The Mandarin Lessons

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Katherine learns more than another language from her tutor.
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The Mandarin Lessons

It had seemed such a good idea at the time. Katherine had decided to learn Mandarin in her spare time. She thought it would give her a leg up in the increasingly competitive job market when she graduated in the future. She tried learning through apps like Duolingo but she didn't really have the self-discipline to keep at it day after day.

So she decided to hire a tutor, someone who spoke the language who could train her. She made a post of the local reddit board for her city stating she was a graduate student at the university looking for a part-time Mandarin tutor. Miss Yao soon applied for the job. She was obviously very talented and so personable when they met at a local coffee shop. If anything she was a little intense, making Katherine struggle to keep control of the conversation before giving up and simply trying to keep up to the quickly changing topics that Miss Yao wished to speak of. It felt like Katherine was the one being interviewed before long and for some reason she was relieved when Miss Yao agreed to take the job.

Miss Yao started right away, she came over to Katherine's dorm for one hour a week. Katherine made a bit of progress, but Miss Yao was never satisfied. Soon the one hour a week turned into one hour a day, Katherine began making better progress but it was still so slow. She begged Miss Yao to tell her how to study in order to learn the language, it still seemed so impossible for her.

Miss Yao had hesitated slightly, there was a way but it would be too hard for Katherine... besides slow and steady always worked in the end. Katherine was insistent, she had never failed at learning before. She had to make this work.

Miss Yao finally relented after much begging from Katherine.

'Katherine, why do you want to learn Mandarin?'

'So I have a better chance of getting a good job when I graduate, Miss.'

'See, girl. This is your problem. Your desire to learn is based on increasing some chances slightly in four or five years. The reward is small and distant so your desire is small. Small desire means small effort which means little progress.'

Katherine realized the truth in the words. Yes Mandarin hadn't been her priority but now that Miss Yao had started teaching her, she was determined to learn it.

'Is there any way to solve the problem, Miss?'

'You are bright and pretty Katherine. Young and driven to succeed but in need of some guidance. Just the type of girl I look for. Lucky for you, you match all my criteria and the fact you have never complained about me calling you girl or needed to be reminded to always refer to me as Miss means I don't have any doubts you are perfect for my special program.'

Katherine was a bit puzzled by the wording. Of course she didn't like being called girl but she also didn't like to complain. And she tried to be polite. That was just good manners.

'What is your special program. Miss?'

'Oh something that helps increase the desire to learn, but it requires a large amount of trust on your part. Do you trust me, girl?'

'Of course, Miss.

'Perfect, such a good girl. Now we need to remove all distractions from your surroundings. Since that is difficult to do, I am going to blindfold you. Is that fine with you, girl?'

'Yes Miss.'

'I sense reluctance. We don't have to go through with this is if you aren't enthusiastic about it, girl'

'No sorry Miss. I am enthusiastic. Please blindfold me Miss.'

Miss Yao produced a large blindfold from her purse and soon Katherine could see nothing at all. She let Miss Yao guide her into standing up.

'Now first, to get in the right mindset. Instead of sitting on a chair, we will sit cross legged on the floor. I will help in sitting, girl.'

Katherine felt Miss Yao's hands press down on her shoulders and she tried to gracefully sit cross-legged but her skinny jeans were too restrictive for her legs to get in the right position.

'Really, girl. Are you so vain that you have to always constrict your body in such a fashion? You will never let me find you wearing jeans again, girl. Understand me?'

'Yes, Miss Yao. I'm sorry Miss.'

'Well you are already starting off on the wrong foot. Maybe I was wrong about you.'

'No, please Miss. I'm sorry, Miss. Is there anything I can do to fix this?'

'Well I suppose that you can just take your jeans off, girl. Fast now, we have already wasted enough time.'

Katherine nervously unfastened her jeans and slide them down her legs. She felt so bad for wasting her teacher's time. She balled up the jeans and threw them toward where she thought the corner of the room was.

'Tsk tsk, no wonder you are a poor student if you are so slovenly. Go fold them and put them aside properly, little girl. Apparently I have to teach you manners as well as Mandarin.'

Katherine tried to walk over in the direction of the jeans but something tripped her and she was soon crawling on the floor until she found her jeans. She folded them properly and set them aside.

'Quickly girl, come back here so we can begin. Stop dawdling.'

Katherine crawled quickly back toward Miss Yao's voice, stopping when she felt her shoes. She struggled to sit cross-legged, not quite being flexible enough to make it easy.

