The Light of Dawn


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Hi, baby," said Aunt Lauren, wrapping her arms around me at the front door, "You look tired, sweetheart, come on in."

I walked into the house that I grew up in, experiencing all the same comforts there that I felt as a boy. "Have you eaten anything Scotty?" asked Uncle Mike, hugging me from the side.

"No," I smiled, "I'm not very sure I could hold it down even if I tried."

"Scotty, honey, this isn't like you," Aunt Lauren said, concerned, "What's wrong, baby boy."

For the first time since I was a young boy, I laid my head in Aunt Laurens's lap and cried harder and longer than I can ever remember doing. All of the pain and anguish of losing Claire, John and Marsha, not to mention the confusion of my feelings toward Dawn, came pouring out of me like the raging waters of an angry river. Aunt Lauren, and now Uncle Mike, who was also at my side, held and comforted me until I once again regained my composure.

"Do you want to talk about this, honey?" Aunt Lauren smiled; once I had taken control of my emotional faculties again.

"You don't want to hear this," I replied, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

Just then Uncle Mike took my arm and gently turned me around. Then staring into my eyes, he sadly smiled, and said, "Scotty, Lauren and I could never have any children. And while the circumstances were terrible, it still brought us so much joy when you came to live with us."

"I don't understand, Uncle Mike," I said.

"I guess what I'm trying to tell you, Scotty, is that you're the only son I'll ever have," he replied, tears brimming in his eyes, "And when you're hurting inside, I'm hurting too. Now do you understand me, boy?"

"Yes sir," I smiled.

I started from the very beginning, leaving nothing out. I even told them of the predicament I found myself in with Dawn, the night before. I explained my feelings, the guilt, the uncertainty, and last but most certainly not least, the fear.

When I explained that I was beginning to develop feelings for Dawn I thought to be improper, Aunt Lauren interrupted me and said, "What's so improper about the two of you being together, Scott?"

"I don't know," I replied, shrugging my shoulders, "I feel like I'm robbing the cradle or something."

"Hell, Scotty," Uncle Mike laughed, "I don't know if you've noticed or not, but Dawn's not a baby anymore."

"For once I agree with him, Scott," smiled Aunt Lauren, "Besides, everyone knows that she loves you more than life itself and nobody cares. If anything, I think the two of you are perfect for each other"

"You can't be serious," I scoffed.

Aunt Lauren glared at me like she used to when I was young and she was displeased with me, and angrily said, "I promised Claire that I would never tell you this, but you leave me no choice, you hard-headed little shit." She stood up, put her hands on her hips, and then continuing to glare at me, began, "About a month or so, before she was killed, Claire and I were talking. She smiled, telling me that Dawn has been in love with you ever since the first time she saw you. And she told me that if anything were to ever happen to her, she wanted Dawn to take her place in your life. She also made me promise to do everything in my power to make that happen."

"I don't know, Aunt Lauren," I uneasily replied, "I feel kind of funny about it, like I'm violating Claire's memory."

"Claire has been gone for almost two years now, Scott," she firmly replied, "But she wanted you to live your life happily, and not be all alone. Dawn loves you; and didn't you just tell me a few minutes ago that you've developed some pretty strong feelings for her?" Then she sat back down next to me on the couch and sighed, "Give her a chance, Scott. Who knows, you might even be in for a big surprise, you never can tell."

"She's right, Scotty," Uncle Mike agreed.

Do you guys really think so?" I asked.

"Yes," they simultaneously replied, laughing.


I drove home that night with a belly full of Aunt Lauren's cooking, and an earful of her advice. Still though, there was a lot of truth in what she'd said, in that Dawn loved me and would never leave me; and if the truth were known, I loved her, too. But then Claire had known all along, because, even though she might have been kidding at the time, she always used to tease me, saying that if I ever left her; it would be for her little sister. I had a lot to think about when I got home that night, but it was getting late and I was tired. So, as opposed to watching a little TV, I went straight to bed.


As I slept that night, I had a vivid, almost waking dream. I was in a field somewhere that stretched as far as my eyes could see. I looked around and saw someone coming toward me in the distance. As they got closer, my heart almost leapt from my chest when I saw that it was Claire.

She gave me that earth shattering smile of hers and said, "Hello, my love. I've missed you."

"I've really missed you, too, "I cried.

"I don't have very long," she smiled, "So, listen closely, baby."

