The Irresistible Goldenboy Ch. 01

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Batgirl looks up Goldenboy, and finds more than she expected.
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Disclaimer: All characters are 18 or older

Content warnings: Huge cock, adultery, cock-worship, rough sex, voyeurism (kinda), female masturbation, and possibly excessive exposition.


Chapter 1: Curiosity

The Hub. Where everything comes together. If secretive extra-dimensional transit networks had slogans, or needed them, that would be the Hub's. Looking at the Hub terminal from the outside would be technically impossible, since the outer walls of the structure are co-existent with the absolute boundaries of the stabilized extradimensional pocket in which the Hub existed, not to mention the absolute lack of light sources. But if such a thing were possible, one might see a structure shaped like a short, fat cylinder, nearly half a mile across but only two hundred feet tall. Along the narrow edge of the shape bristles a belt of hundreds of rectangular projections.

Each projection was arranged identically. At the outer end, the crossover room itself. A heavily-secured cubic room, utilitarian in design. Massive, unbreakable blast doors that sealed the chamber off, and only opened once the initial security check was clear. In each corner, a squat, square, sealed room, staffed by a pair of security guards standing by a big red button. Above each room, a pair of security cameras and an automated variable ordinance turret hung from the ceiling. If any one of the security officers pressed the button, the blast doors would lock in place and the terminal manager would be signaled, and if the threat was not contained, the manager could collapse the portion of the pocket dimension the chamber occupied, instantly wiping it and everything inside it out of existence in an absolute and final fashion. All this to secure the station from the worst possibilities that could emerge from the focus of the room, a fifteen-foot vertical metallic ring, with a mechanical walkway leading almost up to it.

In one of these rooms, a tone sounded. The guards in their stations suddenly straightened up, setting down books and magazines. There was a rumbling, grinding sound as the blast doors closed and sealed themselves, and a mechanic whirr as the turrets powered up. There was silence for a moment before the ring began to softly hum, the sound resonating through the room and growing louder and louder with the passing seconds. A point of yellow light flickered into existence in the center of the ring, faltering momentarily as the hum continued to grow louder and louder, before finally stabilizing, then growing exponentially, expanding into an opaque disk of yellow light that filled the ring entirely. As the light-disk stabilized, the hum faded back to a more tolerable volume. The mechanical walkway hissed and it extended into the disk of light, a series of soft clicks signalling the connection of the locking mechanisms and various cables with unseen counterparts. The guards sat on the edges of their seats, each pair glancing to each other and the button.

A knee-high gold boot stepped through the light, the flat sole hesitantly probing for the walkway before planting itself and pulling its owner through the light. A lithe, slender female figure stepped through. Her form-fitting costume, skintight black armor-like fabric covered all over with flexible segments of black impact-resistant material, did nothing to disguise her figure. She accessorized in gold, with a black silky cape lined in gold, tall boots on shapely feminine legs, long gloves with forearm-spikes, a thick belt around her slender waist, and a bat-shaped symbol on her chest, a symbol echoed in the clasp of her belt. The wings of the bat on her chest spread wide, opening over the upper slopes of pert, shapely c-cup breasts, hugged and shaped by the armor. A black, stylized, bat-like cowl covered the upper half of her face, disguising the shape of her facial structures, but leaving her pale skin and softly pink lips exposed, a gap in the back allowing her long crimson hair to flow back, down to the bottom of her shoulder blades.

Batgirl's features relaxed from the wince they'd been holding as she stood on the hub-side walkway, and she suppressed a shiver. Crossovers were always... unsettling. she shook her head and strode forward, down the walkway to stand in front of the heavy blast doors. Even as she walked, her mind worked tirelessly, assessing her surroundings just as she'd been trained to do. Eight cameras, eight guards, four turrets, adamantium lacing all the walls and solid adamantium blast doors. There was a moment of silence as everyone but her nervously watched the portal.

