The Hunt

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Lexi is invited on a hunt with an interesting twist.
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All characters are over the age of 18.

The whiskey burned with every sip. "Want another Lex?" Carl asked, lifting the bottle.

"Sure, might as well," I said, sliding my empty friend to him. Carl was one of the few friends that I had left. He asked how my day was since this was my fourth drink of the night. "Yeah, I got fired today, and since this is the second month of missing my lease payment, I'll probably have to live in my car for a while."

"I got a friend who might be able to help you. I can give him a call if you want."

I took my drink and slid it back to him for another. "Sure, give him a call. What do I have to lose?"

Carl smiled and placed the bottle on the bar, "No charge, honey. I'll be right back." He walked to the back of the bar and called his friend.

Once my new friend was empty, I started to leave, but Carl told me to wait with a slight chuckle. His friend was on the way. "He knows I'm not going to fuck him for money, right? It's not illegal, is it?" I questioned, eyebrows raised.

"Oh no, he's got an offer for you that won't take up too much of your time. How about I make you something to eat? You want your usual?"

I nodded and watched as the other patrons laughed and talked like their lives were perfect. At twenty years old, jobless, and soon-to-be homeless, I wanted to barf. Well, that may have been the alcohol trying to leave me too. Minutes felt like hours waiting for this mysterious friend Carl never mentioned before. Maybe it was a sugar daddy who would take me from all this and give me anything I wanted. A girl can dream, can't she?

Checking myself in the bar mirror, I fixed my blonde hair and pushed my breasts up, trying to make them seem more perky. With only a tank top and jean shorts, I hoped he liked what he saw. Then, a Well-groomed man with short dark hair came behind me. He was handsome with a chiseled jaw and bright hazel eyes. "Excuse me, Ms. Glass, is it?" His voice was smooth yet professional.

I turned on my stool, placing my elbows on the bar and pushing my chest out. "Yeah, that's me. How can I help you?"

He sat beside me and raised his hand for a drink. "My name is Julian, and I would like to make you an offer." God, here it comes, my future sugar daddy. "How would you like the chance to make fifty thousand dollars?"

I nearly spat my drink on the bar. "Excuse me?"

Julian smiled, "This week, I am hosting a game. The winner has the chance to win a minimum of fifty thousand dollars. It would only take a week or so of your time."

"What kind of game?"

"It's a hunt of sorts. Until you sign some documents and we are in a more private setting, that's all I can say." Julian didn't touch his drink. He only twirled his fingers around the glass.

That was a lot of money, especially for me. I had never in my life seen that much money. That's more than I had ever made in a year, and it would only take about a week. "Okay, where do we need to go?"

He placed a one hundred dollar bill on the bar and held out his hand. I took it and followed him from the bar. A black SUV was parked outside with a man standing by the door. He opened the door and helped me inside. Julian followed me and sat across from me. "Ms. Glass."

"Please call me Lex," I interjected.

"Lex, pretty name for a beautiful woman." I couldn't help but smile. "Before we continue and I tell you the terms of the hunt, I need you to sign this." He handed me a document that appeared to be a standard NDA, basically stating I wasn't allowed to close anything about him or what he was about to tell me. Hell, I was in this far. What did it matter? I signed the document and handed it back to him.

"Lex, the hunt is a biannual event I host for some wealthy clients. Don't worry, you won't be killed or anything. It's like a big game of capture the flag, but you're the flag." He paused, waiting for my response, but I just nodded. "You and a few others will have to evade my clients, trying not to be captured. The last person left will win the fifty thousand. If the hunt progresses to the next day, an extra ten thousand will be added to the total, and so on until a winner is announced."

"What's the catch?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Julian smiled and interlocked his fingers. "The catch is if you're captured, you will become the hunter's property for the duration of the hunt. You will receive five thousand per day you're captured."

"What do you mean by property?"

"My clients have certain tastes and will do whatever they like physically to you and your body within reason. No one will permanently maim you or anything like that. Mainly, it's lots of sex or other proclivities of that nature."

I wrinkled my nose, "So basically, I'd be their whore for the week?"

"For lack of a better term, yes. If you win, you will be greatly rewarded, and based on my cursory research, you might enjoy it."

"What the hell does that mean?" Julian pulled up a video of me in college. It was of me being gangbanged by a sorority during a party. "How the fuck did you get that?" I was nearly screaming.

