The Law of Glork Pt. 02

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Adjusting to new life and choosing his wives...
9.8k words

Part 2 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 12/04/2021
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Hi guys! Thanks for your support! Here's Part 2!

(By the way, I still don't entirely know where I'm going with this. If you have any ideas, PLEASE comment them below.)

Also, I'm thinking about getting an Editor. My writing is pretty crappy, so it's probably a good idea, but I'm not sure if it's worth it to you guys for the extra week or so between updates. Let me know what you think!


Chapter 2

Jack stared at his reflection in the water. Even with a few hours to ponder on his new situation, he hadn't gotten any closer to a solution. Heck, he didn't even know what a solution would look like.

His disheveled appearance did nothing to comfort him. His dark hair was still damp from the bath he had been generously offered. His confused brown eyes, reflective of his Asian heritage, offered no support. He was stuck here, probably for the rest of his life.

Ksmf had escorted him away quietly shortly after the meeting had adjourned. Probably for the best. So much was swimming around his head right now... Would he ever see Earth again?

For the first time in his life, he didn't know what was around the corner. Where would he sleep tonight? What would his days be spent doing? He only had the faintest idea of each.

A Tilnur... A king. Yesterday he hadn't even SEEN a Vagonal! Of all the people on the Nike, he was the one who knew the absolute least about them. Other than the occasional word picked up here and there from his brief time with them, he didn't even speak their language. Other than the few 'scientists' like Ksmf and Mkr, he was pretty sure none of the Vagonals spoke English, either.

He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. Even with all of that, now he was supposed to get married. To a woman who couldn't speak his language. An alien woman.

He winced. No, not an alien woman. Three alien women. He was about to become a polygamist, unless he could figure something out within... An hour? Two? He wasn't sure about how time passed on this planet.


Jack turned his head to see Howard standing behind him. All things considered, he appeared fairly unruffled, his graying hair immaculate as usual.

"Is this seat taken?"

Jack shook his head numbly, and Howard dropped to the stone beside him.

Howard sighed. "How are you taking all of this? Still in shock?"

Jack let out a raspberry. "Yup. In fact, I think I might have some residual brain damage. I should get Lily to check it out."

Howard chuckled. "I don't think that's how it works. Glad to hear you've got your sense of humor back. After that last announcement, I wasn't sure I'd ever see good ol' Jack again."

Jack managed a weak smile, but it faltered quickly. He had never been so out of his comfort zone. In fact, he felt pretty safe in saying that no human had EVER been this out of their comfort zone. He should get an award or something.

Howard put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry to do this to you, Jack. If I had trusted your instincts, you wouldn't be in this mess."

Jack shrugged. "Eh, we couldn't have known. In hindsight, maybe we should've kept Klingler on the ship."

Howard winced. "Fair point."

Jack adjusted his new robe. "So... Found out where you guys are going yet?"

Howard brightened a bit. "Between Ksfm and Sarah, we got an alright arrangement. We'll be staying with you, for the time being."

Jack gave a sigh of relief. At least he wouldn't be COMPLETELY alone out there. Not that that solved most of his problems, but it was something.

"You know," Howard began, "It could be worse. From the sounds of it, you'll be pretty well off."

Jack hesitated. But at what cost?

As if reading his mind, Howard nodded. "You want my advice? From the looks of it, you're not getting out of this anytime soon." He smiled. "If you can't avoid it, jump in with your arms wide open."

Jack eyed Howard skeptically. "I'm about to be a bigamist."

Howard raised an eyebrow. "No, you're about to be a polygynist. They aren't the same."

"Might as well be." Jack pulled the robe around himself a bit tighter.

Howard snorted. "Oh, please. Only the Romans were monogamous. Even the Bible advocates polygamy."

Jack scowled. "Tell that to everyone back home."

Howard sighed. "I know it goes against what you've been raised with. I hate to ask this of you, Jack. You've done so much for us already." He stroked his chin. "If I recall, even coming on this mission took twisting your arm."

It was true. It was only by accident that he had figured out how to make the Pathfinder work. When he had been requested to come on this expedition, he had all but refused. Now, he wished he had tried a bit harder.

They both looked up as Ksfm entered the room, carrying a pile of clothes.

"These are for you. I trust you've already washed?"

Jack nodded. The clothes were quickly deposited on the ground next to him. "Be ready within one hour. That's when the ceremony will start."