'Finally, you are in position but so scandalously dressed little girl. Now apologize for being half naked in front of me.'

'Sorry Miss Yao.'

'No girl. Really apologize or I'm ending this special session right now.'

'I apologize for being half naked in front of you Miss Yao. I hope you would forgive me for taking your lesson in my panties.'

'Very well, girl. We will discuss your horrible manners another time.'

Katherine had been in shock before. But now that Miss Yao had called attention to it she was so embarrassed to be in her panties. What was worse she couldn't remember what pair she was wearing. Was it one of the super revealing kind?

'Please, Miss Yao. May I please have a skirt to cover myself with?'

'Are you embarrassed that your privates are showing through your panties, little girl?'

'Yes, Miss Yao. I'm embarrassed to subject you to seeing my privates through my scandalous panties, Miss.'

'Very well, ask for a skirt in Mandarin and I will fetch one for you, my dear'

Katherine thought hard, what was the word for skirt...

'Qǐng gěi wǒ de qúnzi'

'Very good. Here cover your nakedness.'

Miss Yao dropped a skirt over Katherine's crotch. Her pussy was no longer on display but she knew that Miss Yao had seen it, which still embarrassed her.

'See what you can do when you apply yourself. Do you know why you did so well right now?'

'Because I was ashamed of my nakedness and wanted to cover up, Miss'

'Exactly, it turned your desire to learn from a distant unknown goal to a very close, very wanted goal. Having your shaven vagina displayed in front of your teacher like a common whore made you embarrassed. Therefore you applied yourself. It is very simple Katherine, you are a lazy girl who needs to be forced to learn. Luckily, I am willing to force you to apply yourself and deep-down you know you need me to guide you.'

'Yes Miss. Thank you for helping me learn Miss.' Katherine was stung inside by the common whore remark but she did have a shaved pussy so maybe Miss Yao just wasn't used to Western customs. She probably hadn't had students flash their pussies like Katherine had. That really made Katherine feel so ashamed.

'Now we will work on this. Count to ten in Mandarin, something you were supposed to have prepared to do. And for each mistake I will confiscate one of your pieces of clothing.'

'Please Miss. That is too much'

'Do you want to learn Katherine or do you want to quit and go home to cry like a little girl?'

'I want to learn Miss Yao.'

'Very well, impress me.'

Katherine thought hard. She had spent time studying but she had been watching Youtube videos at the same time so she was pretty uncertain about a few of the numbers.

'I'm growing impatient, girl.'

'Sorry Miss. yi... er....'

'That is to four. I'm sure I said ten, little girl'

'Yes Miss.'

'Very disappointing. Lazy and stupid. Is that what you want to be?'

'No Miss. I'm sorry Miss. I didn't know I would be tested this way.'

'Well now you know and I'm sure next time you will do better. Now you made four mistakes, so I am confiscating that skirt, your shirt, your bra and unfortunately your panties as well. I never expected you to be this stupid, little girl. Now quickly.'

Katherine thought it was so unfair. She had just gotten the skirt to hide her shaved pussy and now she was going to be naked. She wished she hadn't shaved her pussy, she wished she had studied harder... next time she would definitely memorize all the words Miss Yao gave to her. She realized this special approach really worked, she was now motivated to learn Mandarin like she never had before. Sure this approach was odd and embarrassing but Miss Yao was doing it for her own good.

Katherine gingerly took off her clothes, folded them neatly and placed them in a pile beside her. No reason to make Miss Yao angrier. She was hesitant about taking off her panties until a tsk tsk from Miss Yao made her quickly yank them off.

She also hesitated about sitting cross-legged but what sounded like a foot tap made her embrace her position and sit down. It felt so weird, being naked and blindfolded in front of a sophisticated lady like Miss Yao.

She tried to cover herself, one hand over her pussy and another across her breasts.

'No little girl. You made the mistakes, now pay the price. Remove those hands at once and put them behind your back.'

Katherine moved her hands obediently. She knew her position was stretching her shaven pussy wide open for Miss Yao to see. She knew that Miss Yao was sickened by having to look at it but was going through with the lesson due to her professionalism.

'Sorry Miss Yao. I apologize that you have to look at my whorish shaved pussy.'

'You should apologize, little girl. Flashing your pussy like a whore looking for sailors to fuck. Feel your shame, let it sink into your mind. Next time you will study harder, little girl'

'Yes Miss Yao. I won't let you down next time.'

'Good, girl. But first we need to ensure you really feel your shame.'

