The Morrisons Ch. 24


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"My name is Trudy Hackman and as I said we observed you and your son on the front porch this morning when your husband Jeff was leaving. We saw both of you were nude. My partner and I wanted to let you know you shouldn't be outside nude, it's against the law and you can receive a ticket for public lewdness."

Tina began with an evil deep throated laugh before she calmed down enough to say in a very sarcastic voice, "Is that all you're fuckin' worried about? Hell, recently my life, my children's lives and my husband's life has been severely threatened with a promise that all of us will be killed slowly because of the pending case, that I'm sure you're aware of. If you and your partner are only worried someone may drive by my house and see my tits or pussy, you have a major fuckin' problem. Officer, I'm not normally like this but you just struck a note that grinds and grates on every nerve in my body."

"Since all this started I've been exposed to more cops recently than I have in my entire lifetime. There ain't a one of them with such a snobbish attitude, such as yours. I'm fuckin' proud of my body, I'm a nudist and I'll fuckin' do whatever I want. It seems to me you are a little jealous you don't have a body like this, given that big ass hanging out behind you." Tina continued to say.

"When Sergeant Johnson gets home this afternoon I'll be talking to him and you'll be lucky if you will be collecting trash in police headquarters. As a matter of fact I think Officer Mary Davis is second in command on your detail and I know how to get ahold of her right now."

"So... BITCH, unless you're prepared to waste some paper writing me a ticket this minute, I suggest you get the fuck out of my house and go sit in your fuckin' van and do the job you are stationed out here to do! In case you forgot what that job was, you are here to protect me and my family and NOT aggravate us." Tina finished saying as she swung the door open and stepped out on the porch to hold the screen door open for Officer Hackman.

When Officer Hackman walked past her, Tina followed her to the edge of the steps and stood there with her hands on her hips and her feet parted so the other officer in the van could have an unobstructed view of her naked body. As a final insult Tina called out, "When you get to the van, take a fuckin' picture so you'll be able to have an orgasm while you're cooped up with your partner. It might calm your over active mind."

Tina walked back into the house and slammed the door. After she threw the deadbolt closed, Tina calmly called upstairs and told the kids they could come down. All three of them came rushing downstairs asking if everything was ok. Tina assured them it was and she picked up the phone and called the Morrison's house. Terri picked it up on the forth ring and said, "The Morrison residence, Terri speaking, how may I help you?"

Tina greeted Terri and then immediately asked, "Is Mary there? I really need to speak with her."

"Is everything alright Tina?" Terri asked.

"Oh honey, I don't have a major problem, I only need to tell Mary something." Tina replied.

"Mary is upstairs at the moment, let me call her, she'll be right with you." Terri said.

Mary picked up the phone almost immediately asking, "Is everything ok Tina?"

"Yes Mary, we're safe that's not my problem. What is my problem is Officer Trudy Hackman. She's in the van with her partner and they saw me walk out on the porch with John and Jeff this morning and she just came up to tell me I couldn't be on my porch nude because I could be ticketed for public lewdness." Tina said.

"Also, I'm afraid I lost it when she told me that. I reminded her that her job was to keep us safe instead of worrying about what we weren't wearing when we stepped out on the porch early in the morning. My God Mary, who the fuck is Miss Goody Two Shoes?"

"I can't talk ill of a fellow officer but I assure you Tina, I'll take care of it right now. I'll give Ted a call and have him stop out there and have a talk with them before he comes home." Mary replied.

"Thank you Mary, I can't believe they took all morning to talk about it before she decided to confront me. It just pissed me off." Tina added.

"Ok, no problem Tina, we'll get it taken care of." Mary assured Tina.

Mary didn't waste any time calling Ted and telling him what happened. Ted said, "Thanks Mary, I'll stop by and see Tina and then go to the van and talk to the officers."


"MOM," Angela called out from the living room. "Can Sarah come over for a little while?"

Amy walked into the living room saying, "You know sweetheart, you're younger than I am, if you want me, you need to come and find me instead of calling me and waiting for me to come to you."

"Sorry mom," Angela said, "What I wanted to know is if Sarah could come over for a little while. She hasn't been here since we started living as nudists."

