The Millipede Bugs the Astronaut Pt. 01

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The Millipede's First Contact with a strange creature.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/25/2016
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(Inspired by and Based Upon "Contact" by Little White Mouse)

By The Preve

Thanks to Todger 65 for editing.

Author's note: This story was written years ago, so forgive some of the crude edges.


Lt. Kate Sanders of the United Nations Interstellar Service, stood on the beach looking at the ocean. If not for her predicament's ambiguity, she would curse her luck. She was stranded . . . on a beautiful island. The planet wasn't unknown to the Service but it was off the beaten path. She had a distress beacon but it was doubtful anyone would hear it. "Of all the escape pods I had to pick the one with the faulty nav," she thought.

Earlier survey teams had found no major predators (except in the deep ocean and they never came near the shore). Most of the plants on the island were edible. There were few large animals except for some "deer" and large insects; plus nocturnal lemurs. It looked like she was stuck here awhile. "And I crashed right on the beach. Not a bad place to land," she thought.

The deep blue ocean beckoned. The beach was the most beautiful part of the island. "It's like I crashed in Greece. That ocean is just begging me for a swim." First things first, however; gather food, build a shelter. Kate performed the task in record speed. "The guys at the Academy would smack themselves with jealousy," she thought.

The lush inland forest was inviting but Kate knew she had plenty of time for exploration. She went back to the beach and stripped. "Maybe I'm being foolish," she thought. The survey reports were preliminary; no in-depth exploration but great potential for surprise. The clear sky, the placid water, and the warm weather, however, dulled her sense of safety. "This place is harmless," she thought. Kate did some stretching exercises before she swam, admiring her body as she went.

Kate wasn't drop dead gorgeous. She was pretty; five foot six with a demure cuteness many found irresistible. Her athletically toned body had perfectly round B-cups. Her dark, brown hair was bobbed to neck length. She sported a snub nose and prominent cheeks and chin. Her bee stung lips and broad mouth (which always seemed curled in an "I know a secret" smile) enhanced her cute image. Her eyes were brown buttons, twinkling with mischief. People thought she looked like a doll. "Dolly" was her call sign in the Service. Kate's cuteness belied her intelligence and she used both to her advantage. At twenty-five she was already a lieutenant.

Kate dove into the water and swam for an hour. She explored the beach to dry off before taking a short nap. As she stretched on the warm sand Kate thought, "This feels more like a vacation than a crisis. No wonder the resort Corporations are looking at this place. I almost hope nobody rescues me." She let the surf, the sand, and the soft breeze lull her to sleep.


Znxxx was a Keeper of Numbers, Third Segment, Agricultural Hive. He bumbled across the sand clicking his mandibles in exasperation. The First Keeper wanted an accurate count of Red Flower pollen for the annual inventory. Znxxx spent the last seven cycles in an exhaustive rush of counts and recounts. Just before he departed to present his report, his lifemate gave a him a clutch of eggs and said, "I want these eggs fertilized, pronto."

"But I have to give my report to the First Keeper," he complained.

"I don't care," she fumed. "Put them in your birthing pouch and take them with you. When you come back, I want to see larvae mister." Znxxx sighed and swallowed the eggs into his birthing pouch. "Nag, nag, nag," he thought.

The weight of the eggs slowed him down so he decided to take a short cut across The Sand by the Big Water. "I swear, I should have been born into the Digger caste. Diggers don't have to deal with this dung; and the Warriors, humph! The Warriors don't procreate at all. I feel like one of the Drones. I swear, my next lifecycle . . . hello. What's this?"

There was something lying on the sand. Znxxx's carapace clicked as he shuffled his segments and moved closer to investigate. "Great Moons, it's one of them!" It was a Big Hairless Fuzzie. At least that's what the Great Hive called them. They looked like the Little Fuzzies that inhabited their planet but with considerably less hair.

The Hive Collective weren't spacefarers but they knew of the other sentients. The Hive's relations with the Civilized Species were generally good. These creatures were new to the scene, however. They came to the planet from time to time with their strange instruments. Hive policy was to keep a watchful distance and put the Warhive on ready status; no sense in starting an unnecessary fracas.

Znxxx noted the crashed vehicle nearby; obviously this creature was stranded. It seemed to have discarded its coverings for some reason. It looked asleep. Znxxx was a Scholar as well as a Numbers Keeper. The Scholar in him could not pass up an opportunity to study Xeno anatomy.

