The Landlord's Protégé Pt. 02


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Victor, who had been holding back, now climaxed after her and was still emptying himself into her when she fell forward onto his chest. He thrust upward from beneath her until he was satisfied and then relaxed. There were no words exchanged, their conjoined bodies saying all that needed to be said. She loved the feeling of his hard body supporting hers and he loved her supine weight with such soft pliant skin measuring its length on him.

Time passed, and at length they had to get out of bed.

"Shower together?" she asked, and they went together into the bathroom where they lovingly washed each other. Neither said so to the other, but somehow both knew they had no need to couple again, but instead poured all their tenderness rather than passion into their actions. After the shower they dried each other and then finished themselves off. Then they dressed, and after Victor had briefly visited his room to change, went down to breakfast.

The honeymoon couple greeted them as they entered the dining room with broad grins which said We know what you were doing. Angela was highly embarrassed but Victor was even more highly amused.

Bridget bustled in and took their order, exclaiming how the air had brought colour to Angela's cheeks, at which Victor laughed out loud most inappropriately, and Angela punched his arm. Bridget smiled mischievously and departed to fill their order.

They spoke little over the meal and agreed to meet at the front door in half an hour so Victor could see her off.

He carried her case to her car, and placed it in the boot. Then he turned to her. She fell into his arms and hugged him tightly.

"I can't thank you enough, Victor, for everything. It was the best decision I ever made coming here. You've set me free."

"I'm glad." He replied, smiling into her eyes. "Keep in touch, won't you?"

She nodded. They kissed gently and lovingly and, whispering "Goodbye" she folded herself into her little car and drove away.

Victor was unprepared for the emptiness he felt after her car had disappeared. He had become used to being part of a couple for ten days, culminating in love-making which drew them so much closer into a deeper intimacy.

Now he was alone again with another week's holiday ahead of him with no one to occupy his thoughts and actions. He had been other-centred to the extent of self-forgetfulness. Now he had to face his own demons with no distractions.

Not to say that his remaining days were filled with angst. He certainly felt lonely and missed Angela, but he walked and read the books he had brought with him, and talked into the night with Bridget and James. He found time to muse over his life and where it was going, not that he reached any conclusions.

At the end of the week, he felt rested and refreshed and began to look forward to going back. He decided to go to the house and stay there for a further week. Then it was the regimental reunion dinner which he always attended. After that he would return to the flat and see what had been happening in his absence.

He made his farewells to Bridget and James, who hoped he would come back soon. He assured them of that, and as he inserted himself into the car:

"Lovely girl that Angela!" Bridget offered smiling. "Perhaps you will be seeing more of her?"

He froze half in and half out of the car. "Perhaps, Bridget, perhaps."

"You could do worse," she added, "but not much better. There are always more fish in the sea, Victor, but don't let them all get away!" She had that mischievous smile again.

"I might just start fishing again," he laughed. "Away with you and your match-making!"

With that he drove away, watching the happily married couple in his mirror, arm in arm, and waving with the other. He gave a blast on the horn as he rounded the corner which would take him out of their sight.

The journey south was not comfortable. He stayed at the same Travelodge as he had on the way up to Scotland and resumed his journey early the next day. By midday the November sun was low in the sky and shone in his eyes.

He was very tired when he arrived at the house, where he dumped his bags, switched on the central heating and immediately, before he allowed himself to relax, went to the supermarket and bought supplies for the coming week. Once everything was stowed, he had a shower and sat down to phone George.

He told George he was back at the house, and would be going from there in a week to the regimental dinner. He asked after the business, and was assured everything was running well. He expected George to hang up immediately as was his wont, but was surprised when he stayed on the line.

"Victor," he began. "Some news on the Susan front."

Victor's heart sank. Had she been forced out by his vindictive reaction to Seth's belligerence?

"What is it?" he sounded, and felt, dejected.

"Well, I saw her as you asked. Turns out she didn't want Seth Grimshaw in the flat at all but was finding it difficult to get rid of him. So our intervention was timely and welcomed by her.

