The Morrisons Ch. 23


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I thanked Joe as Beth and I turned to walk towards our office building. A couple of the guys I used to work with, caught up with us and started a quick conversation after greetings were made. One of them made the extra leap forward to open the door for us. I thanked him as we walked through the door. Once inside almost everyone greeted us as we walked to the elevators. Beth and I rode up to our floor alone.

The elevator door opened and we started walking down towards our offices; there were a lot of people moving around. Kelly met us before we could get to our offices and said, "The movers are here, they are packing everything in your offices. They worked late last night and have finished moving Mr. Banks and Ms. Summers out of their offices. Your new offices, as I understand it, were cleaned last night and the movers were here before I got here this morning, moving both of you. I've secured board room one for you to work in for right now. However if you want to go in your offices, I guess that's your decision."

I looked at Beth and said, "Go put your stuff in the board room and then meet me in my office."

I walked into my "old" office and saw the essentials were still there but my personal items I used to have on my desk were gone. I walked over to my closet and found two young ladies in there packing my underclothes, shoes and other miscellaneous items I had bought and put in there. All my suits were gone so I asked, "Have you already taken my suits to my new office?"

Both young ladies looked at me. The one holding my boxers in her hands dropped them like they were superheated and both of them exclaimed at the same time, "Mr. Morrison?"

The girl who had been holding my boxers looked at me with her cheeks flushed bright red, I smiled and said, "Don't worry, those boxers are new, I've never worn them."

After a few seconds, the one girl said, "They told us to move everything over to your new office and put everything away in the drawers over there. Are you really Mr. Morrison?"

"Yes, I'm Dan Morrison. Since you are playing with my underwear, don't you think it would be nice if I knew your names?" I inquired with a big smile on my face.

"I'm Taffy and she's Connie." Said the girl closest to me

"I'm glad to meet both of you. So now that we know each other, can we get back to my original question? Did you take my suits over to my new office already?"

"No sir, a couple of men took your suitcase and your suits over there. They were going to hang them up in your closet. They left us here to pack your other items and bring them over." Taffy informed me.

"Have you packed Ms. Thompson's personal belongings yet?" I asked

"Yes sir, we did hers first before we came here. All of her personal items are already in her closet." Taffy offered again

"May I ask you a question Mr. Morrison?" Connie inquired

"Yes you may, but you don't have to ask me, to ask a question, I pull my pants on the same way both of you do, one leg at a time, so that makes us even." I replied

"WOW, you sound just like my dad. He says it a little different saying, unless you stand up on a chair and jump into your pants, you put your pants on one leg at a time just like me." Taffy added

I laughed and said, "I'll remember that Taffy."

"Connie, what was your question?"

"I know they told me you were the big boss but you don't seem bossy like some of the people here. They think because we're young they have to holler at us and call us nasty names all the time. So my question is why are you so nice and you didn't holler at us when you first came in here?" Connie asked

"Yeah, one person keeps calling us stupid but both of us are very smart. We graduated from high school last year and both of us are high honor students. We had to find a job to help out our families because our parents got laid off and couldn't afford to send us to college even though both of us had some scholarships. They weren't full scholarships so we decided to take a job for a couple of years." Taffy added

Beth had walked up behind me as Taffy was speaking and she stepped forward saying, "I came to work here right after I graduated so there's nothing wrong with either of you."

I asked, "The person calling you stupid and nasty names is he a fellow worker or a supervisor? What's his or her name?"

"Gosh Mr. Morrison, we don't want to get him in trouble, we'll get fired." Taffy said very directly

"I have my ways of finding the information I'm seeking, if your allegations are true and correct, I'll know without using either of your names. I only want to narrow down my search." I said

Suddenly a male voice boomed out in my office asking, "What the hell are you two lazy bitches doing in that closet? Are you fucking sleeping on the job again? I don't know why they hire people like you two."

