The Light Side of Death


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'That bitch, she came from behind us just as we got here. She changed into some creature; the one that has been seen taking our people. She smashed the door open and only took Angela's little one. I was hurt trying to get little Sarah back. The other men took the women and children to another place for safety. They are all at the school hall.' He said taking a deep breath and died looking at me.

He has lost a lot of blood trying to save Sarah from those monsters clutches. I felt sorry for his family though. He was a brave man. I dug in my back pocket and pulled out my father's purple heart that i always kept on me for luck. I looked at it and placed it in the man's shirt pocket.

'It was my father's medal. You deserved it Sammy.' I said closing his eyes with my fingers.

The other men just looked at me in surprise and watched me leave the bunker through the door we came in. Just as i came through the door and stood in front of Angela and Sarah i hugged them both tightly in my arms.

'What's wrong Charlie?' Angela asked me with concern.

'One of the men that tried to save Sarah from that creature just died after he explained what had happened.' I said hugging Sarah even tighter.

I let them both go then we went to the school hall to look for the other woman and children. We arrived there just after the other men did. The woman and children were all just shaken because of what they saw in the bunker. After having a few drinks with the grown-ups the three of us went home and passed out on the couch.

The next day the men and i cleaned up the streets from all the zombies lying around and burned the bodies. I helped the town build itself up again. Come to think of it we never saw Johnny after that again. He just disappeared without a trace.

Chapter five

One year later

Ravens Rest and the town with the hotel became two of the well-known towns where anyone could be safe. The two towns grew in population and size. Everyone went along with their daily chores and jobs as normal. The two towns basically set up their own new government. Dealing with trading, income and so forth; whatever governments did.

I was sitting at the kitchen table with Angela and Sarah having breakfast. There was an urgent knock on the door. Sarah got up to get the door. She was fourteen now and growing up to be just as beautiful as her mother.

'Charlie it's for you.' Sarah said from the kitchen door.

'Show them in girl.' I said standing up anyway.

Just as i got to the door mike from the pub walked into me. He stepped back out of breath then tried to speak.

'Sorry to bother you Charlie but we have a problem at the pub. It's a man that says he knows you. He is very badly hurt. He doesn't want to speak to anyone else but you.' Mike said standing up-right.

'Alright I'm coming.' I said looking at Angela.

'Go babe, we will be fine.' Angela said sounding concerned.

I drove with mike to the pub in his pick-up truck. When we arrived at the pub i got out and walked in. I found Johnny lying on a long couch wounded badly. It didn't look like he was going to make it.

'Johnny what have you done to yourself this time?' I asked him crouching next to the couch.

'I just came from your home city Charlie. Things are really bad there. All the people you had saved are gone. You know the people i told you about the last time i saw you?' Johnny said between weak breaths.

'Yes i remember. What about them?' I asked him very sceptic.

'They are continuing with my grandfather's plans. Your whole city is a zombie army base now. They are planning to take out the two towns you have saved and helped build.' Johnny closed his eyes while coughing in pain.

'Johnny why did you take off the last time i saw you?' I asked him.

'I took off because i didn't want to have anything to do with my grandfather's plans.' He said looking at me.

'And why is that Johnny?' I asked him one final question.

'Because a certain woman; whom has saved my life once, taught me to be a biter person.' Johnny said smiling at me then let out one last breath while closing his eyes.

I stood up looking around the pub. Everyone that was there heard every word of what we spoke.

'Can someone please help me get him out of here?' I asked at no-one in particular.

Mike and two other men helped me carry Johnny to the cemetery where we had a big stone slab laid down earlier to burn our dead so they won't turn and come back. We placed Johnny gently on the stone slab and stood back as i set him on fire.

It was a primitive method but it worked at keeping this town safe. We were still busy building a crematorium next to the church.

I turned around and walked with the other three men back to the pub. Mike had offered me one drink which i refused then i walked back home.

Angela and Sarah were sitting in the kitchen waiting for me to come back. When i walked in the kitchen, they immediately knew that something was wrong.