"Lex, I have the resources to find out anything about everyone. If you do this, I promise you won't be the same afterward." The way he spoke so smoothly made me tingle all over. I couldn't help but fidget in my seat. "You will never know the identities of my clients, and no one will know your name. There will be another document you have to sign before the hunt. Also, should you stop at any point before the hunt is concluded, you will receive nothing." His voice turned very stern at that last statement. I hated how turned on it was making me.

I nodded, and Julian waited, not blinking or moving. "I'll d-do it," I meekly stated. With that, he motioned to his driver, and we left the bar in the rearview.

Hours passed with neither of us speaking. I would try to ask him questions, but he would blow them off. The city lights turned to open farmland until nothing but forest surrounded us. We pulled into a cabin by the edge of the woods. The cabin was more like a mansion with a small lake in front. Large wooden beams made up its exterior with enormous bay windows overlooking the lake. "Welcome, Lex, to Starlight Sanctuary. A room will be provided for you tonight. There will be a change of clothes provided for you shortly."

The mansion was enormous, with modern amenities. There was a pool table, bar, sitting area, and a large dining table to one side. I had only seen things like this in movies or TV shows for the super-rich. Four men stood around the pool table. Two appeared average. One was heavy set, like he spent most of his time at a desk or a buffet, and the fourth one was fit and lean, wearing a fitted suit. He locked eyes with me and smiled.

I turned as a woman approached me, "Ms. Glass, if you follow me, I'll show you to your room and your attire for the evening." She wore dark slacks with a tight white blouse. Around her neck was a leather collar with a dog tag that read Jenny on the front.

"Oh, uh, okay. Thanks, Jenny." She bowed slightly and led into the mansion. We walked up the stairs to a long hallway with doors on either side. At the end of the hallway was one final room. The walls were a neutral gray with six beds, with three along each wall. One window was at the end, overlooking the forest.

Seven other women were milling about and chatting. Each of their bodies was slightly different, with some bustier than others while some had other assets that I'm sure paid for themselves. Jenny led me inside and showed me which bed was mine for the night. The other women stood and stared at her. "Now that we are all here." she rang a bell, and a man walked in carrying a silver tray. "Each of you will wear these when I return to escort you downstairs. These will be the only garments you're allowed to wear from now until the hunt is over. That is unless you are captured and your hunter decides otherwise. Please stay in this room till I return."

Jenny and the man left the room as we circled the tray. Three women grabbed the garments without looking. I took mine and realized they were thin camouflage bikinis with tiestrings on each side. "What the fuck is this!"

"Oh, you must be new. I'm Joan," the tall brunette woman next to me said. She was already stripping out of her clothes, as was everyone else.

I started to follow suit before I spoke, "Yeah, I'm Lex."

"They want us to wear these so we don't try to hide anything that could be used against the hunters. Don't worry, though. It's not uncommon to lose them the first day."

"Great, let's just run through the woods naked," I mumbled, "How many of these have you done?"

"Oh, this is my third. I came close last year, but that bitch Roxanne was just a bit faster than me. I would hurry before Jenny gets back. She hates tardiness."

I've never been shy, and apparently, neither was anyone else. Two of the other women were staring at me head to toe. While Joan just gasped, "My dear, what happened to you?"

She was looking at the scar and the crisscrosses across my side. "Hunting accident when I was a teenager. No biggie." The other two women narrowed their eyes on me. I realized telling them that may have been a mistake. Jenny arrived before I could ask Joan more. I tried to look as meek and embarrassed as possible, hiding beside Joan.

Jenny pointed her hands to her sides, "Prey, please follow me in rows of two. You will go down the stairs and proceed to the front of the room for inspection."

We proceeded to the stairs quietly. A dark-skinned girl huffed in disgust when we approached the stairs. Her bikini barely covered her massive breasts, and her bottoms were almost swallowed by her ass, which jiggled with each step. From the balcony, I counted ten men in suits and other high-end clothing. Each wore a black and white mask, watching us as we descended. Julian stood at the front of the room with a podium in front of him. Three women stood to one side wearing similar collars and clothing as Jenny.

We lined up side by side, with each man staring at us. Julian tapped the podium. "Hunters, thank you for joining this year's hunt. We have eight beauties this year that will hopefully satisfy your every need. We also have three hounds this year. Before we proceed, please read and sign the contract."