"Honey, I don't care but I'd like to talk to her mother to make sure it's ok with her." Amy replied.

"Sarah, is your mom there so my mom can talk to her?" Angela asked.

"Here ya go mom, Sarah went to give the phone to her mother." Angela said as she handed the portable phone to her mother.

Amy held the phone up to her ear and waited until she heard, "Hello Amy? How are you today?"

"I'm great June," Amy replied, "I'm in an air-conditioned house so everything is just wonderful. It's so hot outside. About Sarah coming over to visit Angela I wanted to make sure it was ok with you first. We ... ummm ... we aren't wearing any clothes in the house, so I wanted to give you a chance to say no if you wanted to."

"What about Brian and Andy are they wearing clothes?" June asked.

"June, I hope you can keep a secret but no, we've decided to live the nudist lifestyle and well ... none of us wear clothes when we are at home anymore." Amy said confidently.

"Are you shitting me?" June exclaimed, "Is everyone naked all the time including you and Ken? Is Angela and the guys naked too?"

"Yes," Amy replied.

"What happens when someone comes to your house?" June asked.

With a slight giggle Amy replied, "They are either shocked and take off running or they come in and join us. It doesn't matter one way or the other. We decided we aren't going to change our lifestyle for the few who can't or won't take the time to understand it."

"I don't want to sound like I'm inviting myself but what would you do if I came over with Sarah and brought my son with me?" June asked.

"As I said," Amy stated, "You can run away or come in and have something to drink with me and let the kids do their own thing. It's up to you."

"I take it from what you've said; you and your kids are going to remain naked even if we come over. Am I, understanding you correctly?"

"That's correct," Amy added, "IF you want to join us, that's up to you. But with all of us walking around nude, you might feel uncomfortable if you remained clothed."

June said, "Just a minute, let me talk to the kids."

Amy waited, and Angela looked at her mom with a questioning look. Finally Amy said, "June is asking them if they want to come over. If they do, all three of them will be here, I think."

Brian came into the room when his mother was finishing her sentence and asked, "Who's coming over?"

Amy covered the mouth piece on the phone and said, "Brian I don't want you to mention anything about having sex with your sister and me if June, Sarah and her brother come over here. Do you understand?"

Brian nodded his head and said, "Sarah is hot, I wouldn't mind seeing her naked."

After a couple of minutes June spoke into the phone asking, "Will we have to be naked if we come over there?"

"Oh God no," Amy said, "We don't force our lifestyle on anyone, but as I said, we aren't going to get dressed nor are we going to cover our parts while you're here. I think once you see how natural it is for us to be nude in around of each other; you'll want to try it."

"Ok, we'll see you in a few minutes." Amy said and she pushed the off button on the phone and handed it back to Angela. "All three of them are coming over so just do what we've been doing and don't say anything about having sex with each other."

All three of the kids agreed to behave but Andy asked, "What happens if I get a hardon when Sarah takes off her clothes?"

Brian added, "Just jerk off like you usually do. I'm gonna."

"Hey guys," Amy said, "They are new to this stuff so don't scare them away by acting like sex fiends. Who knows, if you act right this time, you may get to see more of Sarah and her mother. Angela may get to check out Sarah's brother. I did tell June we weren't going to cover anything so if you want to sit like we've previously agreed, please do. I don't plan on closing my legs how about you Angela?"

"I'm going to sit here on the couch and Sarah's brother will get a very good view of what I have down there." Angela stated.

Everyone went their separate ways and Amy just finished pouring some lemonade when the doorbell rang. She calmly walked to the door and opened it. On the porch were three people, Angela came rushing to the door and said, "Hi Sarah, come on in."

Sarah pulled the screen door open and walked past Amy and disappeared with Angela. June and her son stood on the porch with their mouths hanging open. Amy extended her hand to June and said, "I hope you aren't that shocked June. Our family witnessed another family enjoy their nudist lifestyle and we've decided to give it a try. Come in, unless you plan to bolt off the porch any second."

