The Little Black Dress

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A quirky tale where the dress is an opinionated narraator.
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This is a quirky little story that's probably not for everyone. It's about a little black dress that has a fully developed intellect, can see and hear but not speak, and shares her thoughts about the humans around her as the opinionated narrator for the story. There is romance and sex, as observed from the perspective of the dress. Some feedback I got described this story as 'cute'. If you don't like cute or can't wrap your mind around the concept of a dress who shares her thoughts with the reader, then it's probably best to move on to a story that has more appeal to you. If you're willing to take a chance, suspend your disbelief, and enjoy it for what it is: a fun little diversion from the realities of today.

The dress expresses herself in Italics and the humans act or speak in Roman type.

Everything portrayed in this story is a product of my imagination. It was conceived, written and edited by real live humans. No AI involved. My gratitude and thanks to both my anonymous friend and Pepere for their editing skills and perceptive suggestions. Any and all errors are mine and mine alone.

The Little Black Dress

Part 1. Jill

I was designed in the US by a company whose styles target the mid-level consumer. Their elegant and sophisticated, but reasonably priced designs, earned them a loyal following in this market. I am a classic, midi-length, A-line little black dress with cap sleeves, a modest scoop neck, bust darts, and a concealed center back zipper with a hook-and-eye closure. I have fairly large belt loops and come with two sash belts; one is a matching black and the other is fire engine red, both meant to be tied to the side. I am 89% cotton,11% spandex, and am fully lined. I am a size 8.

My design was sent to a relatively small, woman-owned and run, clothing manufacturer in California. They pay their employees substantially more than other companies, so they have a very loyal staff who take pride in their workmanship and thus they have virtually zero defective items. I was shipped to one of the well-known chains and displayed on a rack with my sisters of different sizes.

While waiting for a human to choose me, I couldn't help but overhear other companys' dresses complaining about their poor quality and worrying about their future. I was so happy to have been made in this shop.

"May I help you find something?" asked the saleslady.

"I need a little black dress for a formal event with my husband."

"We have some very nice A-lines over here that just came in yesterday. They're a little pricier than some, but they're very well cut, are of superior quality, and should be your go-to LBD whenever you need one in the future. One of the nice touches with this particular item is the two belts. You can use the black one for more formal occasions or add some color with the red. You get double duty from one dress."

I usually wear an 8 or a 10, but, as all women know, sizes vary by manufacturer. I grabbed a 10 and Michelle and I headed off to the changing rooms. I liked the feel of the material and tried it on.

"What do you think, Michelle?"

"I like the dress, Jill, but think the 8 may fit better. Why don't you take that one off while I go get the 8."

I asked, "Which one?" after I put the 8 on.

"Definitely the 8. It fits you well everywhere. The bust line looks great, the scoop neck hints at your boobs and gives a perfect place to display that new necklace that Daniel gave you for your birthday."

"It's a little more than I planned to spend."

"True, but you look fabulous in it. The price won't be an issue when Daniel sees you in it. Besides, it's his event. You're there to make all the other wives and whatevers wished they looked as good as you two will."

"You're right." We returned to the sales counter and completed the purchase. "Thanks for coming, Michelle."


I was so happy to have Jill pick me. I could see us in the dressing room mirror as well as feel her body inside me. I did fit her very well. I could feel her breasts nicely filling my cups without stretching me. My sash accented her well-proportioned waist as well as her bust above and hips below. We're going to make an impressive pair. I'm anxious to meet her Daniel.

"I got a dress today, Daniel. Let me try it on for you."

I had him wait in the living room while I changed in our bedroom. I used the black sash. He had his back to me as I entered the living room. "Daniel,..."

He turned around, let out a wolf whistle and said, "You look spectacular, Jill, absolutely gorgeous."

He came over and embraced me. "Let show you another option." I went back to the bedroom and changed to the red sash. "I can get a pair of red shoes to complement the sash. You could get a red tie to coordinate with me. What do you think?"

"I think that we should save that for a future event. Politically, it would be best to not outshine the brass this early in my career. The black one conveys understated elegance."

