The Millionaire Chronicles Pt. 06

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Donald and Friends hit Gencon and Donald falls even farther.
7.6k words

Part 6 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/29/2021
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This is the second last part in this story arc. Someone recently asked me about the women's perspective on what has happened to them and how their lives have been changed. I will be addressing that in future stories. 'Til then, I hope you continue to enjoy the stories I write and check out some of the others I have published here. Thank you for joining me on these adventures.


Donald entered the top floor of the hotel and gestured grandly as he exited the elevator to the hallway.

"My friends, this is our domain for the next five nights. Welcome to GenCon!" he laughed as his friends ran down the halls grabbing keys from him and acting like young kids instead of their actual ages, for this weekend they were all cutting loose, because it was all about fun.

He grabbed his key and whistled as he made his way to his room. He opened the door to his room, a two bedroom suite, and dragged his suitcase into one of the bedrooms. Everyone else came dressed in costume, but he held off until he got here. He got out the make-up kit and sat in front of the mirror. After twenty minutes his make-up was done, a white face with a red smile stared back at him, he grabbed the hair brush with green dye in it and brushed his hair until it had a dark green sheen. He leaned back in the chair and nodded to his image in the mirror.

He took off his shirt and applied the white pasty make-up to his arms and chest. After letting it dry he put on a lime green shirt and purple tie. Lastly he put on the purple slacks and the black and purple spats shoes and the purple long coat.

"My, my, my, you are a handsome devil...he he he." He cackled at his image in the mirror. He pulled purple cloth gloves out of the coat pocket and put it on and opened the hat box and plopped the purple fedora on his head. Slipping his key into his pocket and dangling his pass off his belt on a gold chain he opened the door and walked down the hall whistling.

"Knock, knock!" he said as he knocked on the door to Elaine's room. She answered the door and leapt back. "Damn!" she exclaimed "Awesome cosplay" she twirled in the Batgirl costume he had loaned her "Ready to take me prisoner?"

"Later my dear, right now let's gather everyone else and head down to dinner." He offered her his arm.

"You even have the voice down, kinda cool but creepy too." She giggled.

Donald swept down in an exaggerated stage bow, doffing his fedora. "My lady shall we depart?" he rose and offered her his arm.

They walked arm in arm down the hall knocking on doors not waiting for anyone to answer they just continued down the hall and then turned at the elevators and stared down the hall. Donald had a fake gun out and he smiled at Elaine.

"Put on a look of horror my dear." Elaine widened her eyes and her mouth made an O of shock. He nodded as he put the gun to her right cheek and smiled down the hallway.

One by one the others answered their doors and looked out, when they saw no one at the door they peered up and down the hallway, once they realized the tableau at the end of the hall they started clapping and cheering. Most of Donald's friends had agreed that the cover of the book should have been allowed to be published, that public outcry had made it be recalled saddened them.

An artist's creation should not be censored, especially when fans loved it and those who didn't even read the stories were the ones complaining. That Donald and Elaine were posing as the cover, minus Elaine being in the face paint, struck the right cord with them. Besides knowing Donald, before the weekend was over, he would have Elaine in the face paint and they would pose the cover for photo geeks all day long.

"Dinner time geeks and geekettes, let's go party!" Donald shouted.

Megan came out of her room in a skin tight costume, red and black gender bent mercenary comic book character who always broke the fourth wall and talked to the readers and was borrowing Donald's samurai swords, and she made a sexy female Deadpool. You could see her magnificent ass, pleasing breasts and very nice camel toe through the costume.

Brad was doing the male counterpart to Elaine's costume, black and purple with a black stick on eye mask, a cool Nightwing. Donald really thought with his goatee he should have been Green Arrow from DC but had to admit he looked pretty badass in this costume.

His daughters came out of their room, they were also doing DC comics cosplay, but were definitely playing up the love affair of the their characters, Tina in red and black domino as Harley Quinn, the Joker's love interest and Tasha as Poison Ivy dressed in leaves and vines, both costumes hugged their figures and kind of revealed more than they hid even though they were full body costumes.

