The Loners Ch. 23


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"F-fuck that was...fucking outstanding." Katie panted.

" tired me out..." Alan breathed out.

"I...I'm sorry...I wanted this to a more...intimate moment. But, I-I just couldn't help it. In between you going crazy on my boobs and then the way you ate me out, I just couldn't hold myself back."

"It's alright. I'm sure we'll have time for more romantic sessions later." Alan returned, and Katie smiled.

"Yeah...but that was...whew! I'm beat after that." Katie giggled. Alan had a small laugh himself.

"'re not kidding." Alan said as he allowed himself to fall next to Katie, sliding out of her. Katie sighed as he did so, then turned to face him, and threw an arm possessively over him as she rested her head on his chest. Alan absent mindedly began to pet her head.

" this is nice." Katie murmured.

Alan laughed a little, causing Katie to look up at him.

"What?" Katie asked.

"Sorry. It's just that...never mind."

"What?" Katie pressed.


"It has something to do with Liz, doesn't it?" Katie asked.

"Yeah...sorry." Alan nodded.

"Did you and her...cuddle like this?" Katie asked. Alan, surprised by the question, remained silent, not sure how to answer. Alan's hesitation, however, gave Katie her answer.

"I thought that she wasn't the affectionate type." Katie stated.

"No...she isn't...not normally anyways..."

"Is she trying to steal you away from us?" Katie asked.

"No, nothing like that." Alan answered quickly. "It's just..."

"It's okay. You're a faithful person. I'm not going to press you to break your promise. Rachel's right, and I know I can trust you. If you say she's not trying to steal you from us, then that's exactly what the truth is. I mean, I really don't have any right to complain anyway, since I told you to go fuck her the second time." Katie rested her head on Alan's chest again.

Katie then suddenly giggled, and Alan let out a laugh.

"Now you're the one who's randomly laughing, can I ask about what?"

"Well, I just thought about how much Rachel is going to love hearing about this crazy little session we just had."

Alan thought about that. "Yeah, she's probably going to beg me to do the same to her."

"Mmmhmm, especially when she finds out that you've gotten even better at eating pussy than before. I'm also wondering what she is doing right now."

"I'm sure she's making the most of things."


Rachel decided upon entering the lobby was to try and find Liz. Maybe, with a little luck and some prodding, Rachel could get Liz to share some of what's going on. Her eyes scanned the lobby, and saw no sign of Liz anywhere.

Well, now that she thought about it, Rachel really has never fully explored this place, and after living in it for the past week and a half. She was curious on what forms of entertainment this place had. Rachel wandered aimlessly around for a little bit, but didn't have to go far.

Rachel saw, which both did and didn't surprise her, was that there was a rather large and elaborate bar, with stocks and stocks of alcohol of all kinds. All of these were contained in large refrigerators with see through glass. Even more interesting was the various other items that were also displayed in this bar.

Bowls, bongs, and bags of weed were on display as well, though from Rachel could see, nothing else was present.

'Geez, I wonder what kind of insanity takes place here?' Rachel thought to herself. 'Well, considering the toys Lord Constantine got us when we went to the undead camp, I guess this shouldn't be that much of a surprise.'

The other interesting thing that Rachel spotted was Liz, who had a large full glass of whatever it was she was drinking in front of her, and was standing behind the bar.

Rachel approached the bar, with Liz noticing her as she got close.

"This is quite an impressive display." Rachel commented on the bar.

Liz shrugged. "Lord Constantine knows how to have a good time, and knows how to play a good host."

"I don't know, with all of these items here, I'm sure that sometimes things can get out of control." Rachel said as she sat on one of the bar stools.

"That's why Lord Constantine has designated bouncers whenever he has guests here. I myself have performed this task many times. Not only that, but anyone who dares to insult or disrupts Lord Constantine's home, especially when he is present, is not taken lightly. His wrath is swift and sure." Liz responded, taking a drink from her glass.

"I'm kind of surprised. I was kind of under the impression that you didn't drink, unless I was mistaken?" Rachel asked lightly.

"No, you weren't mistaken. I normally don't drink."

"Mind if I ask what the occasion is?" Rachel asked.

Liz stared at Rachel for a few moments before speaking. "It's not your concern." Liz responded coldly, taking another drink.

