The Man of the House - Now

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Jason and his step-mother discover their feelings.
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This is an original story written by me. It has been revised and almost totally
rewritten from the first version. I hope you enjoy it as much if not more than
the previous version.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank my new editor "LarryinSeattle".
Without his input and insight this story never would have been re-written
in its present form.


Jason stood next to the padre as people walked by him and expressed their condolences. There were now two names on the headstone; his mom's, who had died when he was born and now his dad's. It was still hard for him to believe that his life could change so quickly.

His dad had come home that night just as he usually did. After months of complaining of severe headaches caused by the stresses of a project at work, he seemed to be back to normal as they sat down to dinner and talked about the day's events. Nothing seemed strange or out of the ordinary; same old, same old. After dinner, they had all been sitting and watching the news together before saying good night and heading to bed. But a few moments later, he heard a loud crash in the bathroom and then, Kelly, his step mom, scream. When he rushed in, he found his dad lying on the floor, unconscious.

The Paramedics arrived quickly and in no time, they took him away with their lights and sirens blaring. It was only then that he noticed Kelly standing in the doorway between the master bedroom and the bathroom. She was wearing only a sheer black teddy.

Quickly averting his gaze, he ran to his room, grabbing his wallet, jacket and the keys for his car before bolting out the front door. Kelly took only a few moments longer, dressed in her usual jeans and loose sweatshirt. Neither spoke a word as they raced to the hospital.

Moments seemed like hours as they watched the doctors and nurses rush around in the Emergency Room trying to revive his dad. Then everything stopped, followed by an ominous silence. Quietly, a doctor slowly walked up to them with the bad news. It was then that they found out that his dad had suffered a massive stroke and had probably been dead before the Paramedics even got to the house.

The ride back home afterward was just as quiet as the trip to the hospital, each lost in their own thoughts. When they finally turned down their street they noticed that they had forgotten to turn off the lights in their house but everything else in the neighborhood had taken on the serene, hushed quiet of the night. It was only when they entered the house that the evidence of the night's tragedy seemed to blare at them. Almost as if by instinct, they wrapped in each others arms and held on tight as they began to cry, neither wanting to let go of the other as their tears slowly subsided and they ended up sitting on the couch with Kelly's head resting on Jason's shoulder as they fell asleep.

Jason wasn't sure how long he had slept but slowly he awoke. The room was dark and he was momentarily confused until he felt Kelly move next to him. Quietly she whispered his father's name in his ears as her hand lightly stroked the front of his pants. Conflicting emotions surged through him. On one hand, he knew he should feel guilty but on the other hand, this was what he'd fantasized about since she and his dad had married. The image of Kelly standing in the bathroom door dressed in only a sheer black teddy flashed before his mind's eye. Instantly, his body reacted and a bulge began to grow in the front of his pants.

Kelly nestled tighter against him until she suddenly sat up, "What ...?" she gasped as she saw her hand lying in his lap and the bulge that had begun to form before jumping up from the couch and rushing to her bedroom and slamming the door.

Uncertain of what he should say or do, he sat there letting his erection shrink before finally getting up and heading to his bedroom, stopping only a moment when he heard her crying behind the closed doors of the bedroom. For the briefest of moments, he thought of knocking and asking if there was anything he could do for her but decided, all things considered, just to head to bed himself.

The next three days seemed to fly by as they made arrangements for his dad's funeral. Nothing was ever said about the first night's events but when he looked at her, he sensed a difference in the way she looked back at him, like now. She was standing on the other side of the padre and every once in awhile he could feel her glancing at him.

Things began to slowly fall into a routine until one night about two weeks after the funeral when Kelly suddenly asked, "Jason, could you help me clean up your dad's things tomorrow? I know its Saturday but it feels really strange to have all of his stuff in the bedroom and closets."

Jason barely looked up from the TV he had been watching, "Ya, I don't have anything planned so I guess I could help but isn't it a bit soon to do that kind of stuff though? I mean dad's only been gone a couple of weeks."

