The Internship Ch. 05

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The plot exposed and a decision made.
17.8k words

Part 5 of the 6 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 06/10/2014
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Author's Note: This is the second to last chapter in this series. When I began I had absolutely no idea the first story would evolve into this tale. Your kind comments, feedback and suggestions had a lot to do with that (both good and bad). I can honestly say they made a huge difference, so thank you and please keep them coming! And stay tuned for the lust-filled conclusion on Emerald Isle...

As usual, all characters engaged in sexual activity are over 18.


Lying in bed together in the morning, Dave was fuming from the discovery that Stacey had put herself in danger staking out his office at night. He clenched his teeth together and said, "Tell me what's been going on."

"Of course, I'll tell you everything, but there's one thing I want to say first," Stacey said. "I can help you. And you need my help. So stop patronizing me and telling me not to worry my 'pretty little head' about it. Something bad is going on."

"Fine, as long as you promise me not to do something so stupid again."

"I promise. And, um... "

Stacey leaned in and kissed him. "You know I'll always be your little girl... especially when we... um..." She blushed a little bit.

"When we...?" Dave smiled.

"Well I don't want that to change!" she said anxiously.

Dave laughed. "It won't, baby girl. Go ahead."

Stacey launched into her story: the billing anomalies she was discovering in accounting; fake receipts and suspicious suppliers; the relationship between Fred and Kathy; the activity in Dave's office at night; Paula's father; all the things she'd overheard about "SAS" and the "people" who knew what was going on; the stolen key; and lastly Joyce's warning that Dave had to protect himself immediately.

Dave listened to all of it, astounded at how much she knew, with ideas swirling through his head; the first thing that caught his attention was Fred's comment about this "all being over in a few weeks." Stacey mentioned hearing that twice.

He got up and paced in his room, thinking, finally saying "Well, that has to be what he means."

"WHAT?!" said Stacey.

Dave sat next to her. "You remember how I told you I had a surprise for you when I got back?"

"Oh yes!" she said excitedly.

"Well the 'surprise,' baby girl, is that I was going to take you to Emerald Isle. How does that sound?"

"Oh!" Stacey gasped with delight. Emerald Isle was a beautiful resort in the outer banks in the southern part of the state, full of gorgeous beaches and amazing sunsets and cute little beach houses. She and Dave had occasionally vacationed there and it was her absolute favorite place on earth. She said, "I love how that sounds! When? But what does this have to do with what's going on?"

"It has everything to do with it. We wouldn't be going down just for a vacation. It's also work related. There happens to be a big business retreat down there in two weeks—one of those 'let's pat each other on the back' and wheel and deal kind of things I've always avoided like the plague. Well I was going to go this time because, depending on how it goes, I could sign the papers right then and there, franchising my name and my businesses."

"Oh!" said Stacey.

"This is a big deal, Stace. A big, big deal. I've been in some talks, there are a few things to work out, but I was supposed to be meeting there in two weeks with the representatives from the auto companies I work with—Porsche, Volvo, Mercedes, they're all going to be there. That's why I thought I could take you along and we could make a trip out of it."

"And you think that's what this is about, somehow?"

"It makes sense. That's when the deal's supposed to go down. These kinds of 'conventions' are always full of shady dealings. And anyone who is anyone in the Raleigh business world is going to be there."

"So you think this is what they meant by it all being over in a few weeks—that something's going to happen at the convention."

"Or before. It makes sense. I can't think of anything else it could be."

Dave got up and started pacing again, muttering to himself. Stacey heard him say "fucking bastard" about three times. Finally he stopped in front of her.

"Right. I need to go to the office, right now, and make some phone calls. You coming, super sleuth?"

"Yes! Just let me get my files!"


On the way there Dave called a locksmith, and Carlos, asking if he would mind coming in on a Saturday.

Dave was talking as they drove. "I'm getting the picture, I think. This has to be about this deal. It has to be. Fucking things up so I can't sign those contracts."

"What do you mean?"

"Honey, these companies are looking very carefully at how I run things. If they knew I can't even manage a simple cash flow, or control my employees... they're not big risk-takers, these people. If even a hint of a scandal is hanging over my name, it could blow everything. SHIT, that asshole! Why didn't I see this coming?"