'It was Johnny. He has been in my home city all this time. He died telling me that the people i have saved there are now zombies and that the city has been turned into a zombie army base. They are planning to take over the two towns we have saved and who know where after that.' I explained to them both while i was taking a seat at the table.

'It sounds to me like we have a job to do Charlie.' Sarah said excited.

'Yes it does sound like it, doesn't it? What do you say sweetie? Shall we take down these people once and for all?' I asked her looking into her eyes and taking her hand in mine.

'Yes please mom? You and Charlie have trained me so well in the last few months after i was bitten and then saved me. This would give me a chance to test my skills. Oh pretty please mom?' Sarah said taking Angela's other hand in her own.

Angela just looked at the two of us and dropped her head looking at the table. She was thinking about everything we have all been through because of people that are filled with greed and a hunger for power. She looked up at the two of us.

'Oh alright then, i have been starving for some excitement anyway. I feel the need to kick some butt.' Angela said smiling at us.

'Right then we have to get ready. Sarah, remember to wear something that won't restrict your movements and take a sweater or jacket with you. Angela, you and i will get ready quickly then we can all check our weapons together.' I said standing up from the table.

Sarah went to her room while Angela and i went to our room. Sarah has grown into a strong woman since she was bitten. I also believe that she is stronger than Angela and i put together because of her pure heart.


After saving Angela and Sarah yesterday we all walked into town hand in hand to check out the damage from our battle the day before. As we came around the corner the hospital came into our view. Angela and i each took a pistol before we left the house just in case.

We walked past the hospital slowly while observing the scene. We let go of Sarah's hands and left her to stand behind us. We held our guns up to be ready for anything. Two zombies crawled out from the rubble and charged at us.

Angela and i just looked at them and shot them in their heads. Sarah suddenly screamed behind us. We turned around in spin and saw a zombie grabbing at her right arm from behind a thick tree. Angela and i each walked around a side of the tree and shot at the zombie at the same time.

Sarah fell to the ground. Her arm was bleeding. The damn zombie had bit her. Her right arm was too close to her heart. She could die at any second with the virus spreading so quickly. I scooped her into my arms and ran toward the house as quick as i could. Angela was right by my side. We got in the house then i put Sarah on the kitchen table.

'Sweetie, keep her calm while i go get the serum quickly. I have to inject it directly in her heart.' I said running to the basement where i stored my serum in a small bar fridge i had in my hummer.

'Alright Charlie, just hurry up please?' Angela said trying to stay calm as well.

I came running up the stairs of the basement already pulling the plastic cover of the injection. Angela lifted Sarah's shirt up just as Sarah started shaking uncontrolingly.

'The virus has already reached her heart.' I said stabbing the injection into Sarah's heart through her chest plate that protected her heart.

I removed the injection and watched Sarah's vital signs.

'Is she going to be okay baby?' Angela asked me walking from side to side in the kitchen.

I left Sarah's side and took Angela into my arms. Angela tried to push me away but i pulled her tighter into my arms. I held her close to me with her hands resting on my chest. Angela started crying and hid her face in my shoulder.

'She is going to be fine sweetie. I caught her heart just in time. We will just have to watch her for the next day or two.' I said putting my one hand on the back of Angela's head.

'I hope your right Charlie, i can't lose her. Besides you, Sarah is my everything. If she dies i will lose a big part of me.' Angela said sobbing on my shirt.

'I know sweetie. I believe that she will be just fine. We have to get her wound cleaned quickly before it grows septic.' I said as Angela lifted her head and looked into my eyes.

When Angela looked into my eyes she knew that Sarah would be okay. She knew that i knew exactly what i was talking about.

I knew that if Sarah died, Angela would never be the same again. Angela would go on a rampage and use her powers for revenge. I don't want that kind of life for her. So i took Sarah up to her bed and sat by her side the whole night through. Angela came in now and then checking up on us. The next morning i woke up on one side of Sarah and Angela on the other side.

Sarah was sitting up between us with our arms draped over her legs. She was looking at the wound on her arm. I sat up tapping Angela on the arm. She sat up as well looked at me then back at Sarah. In front of our eyes Sarah's wound healed in three seconds.