Beth and I were inside the closet and out of sight; I held my finger up to my lips and kept the girls quiet while we waited with Taffy and Connie for the person to open the door. When he did the four of us were standing there looking back at him. Finally he asked, "Who the hell are you?"

I stepped forward with rage racing through my body and I kept telling myself, "Control ... control ...Dan, get control... I realized I was nose to nose with the man before I knew it. I looked him square in the eye and said, "Beth, call security!"

Beth scooted past me and over to the phone on the desk, I know she picked it up and started talking but at the same time the man in front of me told me, "I don't know who you are but you're biting off more than you can chew, little fellow. Step back now or you're going to get hurt!"

I stood my ground and in as much of a controlled voice as I could, I asked, "What is your name?"

Immediately he laughed at me before he said, "My name's John Brown, ya ask me again and I'll knock you down, little man! Now who the fuck do you think you are in that fancy suit of yours still standing in front of me like you're the boss of something?"

"My name is MISTER Dan Morrison and I AM THE BOSS! Now I want you to go over there and take a seat in front of my desk and don't move until I tell you, you can. NOW MOVE!"

He stared me in the eye for a few more seconds, I saw him double up his fists so I repeated myself and said, "SIT DOWN NOW, PLEASE!!"

He uncoiled his hands and walked over to the chair in front of my desk and sat down. I looked at both Taffy and Connie and asked, "Is he the only one?"

Taffy shook her head no, so I asked Beth to bring me a piece of paper and a pen. When Beth was inside the closet with the girls I said, "I want you to write down the names of every person who has called you names and their departments. I will deal with them directly. Both of you girls stay in this closet until I'm finished, with this guy. Beth please bring me the paper when they are done."

I walked into my office and just as I was ready to sit down in my seat, two security guards and Kelly came rushing in. I held up my hand and stopped them inside the door. I sat down in my chair and looked across my desk and asked in a controlled voice, "What's your name?"

The man across from me was defiant saying, "Benjamin Franklin."

"Ok Benjamin Franklin, how long, have you worked for our company?" I asked with as much control as I could muster.

"Look, are you going to fire me? If you are then let's not fuck around with trivial bullshit. I don't care if you do have security here, I'll fuckin' get you first and you'll be one sorry son-of-a-bitch."

I looked directly at the man sitting in front of me and in my mind I sized him up. When I opened my mouth to speak I amazed myself by the amount of control in my voice when I said, "I don't care when or where you learned to be a bully but as far as I'm concerned it stops right here and right now!"

"I'm not the push over you may think I am, but more than that, YOU work for me, not the other way around. In a few moments, I'm going to ask the young ladies in that closet to come out here and the only thing I want to hear come out of your lips is an apology to them for the way you treated them and talked to them."

"Beth please bring the young ladies out here, this guy wants to say something to them." I said.

Beth cautiously stepped out of the closet and motioned for the girls to follow her. When they were on my side of the desk looking back at the guy, I said, "Now's your chance to apologize."

Both girls were looking down at the floor when the guy said, "You little fucktards have been nothing but trouble since you came here to work. Both of you can go fuck yourselves. And you asshole, you can go fuck yourself as well."

The guy started to get up from his seat and I saw both security guards rapidly move forward, up behind the guy's chair. He saw them and decided to stay in his chair. I continued talking by saying, "I'm going to find out your real name. I started my career with this company at the bottom and worked my way up. Once I became a supervisor, I always tried to find some good in each person. It's unbelievable to me that I've finally met someone who's rotten to the core. I want you to know that you are the first person I've fired, in my whole career."

"I will make sure a letter is put in your file with the details of today's events, clearly listed. You might as well apply for a job, shoveling manure out of box stalls, at a local farm because if I have my way, you'll be blackballed for anything higher than that."

"I won't be a bit surprised if I read your name in the police blotter. You have an anger problem and you won't be spewing your venom around here anymore."