Jenny handed us each a stack of papers. It was similar to the previous ones, with more information about how prey may not maim or kill the hunters. There was also a portion that all participants were disease and drug-free to allow for no protection required. Should a pregnancy occur, the prey will be paid an extra one thousand a month till the child becomes an adult. If the father wishes to be part of the child's life, other arrangements will be made. 'Fuck! I haven't been on that in months,' I cursed to myself.

I turned to Joan, "What are hounds?"

"They are hounds," Joan whispered back, nodding to the three women to the side. "They're previous winners who chose to come back for a fee. Fight them as hard as you can. If they catch you, you'll be theirs for another week after the hunt. The platinum blonde over there is Lindsey. Stay as far from her as possible. She's ruthless. She has won the hunt twice, and if she catches you, she'll brand you."

"Have we all signed?" Julian asked as other participants raised their papers. I quickly signed and did the same. "Excellent. Hunters, please inspect."

Joan and the two women spread their legs and put their hands over their heads as soon as we all did the same. The hunters approached us, muttering to themselves. A man grabbed my breasts as he walked around me. "Not a lot of tits, but a good ass." He reached into my bikini bottoms, running his fingers over my pussy, sending a shiver up my spine. "Oh, she's already wet. I put five thousand; she'll be caught in the first twenty-four hours."

That made me snarl and stiffen. Another man saw and chuckled, "She's got fire. I can't wait to break her."

The dark-skinned woman next to me laughed before the heavy-set man approached her and pulled her breasts out. "Wow, she's got the best ones yet." He slapped her ass as a giant man came next to her.

He stood at least six feet tall and almost as wide as a door of pure muscle. "I call this one. I like an ass that has recoil." The woman turned to him, her face stern. "That's fine, baby; I'll make sure that ass is treated right."

Julian clapped his hands as the hunters went back to their places. "The hunt will begin at dawn. The prey will be taken to an undisclosed location to make things fair. As a reminder, if a prey receives help or is caught cheating, you will be punished severely and receive nothing. Jenny, please help them to their room."

Jenny clapped her hands, and we followed her to the room. The tall, lean man from before watched every step I took until I left his view. My heart raced from the excitement. 'Bring it on, boys.'

Three jeeps drove us deep into the woods. Joan and I had talked the night before. She told me to stick with the group at first. If this hunt went like previous ones, they would like to take one, maybe two prey to start with. However, anything could happen. She said the hunters were allowed to use almost any means, such as tripwires, nets, and even pits from previous hunts. She also told me you're only considered captured when a hunter fully immobilizes and enters you. They also really enjoyed it when you fight back.

The terrain was mostly flat except for a few rivers in the middle of the property. Thankfully, most hunters didn't hunt at night, but sometimes, the hounds would watch us and tell the hunters where we were. We had no water or food, so staying near the river was a priority. The group moved to the river slowly, waiting for the horn to blast. The dark-skinned woman, who I learned was Shawntell, walked up to me, "I'm gonna make sure your ass is taken before mine."

"What the hell did I do to you?"

"It's a dog-eat-dog bitch, and I plan on winning this shit," she spat before slapping me.

I clenched my fist and punched her in the stomach, knocking her to the ground. "Anyone else wanna try to be the top bitch here?"

No one else spoke. The two women from previous hunts, Lori and Patricia, watched me and laughed to themselves. Joan grabbed my arm, "Don't do things like that. They'll intentionally get you caught."

The horn sounded, and three women bolted through the forest away from the mansion. The rest of us stayed near the river, making our way upstream. Lucy, a small, petite woman, was shaking, "When do you think they'll find us?"

Shawntell grabbed her hair, "If you make them find us, I'll make sure they find you first." Lucy nearly screamed as Shawntell threw her to the ground.

Joan motioned me forward so I didn't intervene. This was a game where only one person could win. I needed to stay focused. A sudden scream echoed to our left, and everyone stopped. The screams continued until they were finally snuffed out. "That's one down," Joan whispered.

We started backtracking where we came from until crashing leaves caught our attention. Suddenly, a lengthy redhead ran in front of us, panting. "They're coming!" She screamed. The rest of us hunkered down, waiting. The redhead ran to the river, tripped into falling into the water, and swam to the other side. I took Joan's arm and pulled her back into an alcove of roots and dirt.