I couldn't help but let a smile play across my face as Daniel approached me. He embraced me again, pulling me in tightly as he ran his hands up and down my back from my ass to my shoulders. I could feel his erection pressing against me.

"It was a bit more expensive than I planned to spend."

He responded with, "Worth every penny," without asking the price. "Besides, aren't little black dresses supposed to be a staple of every woman's wardrobe? I'm sure we'll use it again."

Melissa was right, the price wasn't an issue for Daniel.

"Maybe we should get that off you and onto its hanger so it remains new until a week from Friday. Then maybe we should have a quickie before dinner."

"Maybe it doesn't have to be a quickie. Dinner can wait."

"I like how you think," he said, as he led me to our bedroom.

I think I'm going to like being a part of this family. Daniel didn't bat an eye when Jill told him the price. He evidently values his wife's opinion. I could feel his hardness pressing against me when he embraced Jill the second time, and wondered what it looked like. I thought, ooh, this may get interesting as he led Jill into the bedroom. We stopped in front of the open closet. Daniel undid the knot in my sash and hung it and my black one on a hanger. He gently undid my hook and loop, then slowly moved my zipper down. He slipped his hands between me and Jill's flanks, lightly sliding his hands up and down before moving to her front and tenderly caressing her breasts between my cups and her bra.

His hands then drifted down and cupped her mound outside her panties. Daniel moved his hands to my shoulders after a few seconds, carefully guided my sleeves down her arms, and lowered me while Jill stepped out of me. He picked me up, positioned me on my hanger, zipped me up, and hung me in the closet. Please don't close the door, Daniel, I want to watch. Oh, I just realized I'm a voyeur.

"Come here, Daniel. You're overdressed. Let me fix that."

He left the door open. Phew, I can watch. They got his shoes and socks off together. She removed his belt, unzipped him, removed his trousers, and hung them on a hanger. Off came his suit jacket and placed it on the same hanger. His tie quickly joined the others in their closet. Jill rather hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt and it landed on the floor, followed by his tee-shirt. She finally pulled the front of his boxers out past his erection. I knew what a penis was, but this was the first one I've actually seen. It was kind of impressive pointing almost straight up. Jill's panties and bra joined the growing pile of clothes on the floor.

They pulled each other into a tight hug, then lay down side by side on their bed. Jill said, "I'm ready, and you most certainly are," after a few minutes of kissing and mutual caressing.

Daniel lay on his back by unspoken agreement as Jill knelt over him, grasped his penis, guided it to her vagina, and slowly lowered herself until he was fully sheathed within her. Neither moved for several seconds until Jill raised up and Daniel was nearly out of her before she lowered herself again.

"So good, Daniel, so full."

She continued moving up and down at an increasing pace. Daniel was thrusting up to meet her downward motion at this point. Daniel was doing something to Jill where they were joined, but I couldn't see from where I was.

"Oh, Daniel I'm there."

"Me too. Urrrgh! Aaaaww!"

"Oh! Oh! Oh!"

The transformation from their frantic movements to Jill lying on top of Daniel was surprising. She rolled off to his side after another couple of minutes. I was stunned to see how much he shrank. What was impressive a few minutes ago now looked rather......inconsequential. So 'that's' how humans have sex.

The night of the event.

Jill had her hair done this afternoon. She wore me with the black sash. Her jewelry consisted of a small gold necklace with an onyx pendant and earrings with a smaller onyx pendant dangling from a gold chain about a half inch below each earlobe. Very classy.

Daniel wore a traditional formal black suit, white shirt with vertical pleats, buttoned with onyx and onyx cuff links, the tradition black bowtie, which he tied himself, and a black cummerbund. They made a decidedly striking couple.

The first hour was for socializing. Jill and Daniel each had a glass of white wine. They made the rounds of the room, making small talk as they met various couples and groups. They had carefully managed to sip only about half of their wine at the end of the hour, remaining sober while some others over indulged. Smart move, guys.

My assessment was that we were some of the best-dressed there this evening, and I was proud to be doing my part. I noticed most the couples were checking us out in some sort of human ritual. Some of the women tried to hide their jealousy behind fake smiles. Some of the men were openly leering at Jill as others seemed to be more comfortable with themselves and their partners, and were just admiring us.

