The Jerk Club

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"Married & lonely? Join the club.", read the notice....
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tags: bisexual/gay, hand jobs, masturbation, cuckold, jerk buddies, jacking off, cock, cum, blow jobs

The Jerk Club

I'd seen it posted before on the board of the local coffee shop and then it would be gone for months at a time, only to reappear and then disappear. Rarely would the notice be up two weeks in a row.

"Married & lonely? Join the club.", read the notice. "Contact Calvin. Limited membership. Be patient." An email address was provided at the bottom of the notice.

Married and lonely? I was married, yes. Certainly, I was not lonely, I had a lovely wife, and we had a decent life together. Lonely? What was that supposed to mean? Lonely, in that you weren't getting any at home? Face it guys, if you are married, the longer you are married, the less you will be "getting it" at home. Yeah, join the club. Facts are facts. Join the club? What the fuck? What was that supposed to mean? Was it a rhetorical comment that since you ain't getting any at home, join the club? Like a comment you make to your friends that your boss is a dick, and they tell you "join the club"?

Many months went by, and I'd be in the neighborhood coffee shop for my usual Wednesday mid-morning coffee and snack nearly every week. It was my "hump day" treat to myself to get me by another week at work. I had not seen the notice on the bulletin board for like four or five months, I'm guessing. It was not there when I came in that day. Honestly, every time I came in for coffee, I'd glance at the board to see if it was up, then think nothing of it not being there and go on with my routine.

So, I'm done with my coffee, go in the restroom to take a piss and as I'm heading out the door the notice is up on the board again. Was not up on the board when I came in. Really was not paying attention to any of the other patrons in the coffee shop, so had no clue who would have put it back up. Wouldn't have been any of the twenty something barista girls working the counter. Hmmmmm? Looking around making sure no one was watching, I pulled out my phone like to make a call and snapped a picture of the notice.

That night at home after Kelly had gone to bed, my curiosity got the better of me. Yeah, I loved Kelly and her svelte lovely body, even in our forties, I still viewed her as a hottie. Sex? It USED to be great. Now it was intermittent at best, once a week if I was VERY lucky. I was tired of getting rebuffed, getting turned down, getting told to "chill", getting told "not now" or "honey, please, no, I can't". And like any husband, we "take matters into our own hands".

Don't women know it is a biological fact that men need to ejaculate at least once a day? Shit, there were times Kelly was away and I had the place to myself, and I'd jack off three times before she got back. Don't women know that when they withhold sex for so long and then give it up, and when they finally do, while the sex is fantastic in the moment, that it makes you want it even more? Yet all we get is "hands off, honey".

I'm always horny. The type of porn I've been masturbating to has been going deeper down the rabbit hole; bi porn, cuckold porn, tranny porn, plus the usual array of hottie, skinny teen girl porn, especially MMF teen porn. Seeing two young men toying with a cute skinny teen girl is hot, seeing the boys play with each other is hot also. Guess I have a bisexual streak and the teen bi porn arouses my libido with some of the erotic things I did before marriage.

And what the fuck about cuckold porn? To be honest, the fact that I ain't getting much from my hottie wife, the thought of having some stud fucking her as I masturbate and watch, sends me every time. If she'd let me lick her pussy clean after her lover screws her, count me in. Ditto, sucking his cock, I have always been turned on by bi and cuckold stuff. Truth be known, I was no stranger to know what it was like to be naked in bed with another guy.

With all that running through my mind, I gave in and sent Calvin an email, asking about "the club". My email subject line was a generic 'info on the club' and respectfully I asked about 'the club' in a one sentence message and did sign my name, Bobby. As the case is in contacting someone like this blindly, there's gonna be a tendency to then check your secret email rather often to see if there is any response. Didn't think that there'd be a reply the next morning, and there wasn't, but I did pop into the coffee shop over lunch to see if the notice was still up, and it was not.

Then, as is also the case, with your repeated checking the email account with no response, you check it less and less, accepting that no reply is forthcoming. But you'll still check it every now and then out of curiosity. Sunday over at Kelly's folks, I'm watching the game with her dad and at halftime I take a piss and check my email on my phone. When I see the 're: info on the club' email response, I kinda freak out. Didn't read the email then and had to get back to the game, so I had this little nugget waiting for me when I got back home. First chance I had, I read the reply.