Znxxx opened his mouth and dripped a little narcovenom on the creature's skin. The venom was easily absorbed into the creature's bloodstream. The Xeno would remain docile while Znxxx examined its body (or so Znxxx hoped, "It worked on the Fuzzies."). There were two flesh mounds on the creature's upper torso, a small dimple in its midsection, and a small patch of fur in the area between its thighs. The patch had the same color as the more abundant fur on its head. The flesh mounds had nubs on their tips.

The Xeno seemed to represent its species well enough. Earlier observations had noted other creatures with fur and an extra appendage between their legs. The Scholars suggested those creatures were most likely male. They shared similar characteristics to the male "Fuzzies". The creature was missing that appendage, "So this creature is likely a female." Znxxx was mildly excited as this was the first female to be observed. "This would rate a presentation before the Scholar Collective," he thought.

Among the fur patch, Znxxx noted a small slit; pinkish in color and slightly moist. "It doesn't look like a wound. Is it an entrance of some sort?" he asked. Znxxx spread the creature's legs for a closer examination. He found a smaller hole beneath the slit. "Intriguing," he thought. "If this creature is similar to the Fuzzies then one hole must be for reproduction, the other for waste evacuation; perhaps I should probe with my ovipositor. I shall try the larger hole first."

He crawled up the creature's body until his lower torso and ovipositor were positioned between her legs. The creature felt very soft and warm, particularly around her mounds. A light layer of moisture beaded on her skin. The differences between their bodies made it difficult for Znxxx to maintain his position. His legs were in constant movement as he fought to keep from slipping. The Xeno stirred; it made a strange sound, a slight hitching of the breath, and its mouth seemed to curl in a grimace.

Znxxx's soft underbelly rubbed against the creature's skin. The movement caused the Xeno to gasp awake. When it saw Znxxx, the creature's eyes widened in shock. Znxxx was tempted to apologize but his actions were for science; besides, it was improbable the creature understood his language.

The Xeno opened her mouth, presumably to scream, but the narcovenom's effects blunted the shriek to a soft "Gaah!!" Her hands moved across Znxxx's body in a feeble attempt to push him away. Znxxx wasn't worried; the venom's effects would last for several hours. He expected to be finished by then.

Znxxx inserted his probe, eliciting a faint "gasp!" from the Xeno. The creature's interior was warm and surprisingly moist. As his ovipositor wound through the creature's tunnel, his sensitive nerves detected a nub near the entrance. Znxxx ran his probe over the nub. Three things happened: the Xeno exhaled another "gasp!", the nub swelled, and the tunnel flooded with moisture. "Interesting," he thought, "Rubbing this nub makes her wet." He stimulated the nub as an experiment to see how much moisture would result. The creature made sounds like the steam geysers at Hot Mud Lake. The sounds increased in frequency with each stimulative rub. Suddenly the creature began to convulse. Her tunnel spurted more fluid onto Znxxx's probe and underbelly. Znxxx experienced a brief panic. "My goodness, I hope I haven't killed her," he thought, worried at the loss of a valuable scientific specimen.

The Xeno's convulsions made it difficult for Znxxx to maintain his hold on her torso. His legs struggled for purchase on her increasingly sweat-slick skin. It was especially difficult around the Xeno's mounds. The mounds' nubs seemed engorged for some reason. "Hmmm, stimulating the mounds has a similar effect," Znxxx thought. The creature's lower torso rubbed and ground against Znxxx's sensitive underbelly. The fur patch actually tickled. "These movements must be strictly involuntary," Znxxx thought. "Unless my narcovenom isn't as effective as I hoped."

When the convulsions subsided, the Xeno aspirated a steamy hiss. Znxxx resumed his probe, thrusting his ovipositor deeper into the creature. Each time he thrust, the creature responded with a series of gasps and grunts. Her fingers clutched at the sand beneath them.

"Is it me or does it seem as if this creature is actually enjoying the probing?" asked Znxxx.

The Xeno was wet inside, making the probe easier. At the end of the tunnel the ovipositor found another entrance. Znxxx thrust further, evoking another "gasp!" and the probe entered a warm, wet pelvic space. He poked around, probing the walls, noting their elasticity. The Xeno's response was a new round of convulsions. Her belly moved in and out in increasing ripples. Her mounds heaved with each "gasp!". The creature wore that strange grimace on her face. Znxxx wondered if the Xeno was in pain.

The constant movement combined with her slick skin to make it near impossible for Znxxx to maintain his position. "Ah well. I've probed this area enough. The space in the pelvic area is considerable by our standards. I shall make a note for the Scholars. Now to probe the anal area."

