The Lord of Bonetown Ch. 01


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Bryce headed to the small bar stocked with hard liquor, picked up a decanter with Lagavulin and poured two tumblers, bringing one to Rowan and immediately downing a half of his own.

"Sorry, Rowan, it's a bit hard to process," he exhaled and went back to his chair.

"Yet you are not even a half as shocked as I expected you to be, based on the reactions I've seen from your kind," Rowan chuckled into his glass. "A man of focus, commitment and sheer fucking will!"

Both men laughed, and Bryce felt the tension evaporate.

"So," he cleared his throat. "Let's talk about your compensation."

"Oh no, my friend, there won't be any talk about any compensation! Don't you realize how big of a favor you've done me already?" Rowan grinned.

"Um... what? There was a lethal dose of fentanyl in your drink, you spent the night in the hospital - I wouldn't call that a favor!"

"My kind's lifespan is somewhere between hundreds and thousands of years, depending on the personal affinity to magic. Your drugs wouldn't have killed me, otherwise I would've been dead since Woodstock 69." Rowan smirked, finished his drink and put the glass aside, then stood up.

"You showed me something my people had lost a long time ago, my friend. You see, our incredibly long lives - compared to yours - have made us... well, most of us, into a bunch of incorrigible snobs and stuck up conservatives. We simply... forgot how to have fun, how to enjoy life, whereas your shortlivedness serves you as a constant reminder not to miss out on anything. And being a fine connoisseur of all kinds of fun, however destructive they might be, last night I finally found the very place on Earth that could teach us to live again!"

He cleared his throat and spread all of his four arms in a gesture of embracing something enormous.

"King Bryce, I came here today to offer you my unending friendship and establish diplomatic relationships between our kingdoms!"

"Y-Yes, okay," Bryce stammered and threw his hands up. "Though I don't see how exactly Boonton can be of any use to actual magic people."

"Bah! Tourism, of course, if nothing else!" Rowan laughed. "Just imagine the possibilities!"

Bryce wasn't a greedy man - the opposite, actually, but he was a businessman through and through. And that businessman in him just took over, quickly calculating the potential profits from this new and unique source of income. He stood up, walked up to Rowan and locked two of his four arms in a Spartan handshake.

"King Rowan, I accept your offer. May the friendship between us and our kingdoms be long and fruitful!" But I will still feel like an idiot every time saying medieval shit like that.

"Ah, good!" Rowan smiled. "Now let's talk about the boon."

"The... what?" Bryce frowned.

"My gift to you, my friend, but boon sounds more fitting, given where we are!" The short king chuckled.

"Oh no, you don't have to..."

"Nonsense," Rowan cut him short. "I absolutely have to. I need to ensure you have everything you need in your life so it can be long and prosperous - for our mutual benefit. Tell me, Bryce, what is it you truly desire?"

His third eye glinted, and Bryce's mind was suddenly filled with unbidden visions of the mansion - his mansion, but full of life... and love, women... and kids.

"I just want to be happy, I guess..." He suddenly blurted, regretting it nearly instantly.

"Ah..." Rowan looked at him with understanding and compassion. "We are much more alike than I'd thought. I, too, had a big empty house, a long time ago."

He turned, put his hands behind his back and started pacing around the office, muttering something that sounded like a weird mix between a foreign language Bryce never heard before and a spell incantation in Latin. Then he stopped abruptly and turned to Bryce, smiling.

"It is decided. From now on, you will be meeting a lot of women, who will not only be much to your liking, but also make your heart race."

Bryce chuckled in awkward disbelief.

"You make it sound like the women of my dreams will just magically start landing in my lap."

"Hah!" Rowan guffawed. "Magically? Yes. In your lap? Well, no, but that can too be arranged!"

Out of nowhere, a melodic chime sounded in the office. Rowan grabbed the pocket chain, pulling out a weird looking device - a hybrid between a pocket watch and a smartphone, and looked at it.

"Oh Hells, look at the time! I'm going to be late for the ceremony!"

He stashed the device back into his pocket.

"Bryce, my friend! I must take my leave. Even Kings shouldn't be late for their appointments!" He raised his finger. "I will not be a frequent visitor in your realm, but we will see each other soon enough. As to our diplomacy - a third party, competent in communications between our realms, will be with you shortly."

With that, he just vanished, leaving Bryce standing there, wideeyed and slackjawed. I didn't even have a chance to say goodbye. He plopped into his chair, pulling himself closer to the desk, and reached for the laptop once again.

'Day off, everybody!' he sent to the general channel of the company's Discord server. A minute later his message had a couple of hundreds of 'heart' and 'fireworks' reactions. He slammed the laptop closed and headed to the exit.


The boys nearly tackled him in the hallway.

"Rowan left awreadee? Ye dinnae keek dowie enough fer a lad wha juist scrieved a cheque for a couple mil," Ken frowned.

"Are we celebrating, boss?" Bobby asked in a conspiratorial tone, leaning to Bryce's shoulder.