As I finished speaking I saw two police officers rush into my office with a couple of supervisors leading the way. They walked all the way forward until one was standing on each side of the guy's chair. I looked at the officers and said, "This guy is no longer an employee of this company. He won't give me his name so I'd like him escorted off the company property and warned if he comes back I'll press trespassing charges against him."

The officer on his right asked, "What's your name?"

The guy looked up at the officer saying, "You can go fuck yourself too. I've had enough of his shit and I'm leaving."

As he tried to get up the officer said, "You're right; you are leaving, with us and in cuffs. You're under arrest for obstruction. You have the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..."

"FUCK YOU AND THE HORSE YOU RODE IN ON!" the guy shouted as he tried to get up and it turned into a fight. He managed to punch one of the officers in the side of his head. The other officer zapped him with a tazor a couple of times, but the man kept fighting. They wrestled him to the floor and with the help of the security guards; they put the hand cuffs on him. When they tried to stand him up he attempted to kick them so they put him back on the floor. While my security guards helped hold him down, an officer went down to his car for leg chains. We waited for the man to be secured and removed from the building.

When they left the office, I turned to Taffy and Connie saying, "I want you two to learn a lesson from all this. There is no room in life for a bully. If you can't handle the bully, get someone who can. While you work here, if you ever experience another person who calls you names like you've been called by that guy, harasses you, physically assaults you, I want you to report them to your department head. You never have to work in an environment like that again."

"Girls, I want you to finish what you were doing and then report to Kelly. Kelly, I want you to pull their employment records and have them brought up for my review. I have a meeting coming up soon and I haven't had a chance to prepare. Taffy, Connie, I'll call you to my office later today after I review your files."

"Beth we need to go get some work done."

"Ok," Beth replied

"Kelly what board room are we going to have my meeting in this morning?" I asked

"I made arrangements for you to be in board room three but I can send out a memo quickly and have everyone come to board room one if you'd like. I cleared the calendar on that one once I found out you couldn't use your offices." Kelly replied

"Send out the memo please and have everyone come to one."

Beth and I walked into the board room and we set up our computers. We were only in there a few minutes when everyone started arriving. At nine o'clock shape I started my meeting with department heads. I looked around the room and said, "Welcome everyone. I want to start this meeting by telling you, for the first time in my career, I fired someone only a few minutes ago because he abused a couple of our young employees. I want to relay to you, if any of you hear anything about an employee being bullied or abused, I want you to come directly to me and tell me. I will not stand for that kind of shenanigans happening in this company."

"Now, let's not waste any time, we'll start right here with Jim and go around the room. I want each of you to give me your oral report but I also want each of you to email a copy of your report to Beth and me.

Jim stood and made his report. Over the next two hours, with a fifteen minute break after the first hour, we reviewed all the progress reports for each department of our company.


Joanna walked outside and stopped to stretch after she walked down the steps. When she finished stretching she walked across the back yard into the woods, wearing only her running shoes. Although Joanna had been naked in the woods before, when she knew there were people watching her, this time she wanted the person or persons to see her body. This time she was excited knowing they would see her small titties and her bald pussy.

When she entered the woods, instead of going towards the pond she walked to the right towards the place where she had seen the person who made a mistake. Joanna looked around all over trying to spot the person so she could make sure he saw her, but once again to no avail. Whoever was there was well hidden. Not knowing which way to turn to give her audience a good view of her body she said aloud, "Ok, I've been out here before, I know someone is here but I can't see you. This time is different from the last time because now I've learned to enjoy letting others see my naked body. If I knew about where you were, I could turn so you can see my lovely small tits and my hairless pussy. I have to make a phone call to the woman you work for, but if you will give me a sign, I'll turn towards you so you can watch me. I want you to have an unobstructed view of me."

Joanna lifted her cell phone and dialed the number Judy had given her. The phone rang three times before Joanna heard, "Good morning, you're up early. What do I owe this call to?"