Dinner seating was pre-assigned in the traditional alternating boy, girl arrangement. We were seated with three other couples. The couple to our left was quite elderly, the couple across from us was middle-aged, and the one to our right was about our age. It was clear that not much thought was put into the seating arrangement, as conversation soon devolved into rather boring small talk amongst people who had little in common with each other. Jill was perhaps the luckiest, since she had someone her age next to her, and he seemed intelligent.

The arrival of dinner fortunately interrupted the desultory small talk as the humans all ate. The after-dinner speeches were boring as hell. The band started playing once they were over with, and dancing commenced. It turned out that Daniel and Jill were excellent dance partners.

They returned to their table to rest after a few dances. Jerry, one of Daniel's workmates, came over and asked Jill for a dance. I could feel her tense up, but she agreed after a glance to Daniel. Daniel returned the favor by asking Jerry's wife, Tiffany, to dance. While Jerry had all of the requisites for a black-tie formal, his suit was cheap and ill-fitting, his shoes looked like his daily work shoes, he needed a haircut, and he smelled of alcohol.

It was immediately obvious that he wasn't much of a dancer. It was a slow dance and I felt Jerry's hand groping Jill's ass through me in short order, and his erection was pushing against the front of me. Jill leaned into Jerry, who started to smile, until he heard,

"If you don't immediately get your hand off my ass and your dick out of my crotch, Jerry, I'm going to stumble and my knee is going to end up meeting your balls. Hard. I'll give you five seconds."

"You can't talk.... To.... Me.... Like.... That."

"5.... 4.... 3.... 2.... 1."

Jill's knee connected with Jerry's crotch faster than I knew what was happening, and he was on his ass on the dance floor.

"Oh, Jerry, I'm sooo sorry. Clumsy me. I must have stumbled. Are you okay?"

Daniel and Tiffany came rushing over and Daniel helped Jerry to his feet. From the look on Tiffany's face, she either saw or surmised what had happened and went storming towards the door. Jerry staggered after her.

"What happened, Jill?"

"That bastard was groping my ass and poking my crotch with his hardon. I politely asked him to stop, but the next thing I knew was that I must have tripped on something and fell into him."

"Politely? And you tripped? You're the best dancer I know, Jill."

"It was a good thing he was so close. I was lucky that his crotch was there to stop me from falling when my knee hit it."

"Lucky, indeed. I guess I don't have to go out to the parking lot and beat him up."

"Naw, I think Tiffany will take care of that. Take me home, Daniel."

They were both smiling as we left. Way to dispense with a creep, Jill.

The next time Jill wore me was for the company Christmas party. She wore red shoes and the red sash. Daniel coordinated with her choice by wearing a red tie he purchased just for the occasion.

Jill had three babies in pretty quick succession over the next four years. I was pushed into the back corner of her closet.

Part 2. Amanda

Time passes.

"Jonathan was supposed to be in Japan next week, so we hadn't planned to attend this formal ball. His trip was postponed today and I was still able to get tickets, but I don't have anything to wear. As a poor college student, I was hoping my big sister might have something in her closet I could borrow. We're the same size 8.".

Jill moved a few things out of the way and pulled me out. Ah, to be out and maybe be worn again. It's been too long.

"This is one of my favorite dresses. It's timeless and elegant. It is a size 8, but, alas, I no longer am. I am now truly your 'big' sister. That's what having three kids does to your body. Anyway, try it on, Amanda."

"Aw, come on, Sis, you're not big. You're still gorgeous."

Amanda stripped down to her bra and panties. She looked remarkably like her sister did a few years ago. She stepped into me while Jill assisted with my sleeves, zipper, and hook and loop. Jill tied the sash around our waist. I thought I fit her very well.

"Now, you're the one who looks gorgeous. Look at yourself in the mirror."

"Do you think I could wear this braless?"

"Probably. One way to find out."

Jill unzipped me, removed Amanda's bra, and rezipped me. Feeling her breasts right against my cups felt decidedly different, decidedly nice.

"I never went braless in this dress, but it looks okay on you. Go for it. The dress also came with a red sash. I've got red shoes to match that you can have."