"Apparently he was not a happy man, and it seems he doesn't like you one bit! But Susan was relieved. Well, it then turned out that Grimshaw had been fucking some waitress at the club where he was working and he then moved in with her. You'll never guess what happened after that."

"Go on."

"Grimshaw asks to take the children out and get to know them. Turns up with the girlfriend and has started seeing the children on a regular basis. Apparently the girlfriend loves kids and is good with them. She even babysits for Susan when needed."

"With Seth?"

"Sometimes with, sometimes without. Susan and she get on very well. I think Susan's grateful that she's taken Grimshaw off her hands!"

"Thanks for that, George."

"Oh, and she asked me to give you a message."

"You haven't told her about me, have you? How would she expect you to get a message to me?"

"No, I told her it was unlikely I would see you. You want the message?"

"Go on."

"She said," here Victor could tell he was consulting his notepad -- Victor could hear the rustling of the paper. "Yes, here it is. She said, Give him my love and say I'm sorry to hear about his sister. And ask him to call when he gets back. Looks like you're in there, Victor!"

"I hardly think so. She thinks I'm a householder needing a cleaner."

"Oh, she's carried on cleaning the flat." Click.

As usual George was gone before Victor could reply,

Victor sat and thought about what he'd heard. Susan was not back with Seth. She sent her love. She wanted to see him. Once again he would have to rethink his situation. Was she seeing someone else?

"Nah!" he said out loud to the empty house. "She's a friend. That's all. She's never given any indication to the contrary."

He mounted the stairs to the bedroom and fell onto the bed, falling asleep immediately. Awakening two hours later, he cooked an omelette with cheese and tomatoes before returning to bed and sleeping through the night.

The following week Victor spent organising his stocks and shares in consultation with his broker. He had a tip that the USA market was in for a difficult time, and that banks might be in the firing line. As a result he was carefully moving his shares around to safer havens, a little at a time so as not to alarm the market. His holdings were not inconsiderable but complex and it took him the whole week to get things as he wanted them.

Then came the regimental reunion. He always looked forward to this annual event. It was a chance to catch up on his friends in his unit. They had been through some very tough times together and not a few had been injured or killed in action. The remaining men and women were fast friends and loyal to a fault. He would never allow himself to miss it.

It was fortuitous that he attended that year, as it turned out.

He returned to the house, packed to return to the flat, and set out on his way to having his life turned upside down. Of course he did not know that, or he might have made other plans.


Chapter Eleven

Susan had found herself in George's office less than an hour after Victor had left it for his holiday, having received a rather peremptory phone call requesting her presence there. For the first time, he did not look happy and there was no smile from him as she had entered.

"What is it George?" she asked. They had been on first name terms ever since she took over the running of the blocks.

"I'm afraid you've got problems, Susan. A householder from your flats was insulted by the man you have living at your flat. You understand we had to make enquiries and it puts you in a difficult situation."

"I don't understand. Why would Seth do that?"

"If I told you it was Victor Freeman? From the top floor? Would that help?"

"Victor is back? I didn't know. I could have used him last week. What did he tell you?"

"He rang your bell and 'Seth' answered the door. He asked if Seth would take a message that he was back if you needed him, and if you wanted to, you could do his flat whenever you were ready.

"Apparently Seth told him that you wouldn't be needing his 'services' any more (and he said the word to imply more than babysitting), because he, Seth, was back with you, and as your partner he disliked old men sniffing round his girl trying to get into her pants. Yes, those were his words.

"Mr Freeman walked away and Seth called after him that you wouldn't be cleaning his flat anymore -- it was too demeaning. I believe he implied that Mr Freeman only wanted you to do the flat so he could enjoy the sight of your body as you worked."

Susan's face became red; her hands clenched the arms of the chair.

"I don't believe him!" she growled. "He never does a tap round the flat. He's never there when I need him, and he says this to a dear friend of mine! I want him out. He should have gone weeks ago, but I've been busy with that trouble at Settle Towers and I've not been badgering him to go."

George visibly relaxed. "Well, Susan, that makes the next part easier for me. You have a contract for your flat, as you know. Because it's rent free, you can only have visitors for two-week stays. If he's been there longer, the alternatives are that you pay full whack for rent, or you move out with him. I somehow don't think you had either option in mind." He smiled.