Ksfm exited quietly, his footsteps echoing down the long and twisting hall.

Jack sighed. "You want me to sell my soul off to the Vagonals?"

"You say that like your soul hasn't already been sold. What else are you going to do?"

Jack scratched his chin. Howard did have a point. What other option did he have? Basically, he could try to hold onto his past and grumble about how different and weird the Vagonals were, just plod his way through the rest of his life. Or...

Or what? Become a Vagonal in all but appearance? Was that even possible? He had a hard time imagining ever converting to their whole "Glork" BS, much less getting used to their lifestyle. Then again, he didn't know much about their lifestyle.

"Don't knock it til you try it?"

Howard laughed this time. "I'm not usually a fan of that particular saying, but sure. Give it a chance."

He stood and dusted his hands off. "Just some advice from an old crone. I'm certainly not in any position to make any demands. But who knows? Maybe you could like it here."

With that, he followed after Ksfm, leaving Jack to his thoughts.


It didn't take long for Jack to get dressed. Ksfm was waiting for him outside, and he gave a nod as Jack approached.

Despite the extra gravity, Jack felt like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. How bad could this be, really? On second thought, he decided that he'd rather not know the answer to that.

"Are you ready?" Ksfm inquired.

Jack shrugged. "Nope. But I figure I'd rather show up on my own terms, rather than being dragged out here kicking and screaming."

Ksfm offered a wry smile. "I doubt it would come to that."

"Wait, it might?"

Rather than respond, Ksfm gestured down the hallway. "Follow me."

On the way, Jack couldn't help but count his lucky stars that he had a translator. The very fact that there were any Vagonals that could speak his language was a miracle. Even more miraculous was their mastery of the language. So far, they hadn't even flinched at metaphors or euphemisms that he had used. Jack himself had been studying Spanish for years now, and he only had a rudimentary grasp of it. Ksfm hardly even had an accent anymore!

Ksfm drew to a halt as they approached a set of gigantic double doors. They appeared to be made of engraved clay, like most of the immense palace. Faintly, Jack wondered why there weren't more doors. Besides these, the only door he had seen was the one to the Glork's chambers.

"This is Gtkr, our ceremonial hall. Before we enter, it is for the best that you understand what we will be doing inside. Normally, you would enter alone, but..." Ksfm hesitated. "Due to unusual circumstances, I will be providing translation services. Additionally, I will act as your guide. Please trust that the only words I will speak to my fellow vgnl are the ones that you say. Understood?"

Jack grinned. "So you won't be sabotaging me? I would never know," he taunted. "You sure you won't be tempted?"

Ksfm remained impassive. "You won't need my help to fail."

Before Jack could respond, Ksfm explained. "Even after your bath, your smell is extremely strong. You are neutrally colored, and you are hmn. The very fact that any enla showed up at all is a testament to your title of tlnr."

Jack held up a hand. "Woah, slow down. I smell?"

Ksfm nodded. "All of you do. From what Klingler stated in our previous conversations, it seems that smell is not integral to your everyday life. It is for us."

Jack shifted uncomfortably. "So not only do I have a strong B.O., but I can't smell what I'm supposed to, right?"


Jack closed his eyes. "Do I smell bad?"

Ksfm hesitated. "No, not really. Just really strongly."

Jack pondered that for a moment. Could be worse. "What was that you said about color?"

Ksfm scowled. "You don't know the first thing about us, do you?"

Jack held up his hands defensively. "I came here to work the Pathfinder, not as some alien expert. So shoot me."

Ksfm stared at him blankly. "You...?" He shook his head. "Nevermind."

"What?" Was it something he said?

Ksfm continued. "Color is our primary indicator of beauty. Alc appear tk, while Eln appear cm. The more tk you appear, the more attractive you are. Understood?"

"Alc what? Say that again."

Ksfm sighed. "I don't know your words for colors. Klingler suspected we don't share the same visual spectrum. Alc and Eln are our terms for male and female Vagonal, respectively."

Jack blinked. So it was that simple. "And I'm not very colorful, huh?"

"No. You aren't."

Jack sighed. "Anything else about how unattractive I am?"

"Yes. You are very loud."

Jack snorted. "Seriously?"

Ksfm shrugged. "You asked."

"Alright, fair enough. Now what exactly am I walking into?"