Znxxx decided the best way to conduct the probe was to flip the creature over. It was surprisingly easy given his proportional insect strength. The anal probe was not as rewarding as the pelvic. The initial insertion was difficult due to an unexpected clenching of the anal muscles. Once the muscles relaxed, Znxxx found the walls to be less moist than the pelvic area. The passage was tight and not as elastic. On the other hand, it was easier to maintain his position because of the relative flatness of the creature's back. The Xeno's reaction to the anal probe was somewhat peculiar.

The creature made faint "mews" and grunts as her hands grasped and flailed weakly at the sands. The grimace on her face became even more pronounced. She occasionally bit and licked her lower lip. Strangely, instead of attempting to crawl away (a faint possibility even with the narcovenom) she drew up her legs and arched her body. Her anal muscles relaxed and she raised her posterior allowing Znxxx to thrust deeper. It seemed as if she were trying to conform to the contours of Znxxx's underbelly.

"Great Moons!" Znxxx exclaimed. "This creature cannot possibly be enjoying this! It's a scientific examination for Hive's sake."

The Xeno writhed and slid over the sands. She arched and ground her back and posterior into Znxxx's underside. Sweat and sand covered her body. "I really must see the Healer about my narcovenom," Znxxx thought as he thrust in and out of her tight passage. "There really shouldn't be this much activity from her." Znxxx eventually finished his probe and withdrew his ovipositor. He could swear he heard a frustrated sigh as he withdrew. He trundled to the ocean to clean the ovipositor of body fluids, leaving the creature to rest on her side.

Znxxx noted the position of the First Sun after he finished. "Great Heavens! I'm going to be late. The probing took longer than I thought." The First Keeper hated tardiness. "There's no help for it. I won't arrive in time, not with the eggs slowing me down. I wish there was something I could d . . . hey wait a minute."

Znxxx looked at the creature. The moisture on her skin gleamed in the sunlight. Her pelvic opening was exposed, pink, and dripping with moisture. It reminded him of the Pink Nectar Flowers in the Hive gardens. The idea was so audacious as to stagger the imagination. "Unprecedented," he thought. "Unimaginable." But there were no rules against it. The Hive Code of Proper Behavior, Reproductive Segment, didn't even begin to cover what he was about to try. The creature had ample space in her pelvic region. It was elastic, warm, and moist; an ideal incubator. He could deposit and fertilize the eggs, carry on his business with the First Keeper, and collect the larvae on his way back. "A larger dose of narcovenom should keep her still while she incubates my eggs. Sheer genius," he thought.

Znxxx flipped the Xeno on her back. He dabbed a stronger dose of narcovenom on her skin. When he spread her legs and started his thrusts, the grunts and gasps began anew. She was wetter than before so his ovipositor slid into her womb with greater ease. He squirted some precum into the womb to make it more elastic. It was standard mating practice when females carried the eggs instead of males. "It might work or not. She is a different alien species after all. Best to be safe for both our sakes." He ignored the possibility of other effects on her alien physiology.

Next he flooded her womb with sperm. Znxxx couldn't see the creature's lower torso from his position but he felt her belly swell with his seed. His species didn't orgasm in the human sense. Egg implantation was a perfunctory function, done without passion. Znxxx was intrigued by the Xeno's reaction. She gasped heatedly as her womb flooded; her tongue slid through her parted mouth and licked her lips. Her eyes rolled ecstatically in their sockets. Znxxx found her activity extremely curious: "I must definitely have a conversation with the Scholars after the meeting," he thought, preparing to deposit his eggs.

There were twelve in all, "Not a great clutch but lifemate has been ill recently." Each egg traveled in bulges through the ovipositor into the creature's womb. Each implantation was answered with a corresponding grunt from the creature. The Xeno spasmed occasionally in some form of reaction. Her belly swelled into a ripe, round ball; Znxxx's body curved over it in accommodation.

The last egg was planted near the cervix to block the fluid from escaping. Znxxx withdrew his ovipositor; the pelvic entrance gleamed pink and wet. The creature's mounds heaved and fell with her gasps. Her round belly wobbled slightly. Znxxx noted with interest the tiny knob that popped out of the dimple in her torso. "I wish I had time to examine the effects of the implantation," he thought. The First Keeper had priority. Already Znxxx felt lighter, "I can make good speed." He left the creature lying on her back and sped to the meeting.

The First Keeper clicked in disapproval when Znxxx arrived at the Agricultural Hive. "You are 0.258 seconds late, 3rd Segment."