A crackle broke the silence, a speaker coming on, and a mechanical, monotonous feminine voice soothed through it momentarily. [Please be patient to allow for data interface.] Batgirl waited as the seconds ticked by, one by one, as countless bits of data swapping back and forth across the portal. Finally there was a familiar series of clicks as the walkways and cables disengaged, pulling apart. Swiftly the hum faded to nothing, the yellow disk of light destabilizing and collapsing back into a point, then disappearing altogether. As the portal blinked out, there was another tone, and the massive blast doors rumbled as they pulled apart once again.

A shimmering blue energy field spanned the doorway behind the blast door, transparent enough to see a short hallway on the other side, security personnel and more turrets lining the passage up to a zig-zagging gauntlet of stanchions that ultimately led to a decorative wooden desk. Batgirl sighed softly to herself. This was always the most annoying part of a crossover. She gritted her teeth and strode forward, pushing through the shimmering field. As she passed the threshold, she could feel an electric tingle washing over her as she moved, sparks dancing over her skin and ignoring her armor entirely. As she came through on the other side, a little yellow light came on above the desk. As always. She walked on, past the armed guards and up to the desk.

A shimmering blue hologram of a woman's face sprang into being as she stepped up to the desk, smiling warmly as it looked past her into the infinite distance. [Greetings, (Batgirl), did you have a pleasant crossover?] The voice inquired, her pre-recorded name jarringly out of place in the middle of the pre-recorded message. The voice didn't wait for her to respond. [The Scanning/Comparing Registry Evaluation Electron Net has detected (two hundred) (twenty) (four) instances of exceptional technology on your person.] The voice intoned, the number clearly assembled from snippets of recordings. [The Hub is committed to ensuring peaceful, legal trade of technology between worlds. Please review each instance of exceptional technology and press 'confirm' to add the instance to the Hubs' records for future scans.] The hologram voice flickered away, replaced by a flat holographic screen with a long list of images, with red and green buttons beside each entry.

Batgirl sighed again, tapping the green button as she scanned the list. It always took far too long to deal with the SCREEN. But the system was set up to make sure that every piece of technology carried by every traveler was cleared to go to their destination universe, either by coming from it originally, or either the technology or the traveler being given exception by that universe's authorities. Even a single pistol in a universe without gunpowder could have devastating consequences, after all. Unfortunately, the SCREEN counted almost any modification to a registered piece of tech as a new instance, so tinkers like her tended to be stuck tapping for ages. It was almost enough for her to dismiss the whole boring thing, but ever since she'd skipped registering her armor and had to crossover back in her underwear, she'd accepted it as a necessary evil.

It was a few long minutes of tapping before she was finally finished, having gotten so used to the routine that she almost didn't realize she'd reached the end of the list. The holographic screen shimmered away, the face returning. [Thank you, (Batgirl), for your cooperation. We appreciate your patience while we update your universe's technology records.] The feminine voice soothed. The yellow light above the desk flicked green, and the door beside the desk opened with a hiss. [Please enjoy your time in the Hub] The voice continued even as batgirl strode for the door. [Remember to check out the many fine establishments in the concourse!] The voice continued, oblivious, as Batgirl stepped through. All this for a single file. It had better be worth it...

Entering the main disk, batgirl was once agains struck by how... mundane it all seem. Sure, it was big, several stories tall and as wide as the station, but it wasn't too much bigger than an airport terminal, and the lack of windows made it seem smaller. As soon as you looked past the advanced details, like the cleaning robots or the hovering signs and fixtures, it pretty much looked like an airport. Rows and rows of slightly uncomfortable benches, elevator shafts scattered around the disk, a big circle of kiosks hawking souvenirs, all terribly mundane. The interesting part was the people. Mostly human, or some variant of human, beings from all through the multiverse walked or flew or crawled through the Hub. One bronze-skinned, bare-chested man walked past, shoulders draped in a cloak of brilliant feathers, with elaborately detailed golden jewelry and crown. Behind him loomed a massive, shaggy ape-man creature, wearing nothing but a handful of golden jewelry and a massive steel sword with a jagged edge strapped to its back, glaring at those that got too close as it followed the man. In the distance, extremely tall, willowy humanoids draped in shimmering silver robes conversed in a huddle, whistling softly in some unknowable language. Thousands more made their way through the Hub, each on their way to meet, trade, or travel amid the vastness of the multiverse.