Rachel let it go. "Mind if I join you?" Rachel asked next.

"Do what you want."

"So, what are you drinking?"

"Jack and coke."

"How strong?"


"Is it alright if you make me one? I'll make it myself if you don't want to."

"I'll do it." Liz answered, breaking out the bottle and coke.

"Make it as strong as what you have, I'm curious to see what you're drinking."

To Rachel's surprise, Liz made her drink very strong. About ninety percent of the glass that Rachel got served was the Jack, with a splash of coke for flavor.

"Geez, that's what you're working with? Wow, it must be quite an occasion." Rachel commented, before taking a sip herself.

"It's not that, it's just that I don't want to keep making drinks. They last longer for me like this. Besides, I used to be a heavy drinker, so drinks this strong isn't new to me." Liz responded.

Both girls turned when they heard Alan and Katie walking through the hall, and saw a glimpse of them as they went upstairs, seemingly oblivious to everything around them.

"Aren't you going to join them?" Liz asked.

"Nah. I promised Katie that she could have some alone time with Alan." Rachel responded.

"That explains why you're here. I'm also guessing that you're here to try to get me to talk about the topics that Alan isn't speaking about?" Liz observed.

"Well, I am curious. And if you want to talk about observations, I find it strange that you, who just admitted that you don't drink, suddenly decides to do so. I also doubt that what happened between you and Alan and what's going on here is just a coincidence, is it?" Rachel asked.

Liz remained silent, instead electing to drink rather than respond. Rachel followed suit.

"Look, I'm not trying to pry into your life. Your business is your business, and that's fine. Anything that concerns Alan, however, is my business. I'm not saying you're trying to intentionally harm him. But, I don't know for sure."

"No offense, but you haven't left the greatest of impressions, and you keep making Alan keep his mouth shut on your behalf. I don't know what it is, but something important is going on. And since Alan is included in this, that means that I'm concerned about it as well." Rachel finished.

"If you're worried about me hurting him in some way, that is not my goal. He and I talked about some things, and I asked him not to repeat them, that's all." Liz answered.

The two girls then took another drink together, and silence settled into the air. Both girls were also beginning to feel the buzz from their drinks, though since Liz had a head start, her buzz was a little stronger.

It was after sip number two in the silence that Liz spoke.

"Look, I'm just a very private person, and I don't like it when people know about my life or my own personal thoughts and feelings."

"But, you shared these with Alan?"

"He..." Liz sighed, took another drink, and hung her head. Rachel did so as well as Liz spoke "This is stupid. I don't know why I opened up to him the way I did. The first time, he simply asked about my past, and I told him about it, and that was all."

"But, the second time...I just..."

Liz raised her eyes to Rachel. "You know what it's like among us vampires. Very few of us have actual working relationships like the one you three share. I wanted to know what it was like to have something like that. I've never cared about such things before, but, seeing you three made me wonder what it was like."

"So, I asked him to share something like that with me as best he could. And now, I'm all fucked up because of it. I don't know if it's Alan, or that I'm just emotionally caught up because of the act itself. But now, after all of this time of being a master of my emotions, and all of the sudden, now they're spiraling out of my control." Liz let out all at once.

Rachel nodded in understanding, and both girls drank once again before Rachel spoke. "I was the same way, actually. When I first met him, we kind of bonded, to an extent. At first, I tried to fight it, knowing the dangers of having such a relationship with a human. However, the more I fought it, the more my feelings fought back. And now, here I am. And I can understand why you wouldn't want something like that to be spread around. Emotions are seen as a sort of weakness among us, and not a strength."

"It's not just that, I have my own list of reasons. For one, I never thought that it was that special."

"But now you've gone and developed feelings for him, haven't you?" Rachel asked.

Liz's eyes fell, remaining silent. Well, at least Rachel now knew what was going on.

"So...what did Alan say? I'm guessing you told him most of this." Rachel said next.

"Well...he...he offered me that someday, if and when it were possible, that I could be a part of your group."

Rachel raised an eyebrow, which went even higher when she saw Liz blush slightly.

"He, he said that what we shared was special, and that I have a place in his heart. Of course, it all depends on whether or not you or Katie would be willing to accept me."

