The Incubus's Task


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Standing to the left of Chiyo, was Kenji's older succubus sister, Shizu Tanashi. Shizu was the spitting image of her mother, in every sense. She even wore a similar business suit as Chiyo. She had the same hair color, eyes, and a rocking bombshell body. However, where her mother had long wavy hair, Shizu's hair was short and straight. Her mother also had bigger breasts and a more eccentric figure. Shizu had drop dead gorgeous assets in her own right, but compared to her demon lord mother, it was clear that Chiyo had the upper hand.

"S'up little bro," Shizu said in her usual cocky, big sister attitude.

"What the heavens are you two doing here!?" Kenji asked, shocked.

"Honestly, young man, is that any way to greet your mother and sister. Can't a mother visit her darling baby boy, when she's in town," Chiyo said in a teasing tone.

"Who is it?" Aoi said from the living room. She got up from the couch and headed towards the door. "Oh, hello. Who might you ladies be?" Aoi said.

"Oh my, polite. I like her already," Chiyo said.

"Yeah, Kenji. Aren't you gonna introduce us?" Shizu said teasingly.

Kenji let out a sigh. "Fine. Aoi, this is my mother Chiyo. The one to the left is Shizu, my older sister," Kenji said almost defeated.

"Oh my, you never said you had a sister. That's so...wonderful. I get to have a sister-in-law?" Aoi said. She was surprised, but also elated, by this pleasant revelation.

"Aren't you just precious," Chyio said as she made her way into the apartment. She walked right up to Aoi. Chiyo towered over Aoi, who only stood around 5' 4" to Chiyo's 6' 3". Chyio then gave Aoi an affectionate hug. Both woman's giant boobs smushed against each other's body. This sightly manner was enough to make Kenji's dick twinge. He was ashamed this, yes, but his incubus instincts afforded him no control over his reaction of seeing the two women's massive mammaries squeeze together. "Oh my god," Chyio said joyfully, "you are just the cutest thing. You must be Aoi, Kenji has said so much about you," Chiyo was lying, of course, as Kenji never mentioned Aoi until now.

"He has?" Aoi asked, seemingly not minding the motherly affection from her future mother-in-law.

"You kidding?" Shizu said, joining Aoi and Chiyo, forming a large breasted group hug. "My little bro, can't shut up about you. He tells us all these romantic stories about you two. You should and all cute pet names he has for you. He's such a softy," Shizu said in a clear attempt to embarrass her little brother with lies. Well, it worked as Kenji face started to blush red.

After a long moment of hugging, cheek pinching, and cute compliments, the three women disengaged from their family hug. "I'm so sorry we haven't met sooner, honey," Chiyo said to Aoi. "I run my own company, you see, so I can be pretty busy a lot of the time. But better late than never, I say."

"Ah, don't worry about it. I'm glad I got to meet you now. Mind staying for a bit? I can make you guys some refreshments, if you wish. Take a seat in the living room," Aoi said happily.

"That sounds lovely, dear. I'd to get to know my adorable new daughter-in-law." Chiyo said as she found a seat on one of the couches.

Shizu snuck behind Kenji and playfully give him the classic big sister headlock. "Ain't it a shame that your fiancee, who we just met, is better a host to your own family than you are."

"Get off me!" Kenji said, reenacting similar scenes of their childhood.

The four future family members sat in the living room. Kenji felt like he was walking on thin ice. He had no idea how his mother would react to his situation, and the fact that Shizu was here didn't make things easier. But so far, it was going smooth. Too smooth, in his opinion. His mother was definitely up to something. The only question was, what was it? The four of them spent the next hour chatting about everything. From the looks of things Aoi, his mother, and sister were getting along. In fact, one would think they had known each other for years, by the way they were talking. Kenji just sat their, with his arms folded as he listened to his family ramble on about endless stories. Shizu even told a couple embarrassing childhood stories about Kenji, just to embarrass him. Classic big sis move, and the shitty part was that it worked.

After an hour in, Shizu said "So your coffee maker is busted?"

"A little. It makes coffee but it's slow and not very good," Aoi said.

"How about we get you a new one? Me and you can head to the store right now to get a top of the line coffee dispenser, Shizu said.