Stacey noticed him gunning the motor and clutching the wheel, obviously very pissed off.

"Would that be so bad?"

"Well it wouldn't ruin me, but... it is everything I've worked my whole life for! It's not about the money, although there'd be plenty of that... it's about the recognition and my name and... "

Dave didn't quite have the word for what he was feeling. He could only say vaguely, "... freedom... of some kind... I'd be free."

"Free?" Stacey asked, curious.

Dave took his eyes off the road for a second to touch her face. "Yes, baby girl... free."


In the empty office building, they parted—Stacey to go rummage around Fred's desk, and Dave to see to securing his office.

Stacey sat down at Fred's huge, impersonal oak desk with trepidation, not really expecting to find anything. She opened drawer after drawer. It was mostly files... hundreds of bland, boring files. What the hell was she going to do with this?

After an hour of looking, something caught her eye—the name, "Southeast Prime Auto Parts," printed on the tab of a folder. That name! It was one of the suppliers she'd noticed. Odd that this file would be here. It was sandwiched between a number of similar files that all seemed to have to do with auto parts. Tools, tires, anything you'd find in a garage. Odd that the CFO would be interested in such technical things.

She decided she'd Xerox the Southeast file, and write down the names of all the other companies in the same little section of files. Hmmm... if she hadn't poured over those tax returns or had those accountants look things up for her, she never would have noticed.

Stacey observed that Fred had no personal items of any sort on or in his desk. No photos, mementos, not even mints or a few pennies. It was antiseptically clean. She had just about given up when, running her hands deep inside every drawer, she felt something. It was an envelope, taped to the top. She pulled at it, and brought it out to look at it, and saw the tiny little corner of a photo sticking out. At last something interesting!

She pulled it out. Inside were several photos, and a letter. When she took the photos out, she gasped. It was Dave. Several pictures—some of him alone, some smiling shoulder to shoulder with Fred. They must be 20 years old. She smiled in turn seeing her father at such a young age. He certainly was handsome back then, but nothing compared to Fred's blonde beauty. Fred looked totally different! Much less of an unfriendly asshole. There was warmth and happiness in his face as he posed with Dave proudly in front of Dave's first shop. She barely would have guessed it was him.

Then she pulled out the letter. It was a formal business letter with the heading "Statistics Analysis Systems, SAS" at the top in engraved script. She looked it over:

To: Frederick Hayes, Financial Account, SAS

From: Bradley Broughton, V.P. of Finance, SAS

Re: Separation Agreement

Dear Mr. Hayes:

Regarding your immediate separation from SAS, effective July 1, 1999, senior management has declined a severance package, vacation pay, back wages, or extended health benefits. Your employment ends immediately and effectively as of this date, for the reasons listed below. By signing this letter, you admit to these actions and take full responsibility as the injuring party. In return, SAS relinquishes all rights to pursue legal action against you.

Item #1...

As Stacey read the rest of the letter, at first her jaw dropped, and then she covered her open mouth with her hand. Oh my god, she said silently to herself. Oh! You dumb shit! She was ecstatic and felt like jumping up and down.

Then she took the letter to the Xerox machine, made a copy, and carefully placed the envelope back in the desk just as she found it.

She zoomed up to the third floor, and found Dave just finishing up with the locksmith. After he'd left they closed the door.

Stacey faced Dave with her green eyes sparkling and a look of mischief on her face.

"What?" said Dave, knowing something was up.

"Daddy, you said you lost track of Fred, and when he showed up years later he was 'out of work.' Do you know why?"

Dave thought about it. "Ah... let me think. You know, he showed up at one of my dealerships one day out of the blue. I asked him how it was going...if he was still at SAS. As I recall he said No... they'd let him go. Downsizing or some shit like that. It was right around the time the economy was going south and a lot of people were out of work, so I just assumed it was all part of that. Why?"

Stacey smiled, and put her arms around him and moved her hips closer.

"Daddy, I want something."

"Oh," said Dave, immediately picking up on the suggestiveness in her voice. "What's that?"

"I want to go out to dinner tonight. Some place really nice, so I can get all dressed up. What about the country club?"

Dave put his arms around her waist. "All right..."

Stacey leaned in and whispered, "Remember what happened last time we went out to dinner...?"