Ksfm glanced to the door. "A Gtkr. Any unpaired female that has been informed and is willing to pair with you will be through those doors. With such short notice, there may be fewer than usual. Of course, none of them know what you look like, so perhaps there will be more than in the future."

"In any case, the requirements are simple. Select three you would like to pair with. Conversation with each is encouraged, but not required. When you have made your selection, we will proceed to the marriage."

Jack felt his stomach tighten. "How long can I stay?"

Ksfm appeared surprised. "You must be married before you can leave, but I don't suppose there is a direct limit."

Jack took a deep breath. At least it wasn't just a few minutes. Still, one meeting was much too short to commit to a member of his own species. Dating must not be very big on this world.

"How will you know which ones I've selected? Do I just tell you?"

"Of course not. Simply take their hand. But be warned," Ksfm added, "Deliberately touching one will mean that you wish to pair with them."

Stars on high. Not only could he not speak to them directly, but he couldn't touch them. Not even a friendly tap. Not like his entire future would be affected by this decision. Ksfm stated it all so matter-of-factly. Jack squeezed his eyes shut as the anxiety bundled in his throat. Please don't pass out. Please don't pass out!

After a second or two, the moment passed. Jack caught his breath. "Oh yeah, sure," he muttered. "No problem." He recalled what Howard had said to him, but it didn't seem as comforting now.

"Are you ready? You can still speak to me when we're inside."

"I think I was more ready before we talked, frankly."

Ksfm snorted.

Jack stretched out his stiff muscles a bit. He had adapted to the gravity somewhat but moving was still pretty difficult. It felt like he had 20-pound dumbbells hanging from every limb.

It's just like going off the high dive. Sure, you're nervous, but you know you've got to do it. Just jump.

"Yeah, alright," Jack remarked casually. "Let's do this thing."

Ksfm knocked twice on the doors. After a slight pause, the doors began opening.

Jack blinked. From what Ksfm had said, he was expecting five, maybe ten women. Nope. All heads turned towards him as the doors opened. There were twenty, thirty at least.

He swallowed. Ksfm gestured forward expectantly. Jack forced himself through the door.

The room was dim, but bright enough that he could make out the entire crowd. The hall was easily large enough to house them all with room to spare. An array of greens, blues, and purples filled the space. Jack had never been one for crowds. Or flirting. And here it was, a crowd from whom he had to choose a wife. Scratch that. Three wives.

Gentle whispers picked up as the door closed behind them. There were tables formed out of the ground at regular intervals on the floor. Each was laden with exotic foods, surprisingly like home. Meats and fruits occupied each table. Jack caught a few women quietly put their food back as he entered.

Suddenly, it occurred to him. They're all just as nervous as me. Here he was, an alien that was suddenly appointed to be the next Tilnur. No one knew what was going on.

He smiled at the thought. "Where should we start?" He whispered to Ksfm.

"Wherever you'd like."

Left to right it was.

He approached the first Eln on the left. She was a bright green and stood at perhaps four and a half feet tall. He was rather average height, and he still stood head and shoulders above her.

She raised her chin as he approached. With a start, Jack did the same.

"What's your name?" Jack asked with a smile.

Ksfm spoke a few words. She lowered her chin and offered a reply, distinctly watching Ksfm rather than him. "Lzbth."

Jack bit back a chuckle. "Let her know that I have a hard time pronouncing your names."

Ksfm spoke again. When he finished, Jack made an attempt.


Lzbth gave a shy smile. "Lzbth."


She chuckled. "Lz."



Jack concentrated. "Bith."

Lzbth sighed in defeat.

"You know," Jack pondered aloud, "That sounds kind of like a human name." He waited for Ksfm to finish translating. "Elizabeth."

Lzbth blinked. "El. Izza. Bith."



Jack raised his eyebrows. "You're a lot better at foreign languages than me."

She glanced away at the compliment. Before Jack could probe further, another Eln stepped up to him.

"Vlt." She raised her chin to him.

Jack quickly returned the greeting. "Jack."

She was a pale blue and stood at roughly five feet. She was slim, and, like all of the Eln, had only a vague female figure. Nonetheless, he felt his hands grow sweaty. He didn't know how she held up to Vagonal standards, but by human standards? Gorgeous.

Her face was heart shaped and smooth. Her lips were bright red, in stark contrast with her tinted skin. But her eyes...