'Look mom, look Charlie, i healed my wound.' She said laughing with glee.

Angela just shot forward wrapping Sarah in her arms i watched them for a second then wrapped my arms around both of them.


After getting dressed in our best clothes fit for fighting we all grabbed as much weapons as we could carry and packed it in the back of the hummer.

Angela and Sarah packed snacks and drinks for the trip while i went to fill up the tank. On the way back home i stopped at the pub and bought a six pack of beers. Before i even stopped the vehicle in the driveway Angela and Sarah were in and ready. We left just before noon.

'I got us each two beers for the trip. I thought we might need it to relax.' I said looking at Sarah on the mirror while reversing out the driveway.

'Charlie you know that i don't drink and why, also I'm too young to drink.' Sarah said to me screwing her eyes.

'I know honey but trust me; you are going to need it when we get there. It will help to calm your nerves.' I said as we drove past the barricade leaving town.

The people we drove past already knew where the three of us were going. They all had a suspicion of our powers but left it at that because they knew we weren't a danger to them. They actually enjoyed having someone so strong to protect the town.

After traveling for hours with no end, my lower back and legs started to hurt from all the sitting. I looked over at Angela who was resting her head against the window. Sarah was fast asleep in the back seat. Turning her head toward me Angela glared at me with her stunning blue eyes and smiled.

'Why don't we take a short rest baby? You look spent from the driving.' Angela suggested.

'Yeah, that sounds like a wonderful idea.' I said pulling the hummer into a clearing away from prying eyes.

I climbed out the hummer looking around to make sure the area was clear from danger. After that i went back to the hummer.

'This looks like a good spot to rest for a while. We could camp here for the night or we could continue in a bit to the hotel.' I said opening the passenger door for Angela.

I held my hand out to help Angela out the hummer. Angela took my hand smilingly and jumped out into my arms. I set Angela down onto her feet, standing with her back against the door pulling me into a tight hug with her hands on my hips.

'I don't think i would ever get used to your beautiful blue eyes. Every time i look at you i fall in love all over again baby.' I said before planting a kiss on her lips.

'I can never get used to having a woman like you in my life Charlie. I'm a lucky woman to have such a loving and gentle person to take care of me.' Angela said smiling then kissing me again.

'You two are so adorable together.' Sarah said sticking her head out the window grinning from ear to ear.

Angela just turned around and placed a kiss on Sarah's forehead.

'Gross mom you are going to infect me with your adorableness.' Sarah said wiping her forehead with a smile.

At that moment Angela and i looked at each other than both grabbed Sarah kissing her all over her face. Sarah was giggling uncontrollably while trying to wipe off her face.

'Now you're just as adorable as we are.' I said stepping back laughing.

'Hey! Are you saying that i wasn't adorable before?' Sarah said laughingly getting out the hummer to stretch her legs.

'You were cute. Now you are cute and adorable.' Angela said embracing Sarah into a hug.

I left them alone letting them spend a few minutes of mother-daughter time together. I was sitting on a huge rock staring out over a valley watching the sunset. Angela and Sarah walked over to me hand in hand. I never had a chance to spend such time with my own mother. My stepmother was a good person but it wasn't the same to me. We didn't have that natural bond that Angela and Sarah have. Although Sarah is not my birth child, i do love her like she is my own. I will do anything to keep both her and Angela safe, even if it meant putting them in danger to ensure they would have a bright future. Together the three of us could stop this army and its rulers.

'What are you thinking about baby?' Angela asked sitting next to me putting her hand on my leg.

'I was just thinking about my birth mother and about you and Sarah. I miss her so much.' I said putting my hand on Angela's leg.

'Oh baby, we will get through this together. Don't worry so much.' Angela said kissing me on the cheek.

'I know babe. I'm just worrying about you and Sarah. I don't know if any one of us is ready for this. We won the battle but this is a war we are going to. There will be a lot more danger to face in that city. I'm talking about more zombies, people with guns and more higher-up people involved in this.' I said looking into her eyes.