"I'll get everything back to you after the ball."

"You should keep them. My boobs are too big and they sag. My ass, hips, and belly are all bigger, too big to comfortably fit in the last time I tried it on. Enjoy her. Wearing that dress always made me feel good."

I was sad to be leaving Jill's, but she was right. I was too tight the last time she tried me on, and that was a couple of years ago. Jill hung me on my hanger and ran her hands down my side before she handed me to her sister. Goodbye, Jill. I love you.

And that is the story of how I moved to Amanda's place. It was an apartment, rather than a house, reflecting Amada's status as a student. A man, who I assumed was Jonathan, walked in that evening. Amanda kissed him and said,

"I saw Jill today. She let me borrow her little black dress. Want to see it on me?"


"Wait in the living room."

Amanda put me on, tied on the red sash, and wore the red shoes.

"What do you think, Jonathan?"

"Wow! It's beautiful. You're beautiful."

I learned from conversations I overheard over the next week, that Amada is 22, a senior, and about to graduate in June. Jonathan is 25 and works for a multinational company as an IT troubleshooter. They had evidently been living together for a couple of years. His job requires a lot of travel, which works out well. That would be a strain for some relationships, but it works in Amanda's favor as it gives her time to exclusively concentrate on her studies in her final semester, when Jonathan is away.

The ball was the following Friday, held on the university's campus. Jonathan wore traditional formal wear, brightened up with a red bowtie to match Amanda's sash and shoes. Amanda decided to be daring and went both braless and commando. The crowd was young since this was a campus event. I was surprised at some of the outfits I saw. Kids these days evidently don't understand how to dress for a formal event. I may be biased, but I thought Amanda and Jonathan were the best-looking couple there.

While perhaps not as experienced as Jill and Daniel, they were very good dancers. Amanda had four male friends ask for a dance during the evening. They clearly were long-term friends and no inappropriate touching occurred, just good friends enjoying each other's company. The evening ended and we returned home.

"You were, by far, the most attractive woman there tonight, Amanda. I love being with you, I love you."

I've heard him say 'I love you' in the past week, but the words somehow sounded different tonight.

"I love you, too. Tonight was fun. More fun than I expected. It's nice to dress up and act like adults for a change, but I want you to make love to me right now. Take my dress off, Jonathan."

"My pleasure."

Amanda sat on the bed while he removed her shoes. She stood up, they briefly embraced, then she turned her back to him. Jonathan slowly slid my zip down.

"I don't see any bra straps," he said as he placed his hands on her back and slowly moved them around to caress and fondle her breasts. Amanda was making cooing sounds in response to his handiwork. His hands between her breasts and my cups also felt good to me.

Jonathan moved his hands up to her shoulders, grasped my shoulders and whisked my sleeves down her arms. This accomplished, he started to move me down so Amanda could step out. Stating the obvious, he said,

"You didn't wear panties either!"

"No, and you never noticed," she said as she stepped out of me.

"I'm dripping wet, horny as hell, want you, and need you. Hang the damn dress up, strip, and make love to me."

She called me 'the damn dress'. I'll chalk that up to her raging hormones and forgive her this time. Jonathan was careful while putting me on my hanger, I'll grant him that, but he put me in a corner of the closet where I can't see out. I can't see, but I can still listen and that's almost as good.

I heard some rustling of cloth, probably suit jacket, tie and shirt coming off, two clunks, shoes, zzzzip, more rustling, pants hitting the floor. Jonathan hung his suit and tie on a hanger next to me in the closet.

I heard slurping noises, followed by several 'oh's, some moans, and 'coming'. Some oral sex obviously culminating in Amanda's orgasm. I heard more slurping after a couple of minutes, some grunts, a couple of 'arrg's, and a 'so good', definitely a blowjob nearing its climax. 'Coming' and the BJ was finished.

I heard some 'squishy' sounds after several more minutes passed, then an increasing number of 'oooh's', 'ah's', moans, grunts, squeaky bed springs (much squeakier than Jill's and Daniel's), a 'harder, a 'right there' and ultimately a 'now' before the room became silent, followed by a click as the light was turned off.

Time passes.