The moment his eyes met hers, he stiffened. He may not know much, but she was smart. Her eyes were cold and calculating. She studied him with curious apathy, the way a tiger might watch a yapping chihuahua. He felt his mouth go dry.

Lzbth retreated to stand behind her as she narrowed her eyes. Jack cleared his throat.

"Uh... Hi. How are you?"

Jack could feel Ksfm hold back a wince as he translated. Vlt offered a polite response, never taking her eyes off of his.

"She says she wants to know what your intentions are, with your newfound position."

Jack stared at Ksfm. "Um, tell her I don't have any plans yet. At least, not really."

Ksfm sighed and relayed the message. Vlt didn't seem particularly surprised.

"Does she have any suggestions?"

Vlt tilted her head. The question had caught her off guard, it appeared.


Jack shrugged. Worth a shot.

Vlt spoke to Ksfm and walked away, Lzbth in tow.

"She wishes you well."

Jack released a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. "What happened there?"

"She's the daughter of one of our councilmen."

Of course. "I'm guessing she's not actually here for a marriage, huh?"

Ksfm hesitated. "Why else would she be here?" He didn't sound convinced.

Jack sighed. "Let's move on."

With the ice broken, it was a bit easier to speak to them. The hardest part was coming up with conversation. They shared so few experiences, that Jack had trouble finding something in common with any of them. They didn't have movies or books, and Ksfm had just seemed confused when he mentioned music. He let the subject drop.

Eventually he just settled for asking questions about the world. It's not like his ignorance was a secret. The answers were pretty confusing, with Ksfm struggling to find words close to translation. Telling them about Earth was a whole nother matter.

He was met with wide-eyed stares as he told them about Earth. Skyscrapers, the moon landing, books, massive oceans spanning hundreds of miles... They asked dozens of questions. He did his best to answer them, but he occasionally had to make up an answer.

"How many countries are there?"

"Uhh... Like, 150 or so?" He hoped that was close.

"Are your women perpetually aroused?"

"Uhh... Pretty sure they're not."

"Then why are their breasts always large? Or was that just a rumor?"

Crap. "I, uh... I have no idea, actually. Probably something about feeding babies?"

That was met with surprised silence.

"So your women are always lactating?"

Jack blinked. "I don't... think so?"

At last, the conversation faded down a bit. Ksfm suggested quietly that he retrieve some food. It had been while (two hours maybe?) since they had walked in.

Ksfm announced their intentions, and Jack plopped onto the floor, groaning. The strain of just standing was intense. He was suddenly very grateful for Ksfm's suggestion.

Ksfm offered him some strange, grapelike fruit. He took it gratefully.

It was shockingly bitter. His hunger won out, however, and he scarfed it down. "Do you have any water?"

Ksfm seemed surprised. "Didn't you drink at your bath?"

"Um, yeah. That was hours ago, and I'm not used to this gravity."

Ksfm relented. "We'll see about getting you some. But first, you must choose."

Jack's mind blanked out. He hardly knew anything about any of them! They all seemed so guarded, so polite. Their names and faces were all blurring together. "I'm open to suggestions."

Ksfm shook his head. "I'm here as a translator and guide. Nothing more."

Jack scowled. "So how about you guide my decisions? Come on, I don't know the first thing about choosing a wife."

Ksfm sighed. "I will offer what I can."

"Darker skin is more attractive, as is slim stature. If that matters at all to you, of course."

Jack sighed. "I don't see why it would."

Ksfm paused. "What do hmns find attractive, exactly?"

Jack thought for a moment. "I don't really know. Mostly it's about faces, but we vary quite a bit."

"Sounds tedious."

Jack laughed. "I guess. Knowing exactly how attractive you are to the other sex sounds pretty nice."

"So, do you need more time?"

Like more time would help much. It had been two hours, and he still didn't have it narrowed down slightly. Most of them were pretty, at least according to his standards. So that didn't help. Basically he had only really eliminated Vilet, due to her obviously ulterior motives.

In terms of Vagonal standards, should he pick more attractive ones? Would that help at all? Maybe sometime down the road he'd adjust to their way of thinking? Or should he take the brighter green Eln? After all, they were less likely to be chosen by others later on.

That being said, most of the ones here were green. Around half, by his count. Choosing three would hardly make a dent, and it might bite him in the back later. Ksfm sounded like he was suggesting taking the more purplish ones. Or maybe he was projecting his own feelings?