I looked into her beautiful blue eyes and suddenly knew that everything was gong to be alright. "What is it, my darling/" I asked.

"Dawn needs you," Claire softly replied, "And I know that you need her, too, Scotty. She's loved you for many years now, and it's time for the two of you to be together just as it was destined to be, long before any of us were ever born. She's your soul mate, baby, and you are hers."

"But I thought you were my soul mate, Claire," I replied in my dream.

"No, my love," she smiled, "I was simply the path that led you two to one another. You're supposed to be with were always meant to be with her."

"I'll always love you, Claire," I cried, "Always!"

"I know, my sweet, and I'll always love you, too," she cooed, "But our love was never meant to be."

"Will I ever see you again?" I asked.

"Probably not," she soothed, putting her hand on my chest, "But I'll always be in here, Scott."

"I really miss you," I quietly said.

"That too shall pass, my love," she sweetly replied, "But don't think about that anymore, because it is what you do from now on, that counts."

"I don't understand," I said, "Tell me what you mean, Claire."

"The light in that shines your eyes, the light I fell in love with, is because of Dawn, a light that only she can bring forth from you," Claire gently spoke, "One day you'll understand, but now I have to go.......goodbye, my love....."

"No! Claire! Please, come back," I shouted, as she began to fade from sight.

Right before she faded completely away, I heard her voice softly tell me, "Be with her, she's your destiny."

I sat straight up in bed, covered in sweat, but no longer a prisoner to the pain and confusion I once felt. As I got out of bed and walked the kitchen to get a drink, I knew what it was I was now supposed to do. I also knew that Claire must have truly loved me to have been so selfless in her actions while she was here on this earth.


The next ten days were absolute agony for me as I waited for Dawn's arrival back home. My days were spent working and talking with my agent, and my nights were now filled with dreams of Dawn. Was this what God had planned for me all along, I wondered? But then again, who was I to try and second guess him? I now knew that I was truly in love with Dawn, and I was going to do everything in my power to finally show her.


Finally the day came when Dawn was due to come home. I got up bright and early that morning and mowed the lawn, and then cleaned the pool. Then I went back inside, and by the time I had vacuumed both the upstairs and downstairs carpet and finished cleaning the house; it was getting close to the time she said she would be home.

I took a nice hot shower, scrubbed my body, and while I was washing my genitals, the memory of having my cock wedged in between the cheeks of Dawn's beautiful ass that night back in my hotel room came to mind. And all at once my cock stood straight up, but instead of feeling guilt; the knowledge that we were meant for one another since the beginning of time assuaged my conscious, allowing me to surrender to the pleasure that an overdue masturbatory session brings.

As I stoked my cock, the memory of her hot ass against it caused a stirring within my groin to begin to take place. I groaned, stroking harder as I recalled the erotic feeling of her full tits in my hand, wanting to suck the hard nipple that bored a hole in my palm. That was all it took to cause me to begin shooting rope after rope of pent up sperm out of my cock and into the tub. The intensity of the orgasm cased my knees to slightly buckle, and for a moment, I thought I was going to pass out. Whew, I sure needed that, but after I caught my breath, I finished up and got out of the shower.


While I was working that day, I was trying to think of the best way to reveal my feelings to Dawn. However, after a lot of thought and premeditation; I finally had it all figured out. I put on a nice pair of Dockers™, no underwear, a dress shirt, and my shoes shined to a high gloss, then took a seat at the kitchen table.


Twenty minutes later, the back door opened, and in she walked. "Hi, sweet girl" I gently said, rising to my feet and enveloping her in my arms, "I really missed you."

She must've really been stressing over what she was going to say to me, because I felt her relax against me, almost as if the relief was suddenly and abruptly drained from her body. "I missed you two," she replied, into my chest, wrapping her arms tightly around me.

We held one another for a moment longer until Dawn raised her head, and was about to speak until I stopped her and said, "Go upstairs and get dressed, because we're going out to eat."

"I'm not hungry," she impatiently replied, suddenly backing away from me, "Besides, I have something I need to tell you, Scott...and this can't wait any longer."

"Alright," I smiled, sitting back down in my seat, "I'm all ears, baby girl."

"Alright then," she quipped, "Here it is. I've loved you ever since I was a child, Scott, I think you know that," I nodded, "I know that you loved Claire very much. She was my sister so, I understand. But she's been gone for almost two years now; and it's time for you to move on, Scott."