"Hi Bobby, thank you for your interest in the club. The club is not for everybody, but it has been successful and popular for a few years now. Straight to the point, this is a "bate club" or a "jerk club" where some husbands get together once a month and commiserate their lack of action at home by "bating" in the company of other husbands. It works, many guys have told me that their lives are enriched by being in the club. Won't get into that but here's the rules for joining."

"$50-dollar one time entry fee, cash only, no refunds. This makes sure the club members are serious about joining and not riding the fence. The location is an apartment that I have access to. I use it as an office most of the time."

"The club meets the last Wednesday of every month from 7 to 10pm. Club membership is limited to eight guys. Not every guy shows up every meeting, generally four, five or six guys are present, me included. If you do not attend any meeting for a year after you join, you are dropped from the club. Want back in? $50 bucks. As a courtesy to me and other club members, I ask that you let me know if you move away or want to quit the club, as to allow the opportunity for new members to join. Lawrence got transferred to Florida, that's why there is an opening."

"Rules are pretty simple. No smoking, no drugs. If you want to bring beer or wine, OK, no hard liquor. New guys are pretty nervous and embarrassed pulling it out and wanking in front of other guys, but as time goes on, we all very much enjoy 'bating with the buds'. Some guys stay dressed the whole time, others, me included, don't mind being naked in front of other guys, makes me hard and keeps things exciting. We respect everyone's wishes and boundaries, if you just want to 'wank and watch", that's okay. Honestly, however, as time goes on, you'll find that having one of the guys give you a "helping hand" is pretty damn exciting. Not trying to turn anyone gay, it's just a bunch of married guys frustrated at home and a little horsing around with the boys ain't hurting nobody. Just to warn you, some guys do give their bate bud more than a hand job. It's a one-bedroom apartment and it's also seen two guys to spend time some alone together in bed. Again, fair warning."

"There's a big TV in the room and every guy is given the opportunity to choose what porn to watch. Some guys leave right after they cum, and that's cool. They all have wives, and for some a quick wank and home, it suits them just fine. You'll find the longer you are in the club, the longer you'll stay and the more you look forward to the meetings every month. Just saying."

"We had our meeting this past Wednesday. You were the first to respond to the new posting, so I'm giving you first shot at joining. If you don't want to join, that's cool, there's four other guys on the waiting list. I don't give out the address over email, so no snooping wife knows where we meet and causes problems. Obviously, you were in the coffee shop on Wednesday as that was the last posting. If you want to join, I'll meet you there at the coffee shop this Wednesday at noon, so I can meet you and collect the $50 and give you directions and the address for the next meeting on the 27th. If you don't trust me taking your money, then you probably don't need to join anyway. Give me a yay or nay by Tuesday night, and I will see you on Wednesday otherwise.



Below the message was a picture of a cock with the caption "Mine". It was a hard cock, and from the picture it belonged to a man of color. It wasn't a huge, big black horse cock like in porn, but it was a nice sized cock, maybe bigger than mine, but not by much from the looks of it. I had a nice cock; I couldn't understand why Kelly didn't want more of it. Did he include the pic of his cock to tempt me or scare me away?

Wow, that was a lot to digest and make a decision. Would I be able to do this? Could I manage to get away once a month to "bate with the boys"? Should I go outside my marriage to jack off with a bunch of guys, pull out my cock in front of total strangers? Give fifty dollars to a stranger who I had no idea if this was a scam. Talk about a total mind fuck about what to do. Getting scammed by a stranger for fifty bucks was the least of my contrition.

Kelly had gone to bed by the time I read the email for the second time. I had to work in the morning, but this thing had me wired. Wired and horny and hard as hell. I knew if I jacked off, then I'd lose my arousal after I came and then I could forget about the whole thing. Beating off to some cuckold porn really got me off. It had been several weeks since Kelly and I screwed, she "didn't feel well" the last time I pandered for sex.