'I understand Miss. Please shame me.'

'Good girl, now repeat after me.'

'I am a whore, please look at my pussy. Wǒ shì jìnǚ. qǐng kàn wǒ de mèimei.'

Katherine was embarrassed but she knew this was for her own good.

'I am a whore, please look at my pussy. Wǒ shì jìnǚ. qǐng kàn wǒ de mèimei.'

'Again, louder.'

'I am a whore, please look at my pussy. Wǒ shì jìnǚ. qǐng kàn wǒ de mèimei.'

'Good girl. Once again.'

'I am a whore, please look at my pussy. Wǒ shì jìnǚ. qǐng kàn wǒ de mèimei.'

'Such a good girl. Now take off the blindfold.'

Katherine took off the blindfold, blinking at the bright light. She felt more naked now that she could see Miss Yao standing over her, clothed and professional.

'Now this has been a good start despite your lewdness, Katherine. We can end here and you can forget this moment or you can ask me to record your shame on my phone so you will always have it to motivate you in your studies. Which would you prefer, little girl?

Katherine was in too far to stop now. She didn't want this absolutely shameful episode to have been for nothing. She had to please Miss Yao.

'Please record me with your phone, Miss Yao. I want to always remember this shame to avoid disappointing you again in the future.'

'Very well, little girl. Now look at the phone and tell me what you are, three times. Don't forget to smile like a good whore'

Miss Yao brought out her phone and pointed it at Katherine.

'Begin my little whore'

'I am a whore, please look at my pussy. Wǒ shì jìnǚ. qǐng kàn wǒ de mèimei.'

'I am a whore, please look at my pussy. Wǒ shì jìnǚ. qǐng kàn wǒ de mèimei.'

'I am a whore, please look at my pussy. Wǒ shì jìnǚ. qǐng kàn wǒ de mèimei.'

Katherine was sobbing from embarrassment at the end, shaking in fright and shame. She could see the look of disdain on Miss Yao's face as she bent over and held the phone in front of Katherine and played the video.

There she was, naked.... pussy spread wide apart... saying she was a whore. It was true, Miss Yao could see it. She had no honor in front of this lady.

'What are you?'

'Wǒ shì jìnǚ.'

'Yes, you are. Would you like me to train you to not be a whore as well as teach you Mandarin, little girl'

'Yes, please Miss Yao.'

'Very well, jìnǚ. You will watch this video before you study each night. Tomorrow afternoon I will return and you will have memorized the numbers from 1 to 10 and the days of the week. I hope you won't disappoint me again.'

With that, Miss Yao turned and left the room, leaving Katherine sitting naked on the floor. She stayed there a bit in shock until her phone beeped. She rose and picked it up. It was a message from Miss Yao containing the video and the words Katherine was to memorize.

Katherine didn't want to but she made herself watch the video. Yes, she was a jìnǚ. But maybe Miss Yao could help her. Still naked, Katherine sat down and began to write and rewrite the words. She would be prepared for the next session with Miss Yao, there would be no repeat of this embarrassment.


Katherine was determined not to disappoint Miss Yao when she went to her next lesson. She was dressed very staidly. A blue turtleneck matched with a long blue skirt, no pants for her as Miss Yao had commanded. Below the skirt were very conservative panties, no one would ever see them but just in case she didn't want to wear a thong around Miss Yao ever again. She still blushed at the thought of spreading her legs and shamelessly showing her pussy in front of her teacher. No wonder she thought I was a whore, no she said I was a jinu, best to think in Mandarin!

Katherine looked at her phone to double check the time and the address. The message from Miss Yao was abrupt, she wasn't interested in catering to the wishes of a jinu so if Katherine wished to continue the Mandarin lessons then she would come to Miss Yao's house.

Katherine quickly closed her phone to get the sight of the horrible video that Miss Yao had sent her off the screen. I'll be on my best behavior today... I'll show her that I'm a keen, hardworking student that just had a momentary lapse. I'll show her I'm not a jinu and then we can get back to a more normal teacher-student relationship. Just persevere, study hard and no slutty behavior.

She knocked timorously on the door. The moments dragged on, Katherine was uneasy.... should she knock again or was that too demanding. Instead she just waited for several minutes until the door swung open and Miss Yao came into view. She looked at her watch, 'I see the jinu is late. Obviously, punctuality is something else I need to teach you.'

Katherine opened her mouth to protest. She had been on time... but she stopped herself. She needed to get on Miss Yao's good side. 'I'm sorry Miss Yao, it won't happen again I promise'

'Well stop wasting my time and get in here.'