"I know, but having his stuff around is just making it all the harder for me to realize that he's actually gone. There are times when I almost expect him to walk in the door and ask what's for dinner, like this has all been a bad dream."

"I guess you're right. Ok, I'll give you a hand but I get to keep anything that I want of his that I want. Agreed?"

"Agreed," she replied.

That night, Kelly headed to bed soon after they had cleaned up the kitchen, saying she didn't feel well.

Jason stayed up a while longer before heading to bed himself. As he passed what was now Kelly's room, he heard her sobbing in her sleep and didn't even think about what he was doing as he entered. She was lying on her side in the bed with the covers pulled up to her chest, but her bare shoulders were clearly exposed by the light filtering in through the window and a bare leg stuck out all the way to the thigh. Moving quietly to the other side of the bed he slid onto it and spooned against her while stretching his arm over her. Deep inside, he told himself that he was simply trying to console her and let her know she wasn't alone.

Instinctively, she pressed herself back against him as she moved his hand under the covers and placed it to her breast. "Mmmmmmm, so nice," she whispered as she slipped into a deep sleep.

He lay there for several moments cupping her breast before he instinctively began to lightly squeeze it and pinch the nipple.

Even in her sleep, she couldn't help but respond as she pressed back against him harder and began to move her hips against his growing erection.

Embarrassed, he pulled away and waited for her to fall back to sleep before slipping from the bed and heading to his room, his thoughts and emotions in a turmoil.

The gray, overcast weather the next morning seemed to set the mood for both of them as they began to slowly go through his dad's belongings. The top drawer took almost an hour by itself as they picked up an item and the memories of when and where they last saw his father with it flooded over them. Neither felt like eating so they continued throughout the day until only the closet was left. When she looked at everything in it, Kelly said they should take a break for dinner and that they would finish afterwards.

Jason only nodded his head as he headed for the kitchen. Dinner was quiet as it had been since his father's death and he headed back to the master bedroom as soon as he was done. After looking at everything still in the closet, he decided that the best way to finish the job was to empty everything from the upper shelves and then move on. So when he entered the closet, he reached for the very top shelf to pull down several boxes. As he pulled them out, a manila envelope fell from under the bottom box spilling its contents onto the floor at his feet. He didn't even take time to look down as he finished with the boxes, but when he returned to the closet, he found the surprise of his life waiting for him.

There on the floor were almost a dozen pictures of his fantasy woman in the nude and participating in several forms of sex. Each of them more explicit until the last one showed her with someone's cock buried deep inside her and a look of ecstasy on her face. Quickly looking back inside the envelope, Jason also saw a picture of the same woman on the cover of a rather obscure adult magazine that specialized in women with large breasts. There was no doubt that the woman in the photos and the magazine was his step-mother, Kelly. The same blue-green eyes stared back at him as her sun-streaked auburn hair hung loosely over her shoulders ending just above her breasts, and in the cleavage of her right breast, was the small shamrock tattoo that he had seen when she wore a swimsuit. Her breasts were large and full, capped by nipples that were several shades darker than the surrounding skin and sticking out far enough to leave little doubt that she was excited by what she was doing. Looking further down the picture, he saw that her stomach was flat and firm before descending to the junction between her legs. A patch of light, fluffy hair surrounded her womanhood and there was no sign of a tan-line to indicate that she wore a bathing suit when out in the sun. The magazine said she was 27 years old when the photos were taken, and that her measurements were 34D, 25, 35 and that she was 5-foot 7-inches tall. "Damn, what a MILF!" he whispered.


He had been so engrossed by his find that he hadn't heard her return and spun around dropping several of the pictures on the floor.

Instinctively, she looked down and saw what he had.

"Oh my god," she said as she quickly leaned down to grab them but he was quicker.

"Jason, please give those to me. That was something between your father and I and I thought he had destroyed them."

"And what about this," he asked as he stood and held out the magazine.

Her face flushed in embarrassment as she tried to grab it from his hand, but once again he was quicker.