"But, that's impossible at this point. At the same time though, I can't help but wishing and thinking that it were possible. I keep wanting to go right up to him and tell him yes, that I want to be a part of his life, and I want him to be a part of mine. That's my biggest problem. I shouldn't, and I never have before, but I want to. I so badly want to continue what we started." Liz admitted.

Rachel stared at Liz, who took another sip from her drink. She sympathized with what Liz was feeling, for a man like Alan was especially rare. That was, after all, one of the reasons why Rachel grew so attached to him so quickly, and probably why Katie did as well.

At the same time, though. Rachel sensed an opportunity, especially considering the haze that was settling in, and Rachel gave Liz a more thorough appraisal. But, first things first.

"Well, it's not much, but I can offer you a little piece of advice. Don't try and fight it. The first thing you need to do is admit it. Once you do that, it'll be easier to deal with. As for the rest, you're kind of on your own. I mean, I don't know you're situation, but I imagine that Lord Constantine wouldn't like it if you started a relationship with Alan, would he?"

Liz shook her head. "No, he wouldn't. Especially not something so significant."

"Yeah, I'm sorry I can't help you there. But, like I said, admitting it will help, whether you think so or not. So, go ahead, say it. Admit what you're feeling." Rachel encouraged.

"This is so stupid!" Liz repeated. "I mean, I've barely spent any time with him at all!"

"True. But, it's happening. Even if it's not full blown, you're certainly going down that road. So, say it. Say it loud, and say it proud." Rachel prodded in a slightly more challenging voice.

It was enough. "Fine! I admit it! I'm falling in love with him!" Liz nearly shouted.

Silencing hung in the air for a few moments as Liz reflected on what she just said. To her surprise, she actually did feel better.

"Wow...I guess it did work."

"See? Told ya." Rachel said with a smile.

"Now that we got that out, there's something else that I can help you with." Rachel said next.


"Allow me to explain. The reason why Alan, Katie, and I work so well is because we all love each other equally. Among us, no one is more or less important than the other. For instance, in my case, I love Katie as much as I love Alan. So, if you do want to be a part of us, you're going to have to learn to love both myself and Katie as well." Rachel explained with a smile.

Even in her drunken haze, Liz sensed where this was going. Liz leaned forward with a knowing and seductive smile.

"Rachel, Rachel. Beautiful Rachel, are you attempting to seduce me?" Liz asked batting her eyes.


"You should know, women aren't normally my preference either."

"But you learned to like Alan, who typically isn't your preferred type either, correct? Judging from what he said the first time you two got together."

"Hm? What did he say?" Liz asked.

"He said that you were aggressive, and liked it rough. Knowing Alan like I do, I know that kind of rough sex isn't his thing, and that you had to push him to get what you wanted."

Liz nodded in confirmation. "Yep, I most certainly did. Normally, men like him don't do anything for me. But, then I found out just what a real lover could do, and now I had to reconsider my preferences."

"So, up for finding out if you could learn to like women?" Rachel asked, leaning closer to Liz.

"Well...I suppose I can give it a try." Liz whispered, and closed the remaining distance to brush her lips with Rachel. The reaction was immediate, and Liz reached out and pulled Rachel's head and mashed her lips against Rachel's own soft lips.

"We'd better...get a room. Otherwise, I think we'll rape each other right here." Rachel said, breaking away from Liz.

"Oh, who cares about that. No one is going to randomly walk in on us. Besides, would that really matter? Would I also be correct in saying that if Alan or Katie saw us together, that it wouldn't bother them too much?" Liz asked, her inhibitions completely gone in her haze induced desire.

"You've sold me. I don't think I've ever let loose behind a bar, so this is new for me." Rachel said as she climbed over the bar to join Liz, almost falling on her face as she did so.

The two girls embraced each other, and began kissing each other frantically. They also decided without words that they did not want to go slow. For this particular moment, they were here for pleasure. This was expressed in the way they tore at each other's clothes, and only took brief moments to admire the exposed skin that was revealed.

Rachel made the first big move once the clothes had vanished, and ran one of her hands along Liz's pussy, to discover that it was already moist.

"Mmm, so far so good." Rachel whispered, snaking a finger inside of Liz, which caused her to gasp.

Liz responded by jamming one of her own fingers into Rachel's pussy. Rachel sighed in response.

"Ooo, going to be rough too, are we? That's fine, I haven't been really roughed up in a while. I mean, Alan can be rough on occasions but he's not...what's the word? Forceful, yeah, that's the one. He's not really forceful."