"Oh, I don't know. I don't want to impose on you, especially since we just met," Aoi said sweetly.

"Don't be that way. We're going to be family, after all. Besides I'm wealthy--" Shizu was then interrupted by a corrective *ahem* cough by Chiyo, "I-I mean my mother's wealthy. Think of it as an early wedding present," Shizu said.

"You know, I think that's a wonderful idea," Chiyo said. "Why don't you and Shizu go to the store. Feel free to get whatever you want, honey. It's on us. There's something I need to talk to Kenji about anyway. In private."

What?! Kenji thought. That couldn't be good. Who knows what his mother wanted to talk about. Seeking to get out of it, Kenji stood up "How about I go with you?"

"No, you sit down. This is important and can't wait," Chiyo sternly said.

"Well, I guess, if you insist," Aoi said.

"That's the spirit," Shizu said in an upbeat manner. "I know this great place, that has all the stuff we need."

"Have fun you too," Chiyo said in an upbeat tone as Shizu practically pushed Aoi out the door.

"W-wait, I don't think--" but it was too late as Shizu and Aoi were already outside with the front door shut behind them. Kenji gave a large nervous gulp as he was now face to face with his mother.

"So," Chiyo said while sitting eloquently, "she's very sweet."

"Yeah, she is. D-Do you-"

"You lied to me," Chiyo said abruptly.

"What? No, I didn't necessarily lie to you mother," Kenji said in defense.

"Oh really? If I recall, you lead me to believe that you were fucking mortal females left and right. Instead, what I find out is, not only has my incubus son been focusing his attention on one woman but he puts off telling me that he intends to marry this girl too. How do you think that makes a high ranking demon lord, like myself, feel? It also hurts me, as your mother," Chiyo said.

"Why are you acting like this is a big deal? Demons marry humans all the time," Kenji said.

"True," Chiyo responded, "it happens from time to time. Hell, I married a few studs back in my day. Barbarian warriors, kings, peasants, farmers, you name it. But you know for a fact that's not the point. When exactly were you going to tell me about her?"

Kenji hesitated for a second before saying, "Of course, I was going to tell you mom. It's just, well, I wanted to find the right time to talk. I had no idea how you were going to react."

"So, let me get me this straight. You, in your infinite wisdom, thought it would be a good idea to tell me after you were engaged to her. How long were you going to wait? Right before the wedding? Did you plan to call me up and say 'Hello mother. I am getting married to a mortal tomorrow, could you approve the marriage'?" Chiyo said with her best impression of Kenji thrown in there.

"No! Of course not. I wanted to find the best moment to tell you," Kenji said.

"How long have you two been together?" Chiyo asked.

"About four years," Kenji said ashamedly.

"Tsk, tsk," Chiyo said while waving her finger, "naughty boy. And during these four years you couldn't have found me in a 'good mood'? Because, I assure you, I've had plenty of good moods during that time."

"Look, mother. I meant you no ill will," Kenji said diplomatically.

Chiyo sighed, "That remains to be seen, sweetie. Tell me, how many bitches have you fucked during your time in the mortal realm?"

"Two..." Kenji said quietly.

"Two? Oh, not good hun. Not good at all. When did you fuck these women?" Chiyo asked.

"About a few days...before I met Aoi" Kenji said as if he was making a confession tape.

"Did you get them pregnant?" Chyio asked.

"No. One wasn't fertile that day and the other had some kind of strong birth control, if I recall," he said.

"Phooey," Chiyo said in disappointment "how much action have you been getting with your fiancee?" Chiyo said.

Kenji blushed, "M-Mom!"

"How. Much?!" Chiyo said intensively.

"None," he admitted.

"Pardon?" she asked.

"I said, none. Look, Aoi made a promise to her dying grandmother to save herself until marriage. She feels very strongly about this, so until were officially eloped, there's nothing I can do about it. Happy?" Kenji said.

"Not really, though I must say I am intrigued with your new fiancee. To live with a demon, for that long, and not fuck his brains out...she must have a will harder than steel. Color me impressed. But honey, you do realize that abstinence is unhealthy for a demon? Especially, an incubus. If you don't watch it, your ball might literally explode. You must be jacking it like crazy," Chiyo said.