Tina had an inflatable mallet for a weapon and the thing was huge, and Tasha had what looked like a thorny vine as a whip. All the female costumes were going to draw some serious attention at the dinner, hundreds of horny geeks were going to be there. Donald may not have to use his powers tonight, he was hoping to save that for Friday night and the Hentai dubbing event. That one was always fun.

They entered the elevator and his daughters started flirting with Megan who gave as good as she got. She always opened up at GenCon, he and Brad shared a knowing look. Yep tonight would be fun. He put his arm around Elain's waist and pulled her close to him. She leaned in and snuggled into his arm, wrapping her arm around him. The doors opened and they stepped out into the lobby and the costumes there assaulted the senses. Donald could hardly tell who some of these people were. Characters from different video games, TV shows, manga novels, you name it they were here. The place just oozed sexual tension. It didn't matter if you were a 3 or a 10 all that mattered was that you were in character and you tried. All were welcome here.

A young woman came up to them and looked them over. She was dressed in the same costume as Tina, though her's was less elaborate. She still looked good in it, but Donald sensed something about her was not right.

"What a terrible costume!" she said as she approached Tina "I bet you bought it at discount didn't you." She poked her finger at Tina.

Donald saw a couple of girls, probably her friends giggling at her drama. They were dressed as female characters from some Japanese video game, lots of skin and strangely colored hair, oozing sex. She turned to them. "Look at these guys, not an original thought among the group, and the old man there trying to hide under the white make-up. GROOOOOSSS" she put her finger by her mouth and mimed throwing up.

"Go back home creeper, this is for the young, not you old farts." She turned and went back to her friends. They started to laugh together and hug each other. Donald's friends and daughters' started to say something but he held up his hand.

"We are here to have a good time. Not get thrown out. Besides, I have a feeling things will get interesting later. Let's go find our table. First, I need to find the men's room. Meet you in the dining area." He ushered them away and watched them leave.

Focusing on the three girls he gave them the urge to use the bathroom. He followed them to the restrooms and played around in their heads while they walked there. He made the two friends find his costume a turn on, and he made the ring leader find Tina very attractive. Then he started filling their minds with fantasies to build up their sexual tension and desire.

Donald scanned the bathrooms with his mind and sent the other folks in the area away. Causing people to see a maintenance sign on both bathrooms, he then called the three girls over to the men's room. Alice was the name of the girl who accosted Tina, she was 23 and went to college in New York with her two friends Patty 22 and Vera 23. The girls came to GenCon because their sorority house forced them to come and post photos as geeks it seemed.

This was part of a hazing ritual. They were looking for the geekiest looking guys and going to get pictures of them posing with them and then post rude comments about them in social media. Hence why their costumes were more about revealing their sexuality than accurately portraying the character they were dressed as. Donald would definitely have fun with them.

As they stood before him he decided he would control their bodies but not their minds. Let them know they could do nothing to stop what was happening to them. Their desire here was to humiliate HIS people, well, they would be the ones humiliated today.

He grinned at them. "Ladies, welcome to the men's room. I need you to kneel down by urinals and turn to face me." He said with a leer.

The women struggled to disobey but ended up kneeling on the cold floor facing him next to the urinals. Donald opened his fly and removed his cock.

"Alice my dear, take out your phone and hold it up so that you are taking a nice selfie with your two friends. Be sure to get my cock in the photo. Now put it in your mouth and Patty and Vera bring your mouths in and kiss the sides of her face, and remember to smile."

Donald grinned as the girls posed for the picture. He made Alice snap the photo and took the phone from her hand. It was a good shot and showed the girls and the urinals in the background and Alice definitely had a mouthful of cock. He handed the phone to Vera after setting it to video mode.

"Vera be a dear and press record and hold it out so you get a good shot of the three of you sucking my cock." He told her.

Vera held the phone out and Donald assisted her mentally in holding her arm steady while the three of them sucked on his cock. His hand went to Alice's head and pushed it down on his member roughly, causing her eyes to widen and tear up. His fingers gripping her hair he pulled her roughly up and pushed her down on his cock in a steady rhythm. After a few moments he would pull her head off of him and grab Patty, moving his cock to her mouth, she seemed less used to having a cock in her mouth and had trouble breathing, so he used faster thrusts on her.