She tried to say something until we heard boots above us. "Hello, ladies," announced a husky voice. The women turned and instantly paled. They ran across to the river, huddling like cattle pushing each other.

Shawntell pushed Lucy to the ground before the man grabbed her. The man turned, catching Lucy's legs. She screamed as the man held her. Her bikini was ripped from her body with ease. He clamped over her mouth. "Shut up! Unless you want others to find us," The man said, climbing atop her. She screamed into his mouth.

My fist clenched as she dragged her from the river bed. Joan squeezed my arm, shaking her head. The man grabbed Lucy's throat while undoing his pants. Lucy struggled under his massive weight. Another man with a beard showed up, holding her down. "Thanks, I loosen her up for you," the larger man said.

The bearded man held Lucy down as the larger one removed his pants. "Open your mouth bitch!"

He pressed his cock against her lips, but she fought back, pushing and kicking. The bearded man held her nose until she gasped for breath. The larger man shoved his cock into her mouth, grabbed her hair, and proceeded to skull fuck her. I can't lie. It was turning me on. I've had fantasies like this but never seen it. Lucy gagged on his girth until he released her.

The bearded man's grip loosened for a second, and she turned, clawing at the ground. Once her feet were under her, the bearded man grabbed her, pushing her face into the dirt. The large man grabbed her ass and picked her up like nothing. "Let's hear you squeal," he snarled.

"No! Please!" Lucy screamed until he rammed his cock deep into her pussy, "Aah!" Her screams echoed through the woods around us.

The bearded man saw us and smiled. He undid his pants to reveal his massive erection. As Lucy screamed with every thrust, he entered her mouth to her throat. Lucy gagged again. He gave her no mercy. With each thrust, he stared at me, blue eyes burning into me. The heavy man grunted as he stiffened, filling her with his seed. Lucy slumped to the ground cum dripping from her. The bearded man continued to fuck her throat as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. He roared as he came, and she gasped as cum spilled from her nose and mouth to the ground.

Nearly unconscious, she lay on the ground as they took her legs, dragging her up the embankment. The bearded man appeared before us with a finger over his lips. "Shhhh, have a good night's sleep. Tomorrow's a big day."

Chapter 2

"At least you survived the first day, ha," Joan laughed as we crawled out of the hole. "Poor Lucy is going to be run ragged and hung up wet."

"I don't see why she passed out. It wasn't like they were that rough." I have had rougher treatment than that, so it seemed off.

Joan looked at me and started to laugh.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that."

We walked for a whole, following the trail from the group. We eventually caught up to them in a small clearing. Some women were laying out, trying to soak up the remaining sunlight before it went behind the trees. Joan and I found a spot to one side. Joan immediately took off her bikini and sunbathe while I kept an eye on the woods. "I thought they caught y'all for sure," said a pasty redhead. I believe her name was Sonya.

She sat next to us, closing her eyes. I eyed the tattoos covering most of her body. Thick barbells were poking from her nipples as well as a few from her public area. "No, we saw Lucy get taken," I said, watching for any signs of movement. I kept Joan on my left and Sonya to my right. Sonya may have been taller, but I didn't think she could overtake me. Shawntell was dead center of the group, leading against another girl.

"Oh, Brittany was the other girl who was taken. Apparently, a hound found them and caught them. We should be fine at least until this evening."

Lori and Patricia were like me. They were sitting back to back, watching the forest. My stomach growled, and I wished for anything to eat. Joan sat up, stretching, "Jenny should be by with some food before long. Usually, it's some kind of sandwich or small snack. They want us to keep our strength up."

We waited in the clearing, and I swore I caught movement to one side. "Pst, Joan. There's something there," I whispered.

Joan looked, and I saw her hand grasp her bikini. "It's probably a hound looking for us to bring us food."

Another hour passed as Jenny walked into the clearing. She was dressed like she was on safari with a tan khaki and a top with a dark brown belt. A large backpack was slung over her shoulder. I braced my legs to run in case. "Good day, everyone. Are we having fun?" No one responded. "Excellent, today I have turkey and Swiss. We will put a break on the hunt for thirty minutes for today's meal. Good luck, everyone." She gently waved as she walked away from the clearing.