told me, "The door monitor asked me to tell you that someone wants to talk to you."

I grabbed a couple more quick bites, and asked Jenny, "Can you clear my stuff, please?" as I got up.

She looked at Sam, who said, "I'll take care of it for both of you." I bent over and grabbed a kiss from Sam as Jenny also got up. "Thanks," we both said, and then hurried off.

By the door monitor's station, Bella was waiting. No. Mrs. Lanigan was waiting, with Mr. Lanigan beside her.

"Good evening, Mr. Lanigan, Mrs. Lanigan. You asked to see me?"

Mrs. Lanigan said, "Morris, please walk outside with us. O'Malley, since you came along—does he need a bodyguard?—anyway, you may as well come along here too."

"I just wanted to see who wanted Phil, but since you have invited me, thank you, I will go along."

So the four of us went out, Jenny and I having started toward the monitor and been waved on. Mrs. Lanigan took Mr. Lanigan's arm, at which Jenny took mine. After a few moments, Mrs. Lanigan said, "To begin with, I would like to pass along a message from Bella, for Phil. She, and Gene as well, thank him for his actions and attitudes last week. His, um, the way he treated her, from beginning to end, made her feel perhaps twenty years younger, and much less like a woman old enough to be his grandmother—and who had become very weary of her role as instructor in this subject—and more like the young woman who once delighted in it. She and Gene are both very grateful to him for this."

I looked questioningly at them, especially at Mr. Lanigan. He smiled at me and said, "Yes, that's absolutely right. Even some rather, well, painful insights offered Bella, painful for Gene as well as for Bella, seem likely to be very beneficial for them both in the end." It was Jenny's turn to send me questioning looks.

I said, "Since you have brought that up with O'Malley here, would it be all right with Bella—and with Gene—if I explain it to her later?"

"Certainly! If you are all as discreet as usual, I see no reason for O'Malley and Bruja to be in the dark.

"In addition, to provide a little more perspective on one matter. If another week were to be provided for instruction in this topic—which will not happen—Bella would not be able to be Phil's instructor, for the same reason that Mary Miller was not, previously. And again, Bella and Gene are very grateful for Phil's attitude as student, but would not wish to see that relationship resume."

We walked on a bit farther. By now we had reached the running course. I was wondering whether we were going to walk its entire length, but we stopped where evening shadows provided some shade. Mrs. Lanigan said, "Besides passing on Bella's thanks, and Gene's, I wished to discuss another matter, with you, Morris. Has Mr. Miles spoken to you regarding your future?"

"He said he had another matter to raise with me, later. He suggested at some point in the future I might take up chess, and that with the right coach I might go far at it." Jenny looked at me in surprise. "Nothing more."

"I believe that he will, eventually. I hope so. I cannot commit him, and he is unlikely to commit himself at this point, for that matter. You have, probably, two years at college, and perhaps some further education, ahead of you. And then some work experience would probably be required. And all that may change circumstances greatly. But to anticipate Miles—I hope—the school is always in need of the right instructors and other staff, but his own department most of all. You have the needed abilities and character, as much as anyone your age can. Miles is almost certain to discuss this with you, and to follow your future progress closely. And then to seek to recruit you, if it still seems wise. I simply want to add my urging to his, that you keep this in mind as you chart your course over the next ten years or so. Our need in this area is always critical.

"And I am not saying this for personal reasons. I would enjoy having you here as a friend. But if that should come to pass, there would still not be a repetition of the past week's events."

Jenny said, after a moment, "Why is there such a critical need for gym teachers?"

I laughed. "Jenny, dearest, almost everyone on staff—maybe absolutely everyone—has multiple positions and roles. Some are mundane and obvious—a teacher of Italian who also teaches sex education and occasionally acts as hall monitor for the girls' wing, for example—but some are hidden. I finally realized sometime this year that Mr. Miles is highly placed in the security force. I would guess that he is head of it. I'm amazed that Mrs. Lanigan apparently assumes I know this, though."

It was the Lanigans' turn to laugh. "Given the insight and discretion you have shown this year, that seems a very safe assumption," Mr. Lanigan said.

Jenny stuck her tongue out at me, but said nothing more. She squeezed my arm reassuringly, though.