Soon tears were streaming down her face. He had Vera raise the phone and tilt it down. Guiding Patty mentally, she pulled up her skirt and pulled her panties aside as Alice lay on the floor of the bathroom and Patty sat on her face. Alice pulled up her skirt and pulled off her panties, showing a shaved cunt and Vera used her free hand to play with Alice's pussy.

Donald pulled Patty off of his cock and shoved her face between Alice's legs, setting the girls into a sixty-nine, Vera still filming, though her arm was getting tired, his control kept it still. He shoved her head down on his cock, Vera seemed the more experienced as she took him deeply and with very little discomfort. He was thrusting into her mouth like it was a vagina, fucking her face while her friends were bringing each other to an amazing orgasm just below her. Soon Donald was ready to cum, he stopped the girls from pleasuring each other and got them kneeling side by side again, he pulled his cock from Vera's mouth and had them get their faces close together as he stroked himself to orgasm.

He made sure Vera zoomed in on their faces and his cock as he shot stream after stream across their eyes and noses and mouths. He then took the camera from Vera, allowing her hand to drop and made them rub his cum all over their faces, smearing their make-up.

"Very good girls. Now I want you to walk behind me today, where ever I go and do what I tell you to do. No cleaning up." He zipped up and washed his hands.

The girls looked at each other, each seeing the terror they were feeling mirrored in their friends' faces. Wondering why they were obeying this man's commands and why they were not running away or screaming.

"Let's go ladies, the night is growing late and the fun is just beginning." He cackled and released the aura around the bathroom.

As they exited a crowd of people started their way, many of them geeks like the ones the girls wanted to humiliate. A couple of the guys came up and wanted pictures taken with Donald and the three girls, he was happy to oblige, making the girls allow the guys to grope them if they felt like it. The guys the girls were particularly disgusted by, Donald made them give the guys their room numbers and hotel phone numbers and promise them a real good time during the weekend. Even offering to let them record the session for their friends.


Donald eventually got them to the dining area, the room was dark as there was a stage and entertainment going on, the tables had square lights with glowing numbers on them so diners could find their seats in the dark. Donald showed his badge and was directed to table 112, far in the back, which was fine by him. The sorority girls were seated at table 28 up near the front, but they followed Donald to the back. He told them to wait near the back wall and crawl to the table after he was seated. Alice was to crawl to Tina who she had embarrassed in the Hall, Patty and Vera were to crawl to whoever were seated next around the table and wait on their commands.

Donald sat at the table and everyone looked at him expectantly. "We will be having guests. The three young ladies who were so rude earlier would like to make up for their rudeness." He grinned "If you check your phones you should have a nice pic and a video to watch."

They sat there and watched the entertainment on the stage, some kind of comedy act, having to do with a roleplaying game that they all used to play. It was very entertaining, but not as entertaining as when the Alice finally crawled up to Tina. Tina looked down at Alice and shook her head. Moving her chair back from the table she made room for Alice to go under the table, she skooched forward in her chair and then started drinking her soda rather quickly.

Megan saw this and tilted her head at Tina, she had removed the mask to eat and drink, then looked startled as she realized there was someone next to her, she looked down and there was Patty. Megan took off her left boot and sock and leaned back and ran her foot along Patty's face. Patty looked disgusted but opened her mouth and kissed Megan's foot, Megan pushed her toes into Patty's mouth. Brad who was sitting next to Megan, reached down with his right hand and reached under Patty's skirt and started playing with her pussy and ass. Though he got a bit distracted when he felt a hand on his crotch. He looked over and Ellaine was opening his pants and guiding Vera's mouth to his cock. Ellaine then stuck her own hand under Vera's skirt and shoved two fingers into her cunt and thumb deep into her ass.

Tina held Alice's face onto her pussy, barely letting her breathe, she finished her soda and grabbed her dad's water and guzzled it. Soon she had to pee, she was going to teach this little bitch a lesson. Using both hands she held Alice in place and let loose her bladder a little at a time. In her mind Alice struggled, but her body just followed the directions of the woman above her. She had no idea why, and then the bitch started pissing in her mouth, gross. Suddenly there was a light in her eyes, that man had her phone still, he was recording this! If her sorority saw this she would never be allowed in. She could hear Patty and Vera next to her, they seemed to be suffering the same fate. Who knew these geeks could be so vengeful.