"Sorry sir," Znxxx replied. "Family issues at home and an intriguing scientific discovery delayed my arrival."

"I see. It must have been very interesting to result in such tardiness."

"It was sir," answered Znxxx. "I can discuss it later if you like."

"No, no, no. Just present your counts. You can talk to the Scholars."

"Yes sir. Now the Red Flower pollen has . . ."


Kate lay on her back, panting and heaving from post-coital exhaustion. She was covered in sweat and sand, a stunned look on her face. The last several hours were an orgasmic event beyond any she'd ever experienced. "Wow!" she thought. "That was . . . that was . . . just amazing! What in the hell was that?!"

First Contact was always a possibility in the Service. Kate went to the classes at the Academy. Typically they involved endless lectures on diplomatic and cultural protocols. "No lecture covered being fucked by giant insects," Kate thought.

She looked at her round, swollen belly, gleaming with sweat. She couldn't resist running her hands over its curve. She felt dreamy and detached. "That Bug did something to me," she thought, remembering the strange saliva on her skin. "My belly is full of eggs. Larvae could hatch at any moment, eat their way through my body, and I'm not scared?" The prospect of a gruesome death made her more curious than frightened. "Have I finally tipped over?" she asked. The last several hours replayed through her brain.

At first there was terror. She was in a light doze, dreaming of her dog, Tad. He'd knocked her to the sand, slobbering her with his tongue. Kate giggled awake, "Tad stop, that tickles." Her eyes adjusted to the sun, blinking in a brief moment's confusion. It was not her dog.

Kate had woken from naps before to find bugs crawling on her skin. This bug was easily the size of a man. Kate's reaction equally shocked her common sense. In this situation, a loud shriek was the proper response; instead, Kate only managed a faint gasp. Another response, frantic attempts to escape, was thwarted by weakness and lethargy. "What's wrong with me? What's happening? I can barely move!"

Kate's hands brushed the creature's surprisingly soft underbelly before falling uselessly to the warm sand. She tried to move her legs but only succeeded in slightly raising them. The creature sat between her thighs, rubbing against her bush and pussy. Its legs were in constant movement across her body; ticklish Kate could not resist a brief giggle. The bug's twig-like legs moved over her small, round breasts; Kate felt her nipples grow hard. In fact, in spite of her terror, Kate became aroused by the constant rubbing. "I can't believe this! There's a giant alien millipede on top of me, getting ready to eat me or something, and I'm getting wet?!"

Kate couldn't know dinner was the last thing on the creature's mind (besides, Znxxx's species were vegetarians). The creature's body shape made it impossible for Kate to view her crotch but she felt something prod her pussy's outer edges. "Uh oh!" she thought. The mysterious prod began to slide into her cunt. "Oh no! This thing is entering me! Omigod! I'm about to be penetrated by a giant bug!"

Kate gasped when the prod slipped past her pussy lips. She gasped louder when it found her clit. It lingered over her bud for a moment, then began to run back and forth. Kate's cunt exploded in pleasure. Her clit swelled, her cunt flooded with moisture. "Oh God! What is this thing doing?!" she gasped. She fought a losing battle against the ecstatic wave overtaking her body. "I'm going to cum! A fucking bug is giving me an orgasm!"

Kate and sex were not strangers. She had past partners who gave good fucks. Still, the explosive climax rampaging through her body was unpredicted. Kate was finally able to scream but from pleasure rather than terror. Her body moved; but even then it was out of her control, bucking wildly as the orgasm wracked its length.

The creature seemed to panic. Its legs moved in a frenzied massage across Kate's breasts. Her tits became hardened spears. Kate's body ground against the creature's underbelly; her cum-drenched muff slithered across its torso. Once the pleasure wave ebbed, Kate felt a mixture of shock, horror, and wonder. "I've never . . . Wow . . .! I'm . . ." She'd never cum with such intensity, "Is this what it's like with these things?!" The creature plunged deeper, and Kate realized her ordeal had just begun.

The probe plunged further inside her depths. Kate had no other response than a faint gasp or grunt. It seemed the only time Kate made any significant movement was right before or at the moment of climax. Each thrust from the creature brought forth an orgasmic grunt. She came with regular, convulsive movements. The prod breached the gateway of her cervix and plunged into her womb. She felt it touch her walls, sending her lower torso into spasms. Kate felt her lips curl. "I'm smiling?! I'm enjoying this?! I can't be! It's a bug for Chrissakes!"