"Jason, give that stuff to me. That was a different time in my life. I hadn't met your father yet and I needed money so I did a stupid thing."

"LIAR!! I saw the date on the magazine!! You and my dad were already engaged and were planning your wedding when you did these pictures."

She stood there and didn't say anything as he continued.

"And what about these?" he asked as he held out the photos. "You sure look like you're enjoying yourself. You've got your pussy spread wide open in this one, and in this one you're sucking on some guy's cock ... and just look at this one ... just look at your face while you've got some guys cock stuck in you fucking pussy!!"

"JASON, ENOUGH!!" she screamed as she slapped him across the face.

The sound seemed to echo throughout the house as everything went suddenly still.

Glaring at her as the side of his face began to turn red, he snarled, "I'm out of here. I'm not gonna stay in the same house with a fucking whore. Just one question though before I leave. Did you ever love my dad or was he just a way to get away from the life you had in these pictures?" When she didn't respond he went to his room and grabbed his backpack, stuffing the envelope into it and stormed out the front door.

For the next two days, he stayed at a friend's house trying to figure things out, but every time he thought of Kelly, he remembered the look in her face in the pictures and began to get turned on.

On the third day, he came home no less confused then he had been the first night. The envelope with the pictures was buried deep in his backpack as he walked to his bedroom and sat on the bed, noticing a note lying on his pillow.


I think we need to talk about what you found and what you think it means.


Suddenly he heard a noise outside his door and realized that he wasn't the only one in the house as he'd thought. Walking to the door he quietly opened it and noticed sun-light reflecting against the wall from Kelly's room. He was sure the door had been closed when he came in which could only mean that she was home and had been waiting for him.

Softly, he heard her voice, "Jason? Jason, I know it's you. Could you please come in here?"

He slowly headed to her room unaware of how his life was about to change. When he entered the room, he came to a stop as if he had run into a wall. Kelly was lying in the middle of her bed, looking even more beautiful and desirable than she had in the pictures he had found. She was laying back and supporting herself on her elbows while her legs, which were slightly spread, hung over the edge of the bed. The only thing she was wearing was a pair of black high-heels that looked vaguely like the ones in the photos.

"WHAT THE FUCK???!!!!" he exclaimed.

"SSSHHhhhhhhhh," she started. "I want to tell you a story and then maybe you'll understand what's going on. Ok?"

Unsure of what to do, he simply shook his head.

"When I was just a bit older than you I had sex for the very first time. It wasn't all that great, in fact, it sucked. The guy thought he knew everything and it was my first time so before I could understand what was going on, he was slamming away at me and it hurt like hell. Neither of us knew anything about foreplay and so we just went at it in the basement of his parent's house. Anyway, to make a long story short, here he was slamming away at me and suddenly he bottomed out and hit my cervix. Now for most women that can be painful but for me it was as if a bomb had gone off inside of me and I suddenly started to cum. Now I don't mean a little one; I mean a split your gut open, screaming orgasm.

I barely remember his parents running down the stairs to find out what had happened and then being thrown out when the guy said I had seduced him ... not that I really cared. I had just experienced one of the greatest events of my life and all I could think about was how to get that feeling again. So I started fucking every guy I could. I don't mean I became a whore and got paid for fucking but I was, and still am, a major slut. I fucked them in their cars, in the woods, behind buildings, anywhere at all, but after a while, I realized that I seemed to get the most turned on when I got it on with a guy in his parent's bed. Of course, it didn't hurt that the guys always seemed to get deeper inside of me and hit my cervix when we fucked like that and when they couldn't seem to get deep enough, I'd flip us over and I'd pound myself down on them until their cock hit bottom and triggered my orgasm."

Sitting there, Jason imagined what it would have been like to be one of her previous lovers and his cock instantly began to harden until he pulled his attention back to what she was saying.