Donald was enjoying the show, both on the stage and at his table. He kept the wait-staff from seeing what was really going on, clouding their minds with the power of the ring and necklace. This was becoming easier as time went on and he was enjoying more and more each time. He couldn't see what he was becoming, he kept telling himself he could stop when he wanted. Donald didn't realize he was an addict, and by the time he did it would be too late.

The entertainment on the stage was coming to a close, and the room lights were starting to come. Donald stopped the entertainment at the table. Though it had cum to fruition once for his friends, except for Megan, and he had plans for her. He had Alice and Vera follow Brad back to his room with Ellaine and he sent Patty off with Tina and Tasha. Megan followed him to the elevator.

"So, why am I here Donald? This has been fun and interesting, but I don't understand why I keep doing these things. I love Brad, we are engaged, yet I seem okay with him going off with three other women." She looked very confused.

"Well Megan, let me tell you a secret. A while back I found this necklace" he said pulling it out from under his shirt "it allows me to look into other peoples' minds, it also allows me to change things inside their heads." He grinned at her.

"But if you can do that, why let me know it?"

"Because, it's fun for me. You know what is happening, you can't stop it and you can't resist. I want you Megan, I have wanted you for a long time. Now I can have you and anyone else I want. It's...refreshing. The best thing is, I can make it very pleasurable for you, even while you hate it. I will enhance your love for Brad and you will trust him but you will serve me, doing whatever I tell you, whenever I tell you. Now, before I change too much more for you, I never changed anything in Brad, he is with the others right now on his own and is fine with you being with me." Donald chuckled at the look on her face.

"Now Megan, the first thing you are going to do for me is get on your knees. Take out my cock and take it all the way down your throat. If someone joins us in the elevator, well then I guess the party will get much bigger." He pointed to the ground.

Tears ran down Megan's cheek "Donald please don't make me do this" she said as she knelt before him, opening his fly and reaching in, taking out his cock.

He looked down at her. "Megan, you came to my home every week, teasing me all the time. You thought it was safe, Brad was my friend, I would not betray him."

"That's not true. I never teased you." She said as she took his cock in her mouth. She ran her tongue around the head like she had done this many times before, she sucked the head into her mouth pulling it closer to her throat pulling him deep in her mouth.

"Megan, Megan, Megan you forget that I can read your mind. I checked the day you came over to game and brought Kristy. The dress was for me as well as the heat of the day, the long hug, and you knew I would run my hand down your back. You loved the game as long as you thought it was safe. It's why you never did it with Reynold, you knew he would take it too seriously."

She sobbed as she sucked on his cock, suddenly a light came on in the elevator, two more floors and someone was getting on, five floors before theirs. She kept sucking trying to get him off before the doors opened, taking him deep she started to choke, he put his hands on her head and leaned back against the back wall of the elevator, keeping her between him and the doors. He bent down and grabbed the seam of her costume that ran up the crack of her ass and ripped it open, then grabbing her hips pulled her to a standing position keeping her bent over still sucking him deeply.

The elevator doors and a young man around 19 or 20 entered. He was not in costume but had his event badge around his neck, he was reading a pamphlet as he got on and turned to choose a floor and did a double take. First to look at Donald's costume, to which he smiled, then he noticed the tableau before him and gawked. Donald smiled at him and gestured at Megan's ass on display before the young man, offering it to him. Donald wanted to see if he would partake without any compulsion from the necklace. The young man licked his lips and extended a hand tentatively towards the woman's ass.

Megan felt the warm touch of a strange hand on her skin as it explored her exposed form. A finger traced the crack between her cheeks and toyed with her brown hole a bit before moving down to tease her lips and dip into her flowing juices. The finger moved up and down spreading her juices over her swollen lips and parted them gently as it intruded into her cavity. Her suction became more intense as this stranger's digit invaded her and she became more aroused.