He smirked.

"Let's go somewhere private."

Their common definition of 'private' was the far corner of the company's HQ parking lot, still covered by cameras, but not microphones. Sitting atop of a concrete wall, the three were drinking bottled Guinness from Bobby's infinite stash, while Bryce relayed his entire conversation with Rowan.

"... And, I hope you both understand, this is why we need secrecy in this, boys. I'm giving you both a chance to back out of this now, before we get in too deep."

"Nae chance."

"No fucking way, Bryce. Now I'm itching for some alien magical pussy!"

"I knew I could count on you," he smirked. "What are you itching for, Ken?"

"Magic guns. An' a sword."

Boys and their toys.


He was driving through the deserted downtown - day off for the company meant all other businesses closed early too. Katie and Ris were eating ice cream on the porch in front of C&C and waved to him when he passed by. Frank Marshall contacted him over the radio to report that 'the bitch has left the county'. Everything looked like a vast improvement since last night.

He returned to the estate shortly after lunchtime. The silence was eerie and uncomfortable, so he blasted some big beat from the house-wide stereo system for a while, took a dip in the pool, dried off in the afternoon sun lying in the lounger, then went to the master bedroom for a nap, trying not to think about the emptiness of the house. He woke up minutes before sunset, master bedroom painted orange by the evening sun.

How long did I sleep?

"Six hours, give or take," a tiny happy voice responded to his thoughts. "You must've been really tired to take a nap that long."

Then he noticed her, sitting on the windowsill, basking in the setting sun. She stood up, turned to face him, jumped up and slowly floated across the bedroom to stand on the bed beside him. The girl was no more than 8 inches tall.

"You read my thoughts? Well, I shouldn't be surprised, should I? After today's events, I mean," he shrugged and shook his head.

"Precisely!" The girl grinned and nodded eagerly. "It's so nice to meet you, King Bryce. I'm Deirdre! King Rowan just can't stop talking about you! Nearly talked my ear cleanly off."

She was tiny - well, of course she's tiny, you dumbfuck, she's hardly taller than your phone! - with perfect body proportions, emerald green eyes and a majestic mane of fiery red hair that reached her waist and perfectly contrasted her pale skin. She was also stark naked, giving him a decent view of her perky tits with slightly darker areolas playfully pointing puffy nipples outwards, and a nicely trimmed triangle above her slit, the same fiery red color as the rest of her hair.


"Call me Dee, okay? Because I will absolutely call you Bry," she grinned.

"O-okay, Dee... Are you a fairy?"

"You mean fae?" She scoffed. "Nah, those stuck up bitches can't exist on any of the physical planes. I'm a celestial, just like Rowan, but from a different sphere."

"Are you a part of his court?"

"No, I'm what you call an independent contractor. I have lived on Earth for about two hundred years, on and off, so I know your world, that's why I'm the most suitable celestial to serve as a proxy between Arcadia and Boonton."

"Sooo, can you do illusions?" He asked cautiously.

"Oh, don't you worry about my appearance, nobody will suspect a thing! I just need to recharge my mana pool," the tiny girl beamed.

"And how exactly would one go about that?" He cocked his head to the side.

"A simple ritual," she grinned and snapped her fingers. The sheets Bryce was covered with slid off him, like pulled by invisible hand, revealing him in his entire naked glory.

"Yum!" The tiny girl licked her lips. "Don't worry, you'll definitely like this part!"

She floated on top of him and kneeled right beside his flaccid cock, putting her arms on it and starting to give his flesh a vigorous massage. It looked ridiculous, like something out of hentai manga whatever, but the sensations she gave him were so amazing that soon she was standing upright on Bryce's stomach with her perfect heart-shaped ass pointed at his face, trying hard to wrap her arms around his rapidly hardening girth. When the weight of his cock became too much for her, she let it drop on Bryce's stomach and straddled it, sitting right below his mushroom-shaped head and continued her massage with her thighs. A tiny moan escaped her lips the very moment a bead of precum appeared at his tip, and she dove face first to snatch it, smearing his juice all over her face.

No matter how cliche that sounds, that's when the magic started to happen - Dee started to grow. There weren't any extra audiovisual effects to this - the entire 'magic' thing seemed to be completely non-flashy, despite what pop culture made him think, she just... grew. First, she was big enough to nuzzle into his crown, then she had to scoot back to his thighs while giving his cockhead a tongue-bath, then, finally, she was straddling his knees while attempting to wrap her lips around it.

After slowly sucking his precum out of him for a minute, she released his cock from her mouth with a distinct 'pop' and stood up, hands on her hips, looking down at him with a wicked smile, his precum all over her face still. Her growth stopped just shy of 5 feet, and now he was able to see a sexy scatter of freckles on her face and chest.

"Like what you see?" She asked, biting her lip and slowly pivoting left and right, showing him all the different angles of her body. Bryce, who was watching the entire show with his mouth agape, licked his dry lips and gulped.