June reached out and shook Amy's hand and responded "No, we aren't going to bolt. I'm more curious about your nudist lifestyle than scared of you being naked. Amy, it's hard to believe you've had three children, you look wonderful. Not to change the subject but I don't think you've ever met my son Henry; he's usually got something else to do when Sarah and I are together. Oh, we call him Hank for short. But he knows your son Brian so he decided to come along this time. Is Brian here?"

"Please come in, as I told you on the phone I'm not going to cover myself so I hope you're ok with nudity. And Hank, I don't want to state the obvious but I know guys always want to look and that's ok to do here. I believe Brian and Andy are out in the kitchen." Amy said as she closed the door.

Both Brian and Andy were getting something to snack on when their mother, June and Hank walked into the kitchen. Amy asked, "Would either of you like some lemonade or something else?"

Brian looked up and greeted Hank with, "Hey dude, what's happenin'?"

June and Hank both stopped and looked at Brian's cock which was standing out in front of him instead of hanging flaccid between the top of his thighs. June was in the middle of saying something to Amy when she stopped mid-sentence and said, "Holy ..."

Amy had her back to June when she looked at Brian and a huge grin spread across her face with pride knowing June was looking at the very cock that had filled her pussy many times since that first night. Amy turned and handed June a glass of lemonade before saying, "Come on we can go sit down in the living room."

June followed Amy into the living room where Amy motioned for June to sit in one recliner while she grabbed a towel and spread it out on the seat of the other recliner. June looked over at the couch and was surprised to see her daughter Sarah sitting and talking to Angela wearing only her panties. June didn't say anything to her daughter only because of Amy's openness about their nudist lifestyle. She also noticed Angela was sitting cross legged facing her daughter and her pussy was spread open.

When June looked back at Amy to say something and she noticed Amy had reclined her seat and sat with her knees bent, legs spread with her feet on the foot rest. Even from a side view, June could see Amy's spread open, hairless pussy.

June cleared her throat before she tried to speak but nothing came out, so she cleared her throat again and this time she asked, "Amy, what are you going to do if the boys come in here?"

Amy sipped her lemonade before asking, "What do you mean?"

"Ummm, you know, you ... ahhhh ... have ... oh shit, I can see your pussy. I can see your spread open pussy." June finally said after trying to say it a polite way.

"June, I'm proud of my body and I don't care who sees it. Our family took a unanimous vote to try the nudist lifestyle. One of the things the guys were concerned about was the fact that our female sexual organs are basically hidden between our legs so they couldn't see it. They stated, rightly so, their cocks and balls hang in plain sight. We held a second vote which turned out to be a unanimous vote that Angela and I wouldn't hide any of our body parts. Therefore, when Angela and I sit down, we agreed to spread our legs so the guys could see our pussy if they wanted to. It was the only fair thing to do for the guys." Amy explained.

"But ... but ... you are their mother, they came out of you down there." June clamored.

"June please understand, I saw you looking at Brian's half hard cock when we were in the kitchen, nothing was hidden, you saw it all. Angela, please stand up."

Angela turned and stood up facing her mom. "Turn to face June. June, can you see Angela's pussy other than the top of her slit where it disappears between her legs?" Amy questioned.

"Well no ...," June said as she looked at Angela's naked body."

"Sarah honey," Amy said, "Please stand up beside Angela and take off your panties for me if you will."

"Sure," Sarah said, as she stood up and turned to face her mom.

Sarah hooked her thumbs into her panties and started to push them down and with a couple of side to side wiggles they were at mid-thigh and when she let go of them, the panties slid smoothly to the floor. Although Sarah had some pubic hair, the top of her slit was visible before it disappeared between her thighs.

Sarah turned towards Amy when Amy said, "See June, if the boys were in here now, they wouldn't see much, except if they looked at me."

Sarah spoke up saying, "Mom, I like this. I feel so free without my clothes on. The guys are out in the kitchen and they know Angela and Mrs. White are naked. Yet they aren't in here drooling."

June looked at Amy before saying, "Maybe I'm just reading too much into this. With all the abductions and girls being raped, I'm just nervous that being naked would promote more violence against women and girls."