"Mmmmm..." Dave smiled, getting hard at the memory. "Of course, baby girl..."

"I think tonight would be a good night to celebrate again."

"Oh yeah? What's going on down there? Have you found something?"

"Yes, and I'll tell you all about it, tonight."

"Hmmmm," Dave said, intrigued by her seductive manner.

Stacey reached down and caressed the front of his jeans, and pushed her breasts into his chest, smiling.

"Kiss me, Daddy..."

Oh, Dave was not going to say no. He drew Stacey into his arms and opened her mouth with his and found her playful tongue. What a nice break from all this.

Stacey kissed him back hard, sucking his tongue into her mouth and holding the back of his head. They were moving towards the couch when suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Shit. Carlos. I asked him to come."

"Okay," said Stacey. "I've got more things to do downstairs, anyway."

She went to open the door. Cute Carlos broke into a big grin. "Hi Stacey! I didn't know you'd be here."

"Hi, yes, just doing some things with Daddy."

"Right." He didn't move, just stood looking and smiling at her.

"Ok, well... I'll let you and Daddy do your thing." She gave him an affectionate squeeze on his arms as she slid past.

Throughout the day, Stacey spent her time Xeroxing files from Fred's desk and bringing them down to Accounting, while Carlos worked on Dave's computer trying to track the user activity and Dave poured through the files in his office, trying to find the "planted" material. Late in the afternoon, they decided to call it a day.

Driving home, Stacey kept her hands on Dave's thigh, while he fumed. Damn it this was frustrating. He'd poured over his file cabinets and desk but he was damned if he could find anything out of place. How was he to know what had been planted or tampered with?

Stacey asked him, "What about Carlos? Did he find anything?"

"Oh, not much. He said someone's been into my bank accounts, but he couldn't say much more. He can only follow the trail so far. Fuck, Stacey. I hope Joyce has some good news on Monday."

"Well see how you feel after tonight. You might be surprised."

Stacey rubbed his thigh, letting her hand creep upwards as he drove. Working all day, and the thrill of her discovery, had made her very horny and eager to be with him. And she loved the idea of cheering up Daddy when he was down.

As soon as they got in the door, she turned and kissed him hard, gluing her body to his and wrapping one leg around his hip. Dave couldn't help laughing.

"What's gotten into you, baby girl?"

Stacey half-led and half-pushed him to the couch; when he was sitting down she straddled him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Here's what's going to happen tonight."

"Oh yeah?" said Dave, amused.

"I'm going to get all dolled up looking hot and sexy for you, you're going to take me out to a nice place and show me off to all those asshole colleagues of yours, I'll tell you all about some of my 'discoveries,' and then you're going to come back here and love me."

Dave groaned and felt himself getting hard as Stacey licked his neck and whispered.

"I want you to fuck me tonight, Daddy... will you?"

Dave ran his hands down her hips to her ass and squeezed her tight onto his hard cock, which was now throbbing through his jeans.

"What do you think?" he said, echoing Stacey from the night before.

They smiled at each other, amused and delighted that they could slip so easily into these lustful plans after their intimate, tender night. Closer than ever, they knew they could give in to whatever their natures demanded, whatever sexual mood or whim struck them. Dave caught Stacey's playful horniness and loved it. It was just what he needed!


A few hours later, they walked in to one of the most exclusive restaurants in town, on the grounds of the most elite country club. While Dave was despised by most of the "Old Money" of Raleigh, he did have some business friends on his side of the class divide. He called in a favor to one of them and managed to get a reservation for tonight.

The minute they entered the packed dining room, Dave's attention was brought to a large round table in the center of the room. Fuck, if that wasn't a sight: Preston Blackwell, his father, Roderick "Roddy" Blackwell, Paula's father Brad Broughton, and several more from Raleigh's oldest and wealthiest clans—he saw a York, a Pope, a Winston—mixed in with corporate bigwigs, some he recognized and some he didn't. A powerful little circle, to say the least.

Next to Dave was Stacey, looking more beautiful than ever. She had put on one of her short, floaty little dresses, this time in black. She wore strappy sandals on bare, tan feet with adorable red painted toenails. The low scooped neck of her dress squeezed her cleavage nicely together. A tiny, sexy little ribbon interlaced around the edge; it seemed like the most distracting invitation to just tug at it and liberate her lush, creamy breasts. She had tied the front of her hair back in cute little braids while the rest of her gorgeous brown hair cascaded down her back and tendrils framed her face.