"I'm afraid my vocabulary is not rich enough to describe just how much..."

"Aww," Dee giggled, blushing cutely. "Not just a handsome hunk with a beautiful cock, but a smooth talker too! Everything a girl desires..."

He sat up between her legs, propping himself on outstretched arms, and, looking into her eyes, gave her very wet slit a slow long upwards lick, flicking her clit in the end. Dee trembled and whimpered, watching him with half-lidded eyes, and bit her lip. He pulled back with his eyebrows lifted and smacked his lips with a surprised smile.

"Vanilla ice cream? Seriously?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

"You like? I can change it to whatever you prefer. Strawberry with honey? Chocolate cream? Barbecue steak?"

"Ew," he made a face at the last one, sending her into a fit of giggles, then wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her down, turning on the spot. She landed on her back, now full on laughing, as he ended up with his head between her thighs.


Her laughter was cut short. Dee gasped and moaned loudly as his mouth covered her waiting pussy, alternating between slow licks and stabs, and sucking and flicking on her clit. She clutched his hair in both hands and pulled his head into her more, spreading her legs far apart.

"Oh fuuuu... Bry, you beautiful bastard... you my wonderful King... are you sure you're human? Because that tongue feels absolutely magical... yesyesyes... keep going don't stop almost there... fuckfuckfuck... AAAAAAEEEEEEE!"

Her thighs clamped around his head, not letting him escape, not that he wanted to, as her pussy blasted in his face with one, two, three sweet vanilla cream shots, all of which he hungrily lapped and swallowed. She went limp, her flushed face thrown back, equally pink chest heaving, mouth open, cute pink tongue licking dry lips.

"I don't even dare to imagine what fucking you will feel like..." Her voice was husky and thick with lust. She turned her half-closed eyes to him. "But I'm so fucking ready for it, Bry..."

He crawled up, hovering above her small frame, and she wrapped her legs around his hips, maneuvering herself to line up his hard shaft to her dripping cunt.

"Don't worry, you won't hurt me," she smiled and bit her lip. "I'm stretchy..."

He entered her hard, bottoming out in one stroke, their hips slapping against each other. Her eyes rolled back, and she moaned in that sweet voice of hers that covered all of him in goosebumps instantly.

"Oohh Bry..." She dug her fingernails into his arms. "Fuck. Me. Hard."

"Your wish is my command," he leaned to whisper in her ear, pulled back almost completely, then drove his cock back again, harder and faster, eliciting another moan and a series of small whimpers, and again, and again, and soon he was pistoning his shaft into her like a man possessed, encouraged by her moans and whispers.

"Yeesss... yeesss... just like that, my King! Fucking pound me! Own my cunt! Fucking carve your name on it! Fill me with your seed!"

Bryce felt the heat rising deep inside of him. An electric bolt shot through his spine, and with one last slam into her he released a deep animal growl. Dee screamed in pleasure, dragging her nails on his chest, clawing at her own, pulling and twisting her nipples, as his cock erupted with a series of blasts, painting her cunt white.

He still hovered above her, panting, nearly afraid to move. She opened her eyes, and his breath caught in his chest.

"You are so beautiful it hurts," he croaked. "Also, your eyes are glowing now."

"Yeah, I know," she smiled weakly, panting. "Charge indicator. Looks like you done fucked me up to 200 percent of my battery..."

He pulled back and sat on his heels, cock flopping out of her used pussy. To his surprise, it was glistening with her juices but there weren't any signs of his load.

"What gives?" His brows flew up.

"I absorbed it," she giggled. "This pussy is magic!"

She sat up, wrapping her arms around his neck, and repositioned herself to stand on her knees.

"And now, something I wanted to do from the very beginning..."

She reached higher, and their lips met in a slow and tender kiss. Bryce suddenly felt light as a feather and full of energy, instantly shaking not just the wear of the last two days... but the last two decades. He wrapped his arms around her and stood up, and she hugged him with her legs, giggling against his lips. Their kiss broke, and she leaned back, looking into his eyes with her two glowing emeralds.

"I swear my eternal fealty to you, my King."


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Seahorsey1970Seahorsey19704 months ago

Thoroughly enjoyable. Looking forward to more

CinnaminDraconnaCinnaminDraconna4 months ago

This is awesome. I'll be reading this for the story, not the sex, lol. More backstory please. I want to absord this worldview.

bhojobhojo4 months ago

Nice. definitely want more of this. 5 stars . 2 thumbs up . would recommend

nthusiasticnthusiastic4 months ago

Awesome! I love how bizarrely twisted everything is so far. Looks like it’s going to be a fun ride! Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

1Lightheaded1Lightheaded6 months ago

Ii can see this will be a lot like reading Terry Pratchet . I will wait for the next installment

1Lightheaded1Lightheaded6 months ago

Do you also write under the pen name Piers Anthony by any chance? Clean writing with no problem with the suspension of disbelief. Keep it coming.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Very good as an origin story. Sets the scene nicely for future chapters.

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