'I think we are ready Charlie. All three of us have been training to use our powers more efficiently and we got a lot stronger. I am definitely ready for this.' Sarah said kneeling behind me wrapping her arms around my neck.

'You really think so Sarah?' I asked turning my head slightly to see her face.

'Yes, i do Charlie.' She answered me.

'So, what do you two say we get going? We have a long trip to cover and maybe we can get a few friends to join us?' Angela said standing up.

'Yes, let's get going.' I said getting to my feet.

We stopped in the next town at the hotel just past eight that night. Our friends were very happy to see us. Unfortunately there was no time for pleasantries. We had a job to do and Angela and i had some unfinished business we had to take care of in the next town.

The town grew in population since we were there last. Some of the people volunteered to help us. During the night there, some people of Ravens Rest arrived. Mike was among those few with other men i recognised. They wanted to help us finish this once and for all. We all spent the night working on a plan to get into the city and then on the best way to destroy it. We left the next morning early after gathering supplies and vehicles. The rest left about an hour after we did; which was enough time for Angela, Sarah and i to take care of a certain cult.

We arrived in the small town and stopped the vehicle in the middle of the street where everyone could see us. Angela and i got out the hummer first then Sarah followed. A familiar old face walked out of the church toward us all alone. Angela watched the roofs and the alleys next to the buildings. Sarah got onto the roof of the hummer to get a better view over everything and everyone.

'Back again i see and with one more person.' The old lady said looking up at Sarah on the roof.

'We came back to settle some unfinished business.' I said looking her straight in the eyes challenging her.

'Oh, neither of you will make it out of here alive dear. No-one ever has.' She said to me grinning widely.

'Then you don't know us at all lady.' Angela said with a mocking smile.

'I do know that all three of you are infected as i am.' The old lady said.

'Yes well, that's only the half of it.' I said walking over to the back of the hummer.

I opened the back and scratched around inside. Lifting a secret panel i opened a long slender box containing a pair of swords my father gave me when i turned eighteen. I trained with them for years and became an expert with them. I removed them from the box and closed the back of the hummer again. I then stood next to Angela with the blades of the swords leaning on my shoulders. The grips felt good in my hands after neglecting them for almost three years.

People around us started revealing themselves from their cover. The old lady stepped back and turned into some kind of freakish creature difficult to describe. She looked kind of like an octopus. She had a long neck with long arms stretching to maybe five or six feet. Some of the other people stepped forward and did the same while others pulled out their weapons pointing them at us.

Angela removed her pistols from her sides and Sarah dove into the hummer through the sunroof and popped her torso out with machine guns in her hands. The old lady and i engaged in a one on one battle when the others started attacking Angela and Sarah. They were both too quick for the attackers. The attackers fell to the ground one by one. Angela didn't even use cover she summersaulted all over the place dodging the bullets and claws coming her way.

The old lady clawed at me several times. I dodged a few and took a few. I used my swords to block her claws and then i launched an all-out attack on her. I sliced her here and there making her squeal and grown in pain.

Sarah jumped out of the hummer through the sunroof in one leap without using her hands as leverage and landed next to the hummer on her feet while shooting at creatures and shooters to cover her mother's back.

I kicked the old lady in the jaw using a double spin kick. She fell over backwards when she regained focus i had both my blades at her throat. She turned into her human form then swallowed hard. I could see the lump in her throat as she looked up at me. Angela and Sarah stood next to me after they have defeated the other attackers.

'You wouldn't kill an old lady, would you?' She tried softening us up by using a guilt trip.

'No, i wouldn't but i would kill a monster when i see one. You look like a monster to me.' I said pressing the tips of my blades softly into her throat.

'You will never hurt innocent people again lady.' Angela said pointing her guns at the woman.

Sarah stood behind us looking over at the bodies of the others just to make sure none of them got back up. The old lady suddenly turned back into her monstrous form trying to fight me off. I crossed my arms then brought them back to their original sides slicing off the woman's head.

The woman withered and shrivelled into her human form; lifeless. We made sure that everyone else was actually dead by shooting them in their heads. A few of the shooters bodies turned into zombies but we were too quick for them.