I said carefully, "If I may, I would like to ask about another matter. I think I understand the purpose of the rules governing sexual relationships between staff members and students. And I think I at least generally understand the rules themselves, as far as they have been presented to us. That seems to be pretty far, but there may be more to the rules as promulgated to the staff.

"It's clear enough how, and why, the rules forbid certain ongoing activities between, say, Phil and Bella or Phil and Ms. Miller. Especially given instructional activities like those of last week, some such rules are necessary to protect all parties. Including the school itself as a party.

"The rules as presented to us seem almost always to be concerned with the regular instructional and administrative staff—those most in a position to help us or hinder us, and hence to coerce us in some way. Little or nothing is said about, for example, invitations to short-term dalliance between students and housekeeping or grounds staff." Jenny looked at me sharply. So did the Lanigans, if less obviously.

Mr. Lanigan said, also carefully, "Is your interest merely theoretical, or has this come up in some form? Or is there a staff member whom you are interested in?"

"Nothing has come up, and I have no personal interest in initiating anything. But things were said to me which may mean that such an invitation will come my way soon." Jenny looked thoughtful, then suddenly enlightened. "Depending on the nature of the invitation, I might be inclined to accept it, but of course not if it isn't permitted."

Mrs. Lanigan said, "There is no rule preventing you from accepting. Should this come to pass, please try to be discreet. I'm sure I do not need to say that to you, of all people. But it is important."

We began to walk back, chatting idly about my studies and Jenny's. As we neared the door, Mr. Lanigan offered me his hand. We shook hands, and he said, "It's very good that you have so much more talent in other areas than in music, Morris. But I honestly do want you to understand that I am grateful for your part in last week's instruction. And I expect success for you, wherever you direct your efforts in the future."

Mrs. Lanigan also offered me her hand, and I took it and kissed her cheek, about the way a young boy might in saying goodbye to his nonna. She smiled, and I was sure she understood me.

As soon as Jenny and I were in the door, she grabbed me and kissed me aggressively. "You come along to my room right now! They probably wouldn't like it if I pushed you down on the floor here, even if they were the ones who gave exhibitionism assignments." The monitor watched and listened with interest, without any indication that he would interfere if she did just that. "Or, we should try Sam's room first, she has a right to be there."

"Sorry, but I'm going to try to get dessert, which you will remember I missed."

Sam was waiting, and studying, as we came up to the cafeteria. I told her, "I'm going to see what I can find for dessert," and went on in, Jenny and then Sam accompanying me, slightly behind me. In the serving area, cleaning up, we found Miss Macgregor. She was supervising a pair of younger women as well as wiping counters down herself.

"Miss Macgregor, is it possible for me to get a piece of pie? I was called away from supper. I'm sorry for the extra trouble."

"Of course, Morris." She surprised me by going herself, but she returned with a tray with three pieces of pie, one each of cherry, apple, and blueberry, the individual preferences of the two girls and me. As I took the tray and thanked her, she said, "When you're through, may I have a few words with you?"

"Sure. I'll bring the tray back in."

Sam said, after we were sitting at a table, "She doesn't know everything. I already had dessert."

"OK, I'll eat your piece." She looked indignant and snatched it up off the tray. "See? Maybe she knows more than you thought." Sam glared at me, theatrically, not seriously.

After we'd all had a bite or two, Sam said, "What do you think she wants to talk to you about?"

Jenny said, "You were there when he said what she had said before, weren't you? She wants him to screw her." Sam looked surprised, then thoughtful.

I told them, "More likely, she wants me to screw those two she was bossing around, I think. What she said the other time was partly camouflage, even if it was all true."

Sam said, "What?"

Jenny said, "I see what you're thinking, but I don't know." She looked at Sam. "She's so sure she's past the point when any anyone—any boy our age, anyway—would be the least interested in her, that she isn't even thinking of that as a possibility. It makes sense, but I'm not sure."

I started gathering our plates and forks onto the tray. "We'll find out in a minute, anyway."

Miss Macgregor took the tray and gave it to one of the girls. I say "girls" because they were only a few years older than we were. Maybe not older than twenty or twenty-one, even. Compared to many of the women who did kitchen and household work, they seemed very young. She told her, "Come straight back. We'll be in there." She gestured at a door, and led us through it, into a room with a couple of armchairs plus three or four tables with chairs.