"We are in our own home June. It's not like our girls are out running around on the street completely naked. No one is going to see them except us, or maybe the mail man or an occasional deliver person. So really, being nude at home is no big deal."

"June, we've been living this lifestyle for a little while now and we haven't encountered any problems. Actually, our family is much closer now than we've ever been. The kids don't fight any more; actually I think they are more protective of their sister now. Believe it or not, the kids accepted and adapted to nudism better than Ken and I did. They don't have the same hang ups that we adults have." Amy stated.

The girls were standing up so Angela suggested they go to her room and listen to some music. Sarah reached down and picked up her panties and put them on top of her other clothes, then both girls took off towards Angela's room.

"Amy," June started to talk then paused, "What happens if you aren't home some time and your sons take advantage of Angela?"

"First, let me say neither Andy nor Brian would ever "take advantage" of their sister. They would die trying to kill anybody that did try. Second, I recently took Angela to the gynecologist and had her checked up and they gave her the Depo-Provera birth control shot while we were there. I'm sure you've heard about it. That way if Angela does decide to do something, she won't have to wonder if she took her pill on schedule." Amy said in a matter of fact voice.

"Oh my God," June said, "You speak so easily about the possibility of your daughter having sex and I'm so uptight hoping it doesn't happen to my Sarah."

"Think back to when you were a teenager; do you remember having any rational thoughts at that age? Almost everything we did back then was on impulse, because we were invincible. Remember? I want to protect my daughter just in case she does something. The shot is the best way to do that because once it takes effect she'll be protected without having to take a pill daily... maybe ... hopefully! It has nothing to do with her being nude; it's about the guy who may convince her he's interested in being with her for the rest of their lives, just to get in her panties. I also want her protected in case of peer pressure for her to give it up. I'm sure you remember stuff like that, I do." Amy argued.

"OH MY GOD! YES, I remember," June conceded, "I was a cheerleader and there was plenty of pressure for us to take care of the football players. Our star quarterback fucked all of us at one time or other. I wanted to wait for my wedding night but the other girls convinced me it was my turn. They made sure I didn't get out of it. I was so scared I would get pregnant. On the night it happened, I was in the right time of my cycle and I was able to douche and get all that sperm out of me. Luckily I didn't get pregnant."

"The captain of our cheer squad waited for one Saturday afternoon when our coaches had to leave right after the game, before she did anything. Oh, I'd better stop; you don't want to hear this." June said.

"June," Amy spoke up saying, "If it makes you feel any better to tell someone, I'm all ears. We've known each other for years and you never said anything. I don't care what you tell me, but from the sounds of it, you're telling me a story that verifies my decision to get the shot for Angela."

"Can we go someplace where it's more private?" June asked.

"We can go to my room but since we started living our nudist lifestyle, we don't close our doors any more. At least sitting here we can see who comes into the room and stop talking. If we went to my room we won't be able to see anyone standing in the hall." Amy said.

"Alright, we can stay here. Amy, please this is so embarrassing, PLEASE don't share what I'm about to tell you, WITH ANYONE!" Amy, I'm not sure if you were a cheerleader or not but there's a lot of pressure, first to get on the team, then there was a lot of pressure to stay on the team." June added with disappointment in her voice.

"OH GOD!" June said, "Why am I telling you this now? I can see all this so vividly in my mind."

"June, sometimes the strangest things happen for a reason, one that will forever remain unknown to us. I don't know what triggers memories in our brains but maybe it's just time for you to tell someone. I'm a great listener, so you can tell me anything and I promise I'll keep it to myself." Amy smiled along with her reply.

June took a couple of deep breaths, paused, looked at Amy before she started her story, "You see, as I said, the coaches had some dinner they had to go to on that Saturday night, so right after the game was over, they picked up their equipment and left. Prior to the game, they had made arrangements with the custodians to lock up the locker rooms, when we finished showering. Well, one of the girls found out about the arrangements and told our cheer captain. She immediately went to the custodian and asked him if he could wait and lock up later because they were having a surprise party for one of the cheerleaders. From what I understand, he said he had plenty of work to do so we could take our time, for the party."