Batgirl shook her head. No time for people-watching. She had a job to do. She turned from the crowd and stepped to the nearest elevator, pushing past a walking polar bear to make it in, riding it up. She knew exactly where she had to go. When the doors opened on the appropriate level, she quickly made her way through the winding halls of the Hub to a passage lined with dozens of one-person rooms. She glanced side to side, her mind making absolutely sure she wasn't followed, and slipped into one of them, shutting the door behind her.

The room was plain, barely eight feet on a side, a large chair with a stow-able desktop surface on one side sitting in the middle of the room, facing a tall, smooth pillar, a terminal. As the door shut, the terminal lit up, projecting that familiar female face into the air in front of the chair. [Welcome (Batgirl), what can I help you with?] The familiar voice soothed as batgirl slid into the chair and pulled up the desk. She frowned. That would get annoying fast. "Switch interface to visual text, generate earth-standard qwerty keyboard for text input." She spoke, and the face flickered out, replaced by a flat, semi-transparent screen, a second hologram flickering to life just above the desk surface, this one a keyboard. Her fingers descended on it, finding just enough resistance under her touch to feel where the keys were. Perfect. Her fingers danced across the blue light, words appearing on the screen as she moved.

-Access SHIELD database

[Access denied. User Batgirl is not authorized.]

Well, that wasn't unexpected. Normally she liked it when they fought back at least a little, but she wasn't here to play. Good thing she came prepared. She reached into her belt, pulling out a small metal sphere, slightly smaller than a tennis ball. Steel over lead sheeting over a golden mesh faraday cage, good enough to fool the SCREEN. She unscrewed the two halves and pulled out a blob of innocuous gray putty with a small sphere embedded in it. She pressed it to the side of the terminal and grinned. It was still for a moment, before it began to move, spreading out over the terminal until it found an innocuous gap, then pushing itself into it, melding with the contacts within. The holographic projections flickered once, twice, then came back on, but now the screen read differently.

[Access granted. Welcome, Agent Romanoff.]

Nothing was quite as annoying as designing the perfect program and then finding out that the target apparently didn't bother to install a USB drive on their doomsday device. After years of annoyance with so much exotic tech, she'd designed the hackputty to make connections with any kind of tech, even thing that didn't have working inputs. It made things so much simpler. She began to type again.

-Access personnel files

[Access granted.]

-Search: Goldenboy

[3 Results: Overview, Evaluation, Record]

-Display overview

Text began to fill the screen, pouring forth from the archives in a stream of information. Even as the text appeared, a holographic image appeared beside the screen, solidifying quickly into a slowly-rotating human form. The figure in the image looked like somebody had lovingly sculpted a statue of the ideal human male out of a single solid block of gold and polished it to a brilliant lustre. Everything about his body sang of perfection, from the sculpted, toned, powerful-but-not-bulky muscle that covered him head to toe, the broad shoulders and strong chest, the rippling eight-pack abs, the thick biceps, to his buns of steel. His face was as devastatingly attractive as the rest of his perfect body, with a strong chin, perfectly straight ivory teeth, eyes that literally shimmered like sapphires, and short golden hair that was somehow casually and perfectly messy. He would have looked perfectly at home on the pages of a fashion magazine, or perhaps something more risque, considering how little he was wearing. The only clothing he wore was basically a pair of tight black briefs with a very noticeable bulge in the front. Batgirl's eyes roamed up and down the figure, lingering for perhaps a moment longer than they should have, before realizing the text had finished loading.

[Name: Goldenboy]

[Abilities: Flight, Invulnerability, Non-biological form, Superhuman strength, speed, and charisma]

[Note: Power level varies with emotional state]

[Recruitment Assessment: Not suitable for permanent Avengers position. Recommend reservist status, with limited access to headquarters.]