"I have a couple of things to discuss with you. First, I'm calling you from my own personal cell phone because I didn't want to let anyone know you gave me your phone number. Right now, I'm standing in the woods, completely naked because Ted and Dan asked me to contact you so I had to act out, coming out here to leave you a message with the person you have stationed out here in the woods. So if anyone asks, I came out here and gave that person, my cell number for you to call me."

"The first thing I need to tell you is I have to go over to Tina Simpson's house as soon as I finish talking to you. They received the ok to move to their new house yesterday, I don't know all the details but the movers will be there this morning and they will be moved into their new house by this evening." Joanna said

Off to Joanna's right she heard a branch snap, she looked that way but didn't see anything. She turned and faced that way. A second later she covered the microphone on her cell and said, "Please once more so I know it's you."

Joanna listened to Judy telling her she would advise the detail. Judy asked for the new address so they could move some people over to the new house. Joanna replied, "I'll have to call Ted, he has the new address. I'll get it from him and call you back on my way over to Tina's house."

Once again a branch snapped and although Joanna detected some movement, she wasn't sure and she didn't want to spoil the fun. While Joanna continued to talk to Judy she leaned back against a smooth bark tree, facing the direction of the noise. She spread her legs as wide as possible and remained standing that way so her voyeur could enjoy the view of her body.

Joanna said to Judy, "The other item I have to discuss with you is Ted and Dan want to meet with you and ask you some questions. They suggested we could meet out by the waterfall tonight about six thirty. Of course Mary and I will be with them so there will be four of us. Also you should know that you won't have to dress up because all of us will be nude. They don't care who you are, they want to find out some information about the break-in and about some other stuff. I think you can use the meeting to your advantage to find out more about the enhanced security system Ted had installed."

Judy said, "Let me talk it over with my people and we'll decide what's the best course of action. May I call you on your cell phone later?"

"Yes of course you can call me anytime you want. The plan I set up with Ted and Dan was for me to come out here this morning and leave my cell number with whoever stationed here, so you could call me. I didn't disclose to them that I have a number to call you. I appreciate all you've done for me." Joanna replied

"Call me when you have the address so we can get some people right over there to check it out and I'll try to have some information for you by that time. Good bye and enjoy your walk in the woods." Judy said

Joanna clicked off her phone and laid it on the ground at her feet. She announced out loud, "It's only you and me again. I've finished talking to the woman in your organization. I hope you can see me and if you want to move closer, I'll close my eyes and masturbate for you. I don't care who sees my beautiful pussy."

Joanna started rubbing her clit and alternating finger fucking herself. It wasn't long before she felt her orgasm building and sending wonderful sensations throughout her body. Each stroke across her clit sent tiny electrical shocks through her body. It didn't take long for her body to respond. Slowly at first, an orgasm started to build and when it finally released its fury on her body, Joanna wiggled wildly, with her head thrown back, gasping for breath while her finger moved lighting fast across her clit. Joanna enjoyed every moment of her orgasm knowing someone was out there watching her.

When her orgasm subsided, Joanna continued to hold her spread open pose in hopes her voyeur was enjoying her body. Joanna's breathing dropped back within a normal range so she pulled her legs back together and bent over and picked up her cell phone. She looked around the woods and said aloud, "I hope that will give you enough of a vision to jerk off to when I leave. I certainly enjoyed my orgasm. I have to go now, please enjoy the rest of your day."

Joanna started to walk away when she heard someone say, "Thank you."

She didn't turn around to see where the voice came from but it was a male voice. Joanna smiled to herself knowing she allowed a stranger to watch her do something most women won't admit doing or will only do in the privacy of their bedroom with the door shut and bolted.

Joanna hurried back across the lawn and up on the deck. She walked over to the showers and quickly took a shower. As she dried her body she walked into the house and greeted everyone. Joanna looked at Mary, nodded her head slightly, which wasn't enough for anyone else in the room to notice. "Do you know the Simpson's new address?"