"This is a staff break room. It's not exactly off limits to students, but you need to be invited and accompanied."

We sat at one of the tables, and in a moment the girl came in and sat with us all. Miss Macgregor looked at me, and finally said, "Well, I told you before how it is with me. I dearly miss being one of the special instructors, but that was years ago, and who your age would be willing to have me, old and fat as I am now? But I have some girls, young ladies I should say, these two and a few more, that haven't been here very long and haven't been trained as instructors in that. And they're a little too young yet, really—most of those boys would see them as, well, like fellow students, like their partners, not as instructors they'd need to pay heed to.

"But of course, these young ladies, they'd like to be doing it as much as anyone. Especially hearing and seeing the girls when they're really enjoying it. And you three are the ones most responsible for some of that, I may add! And they overhear the girls talking, too. So my girls really want you to give them a tumble, even just once, and I told them I'd ask on their behalf. And so I am!"

No one said anything for a minute or two. Then Jenny spoke up. "He'll do it on two conditions, You, yourself, do it with him first, and Bruja and I get to be there for all of it."

Miss Macgregor instantly said, heatedly, "That's not right, making fun of me like that, Missy! You have no call to do it!"

I broke in. "She's not making fun. And there's more to consider than just those conditions. She likes to manage me, and sometimes she gets it wrong. But I was going to insist on that one, and I mean it. How she knew, I can't guess. For the other, I hadn't thought of it, but if the two of them want to watch, then I will make it a condition.

"But I'm also concerned about practical issues. When? This has to fit around our classwork. And that's no different from anything else. O'Malley and Bruja and any others get some of my time, but studying comes first. And where? This isn't something to be publicized, for one thing."

"As for when, I was thinking of maybe Friday and Saturday after supper, after we eat ourselves and our work is done. I was going to ask to watch you with them, too. We can shift girls' schedules around a bit, and mine too. But you don't have classes on the weekend, and you can spare a little time then.

"For where, we'll escort you downstairs to staff quarters. It will have to be my room, I guess, with all the people who'll be there."

"That sounds like it may work. If we have big assignments dumped on us, we'll have to postpone this. Jenny, you haven't been scheduling me that far in advance, have you?"

"No, Phil."

"Now, for these two, I need to ask some things. I'm sorry, we've been talking about things concerning you, over your heads, as if you weren't even here. I apologize.

"Anyway, first, what are your names?"

One said, "Mary," and the other, "Janet."

"Mary, is this really something you want? Not something you're willing to do to please someone else, but that you want yourself?"

"Yes, it is. Thinking of what went on last week, I wish you would just do it to me this minute, right here. Or out in the cafeteria, or anywhere at all."

"And how many times have you had sex, and with how many men? Oh, and what is your last name? We can be Phil and Mary here, but not normally."

"It's Grimes. And one boy, four or five times, maybe. We were just your age."

I looked at Janet. She hesitated a moment. "Yes, it's like Mary said for me, too. In fact, while you were talking to her, I was sitting and wondering, if I just took my clothes off, could I get you to do it now. I guess not, not with them here, but if I thought it would work I'd do it right now. And I'm Grimes, too, I'm Mary's cousin. And just once, and it really wasn't very good. Mary and her boyfriend and me, we all got kind of drunk, and I guess he couldn't tell us apart, or more likely didn't care. I wasn't all that drunk, Mary figured that out later and she was really mad at me, not at him, 'cause I let him. And she broke up with him after that, that's why so few times for her, she realized he'd cheat on her with anyone who would lie down and spread her legs out.

"Anyway, if you say yes, I'll have a hard time waiting for Friday. I saw you with these two, and I saw some other couples, and I know it can be way better than it was that one time."

I looked at Jenny and Sam. Jenny had said her piece earlier, and Sam was giving me no clues whatever. So I just said, "Sam?" and she smiled at me and said, "Yes. I'm looking forward to this." I had wondered whether Sam's exhibitionist streak was just liking to show me off, or something deeper. But of course she had watched Jenny and me, and a couple of others with me, and it still had never occurred to me that she was a voyeur at heart, too.

It seemed it was her turn now for reading minds. "Yes, it's fun to watch it, whoever it is, and yes, it turns me on too. But way more when it's you, seeing you making someone else really happy, as long as I know I'll get my chance with you soon."