Susan grimaced. "He won't be staying. How dare he say such things to a friend? I wouldn't mind, but he's not even my boyfriend any more; he's no right to be telling anyone he is, or what I want and don't want."

The conversation moved on to business matters and soon Susan left to pick up the children from Amy's, and return home. Once there, and having settled the children with something to eat, she collected all Seth's things and packed them in his bag. She put the bag in the hallway to await his return.

Then she made her way up to Victor's floor and knocked at the door. There was no answer.

It was ten o'clock when she heard Seth's key in the lock and then the muffled curse as he tripped over his bag. He strode into the living room.

"What's my bag doing--"

"It's packed ready for your departure, Seth."

"What's going on?"

"You insulted a friend of mine. You're going."

"Who told you that?"

"Listen Seth," she began to get angry. "I was summoned to the general manager's office. Victor made a complaint about your behaviour. There's a clause in the contract for this flat: no visitors may stay longer than two weeks, or I pay full rent, or get out myself. Since I don't remember you offering to pay your whack or come to think of it, pay anything at all, you can't stay here any longer. Go and find someone else to bum on."

"The fucking sod. I'll do the bastard."

"Somehow I don't think so Seth. You're out of here. How dare you tell him that I won't clean for him -- as if you own me! You're out because I'm sick of you. You do nothing around the place, you come and go when you please, you never help with the children, never here when I need you, and you've given me nothing towards your keep, not to mention all the money you've 'borrowed'. I think that's enough reason to send you on your way."

"Suppose I decide not to go. I'd like to see you make me."

"Don't make me laugh, Seth. The management know you're getting out. What are you going to do? Abduct me and the children? Imprison us here? How long d'you think you'll last?"

Seth looked puzzled. He'd noticed Susan was more decisive and more independent, but her confidence was complete. He tried a different tack.

"Can I stay tonight? I'll go in the morning -- promise!" His face broke into a crafty grin. Susan noticed.

"Oh, no, Seth. You won't get round me by sneaking into my bed tonight. You think you're some great lover. You've never given me an vaginal orgasm in years. Even when I took you in your bed back home, you had to do it by hand. So seduction won't wash. You can stay tonight. Then it's good bye."

The next morning she got him up, gave him breakfast with the children and sent him on his way. He did not even look back. Susan felt uneasy, but shrugged and returned to sort the children out for the day.

She phoned George and told him Seth was gone, and then she asked if he knew where Victor had gone. He told her Victor told him he was taking a holiday after a bereavement. She asked if he knew where, but he said he couldn't help her. Victor said he would be away for two or three weeks.

"George, do you know if he went alone? Has he gone with his lady friend?"

"Lady friend?"

"He had a woman with him at his flat."

"That must have been his sister. He told me she had been staying and had been suffering from some heart complaint. She was waiting for an operation. Anyway she's the one who died. I got the feeling he was looking for some company; if you ask me it's knocked him for six -- he said she was his younger sister."

There was a silence.


"Yes George. I was feeling sorry that he got Seth and not me."

"That's life, darling."

"Life sucks sometimes. If he gets in touch with you, give him my love. Tell him I'm sorry about his sister; sorry I couldn't be there when he called. Can you do that George?"

"Yes, but I don't see why he should want to contact me," and he disconnected in his usual precipitous manner.

She sat down in the living room and berated herself for jumping to conclusions. If only she'd talked to Victor. She certainly wouldn't have allowed Seth into the flat, or at least into her bed. She had to admit that she loved Victor and wanted more from their relationship, but that seemed less likely now.

A week passed. Daily she expected Seth to turn up, but there was nothing. Then came the phone call.

"Suzy it's Seth."

"Yes?" It was a clipped response.

"Don't be like that. I've got a flat and a job in a club. I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead, ask."

"I miss the kids. I didn't know what to do with them at first, but I think I was getting better with them nearer the end."

Susan had to admit that he had got on better with them on the few occasions when he was at home while they were awake.