By this time I saw that tears were beginning to form in her eyes, and never wanting her to have a reason to ever cry again, I hopped up out of my chair and quickly took her into my arms, kissing her passionately and deeply. I felt her body go weak as she returned my kiss with a vengeance, moaning and whimpering. I then broke off the kiss, and with both of us breathing heavily, I smiled and said, "You're right, baby. I'll love you now, as well as forever if you'll let me."

"It's about damn time," she grinned, happy tears streaming from her face, "Does this mean we can fuck now?"

"Have you lost your mind?" I laughed.

"No," she giggled, "But I heard Claire tell one of her friends that you had a big cock. I never knew how big it was until it was until I felt it on my ass when I spent the night with you in Knoxville. So, now I want to see it and feel in pussy."

"Jesus, Dawn," I laughed, blushing, "Don't you care about romance or foreplay."

"I've had nine years of romance and foreplay," she giggled, "I'm ready for the main event now, Scotty, baby." Then she turned, and beckoning me to follow her, walked toward my bedroom, leaving the clothes she was wearing in her wake.


That was twenty- two years ago. We were married a month after Dawn graduated from college in a quiet ceremony with Aunt Lauren and Uncle Mike serving as our witnesses. Dawn found the box that contained the two hundred and ninety-one pages of thoughts I'd written that one morning so long ago, and without my knowledge, passed it on to my editor. Dawn gave it the title of "When Roses Fade", which sold more than eight million copies, world-wide, in the first year of its release.

She also gave me two children, twin girls that we named, Chloe and Claire. As I look at the mirror of my past years in life, I realized that Claire had been right when she said that there was a light in my eyes. It was no ordinary light though; it was "The Light of Dawn."


I hope you all like this one, and please remember to vote.

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Timochka69Timochka695 months ago

This was so sweet. And this time no ninjas, nor excessive violence. You write well, sir.

Pussylover0286Pussylover02866 months ago

Probably one of the best I have ever read

Aussie1951Aussie195110 months ago
Bloody Hell…

You really love killing off you female characters in your stories don’t you. I’m actually too scared to read another one of your stories just in case in need another box of tissues.Great story loved the ending..⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

inka2222inka222212 months ago

A really well written story, thank you to the author!

6King6Kingabout 1 year ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ I was really hoping for happy from start to finish, but it's still a great story!

drachir53drachir53over 1 year ago

I just read this one again! WOW! Amazing love story with big tragedy thrown into middle and then happy ending.. One of your best! Baton Rouge Cajun Guy

drachir53drachir53over 1 year ago

Great story for maybe 7-8th reading! Losing Claire had to be heartbreaking but ending was great!

servtech61servtech61over 1 year ago

I thought the story was an excellent read from beginning to end. there was only one spot where MP made a slight error. when leaving after dropping off Dawn it was mentioned that he was leaving Knoxville, should have Nashville.

ShandiinAngelShandiinAngelalmost 2 years ago

Loving, losing, and loving again, and finding your soulmate. The very best of fiction weaves a story from the elements of truth and reality. Thank you.

GrandEagle53GrandEagle53over 2 years ago

Fantastic. What more can be said? 5 stars

58zuave58zuaveover 2 years ago

Wow, What a great story. Great job writing. Thanks.

Aussie1951Aussie1951over 3 years ago
This read like a shakespearean tragedy

My God how sad, I cried buckets of tears. Great ending though. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

drachir53drachir53over 3 years ago
Wow again!

After many reads, this is still an amazing story of love of family, tradegy and intimate of love of two sisters, Dawn after Claire passed tragically along with both parents! One of MP’s best writings! Loved it!


Baton Rouge Cajun Guy

drachir53drachir53about 4 years ago
Another reading of a really great love story!

MP you amaze me! I have read this story many times and knew what was coming, but I read again about both the happiness and the terrible/sad tragedy and heartache for Scott and Dawn. It is a terrific and happy ending to an amazing story.

Thanks, Rich

The Baton Rouge Cajun guy

drachir53drachir53over 5 years ago
Wow! Fantastic Story of Claire and Dawn

I have read this and many other stories several times! I knew what was going to happen and remember first reading at shock of Claire’s passing and the wonder of how the remainder would play out. Great but quick ending and wish there had been couple of more pages!

Great Love Story Moog Player!

Baton Rouge Cajun Guy

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