I turned to Miss Macgregor. "I guess it's up to you, then."

"You mean you really will, with me? Then I'm just like these two, Friday seems a long way away."

I said, "We really do need to go study, I'm afraid."

Janet said, "Would you be willing to spare me just two or three minutes? I happened to be where I could see you the whole time, the second time, with this one," indicating Jenny, "and, well, would you be willing to kiss me the way you were kissing her, just for a couple of minutes, right now?"

I looked around at all the others. Sam said, "I think you should do that for each of them, if you do it for her."

None of them made any objection. I said, "Janet, when I kissed her, I was using my hands, too. Did you mean to include that?"

"Yes," she said, very quietly. Her eyes were big.

Miss Macgregor said, "I'd love that, but you don't have to."

I got up and stepped up to her, pulling her to her feet. She was pretty fat, though not nearly as fat as Cole. No special joy for me in this, I thought. But I put my arms around her and began to kiss her. For a moment or two, she remained passive, but then she began to kiss back. I let my hands wander to her breasts. Her nipples were erect and pretty hard. Her breasts were too large for my hands to hold, they would have overflowed. She moaned, and kissed more thoroughly. She moaned again, and again.

I broke the kiss, gave her a small peck on the lips, and backed away. She opened her eyes and looked at me. "Thank you, Morris," she said. "Even if you change your mind about Friday, thank you for that much. It's been so long!"

I said, "For the moment, it's Phil. Molly."

I looked at Mary, and said, "Are you in on this?" She stood up and hurried over to me, and put her arms around me. When I began kissing her, she wasn't holding anything back. The kiss stretched on and on. When I first touched her breasts, through her clothes, she gave a gasp, and her kissing became even more intense. Her blouse wasn't tucked in, and I moved my hands under it, first to her breasts, and then around to unfasten her bra. I moved back to her breasts under her bra, and I thought for a moment she was about to come just from that. She was panting hard when we broke. I rubbed my hands over her nipples one last time, and then stepped back.

Janet came over to me without waiting to be invited. I treated her pretty much the same way I had Mary, except that toward the end I dropped a hand down to the crotch of her shorts. She moaned louder. Her eyes were closed. I put my fingers in through the baggy leg of her shorts, and pulled the crotch of her panties aside enough to be able to stroke her pussy under them, a little awkwardly. She panted and moaned, and then suddenly came on my hand, her cries not too loud but pleading.

When she was done, I kissed her once more, briefly, and then stepped back. She opened her eyes, and said, "That was wonderful, just by itself, it was way better than Bill that time."

Miss Macgregor said, "Please tell us if you're going to bow out for Friday. Otherwise, we'll see how we can schedule it, and say something to one of you."

I left, with Sam holding my left arm and Jenny my right. Sam said to me, "Show-off!" once we were out of earshot and there was no one around.

We detoured by the lavatory, and then went on to Sam's room, and went in. Jenny grabbed me the moment the door was shut. "We really do need to go study, so you get those clothes off this minute. After all that, I know you're as ready as I am. Sam, I'm sorry we're going to mess up your bed, but I'll help you change it, and if we go to my room some others may show up wanting to study." She was out of her own clothes about the time this was all said.

Jenny was intending to be on top, which is normally fine with me, but I was feeling a little annoyed with her bossiness, and I flipped her over and got on top of her and went right in. It really was a quickie, we were both that ready, and she made no attempt to keep her voice down as she came. Sam watched with interest.

We cleaned up a little, and then we all headed off to Jenny's room. OK, there was a little kissing first, but not much. We settled in to study, and Claire and Barbara, who had been studying next door in Claire's room, came in as we were settling. At this point, it was a very short version of the usual evening study time. We had all, on Sunday, reviewed everything for all our academic classes, but we had definitely focused on Monday's classes. This time, we tried to do a thorough job for Tuesday and Wednesday, with just a little attention to Thursday and Friday. But of course, we had assignments from the day's classes, and those had to be done. Sam had gotten a good start on that for herself, and Barbara and Claire too, while Jenny and I talked with the Lanigans. Jenny and I polished those off, knowing we needed to check them over better sometime before class. It was a few minutes before the end of the session when she asked everyone to go away. We all hugged, and I kissed everyone, spending extra time on Sam. Then Jenny and I hurried off to the lavatory.