"You have no idea," Kenji said. It was true. Being an incubus meant he had a ridiculously high libido. He produced gallons of virile sperm, like mad. He would constantly get backed up with cum, if he didn't release often. Whenever he was alone, in the apartment, Kenji had to jack off like crazy. He's been careful to never let Aoi catch him stroke his thick monster dick, but it could be such a hassle sometimes. Kenji could cum so much, that he could never could clean the mess by any conventional means. They would have spent a fortune on cleaning supplies, if he did. He always had to secretly banish the liters of jizz to another dimension, using magic.

Finally, Kenji spoke up, "Look, mother. Are you going to approve of our wedding or not? Please, in order for this to be valid, the law requires your permission. I really do love her, and Aoi loves me back. She wants to spend the rest of her life with me and I want to spend the rest of her life with her also. Please, I'm begging you, I never felt this way about anyone before and I desperately need your help."

"You really do love this human don't you? To tell you the truth, I like her too. I didn't know how I would feel when I saw her, but after meeting her, I've got to say this Aoi women grew on me," Chiyo said.

"Really?" Kenji said excitedly.

"Of course. She's nice, sweet, got a good head on her shoulders, and most importantly she's got a banging body. Those tits are huge. They could feed all the starving children in an orphanage, plus those curves, they could birth ten half-human grandchildren easily. If I found her first, I would have totally wrecked that shit!" Chiyo said with a crazy, lustful voice.

"I'm glad you feel that way, mom," Kenji said, very awkwardly. "Does this mean you'll give your blessing?"

"'s complicated, sweetie. On the one hand, I like Aoi. She'd make a wonderful daughter-in-law and it's obvious you two are head over heels in love. On the other hand, I am pissed it took so long for you to tell me. I am also pissed that you haven't been fucking human bitches, these last few years. It's a succubus's job to seduce humans and it's an incubus's job to seduce and breed as many mortal females as he can. And YOU haven't been doing that. So, I propose we make a deal," she said.

"A deal?" Kenji said confused.

"Yep," Chiyo wave her hand as a large scrolled parchment materialized right in front of Kenji. The scroll was large, and floated in mid air. It possessed a dark purple aura, as a bunch of text was scribbled on it.

"What the heaven is this?" Kenji asked.

"It's a contract, honey," Chiyo responded.

"C-Contract?" Kenji said stumbled.

"That' right. You're going to make up for all those years of abstinence. See, this contract states that I'll give you my full blessing to marry Aoi, but you must fulfill one big task," she said.

"Oh yeah, what's that?" Kenji asked nervously.

Chiyo let out a giggle, "You have to impregnate 100 human females before your wedding."


"WHAT?!!" Kenji shouted.

"That's right, one hundred. Aoi mentioned your wedding date was one year from now. Which means you have one year to fertilize a hundred humans. Failure to meet this quota, by the wedding date, will result in me not give you my blessing. I don't have to tell you that without it, your relationship with Aoi will become null and void," she explained.

"NO FUCKING WAY!!!" Kenji stood up furious. "You want me to cheat on my fiancee, the woman I love, a hundred times! ARE YOU NUTS?!!"

"Nope, I'm perfectly sane. What's insane, Kenji, is for an incubus to not fuck chicks and then lie to his mother about it," said Chiyo, matter of factly.

"I'm not cheating on Aoi, mother!" Kenji said angrily. A violent blue aura formed around Kenji, as though he were preparing for a magic attack.

She just laughed, "Oh please," Chiyo lifted her hand in the air which caused all the light in the apartment to go dim. Kenji could feel vibrations all across the apartment as stuff on shelves and tables started shake. An even more violent, powerful, red aura began to surround Chiyo. To say her magic was threatening would be criminally understating it. Kenji realized there was no point fighting his mother. Chiyo was a high ranking demon lord, after all. The most complex spell Kenji knew was a basic spell to Chiyo (that she could master in her sleep). She could take down a whole army of demon minions by the wave of her finger. Kenji should know, he saw his mother do it. Feeling defeated, Kenji backed off and sat right back down.