"I quickly realized it wasn't the guy I cared about, I just love sex. I loved the feel of a hard cock sliding in and out of me and pounding deep inside of me until I came. I didn't care who it was just as long as I could get fucked. In fact, one guy even called me a 'sex addict' because I loved it so much. Then I met your dad. I was working as a waitress at a men's club when he came in with some friends of his from work. He was pretty quiet but I could tell from the look in his eyes and the bulge that was growing in his pants that he was the guy for me that night. What I didn't expect was for him to be such a fantastic lover. God, just thinking about that first night gets me wet. See," she said as she spread her legs.

His attention was drawn to the opening between her legs. The lips were a deep red and swollen with passion while a moist sheen coated her inner thighs and drops of her feminine dew seeped from the bottom of the crevice.

"So you see I just can't seem to help myself. When I see a man that I want, I get so horny and wet that nothing else matters except getting his cock inside of me. Your dad and I went after each other like a couple of animals. I had never met a man that could keep up with me but in his case, he not only kept up but surpassed me several times during that first weekend together. We fucked everywhere; in the living room, on the kitchen table and counter, in the bathroom, on the stairs, in this room on the bed and ... if you look real close you'll notice that the carpeting on those pictures you have are from your room. In fact, your dad fucked me doggy-style on your bed and I came so hard my juices were running down my legs and onto your covers. I thought for sure you'd smell us when you came home at the end of the weekend."

Thinking back, he remembered the first time his dad had introduced her and that he'd had some really great sex dreams for the next couple of days after that. He never knew why but now it was beginning to make sense. "So that's my dad you're sucking and fucking in these pictures?"

"That's right. After that first night with your dad I stopped running around. I knew I had met the best man for me and wasn't about to risk losing him by continuing to fuck other guys. If you remember, it was only about a month after you and I met that I moved in with your dad and you. That was when he started teaching me to be a perfect woman."

"A perfect woman?"

"Ya, that's what he called it. Basically, he taught me to behave, dress, and act like a perfect lady out of bed, while still keeping me a perfect slut in bed."

Suddenly, Jason's legs weakened and he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

She sat up and gently wrapped her arms around him as she pulled him closer to her. Her touch sent a charge through his body that ended in his groin causing him to harden even more.

"Since we're being open about this, you seem to really be enjoying yourself in those pictures."

"Oh, I was. Like I said, I had never had a lover like your dad before. Just thinking about him would get me wet and horny."

"Is that why you're so wet right now? Were you thinking about my dad when I came home?"

"Not really. You see, after your dad started getting his headaches, things came to a stop almost right away. By that time, we were married and I would never have thought of cheating on him or leaving him so I either held it in or used my fingers to get myself off. His headache medications never let him do the things he had done before but if it was a good day he'd use his fingers and tongue to get me off. But he knew ... he knew all about my needs and so one day he told me to start fantasizing about a new lover if it helped me get off ... that's when ... ... ..."

"Ya, what happened?"

Kelly knew that this was the point of no return. She could lie about what happened and continue to be frustrated or be honest and hope that he didn't run from her room. Gently, she took his hand in hers before answering in a whispered voice, "... I called out your name while I was having an orgasm."


"Just as I was cumming, I called out your name. Your dad understood what was happening and helped me get off even more when he started licking me and calling me 'mommy'." I thought I was going to flood him with all the juices that flowed from me. After that, we had a long talk and shared what was going on between us. We agreed on two things. Number one was that we'd stay married. We both loved each other so it seemed kind of natural. Number two was that I could fantasize about anyone I wanted as a dream lover, including you and number three was that if anything should ever happen to him I was to find someone else to love and be loved by. When I think about it now, I think he already knew what was going on with his headaches but didn't want to worry us."

Slowly it dawned on him exactly what she was saying and offering. "You mean ...?"

"Yes. I've thought of you for months, even before your dad died. I've gone so far as to peek into your room while you were sleeping or while you were in the shower hoping to see your cock. When things started happening the night of your dad's funeral, I was really mixed up. I loved the feel of your cock swelling when I had my hand in your lap, but suddenly the whole thing seemed wrong. I mean, we had just put your dad in his grave and here I was getting ready to fuck my step-son."