Katherine rushed into the house. She stood nervously in the foyer as Miss Yao closed the door. Her first impression from the outside was now confirmed by what she saw in the interior. Miss Yao was obviously very wealthy to live in such a neighbourhood, no wonder she didn't feel the need to tolerate any bad behavior from her students. Being a language teacher was probably just a hobby for her.

She waited timidly for Miss Yao to address her. She had already gotten off to a bad start.

'Follow me jinu' Miss Yao strode off, quickly heading up the stairs. Katherine scurried after her, being led to a small bedroom. The room was dominated by a large mirror, otherwise it looked like a normal bedroom.

Miss Yao ushered Katherine inside and closed the door.

'Now show me what you have learned. Recite the days of the week, girl'

Katherine had studied so hard but she was still shaken by the abruptness of it all. She stammered out what she remembered.

'Monday Xīngqí yī'

'Tuesday Xīngqí'èr'

'Wednesday Xīngqísān'

'Thursday Xīngqísì'

'Friday Xīngqíwǔ'

Katherine was gaining confidence as she went through the days of the week. Her studying had paid off, she knew this. Miss Yao was going to be proud of her.

'Stop jinu. Your whore mouth is mangling my beautiful language.' Miss Yao's voice harshly cut Katherine off, rising in anger. 'Your tones are completely wrong, did you study at all?'

Katherine tried to stammer out that she was saying the words the right way, she knew she was but that just made Miss Yao angrier.

'No little jinu comes into my home and tells me I don't know my own language, girl. I think you have forgotten the last lesson, you have too much pride to learn today.'

Miss Yao loomed over Katherine. Stepping right into her personal space.

'You made five mistakes so take off five pieces of clothes my jinu. Quickly now before I throw you out of my house.'

Katherine hastened to obey. No words would be enough to convince Miss Yao, she just had to do what she said until she calmed down. Good thing she had worn her conservative panties today. Miss Yao would see that she didn't always wear slutty panties.

Socks, turtle neck, bra, skirt, panties... five piece of clothes were soon folded and placed neatly on the bed. Katherine stood naked in front of Miss Yao, even more shaken now that her clothes were gone. She forced herself not to try to cover up her naughty bits with her hands, that had been a mistake that she made last time.

Miss Yao picked up Katherine panties, looking disdainful.

'Are these the panties of a jinu?'

'No Miss Yao,'

'What are you, girl?'

'Wǒ shì jìnǚ.'

'Yes you are but now you are pretending to be a well brought up girl that doesn't go chasing after sailors in whorish panties. I think you failed to learn the words properly because you forgot your embarrassment from the last time. You American girls have so much pride, I'm going to have to try harder to burn your whorishness into your mind.'

'I'm sorry Miss Yao. Wǒ shì jìnǚ.'

Miss Yao pushed Katherine roughly towards the mirror. She held the trembling girl in front of the mirror.

'You have the body of a jinu. It isn't just your shaved pussy that makes you look like a dirty slut.'

She lifted up Katherine's breasts in both hands, the girl flinching at the contact.

'Good girls don't have big breasts like these. The name for them in my language is dà dòufu. Big lumps of tofu meant to be bitten. Perfect for a jinu.

Her hands wandered downwards. Her fingers picked at the stubble around Katherine's vagina... she hadn't shaved it since being told it marked her as a whore.

'A good jinu shaves everyday. A good jinu always shows her xiǎomèimei to everyone without anything hiding it. What are you girl?'

'Wǒ shì huài jìnǚ.'

'Good girl. Yes you are a bad whore, trying to hide your shameful vagina. You will shave it bare every morning, like a good jinu. You want to be a good whore for me, right girl?'

'Yes Miss Yao, Wǒ xiǎng chéngwéi yīgè wánměi de jìnǚ' (I want to be a perfect whore)

'Good girl, see how fast you learn when I'm harsh with you. Your whorish mind learns best when you are naked, flaunting your slutty body.'

'Today we will work on your tones, girl. Repeat the Mandarin after me.' Miss Yao's hands rose back up to Katherine's breasts, using them as handholds to keep the girl from turning away from the mirror.

'I am a bad whore. 'Wǒ shì huài jìnǚ.'

'Wu shì huài jìnǚ.' Miss Yao's fingers pinched Katherine's nipples hard as she made a mistake.

'No you aren't five bad whores though you are certainly slutty enough for that. Now say it again, correctly.'