"Good boy," Chiyo said as the apartment returned to normal status. "I am not your enemy here. In fact, I want you two to get hitch. She'd make a great mother to my legitimate half human grandkids. Also, somebody's gotta keep you in line. Believe it or not, I have faith you'll succeed. It's not an impossible task, for an incubus. Though, you would have to knock up one women every three and a half days," Chiyo said.

Kenji just sat there, hunched over in despair. "Do I have a choice?" he asked.

"No. This is not a negotiation. Take it or leave it," she said.

Kenji was stuck. There was once a point where he would have jumped for opportunity to breed a hundred women. Now, was a different story. He didn't want to hurt Aoi. He didn't want to cheat on her, break her trust. But the only way he could be with her was to be repeatedly unfaithful.

"Would I get to choose these women?" Kenji asked.

"Yes and no. It explains in the contract but some women will be of your choosing. However, sometimes me or your sister will choose a girl for you to knock up, and you must do it before moving on to the next one," she said.

"My sister? What does Shizu have to do with this?" he asked.

"She's helping me. Don't worry, you'll soon find out. Now are you signing the damn contract or not because I got other stuff to do today," Chiyo said.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Kenji accepted "Fine, I agree."

"Great," Chiyo smiled. "Sign the bottom of the contract with your signature, using your own blood. The signature must be your real demon name," his mother said.

Kenji gave a deep sigh. He morphed one of his teeth into a sharp fang and pricked the index finger of his writing hand. When blood started to splurt out, Kenji signed his real demon name on the bottom of the contract. As soon as he finished the signature, the levitating scroll flashed once and vanished. It was done, in order to save his relationship, Kenji would have to almost destroy it.

"So, what do we do know?" Kenji asked.

"I guess, we wait 'till Aoi and Shizu get back," she said.

"Oh...want watch something on stream?" he asked.

Chyio casually agreed and the two finished watching the comedy special Kenji was watching earlier. By the time they were finished, the front door opened. "We're back!" Shizu said. Kenji looked over to see his sister with a large box and Aoi carrying numerous amount of bags of clothes.

"Oh my, you two were busy," Chiyo said.

"I know, I got them a top of the line espresso machine. I also bought Aoi a bunch of new outfits. She looked so adorable in everything I put on her, I couldn't help but buy every outfit," Shizu said while placing the espresso machine on the counter.

"Shizu, honey. Who's credit card did you use?" Chiyo asked her daughter.

"Well, I, uh, you see...I left my wallet at home...and so I borrowed...yours," Shizu said nervously.

"I see," Chiyo said. She tried to maintain her composure but an annoyed pulsating vein could be seen on her forehead. "Well, I think we stayed long enough. Come on, Shizu," the succubus MILF said while grabbing her daughter by the ear.

"Ow, ow, ow!" Shizu said under Chiyo's grip.

"It's been really nice meeting you sweetie," Chiyo said to Aoi. "Can't wait 'till we meet again"

"Me either. Bye Chiyo. Bye Shizu. Drive safe," Aoi said as Chiyo dragged Shizu by the ear outside the apartment, closing the door behind them.

Aoi turned to Kenji with a smile, "Your family is really nice."

"Yeah," Kenji said. "...really nice."

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RodimusMikeRodimusMikeover 3 years ago
My thoughts on the subject.

Aoi and Kenji seem like total opposites,him being an Incubus and Aoi a strong willed human girl,but with their completely different personalities they seem perfect for each other.

Now Chiyo being the hard-ass Demon Lord who has set her son the task of impregnating 100 Girls within a year to grant Kenji her blessing or risk losing his fiancee its going to be hard for Kenji to pull off.

But obviously Chiyo seems to like Aoi and maybe hopes Kenji can complete his task of knocking up 100 Girls,so Aoi can be her DIL and give her lots of half human/half demon grandbabies.This story is highly entertaining.

Monmusu_WriterMonmusu_Writeralmost 6 years ago
Great story

There's lots of stories about succubi, and several about them falling in love, but this is the first one I've read that has an incubus falling in love. Keep writing!

TLMorganTLMorganover 6 years ago

Digging the plot of this series!

apocolypse101apocolypse101over 6 years ago

This is great and I can't wait for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Have to say I really liked this.

It's a good start, I'm looking forward to hearing more of their adventures.

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