Dave kept one hand on her lower back as he steered her to their table; he couldn't help but notice the eyes of so many men staring at her, including Preston, who seemed paralyzed, a forkful of appetizer halted in front of his face as he looked at Stacey.

As they walked by, Dave slowed down. He did know most of these men, after all. He noticed that several of them had a startled look on their faces.

He stopped and nodded curtly. "Gentlemen."

Brad Broughton was the first to speak. "Dave. Don't believe I've ever seen you here before."

"No, I don't make a habit of it... Enjoying your evening?"

"Ah, yes, we were just discussing the Emerald Isle retreat. But I'm sure that wouldn't interest you—skipping it again this year?"

Dave watched their faces closely as he answered. "Actually, I think I will be there this year. Well, Stacey and I..."

He could swear he saw looks of concern pass over some faces.

"You, Dave? Since when?"

Dave put his arm around Stacey's waist. "Well, I thought I'd treat my daughter to a little vacation. And since we're going to be there anyway, why not mix business with pleasure? I guess I'll be seeing you there then. Enjoy your dinner, gentlemen."

As he and Stacey sat down further away, outside

on the patio, Dave knew without a doubt that something was up from the way they'd looked at him, and continued to whisper and glance in his direction. He was more convinced than ever that he was right about his suspicions. Those fuckheads. But how exactly was this all connected to Fred's shenanigans?

Stacey whispered. "Did you see how some of them looked at you? I don't think they expected to hear you were going to that retreat thingy."

Dave laughed. "No, I expect they did not."

"Hmmm..." Stacey thought. "Who was the man you spoke to?"

"That, darling, was Brad Broughton, Paula's father."

"Ah!!" she thought, remembering Fred's goading of Paula... "Doesn't your Daddy still work at SAS?" "I know that guys there are aware of what's going on." "Maybe he'll finally love you when he realized you've had a hand in it."What an instructive night of eavesdropping that had been!

"Who are those other guys?"

"Well you know Preston..."

Stacey grimaced. She still hadn't told Dave about Preston's little visit to her. "Yes, ugh."

"Well that was his Dad, a few more of his cronies, and several VIPs, some I see from SAS."

"Daddy! These must be the people behind this. Preston was just at the house the other day, warning you—"

"What?" said Dave, quietly.

Stacey looked at him. He was pissed. "Yes, with so much that's happened I forgot to tell you about it. I was home, just lying out in my bikini, and he came by. He was sort of drunk I think."

"That fuck came to my house?"

"Yes. He said to tell you he came by. That 'the offer was still open.' And then, well, he kind of warned me..."

"You. What did he say to you."

"He said 'Tell Dave not to let his interns snoop into things that don't concern them' or something like that."

Oh my. Daddy was mad.

Dave had his fists clenched. "He was at my house, when I'm away, and you're alone, giving you a warning. Do I have that right?"

"Um, yes, Daddy." Stacey said, a little amazed at his anger.

"You should have told me about this, right away, Stacey."

"I'm sorry!"

Dave seemed to collect himself, but his hands were still balled up into tight fists.

"It's all right, honey. I'm sorry, it's not your fault."

"But don't you see, Daddy? It's all connected, somehow! Preston knows about me, and even seems to know what I'm doing, looking around the office. Someone must be talking to him. And how convenient that he happens to be having dinner with Paula's father! She must be telling her father everything! Fred said he 'knew what was going on.'"

"Yes, honey, I think you are absolutely correct."

Dave was thinking, but so was Stacey.

When she considered that very impressive display of power out there—all those men, were they all in on it?—she became more and more concerned for Dave. It was just him, after all.

She immediately thought of her options. She had not told Dave about the way Preston had ogled her body, the way he'd looked at her... the strangely kind way he'd spoken to her. Perhaps this was something she could use to her advantage, to help Daddy out.

Another thing was to tell him absolutely everything she knew. She reached into her purse. "But then... I don't know how this is related. I'm a little confused now."

She gave Dave the letter she'd found in Fred's desk—the separation agreement between Fred and his old employer SAS, the one signed by Paula's father! She hadn't even made that connection until now.