"So?" she asked.

"I wondered if I could take them sometime -- get to know them better? I am their dad, and I'm more settled now."

"I don't know, Seth." She was not comfortable with the idea.

"I've got a girlfriend now. She's one of the girls from the club. She loves children and she'll help."

"How long have you been seeing her? You've only been gone from here two weeks."

There was a silence.

"You were seeing her when you were living here, weren't you?"

"Well, yes."

"You fucking hypocrite!" Susan shouted down the phone. "You were fucking her and telling Victor to keep away! You bastard!"

There was another brief silence. "I'm sorry Suzy, but you know we didn't have all that much sex -- we hardly saw each other."

"For crying out loud, Seth, will you stop calling me Suzy! Anyway, whose fault was that? So why abuse Victor?"

"I guess it was jealousy. I still care for you, you know."

"Bullshit! You care enough to fuck someone else while living here with me."

"Suzy, you don't want me. Can I see the kids?"

Susan thought about it. She'd have to be careful. "Look Seth, I'm not sure you can cope, or that Gail will want to go with you. If she wants to, how about taking her for a morning or an afternoon to begin with? Then if that works and she wants to visit you, we can increase the time. Can your girl friend change nappies?"

"Gail isn't in nappies."

"Carl is. You'll want to take him sometimes?"

"Well, yes."

"So can you change a baby?"

"Never tried."

"No, you never did with Gail either, did you? Start taking Gail. We'll come to Carl later. Come to that, I'm a bit edgy about Gail meeting with a stripper."

"She's not a stripper, Suzy. She works behind the bar. Honestly, she's a nice girl. You can meet her and see for yourself."

Susan thought for a moment, then decided.

"OK. You both come here. I meet her and then you can take Gail for an afternoon. If she wants to go."

"Thanks, Suzy."

Gail was uncertain at first but took to Seth's girlfriend Cathy, who was very engaging and friendly. When they came to take Gail for the first time, Cathy prattled about being the oldest sister of a large family and having helped bring up her siblings. Gail took to Cathy immediately and Susan was happier about the pair taking Gail for a few hours.

So a new pattern was established. Since she was working evenings, Cathy volunteered to babysit Carl and look after Gail if Susan had an emergency, and, somewhat reluctantly at first, Susan took her up on her offer.

Seth and Cathy would come to the flat and stay with the children or take them out for the day, and Susan relaxed; the girl certainly knew how to organise and handle Seth -- better than Susan had ever managed to do. Susan was surprised that she didn't feel in the slightest bit jealous, rather relieved that Seth was out of her hair.

At the end of the first week after Victor had gone, Susan had decided to clean his flat. It had not been inhabited for weeks, she could tell. She put a new tape in the upper floor recorder and kept an eye open for his return, but he did not arrive. There was no need to clean during the second week, since there was still nothing registering on the recorder beyond her own visits to the flat. The third week she decided to dust up there. As soon as she entered the flat she knew someone had been there. There were marks in the dust, and things had been moved, only slightly, but enough for her to notice. She did her dusting and left.

She was upset. She checked the recordings of the fifth floor, but it only showed the postman and herself. Then snow, which puzzled her. She'd not seen snow on any of the recordings on any floor. How could he have dodged the cameras? Why would he? Perhaps she'd turned them off accidentally. He hadn't called on her. He would still think that Seth was at home and she was no longer available to him. She wrote a note.

Dear Victor, Seth has gone. Please call when you get back. Love Susan. PS I hope you noticed that I'm still cleaning your flat!

She took it upstairs and left it prominently in the flat.

Seth and Cathy came for both the children a couple of Saturdays later, and shortly after they left there was a knock at the door. When she opened it there stood Victor.

"Victor!" she exclaimed rather superfluously.

"Susan!" he mimicked her with a big grin.

"Come in!"




He sat himself on the sofa and she went to the kitchen to make the tea.

They made conversation -- telling each other what had happened. Victor spoke at length about his wonderful sister and about how badly her death had affected him. He omitted his liaison with Angela (later he wondered why), but told her about the rest of his holiday and the regimental reunion.