Liz smiled at this. "Good, then that means I don't have to waste time being gentle. But you'd better not be gentle either." To emphasize her point, Liz shoved another finger into Rachel, and began wiggling and pumping them inside of Rachel.

Rachel moaned at the feeling, and responded in kind. "Wouldn't dream of it."

Both girls began kissing each other once more as they fingered each other, and they moaned and hummed into each other's mouths.

After spending quite some time in this position, Liz then thought of an idea, and broke the kisses. Both girls were breathless at this point, and Rachel watched as Liz let out a wicked smile.

"What?" Rachel asked.

Liz said nothing, and instead reached for two of the beer bottles that were in the refrigerator that they were standing next to.

Realization dawned on Rachel as Liz turned back to Rachel, one bottle in each of her hands. Luckily, Rachel saw that the tops didn't have rough edges, but still wasn't sure on this one.

"How about we raise the stakes and get really crazy?" Liz challenged.

Rachel steeled herself, and grabbed the bottle that Liz was holding out to her. "Fine, let's find out who can take it." Rachel challenged back.

"Ever been fucked by a beer bottle before?" Liz asked.


"Me either. Looks like we're gonna find out what it's like together." Liz said as both girls dropped to the floor.


After enjoying one another's company for a few quiet minutes together, Alan and Katie decided to come downstairs to find out what Rachel was up to.

The first surprise that hit them was the screams and moans of pleasure, coming from two different women. Alan and Katie looked at each other, and quickened their pace, following the screams.

The next surprise was that there was a bar, which Alan and Katie have never noticed before, and that was were the voices were coming from, which were now more distinct. Not only was the bar a surprise, but they were full with the stocks of weed paraphernalia. Too add to the oddity of the scene was random clothes, ranging from shirts to panties were hanging about in random locations.

"H-holy shit! Fuck me! Fuck me good! God this is good!" What sounded like Rachel was crying out.

Alan and Katie followed the voice, and got their biggest surprise of all when they cast a glance over and behind the bar.

Liz and Rachel were both stark naked on the floor and were bottles into each other.

Alan and Katie stared for several moments, dumbfounded, with the two girls on the ground oblivious to their new audience until Alan finally managed to stammer out.


"Yeah...whatever they've been drinking, I think I'll do my best to avoid it." Katie added awkwardly.

Both Liz and Rachel stopped and turned upward, to see Alan and Katie's stupefied expressions.

"Hii." Rachel waved, slurring.

"Uh, are you drunk?" Alan asked.

Rachel tilted her head. "Hm, why? Is there something wrong?"

" guys are on the floor here, and...are fucking each other with beer I just wanted to make sure. Oh, and who does this belong to?" Alan asked, reaching over and holding up a pair of black panties, which were dripping wet.

"Mine, go ahead and give them a nice lick and smell. They should be nice and wet right now." Rachel replied.

"Yeah, they're wet all right. They ended up in one of the unfinished glasses here and are soaked."

"Oh...well, good thing I don't need them right now." Rachel commented.

"Soooo, how about it? Want to join us? Let's have an orgy right here!" Rachel declared.

"Fine by me, I could use a good thrashing." Liz replied, slurring as well.

"You're drunk as well?" Alan asked.

"Mmmhmm." Liz hummed.

"Come on! Both of you get down here right now and let's get dirty!" Rachel followed with.

"Umm, I'm not really in the mood for beer bottles at the moment..." Katie replied awkwardly. She also wasn't in the most comfortable of moods finding Rachel with Liz without a single warning, and that was bothering her. Granted, they let Alan fuck Liz, but that was only after it was agreed on between the three of them. To randomly find Rachel with Liz now...

Jealousy was shooting through Katie, and even though Rachel had explained how a vampire's sex life operates, seeing this was still bothering her.

"Sorry, I'm going to have to pass." Alan said, catching Katie's expression from the corner of his eye.

Rachel tilted her head. "Why? What's the deal with you two? Wait...unless you guys had a lot of fun. Oohh, I'm so sorry I missed it!" Rachel exclaimed.

"No, no. I mean, we had fun, but not as much fun as you apparently." Katie said sharply, turned, and began walking away, having reached her limit of tolerance.