Couldn't help but fantasize about Calvin screwing Kelly as I watched them fuck. If I wasn't screwing her, she might as well get screwed by someone else, right? That's how fantasies go. Yeah, right. If I ever brought something up about her screwing someone else, a black man, I'm not sure what would hurt more, the slap, the kick in the balls or cut off from sex for a year.

Regardless of all that, it was a fabulous beat off. Fucking came buckets fantasizing about luscious, illicit sex with the specter of 'the club' hanging over it all. Generally after beating off, I sleep like a baby. Not that night. Tossed and turned all night, very thin sleep, crappiest night of sleep in a long time with the decision about joining "the club" hanging over me.

Slept better Monday night as I was so tired and had a long day at work. Tuesday evening, however, the dread about making a decision about 'the club' was still hanging over me. In my heart I knew that the best thing was to blow it off, forget about it and be none the poorer, much the wiser. Sure, l often played basketball at the rec center during the week and getting out of the house would not be an issue. Sometimes I think Kelly liked having me out of the house for her to have some alone time for herself.

Then Tuesday evening after dinner, I must have said something that upset her, and she snapped at me and made a bitchy comment and sauntered off. Done deal, sign me up, Calvin. I sent him an email saying, "count me in, see you tomorrow". Of course, I still didn't know if this whole thing was a scam, but I was in this far and was going to find out.

Wednesday morning, work drug on and on, the minutes moved like molasses as the clock ticked in the count down to meet Calvin. Can't tell you how many times I decided to blow it off and not show, just let it go. That was the best thing, I knew in my heart. Then the clock was moving so fast it was nearly time to take off if I was going to meet Calvin at noon. Sack it up, Bobby. You've invested so much mental energy in this so far, aren't you more than a little curious and at least want to meet Calvin and see what shakes out?

As I picked up my order at the coffee shop and turned around, right there in front of me was Calvin. "Bobby?" he asked me as he reached out his hand to shake mine. I fumbled a weak handshake, discombobulated from the surprise as he led me to a table out on the patio. Had I seen him in the coffee shop before? I probably had but couldn't be sure. Had he seen me before looking at the posting?

As is the case meeting someone for the first time, especially in a situation like this, you check them out for the non-verbal signs to form an opinion. Calvin, like me was slender, fit, a little taller. His hair was short, his lighter complexion was clear and smooth, a handsome black man who I couldn't tell if he was older or younger, but I guessed was somewhat close in age to mine. He wore gold wire rimmed glasses and was dressed stylishly that told me he must be some sort of professional. He moved with ease and confidence. Guessing doesn't matter who you are, men are always getting cut off at home.

"Relax, Bobby, I won't bite," he told me, sensing my discomfort in the situation. "It's a unique club that I know makes the new guys nervous at first. Once you get into it, you'll look forward to it every month."

He asked a few questions, likewise trying to square me up. Politely, he asked if I was ok with all of this before taking my fifty bucks that I had put in a small envelope so it wouldn't appear that we were making a drug deal. 212 Stone Street, apartment D. That should be easy to remember. It was a few blocks away in an older building. Calvin gave a few more particulars about the club and the meetings, like that I needed to let him know by text or email if I was planning to attend the meeting up until 6 pm on meeting days. I could arrive between 6pm and 7pm, but no later than 7pm as once things got going there would be no interruptions letting late comers in. It was a brief encounter, and he did his best to make me feel at ease and told me he was looking forward to seeing me on the 27th and to email him if I had any other questions.

Back at work I felt both relief and a little anxiety. Calvin didn't seem like the type of guy that was going to job me out of fifty bucks. On the way home from work I drove by the address to scope it out and see where it was, to know where I would be going in a few weeks. When I got home, Kelly was nice, but I was still a little spooked by my secret. I tried to console myself that I wouldn't be cheating on her, it would be just a little "horse play" with the boys, some "male bonding".

As it got closer to the 27th, anxiety crept in, and I wondered if I could or should go through with making the meeting. Fifty bucks down the tube, be a pussy about it and move on, not go to the meetings. That anxiety was coupled with the fact that the Saturday before the 27th, Kelly and I had a fantastic fuck. One of the best in a long time, and it had been a long time, we hadn't screwed since before I got the email from Calvin about 'the club'. Her pussy tasted so fucking good, her little titties so fun to touch, kiss, suck and press my aching cock into them. She seemed really into it and we both came very hard. Hadn't had a fuck that good forever. Kelly even remarked how "randy" I was. Fucking loved having the scent of her pussy on my face for the rest of the day.