[Background check on John Adam shows very little of interest. Lived in Phoenix, AZ, employed as an information technology professional in a local law firm, he appears to have had few hobbies beyond online gaming and social media. On 6/7/12, he became involved in an encounter with Amora the Enchantress and taken captive. After evading Thor Odinson, Amora used Mr. Adam as the focus of a sorcerous ritual. Why Mr. Adam was chosen and what the exact mechanism of the ritual was remains unclear. Goldenboy's testimony claims memory of Amora indicating she would turn him into 'the perfect consort' by 'burning away all that holds mortals back'. Dr. Strange's assessment is that the physical body of John Adam was destroyed during the ritual as Amora extracted his ego, which the ritual then imbued with independence, creating a functional mind out of the remnants of John Adam's psychic imprint. The ritual then granted the new entity the power to generate a magical construct in fitting with its own self-image. Ultimately, the conclusion was reached that Goldenboy is a new entity created from John Adams's mind, which inherited large portions of his memories and skills, but is very much a distinct being.

[Upon completion of the ritual, Amora attempted to seduce Goldenboy and take control of his mind through magical effects. The attempt was a mixed success, in that she succeeded in seducing, but underestimated Goldenboy's mental fortitude and his inhuman stamina. Thor's testimony suggests the two were engaged in sexual relations for several hours before he arrived at the ritual site. After a brief explanation, Goldenboy turned custody of Amora over to Thor, who returned her to prison on Asgard. Goldenboy was then brought to the SHIELD helicarrier for examination and assessment. While initial impressions were positive, Dr. Strange's examination revealed aspects of Goldenboy's abilities that were deemed problematic for security reasons. This, as well as the events of Incidents #1-#4 (detailed under Records-Disciplinary) caused SHIELD to decide against full recruitment.]

Batgirl read quickly, considering what she was reading carefully. It was certainly brief, but it just seemed to raise more questions than answers. she quickly began to type again.

-Display evaluation


-Display evaluation-abilities


[The key element of goldenboy's superhuman abilities is that he is not in fact a living creature, rather, his form is a very detailed imitation of one, a mystical construct of force formed subconsciously by a living ego. As a construct of force, Goldenboy's body does not actually have mass, but it acts as though it does, seeming to violate a great many common expectations of physics. It is extremely difficult to get accurate readings on the exact limits of Goldenboy's capabilities, as they vary based on emotional state, whether he believes himself to be observed or not, and if he is aware of the forces involved. Often, when Goldenboy is exposed to novel forces that he has no frame of reference for, or when he is deceived about the nature of a force, his limits fluctuate. In general, his powers are to be considered to be between the level of an alpha-level mutant and an omega-level mutant. For practical purposes, Goldenboy's average strength is approximately equal to thor's, but he is significantly more resilient and has much more fine control over his flight.]

[Dr. Strange has theorized that Goldenboy's abilities are based upon his own expectations and beliefs, which would explain why his limits seem to fluctuate as they do. He goes on to warn that if Goldenboy were to have complete control over his own subconscious ego somehow, depending on the exact mechanisms in Amora's ritual, it is possible he could become literally unstoppable, with infinite strength, speed, and toughness. He stressed that this is highly unlikely and would require a very specific set of circumstances to come to pass. SHIELD has since taken action to ensure Goldenboy is carefully tracked.]

[Goldenboy's unique non-physical nature has several advantages and disadvantages. As a non-biological entity, he has no biological needs, and no biological vulnerabilities. He does not need food, water, air, or sleep, though he still experiences cravings for these things. Lacking biology, he is immune to biological harm, including cellular damage from fatigue, toxins, disease, gases, corrosives, extreme temperatures, and similar. He is also immune to techniques or abilities that rely upon a biological mechanism, such as effects that would target an organ or provoke a physiological reaction. It is believed that he does not age, but it is still to early to tell.]

[The main disadvantage of his form is that its power is emotionally dependant. If Goldenboy's emotional state deteriorates, his powers become noticeably weaker. Verbal attacks, emotional trauma, and defeats can depress his emotional state, making him more likely to suffer further setbacks, which could theoretically spiral into self-defeat. Dr. Strange believes that his ego powers his magical form, and that, should his emotional state become too depressed, it will fall apart, and the ego it contains will dissipate into the psychic background of the world. In addition, as his body is made of magical power, it is vulnerable to effects that affect magic specifically, such as those that bind, dispel, drain, or suppress magic, as well as those that protect from magic.]