That night in bed, she fell right asleep, but I couldn't get the fact of our great fuck out of my mind, especially with the scent of her pussy still on my face. Had an erection of unimaginable rigidity. If it was my choice, I'd screw my lovely wife again before bed and then again in the morning. Knowing her as I did, she'd be good for another few weeks or longer and any attempts at "second helpings" would be shot down in flames.

So I went down to the couch, fired up the laptop, scrolled to some of my favorite porn and had a good wank. It was a fantastic wank; I came so hard remembering the fuck with Kelly earlier in the day. Also, images of the cuck porn, bi porn and other porn I used to get off lingered as I ejaculated. Didn't want to admit it to myself, but thoughts of jacking off with a bunch of other guys, me seeing their cocks and them seeing mine was arousing during the wank. Not bragging, but I ain't ashamed of my cock, especially knowing that it is on par with Calvin's.

That was Saturday night and I jacked off Sunday and Monday nights as well, with the 27th rapidly approaching. Didn't jack off Tuesday night, I wanted to see how I felt Wednesday whether I had the nerve to go through with this. On Wednesday after dinner, I told Kelly that I was going to play some basketball and she was pleased, saying I need to do it more often. Thinking she was just glad to get me out of the house.

Off I headed to what was basically an adult 'tree house' where guys jack off in front of each other. Since I was in my gym shorts, I popped into the gym for a few minutes, shot some free throws and left in a hurry. I went to the gym, right, wasn't lying to my wife?

I didn't want to be there too early and arrived about ten minutes till. When I got to the building I buzzed apartment D from the ground floor, Calvin asked who it was and buzzed me access in. Up an old flight of stairs, I found apartment D in the far end of the building, knocked and Calvin let me in. Sitting around in two couches were four other guys, that made six of us with me and Calvin.

Wasn't paying particular attention, but the place was spotless clean for an older place and there was a small desk in the corner with a laptop on top. The couches had throws on them covering up the backs and cushions. It was summer so it was still light out. Cautiously I surveyed the room as Calvin introduced me to the boys.

"Red" was skinny red headed guy sitting next to Alex, a middle-aged white guy. On the other couch was Buck, another white guy a little older than me sitting next to Gary, older than all the rest, a guy in his late fifties or early sixties, balding with gray hair. Everyone still had their clothes on. After Calvin had introduced me to them all, I received a small cheer. I sat on the end of the couch as Buck moved to the middle.

There was a little nervous chatter and jokes being cracked when Calvin said the new guy could choose the first porn of the evening. I could cast it from my phone to the TV and he gave me the login input info. I pulled up some of my favorite cuck porn as the sex on the screen started.

"The new guys love this cuckold shit," Calvin quipped. "Ain't getting any at home, so they beat off thinking about a brother screwing their wife," and the guys all laughed as Calvin busted a huge grin.

I chuckled along nervously, then as the porn played it was quiet as I waited for the first guy to pull out his dick. Calvin was the first, unlike the other day where he was stylishly dressed, today he had on basketball shorts, a tee shirt and flip flops. Off came the shorts and he sat back in an armchair, his cock half hard as he played with it. Soon, all the other guys followed suit and were playing with their dicks. Though I was still rather freaked out being there putting myself in this situation, this strange setting, I pulled off my shorts, took off my shoes and tee shirt. I always love being naked when I jack off, so a room full of guys or not, I went with what I knew.

Calvin was getting hard by then and as I fiddled with my cock to hardness, I was met with remarks of "nice Bobby" when they saw my hard cock. That erased some tension as I soaked in the weirdness of where I was and what we were doing. Everyone keeps a few secrets from the wife, right? Or in this case a big secret. Just then as we were stroking and getting hard, Buck next to me said:

"We're gonna miss Lawrence, Bobby. He had a small dick, but he gave everyone here head at least once."

The room burst out in laughter and Red told me "don't worry Bobby, we're not expecting you to replace him."